Folks, what is your favorite kind of soda? to Ask – 48 points –

I don’t drink soda. Why? So I can tell people that I don’t drink soda.

Have you tried being vegan? Sounds right up your alley!

Just wanted to chime in to make sure you both know I used to live in NYC. I am sure it's been longer than five minutes since I told anyone.

That's interesting! I had a hard time finding a good CrossFit gym in NYC... Yeah, I do CrossFit.

Please don't make "Lemmings" a thing.

"Hey, you should join Lemmy!"

"Whats Lemmy?"

"It's like reddit, except instead of a Redditor, you're a Lemming!"


"Lemminos" sounds better imo.

How about just "people"

You would have no idea who uses Lemmy and who doesn't.

I don't know why that's important. Like in this case anyone reading it knows what they're on

Well, if you're referring to us Lemminos outside of Lemmy as "people", you wouldn't know.

I guess context matters in this case.

I'm not like anti-fun, if it's just something that brings you joy, but we do just fine without terms for most of the other platforms. Like I don't need a short form for "facebook users" like "bookers" or "facelings" or whatever.

But hell if Lemminos makes you happy, rock on my fellow le mino tips bowler hat

Boylan, they use the cane sugar the bigger names swapped out for corn syrup.

Concur!! Most of the sodas with cane sugar taste better. Love cream sodas personally


Cheerwine is great stuff! The one gas station chain carried it here for a bit, but I haven't seen it in about a year or so now.

I like citrus sodas, like San pellegrino, or Fanta.

Sadly San Pellegrino is part of Nestle, so I refuse to knowingly buy them any more...

Wtf I didn't know... Guess I'll stick to fanta.

Yeah, it sucks, sorry to be the one to tell you

Dont worry. I''d rather know about this.

Oh that is heartbreaking. Their Limonata one is such a good mixer.

Yeah, I particularly enjoyed the Arantica Rossa, just fantastic taste.

It looks like you edited out calling us Lemmings and I came here to say, LEMMINGS IS OUR DEMONYM. ✊ Lemming Power!

1 more...

I know that I'm weird but I like Mountain Dew

I just think it tastes better than the other top brands.

I couldn't care less about being EXTREME!!, playing CoD or whatever the hell they market now.

Ginger ale

Me too: HOMEMADE Ginger ale.

Natural carbonation is best.


Curious what the process is like. How long does it take to ferment?

Making a ginger bug takes a week or so, once it's going you can park it in the fridge and revive it in a couple of days.

I have a recipe for ginger beer and also for tepache in the non alcoholic post on !

Starting the ginger bug takes 2-5 days.

Once the ginger bug is rolling, about a day. Or less.

I just keep the ginger bug going. Almost done with a bottle? Add new flavors & sugars, it's pushing carbonation in hours.

The spicier the better. Blenheim red cap is best if you can find it

All my homemade sodas are good: start with ginger bug, add any flavors you want - including or excluding caffeine depending on how you're feeling.

I like the staticky flavors of La Croix but Waterloo Grape is the best.

I've been enjoying all the random new Coke flavors.

The Rosalia one and Y3000 were both exceptional to me, and the new Coke Spice is nice as well.

I was sad when the Rosalia ended production, that was a great flavor. The limited time thing does make it exciting too.



For those uninitiated, it's a mix between orange and apple soda. Pretty fuckin good. My favourite has to be Portello or Julmust.

Moomin soda is what I'm currently drinking. Forest strawberry flavoured.

But perhaps... Pommac?

Just plain carbonated water is my go to, but if I drink something sweet, usually those new caffeine free cokes. But best taste / sensation is Pommac or Moomin, definitely.

Purchased? Diet coke.

Homemade - ginger beer, tepache. Glorious.

Probably Melon Soda. Not so much the melon cream soda though.

Normally flavored seltzer but occasionally the spicy varieties of ginger beer

I very rarely have soda at all, on the occasions I do Dr. Pepper because it slightly tastes like cherry. Otherwise it's all more or less the same to me

Root beer --- 1919 is good for a creamy flavor and Boylan for a bite.

Club Mate. Not too sweet, loads of caffeine and looks cool.

Also, you can feel superior to the plebs that don't understand the complex "wet ashtray" flavors.

I'm not a soda drinker, but Green River gets me right in the nostalgia.

Occasionally, I'll have some club soda with a bit of vanilla or hazelnut syrup. Not too sweet, but enough to taste. Plain soda water is also good.

Ale 8 One

Somewhere between ginger ale and Mountain Dew, and caffeinated.

Root beer, there are so many different flavors and variety. A lot of artisanal stuff out there as well!

Cream soda is the second choice

Oh just any kind, preferably without sugar, preferably it's hot and sunny out

Just the chilled, filtered tapwater I carbonate at home.

Ludicrously cheap, the taste doesn't get old, and there's no trash to deal with. 10/10.

Schwip Schwap is my favorite. Mountain Dew is also quite nice when I can find it.

Fanta Exotic.

They just stopped selling it where I live and made a sugar free alternative that's ok but nowhere near as good

Italian pepsi. And yes, these standard worldwide trademarks taste very different depending of the country. A peruvian Fanta Is really different from an Italian one.

It's gotta be root beer.

Every company makes it a little differently so there's a wide array of flavours within the one soda.

Bear & Beaver is specifically my favourite.

Ginger Ale. No caffeine and the sugar-free version is pretty good.