how's your week going, Beehaw

alyaza [they/she]@beehaw.orgmod to – 143 points –

hello Beehaw, it's a sleepy morning--and i did not get very much sleep. luckily i have no social priorities so this is not a big deal. currently reading a number of books after completely crashing out of doing that for the entire month of June. i think i can get about 3 in before the end of the month, we'll see


Good. I came out as bi to my cousin yesterday. I've actually been having an ok week. I hope things stay ok

I saw you're post about this today! I'm glad you've found someone who is understanding of your struggles.

Are you feeling a little bit more confident about the future?

Gonna be going to climb Mount Fuji in 2 days. Super excited about it and looking forward to some time off work

I recently heard a radio feature about it, they have problems with it being overrun by tourists, people not being prepared (it's a mountain, not a walk in the park) and leaving their trash everywhere +___+ So please take care! And enjoy it must be an amazing trip ^__^

Actually not as many people as I expected when I went. I know it's not a walk in the park haha I been living in Japan for 4 years and hiker many other mountains just never had the time to go to Fuji because it's pretty far from me where I am located in Japan. The hike itself was a lot easier than I expected and there's so so so many rests stop with drinks and foods that even people not in shape could probably hike it. Definitely enjoyed every bit of it and wish I could go do it again.

That's interesting, the article I read made it sound like it was a serious hike (but I guess "easy" and "hard" will mean very different things to different people). I'm glad you enjoyed it, it seems like a really cool thing to do ^__^

My wife is having cardiac surgery right now, I am staying at a hotel near the hospital, working remotely, trying to keep busy and not think about it too much.

Just created my account here in the past day. I know it probably can't last, but I don't think I've had that "cozy" feeling right away in a forum or other online community like this in decades, and I'd say it was somewhat rare even "back in the day."

So far folks seem to live up to the stated goals of the place and I think that's pretty great.

welcome! i created my account over a month ago but i agree, this is the most civil & "cozy" site i've seen in a while since small niche blogs & forums were actually a thing. places like this have been rare af since the late 2010s, so it's refreshing to see such a place with this many users

To cap off one of my strangest days in recent memory, I just got a call asking if I can go to England all next week to accompany a choir tour. Nothing's confirmed yet, and I'd have to pull some major strings to get out of my obligations here. However, I'd really love to go.

Unfortunately, we're moving a few days after I'd get back, so I'd pretty much dump all the packing on my partner. She says I should go regardless, but I definitely don't feel great about that.

I also just finished up a take-home interview project for a part-time software development job. I've been trying to break back into that world for some time now, so I'm very excited about the opportunity.

Choir tours are great fun, hope yyhave a good time!

I should be going on tour with my choir next summer. Looking forward to it

She says I should go regardless

Then you should go. No doubt there have been or will be situations where you carry a heavier share of the load between you to support her needs. Equal partnership does not require things to be exactly 50/50 at all times in order to be fair and for both partners to feel supported. It's also important to respect your partner's own autonomous ability to make decisions about what they want for themselves and to express those choices. If they tell you they want to support you in some way that is important to you, you should take them at their word.

Well said and agreed. It felt awkward because next week was supposed to be a lighter period for me at work after some sustained intensity, while she's ramping up for a big project due at the end of the month. So all along, we'd planned for me to shoulder more of the packing and last minute planning. I just wanted to make sure that she knew that I appreciated how much extra work I was passing on to her, and to express that I needed to find ways to make it up to her.

However, late last night I found out that the choir's original plan worked out and they don't need me to go at all. So...yeah.

Yesterday was my first day back at work after vacation (just chilled at home knitting and listening to audiobooks for a week) and it actually went incredibly well. I'm on a new ADHD medication that seems to be working without much side effects at all wbich is a huge relief and hopefully will really positively impact my productivity at work.

Me and my partner had a good and productive talk about our communications, and that was great.

It is absolutely ridiculously humid AF outside so the little thunderstorms we've been having this week have been a nice little break, with the added excitement of wondering if the power will go out and if so for how long.

I've read three books so far this week and am on a great series by Samantha SoRelle that I'm really enjoying.

Hope everyone is having an awesome day.

my weeks been great, been eatin dino nuggets and watchin movies

I've been trying to pull myself out of a depressive episode. No luck yet.

Same. I'm spiraling and recent events have only made things worse.

I'm sorry you're going through all of that. Sending a hug if you're comfortable with it

It's okay. I hit a new weight high of 129 lbs (I am 5'11" so hitting as low as 119 is fucked) but now the idea of eating even more is extra nauseating and unappealing. About to see my therapist though and they'll be thrilled with the gains. Anyone else fucking despise food and eating and biological needs??

My wife has struggled with disordered eating, and it's been a long journey for both of us. She is also tall and got to a really scary place. She's doing much better now, but it continues to be a process. Keep up the great work and don't give up!

My mother got put back on her disability benefits and now I'm hunting down apartments for us to live in to get out of a bad housing situation that we were stuck in because it was cheap and we only had one income.

Got two viewings this week.

I'm burnt out and can't focus at work. Really wish I had more that 2 weeks of vacation time a year

I’m burnt out and can’t focus at work. Really wish I had more that 2 weeks of vacation time a year

Have been there, and am never far from there. It sucks and I wish you the best in overcoming it. Any chance you've got a supportive boss? Mine is and it helped a lot.

It’s alright. Just came back to visit my parents and just can’t help but think why is relationship so hard for me for some reason lmao.

Preparing to go to a national park, one that my mother has been excited to visit for the last decade... Yellowstone!

We got very affordable flight ticket prices, and the whole family's gonna be extra busy after this summer, so I'm hoping it turns out nicely. Also excited to try out my new binoculars! I want to see many borbs 🥺

Yeah. I just finished a book that I really enjoyed called A Day Of Fallen Night which is a pretty cool to The Priory Of The Orange Tree if you've heard of it. It really was a great read, but the pacing and chosen method for organizing the various character viewpoints made my skin crawl more than once. It was frustrating, but one of those books that I really wanted to read regardless.

There is once a book that I read through, because once I'm committed I find it very hard to stop reading, but it was by far the most horrendous experience ever because the author didn't use quotes for the entire book and I had a real hard time following the dialogue.

Just finished also a couple of novellas which were a really nice and different from the more intense (e.g. action heavy) books I tend to read. They were the first books I've read where the protagonist is non-binary and referred to as they. It was challenging in some ways but also very good for me as well. A Psalm For The Wild-built and it's sequel A Prayer for the Crown-Shy.

Writing styles can certainly make a break books.

That Meltdown book looks interesting!

I desperately need to read Priory! A Psalm For The Wildbuilt was so good, was short but probably my favorite read of the year! I've been meaning to get to the sequel but haven't managed to find time

The sequel novella is just as short, but I was fortunate to be able to read them back to back. I enjoyed them so much and found them so refreshing in so many ways.

I don't remember The Priory having the same pacing issues as it's prequel, so I hope you really really enjoy it. And to be clear, I liked the prequel a lot too.

What is happening?! 🤪 We can blame Connect for Lemmy in moving this to the top level... blame alyaza which is more fun.

points accusingly


I'm actually having a really sad week. My mother had a heart attack on Saturday evening (really unexpected, no history, they still don't know why) and collapsed. She lost oxygen to her brain for about 10 minutes. I'm trying to help my family and my dad through this time and I am finding anecdotes about people recovering (even if hard fought) but it's hard because she is still not really responding to verbal communications. I remain hopeful that it will get better but can't help the intrusive thoughts that the wonderful woman who raised me may be gone.

If anyone has been in a situation similar and has advice, I am all ears!

I apologize for the downer, and hope everyone else is doing better than I am.

Not exactly the same but my grandmother had a stroke that left her unable to care for herself although mostly mentally intact. She was miserable and never adjusted. It was hell, and everyone was relieved when she died. I know that sounds horrible but there was nothing we could do to ease her suffering.

All I can really say is that brain injuries are awful, even if things turn out as well as they can the road there is going to be hell. Remember to take care of yourself, you'll have days of grief and anger when you think thoughts you're not proud of. Do not judge yourself too harshly, or your family.

You will need time and space to grieve and it's going to be very hard to get that at the moment. Try to make space when you can, and understand that everyone else needs that too. You will need support, your friends and extended family might avoid bring your mum up believing that it spares you suffering to avoid thinking about the situation. You might need to be quite explicit with your needs around emotional support, conversations, venting, and advice.

I am sorry, my heart goes out to you. Generally the prognosis for brain injuries isn't good, and it's probably best to set expectations around that to avoid self blame and another round of grief if things don't improve. That said stimulation is important for brain healing, particularly early on. Try to chatter, ask questions etc even though you might not get a response. Play music she likes, try to do things around her/in view. Try physical therapy stuff if she's mobile. Even gentle movement of limbs by another person can help prompt re-connection of neural pathways.

Good luck

I'm so sorry to hear that. My apologies, I can't say I have any specific advice from a place of experience. I hope you have a strong support network outside of your immediate family that you can lean on at the moment, it's hard to find space for yourself and your own emotions when you're also trying to support other people. I wish you and your family all the best x

I'm hopefully going to meet my boyfriend in 2 days


I'm sorry for your loss. Wally looks like a sweet pup.

He was. One of the better dogs I’ve ever owned. Was in effect a therapy dog for our other pup that struggles with people. And always more tolerant than he should have been with the kids.

It was a long time coming. He had tumors in his throat and nose and eventually his quality of life suffered too much. Just sucks.

He’s also the first death that hit my youngins hard. My 5 year old has struggled the most. Has some disturbing anecdotes since. Having to choke back your own thoughts/processing to explain it to kids is hard. Harder than I thought

I'd sum it up as: 😴☕📝

Can't wait for my thesis overview to be in the past (hopefully I pass! 🤞)

I hope you pass too, I live in a college town and the whole area is empty during finals hahaha

Good luck! Although I'm sure you don't need it with all the work you've put in.

My dad is going through DTs and I'm on the other side of the world on a business trip. I hope the withdrawal doesn't kill him before I get to see him again.

The bad: I made the worst mistake at work I've made so far, so I'm getting started on the wrong foot. I'm doing what I can to fix it, but I dropped the ball on one of my clients, and it's tearing me apart.

Plus, it turns out Chuck Palahniuk is a raging misogynist, so I need to find a different book.

The good: Doggies are cute, and so are kitties

Spent the week at a work conference. I normally WFH, so getting to see everyone in person was kinda nice. Got a flight delay going home - no big deal, but I'm anxious to get back home to my dogs and partner.

I had a really difficult weekend and didn't sleep much last night, but I did sell a piece of jewelry that I'm really proud of yesterday, so that's a bright spot.

Sigh, I'm okay. Work is really stressful lately. I went through an acquisition, and really got demoted in both rank and importance. Defeating, but, I'm also still glad to have a job where I can work from where my cats live.

I finished a meeting that I was dreading for WEEKS. It went ok.

Massive windstorm came through my area last Friday afternoon. Had like Cat 1 hurricane winds. In the Midwest US. So it knocked down trees and powerlines all over the metro area. I was out of power from 4:00pm on Friday through 8:30pm Monday.

So it was a shitty weekend. I (and my brother who's visiting) stayed in my apartment on Friday night, which was sweltering. Humidity and like 85F (29.4C) temps inside, even with windows open, made it miserable to sleep. Saturday, we spent like 7hrs at my company's tiny office (we're actually full remote) charging up phones and battery banks, while just hanging out and enjoying the AC. But we stayed in my apt again on Saturday night, which was just a bit cooler, but enough that I was able to sleep like 8hrs. Sunday during the day was OK, but then it rained again and got sunny afterwards, driving up humidity. We finally decided to get a hotel room. On Monday, after checking out, we hung out at the local library to work (I could've gone to my office, but I knew a couple co-workers w/o power at home were there). Monday evening was a little cooler again, so we braved the apt, and then the power came back. Even through Tuesday, there were still like a thousand customers in the metro without power. I think the utility is back to normal ops now.

Overall, it just a wasted weekend. It sorta felt like homelessness, especially when going to my office, then to the hotel, then going to the library. At my apartment, it was sorta like camping but way less fun.

At least I had no property damage or injuries. Driving around, I saw lots of trees on houses. I saw at least a few vehicles that looked totally destroyed since trees fell on them. So it could've been worse for us.

i've been stuck in a rut now for a couple of weeks, so this week hasn't been any different. i am in a state of living right now where nothing is interesting to me: no games, no movies/shows, no music, not really anything. i am thinking about buying pikmin 4 to help with that. i've never really played any pikmin games but it looks so fun

The thing I found that works for me is trying to exercise. Even if I got nothing else done that day, at least I got 15-30 minutes of exercise. Plus, in the long run, it tends to help with your mental health.

thank you for this advice! it might just be my issue. i usually lift a few days during the week, but i haven't been able to for the past few weeks due to life. i'll give it a shot & hope for the best

There has been a lil bad and a decent amount of good this week so far

My job's treating us poorly even though we're making the company massive profits in the millions. I would like to leave but I think I've been in this dead end position too long. I might need to re skill but I have no idea what I would like/what would pay enough.

The weekend was busy but a lot of fun. Got to go to my first anime convention. Only went for one day when I could have easily gone for the whole weekend. Next year I'll do that. It was nice because I haven't gone to any events like that for probably about 5 years or so. Usually I'm not tired at night but both Saturday and Sunday night I fell asleep right away which was kind of nice for a change.

I don't know what kind of jobs your in and how your job market is right now, but it never hurts to take a look at your resume and maybe look around for other jobs while still in the "comfort" of a paying job.

Glad to hear you visited a social gathering and enjoyed it. I've had some social experiences recently which have given me some positivity in my life and I am glad to see you have too.

Do you watch anime too, by chance? If so, may I ask which one(s)?

Currently things are a bit iffy for me. I originally went to school for web development, but from what I have seen it seems like people want a "unicorn developer" that can do everything.

I've still sent my resume out to a few places where I thought I could still fit or make it work but I haven't gotten any replies back yet. I'm currently in a role that doesn't use those skills but is much more teaching focused. I provide technical support with a program/tool that was made by the company I work for. So that knowledge can kind of carry over to other areas, but it's more soft skills if that makes sense.

But yeah it was a very mentally refreshing experience to go to a convention! I've watched a variety of things, probably too many to list. But some of my Favorites have been Soul Eater, Air Gear, Naruto, Steins Gate, JoJo's Bizarre adventure, all of Studio Ghibli's catalogue

Pretty much like the last couple: Not fast enough during the work parts, the weekend will probably fly by so fast it'll feel like I didn't have one. Rinse, repeat.

Last week my gf and her friends gave me the chance to do something different, so I quit my job (on the grace period right now) and we are starting to figure law stuff out cause we are international

I'm trying to find a new job asap! Last week was really the last straw. I was hired for a technical position but for the past two years I've done nothing but punishing manual labor almost entirely unrelated to my job. I don't mind working outside my job description but the reality is I've lost so much knowledge just from being out of practice. I hope it hasn't ruined my shot at the right job. Its technically possible for me to return to school full time but I'm not sure I could 1) make the sacrifices required and 2) actually succeed. I've failed twice already.

I know everyone working out in the field wishes they had a desk job and vice versa, but damn I'd love a cubicle.

Eh kinda shitty, one of my main medications (Subutex) dropped dosage again this week and it suddenly felt like I've been hit with a brick, emotionally speaking at least, bored as hell, tired, no real desire to eat or do anything, etc. I'm close to being done with this medication but the last parts like getting off it at the very end are the hardest.

How are you doing overall? Are you doing well? I don't mean to assume the reason for using Subutex (doctors prescribe off-label for lots of shit and I'm not a doctor) but it's one of those things where I've had someone close going through similar circumstances.

Doing OK in general except for the start of this week, no problem with assuming, you're likely right anyway if you're thinking about opiate addiction. Cravings suck but are bareable for now at least.

I'm glad to hear it, well not glad you have to go through this but glad to hear to you're doing okay. I hope you don't have too hard of a time and are able to stick with it.

On the one hand I’ve gotten a lot of reading time and have been enjoying my current book (Children of Time) much more than the last book I tried (The Dark Forest [yeah, I know it’s a modern classic of the genre, I just really didn’t like the translation]). On the other, I was with my wife all day in the ER because she developed a kidney infection. Everyone’s fine now though so… pretty mixed so far?

Went to a coffee cupping class and got to talk shop with other coffee roasters. It’s been a great start to the week.

I have to give a presentation soon and I am not looking forward to it.

Even worse, today I found the bread and peaches I was gonna eat this week are moldy!! T_T The bread is over a week old so maybe it makes sense, but the peaches I just bought the other day!! It's annoying. But hopefully things will turn around from here.

Things are much calmer than last week workwise and I have a couple of days off this week thankfully. Saw the first of a few Edinburgh previews last night which was great (was in a damp side room of a pub so felt like being at the fringe already). Seeing an outdoor Shakespeare play on Friday so hoping it stops raining before then!

In short:

Very hot weather & no AC => window open at night => getting woken up at 5:30 in the morning by early morning trains => tired af

Dealing with my executive dysfunction. I managed to study for 90 minutes this Monday morning, and I tried to continue that same afternoon, but I couldn't do more than 30 minutes.

I need to put my head in order to avoid those situations, but I can't.

On the other hand, you've managed two hours of study this week, and that's ok.

Been having a long week myself. I could hardly sleep the last two days and work has been insanely busy. I've been spending my weekends doing a second job to try and get out of debt and get experience in a field I want to enter. I am so tired and desperately need a day off, but I feel like if I do, I'll just be depressed all day. Good luck with your reading! I've been reading City of Brass and loving it, hope to get that finished in the next week or so.

Sorry my phone kept giving me a network error when I posted, then it posted like 6 times 😭

just finished two books today: I'll Be Gone in the Dark: One Woman's Obsessive Search for the Golden State Killer and The Greatest Polar Expedition of All Time: The Arctic Mission to the Epicenter of Climate Change. i have concluded that i dislike most true crime and that i mostly derive amusement from such books because they display how incompetent a lot of cops are. i would recommend The Greatest Polar Expedition of All Time if you would like to know about what it takes to do a scientific mission in the Arctic

I finished the book on Endurance by Alfred Lansing which was pretty amazing. TGPEoAT sound pretty cool, will definitely be checking it out :) Thank you. Have you read In Cold Blood (?) by Truman Capote which is supposed to have basically started true crime as a genre?

Have you read In Cold Blood (?) by Truman Capote which is supposed to have basically started true crime as a genre?

no, already have a huge backlog (400+, even at a pace of 40 books a year) so i have no idea when i'd get to it either lol

Lol I know what you mean. Looking at my audiobook catalogue gives me anxiety sometimes 🤣

I've read In Cold Blood for school in high school junior year. WOW that was a good and heart-wrenching book.

It was, but not just that I've read somewhere that the book managed to influence the jury who was hearing the case because it was so popular.

I've been playing Tears of the Kingdom a lot which is great!

But today I'm suddenly feeling pretty sad. I have really bad executive dysfunction and ADHD and there's a lot of things I want to draw. There's Art Fight and also this July art prompt list for a fandom I really want to do some art for, but I don't know if I have the time or motivation to do it. Not to mention there's an art commission that I haven't finished and they've been waiting a while. They have been so patient but I've been planning to get it done this summer and it feels like it's almost over. And like, I have hobbies outside of drawing so that makes it harder.

Also r/place starts today. I loved r/place last year. It was incredible to participate in and see. But all the shit Reddit has pulled and how bitter I feel towards it has really put a damper on it and I feel sad just thinking about it.

I'm also pretty bummed out about how...empty the fediverse feels in a lot of corners. Even the communities that have opened as a substitute for other subreddits are often empty or inactive. There seems to be a lack of a fandom on Fediverse which means it feels pretty lonely and even if I made stuff relating to that I feel like it wouldn't get a lot of attention.

Holidays! Almost the end of them and I am so tired I must say. In a good way I think but I will need to recover at home for a few days.

I am addicted to internet and mmos and I managed to curb it a solid bit due to holidays but it never lasts honestly.

Here I was doing 10k steps a day bare feet on the beach walks, generally being more healthy than at home and I fear I will slump again into my old habits of sitting and mmoing all day. Already bought ffxiv complete edition on sale.

Frankly lemmy is also part of my eternal crusade against digital addictions

I created my own Lemmy instance for my small town!

I cannot get anyone to use it at all! I tried to post about it on the local Facebook group and I got banned!

To be fair, I created it to take people out of the toxic shit pile, but the page is called "uncensored" which is a little hypocritical if you ask me.

I think people are weary that it's a "scam" somehow. Even though there are hundreds of fake accounts on the FB group and the page owner is an ultra right wing nutjob and allows tons of troll accounts to run wild.

I have now created my own Facebook group in hopes to draw away members, I will then subtly introduce my Lemmy instance to them.

Going to see Tori Amos this weekend so I will be giddy all week. Saw her once before 18 years ago, so it's been a long time coming. Can't wait!!

Wrapping up a trip to the Philippines! Having mixed feelings about going back to real life soon. Also, this is my first post here. I always feel awkward introducing myself in those introduction type threads, but hello everyone!

Been really annoyed by all of the beehaw brown outs, but I’m trying to be understanding about the difficulties of a growing platform.

Also been getting back into VR gaming which has been fun and made me pretty sore

currently reading a number of books after completely crashing out of doing that for the entire month of June. i think i can get about 3 in before the end of the month

What books have you been reading / into?

What books have you been reading / into?

currently on the docket:

i must say that the true-crime writing style is not one i am endeared to and i am finding myself cringing at how some of I'll Be Gone in the Dark is written

Ack! Connect for Lemmy bugged out and my response died with it...

sighs maybe later...

Btw, meltdown does look interesting.

I like to read a few books at a time. Right now it's:

  1. Treason's harbor
  2. Things that make white people uncomfortable
  3. Hyperbole and a half

Looking forward to my two weeks holidays starting next week.

Really dragging this week out knowing I'll be off though.

Have so many games and shows to get stuck into. TOTK has been neglected for too long.

As a wow player, I started my 3 day weekend and accomplished getting a new raid mount, and one I’ve wanted since I started playing! I’ve only been playing since around September, but it’s a 1% chance of dropping so I’m grateful!

I had a lovely weekend full of sleep. My bedroom is on the top floor, with a tall ceiling and no attic above me. It was a loudly rainy morning yesterday, so I just slept in and it was so relaxing and chill.

Today I got stuff done at work. I feel accomplished and on-track with my work goals. Tonight I'll probably play a violent shoot-'em-up game (Payday 2) with friends online.

I need to get my tiny elderly dog to eat his breakfast as soon as I get home. My WFH partner reports Tiny Dog is a Tiny Butthead.

Good. I came out as bi to my cousin yesterday. I've actually been having an ok week. I hope things stay ok

Back in April, I took a reading challenge that I had found online to read for at least thirty minutes per day, because I really should read more often. I failed about twenty days in, doing the bare minimum. What have I become?

The kind of person who reads 30 minutes a day for 20 days straight. That's not really so bad, you're outreading the vast majority of people there.

Sorry, this particular instance has me prone to double posting for some reason.

Same old. I have an exam this Friday, just wanna get it over with so I can concentrate more on reading and writing.

Thanks for these posts, it's a nice little reminder to check in with myself. Ups and downs, but mostly good. Feels so nice after a long day to relax playing the new Zelda. I don't care if I ever beat it, I just want to run around gathering mushrooms and stuff, it's so soothing for me.

It's been a weird couple weeks for me. I was working six days a week for the last three months and now they've been giving me these random middle of the week days off so my sleep schedule is just wrecked lol back to work for today and tomorrow now but it's been pretty slow here so I mainly just browse beehaw and mastodon all day. Luckily I get hourly + commission so if I see one or two customers today I'll be happy. It's been a pretty chill week I guess. 😌 Sorta depressing that my life is all about work lately though

Pretty good. Did some great grilling last night while watching baseball (Dodgers lost, dammit), and today we finally get a break from some very hot weather.

decent so far, spent all of yesterday with family. hope everyone else is having a good week too. good luck on the book goal & make sure to get some more rest!

Going well. Trying to stay cool. Excited about some work to be done to my house. Got a whole house fan going in, and a SolaTube (like a skylight, but small).

Pretty good. Last full week of summer break so I'm just wrapping up house projects and preparing some teaching materials for next year.

I pinched a nerve in my back late last week and today was the first morning I woke up without any immediate pain, so that's progress at least

I've heard that after you're 40, when you wake up and feel no pain at all you know you're dead. So far can mostly confirm.

the greatest man in my whole life finally returned and i’ve been walking on rainbows and basking in pure sunshine. He’s my greatest LGBTQ+ ally and i feel more myself than ever. i feel like i can tackle the whole world one tiny step a a time…

my running routine has been regular again, i’m eating healthy and clean with very little cravings, and getting some eerie short story collections under my belt: Thomas Ligotti’s Teatro Grottesco and Nathan Ballingrud’s North American Lake Monsters.

it feels like the clouds have finally parted and everything everyday is just suffused with an extra encouraging glow…

I'm in the process of selling my current car to my sibling so I can get something more fuel efficient with a hatchback. Have my eye on something specific and hopefully nobody snags it up before saturday!