‘Tampon Tim’ Walz Is a Weird Meme Behind a Real Problem | Many girls can’t afford menstrual products. And too many Republicans are committed to keeping it that way.

silence7@slrpnk.net to politics @lemmy.world – 671 points –
Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

All this brainstorming for a offensive nickname and they end up with one that points out his efforts to help school children afford essential medical products. Well played GOP.

This is literally just telling people about a cool thing he did. Like, how many people wouldn't have known about this if not for the GOP?

Certain people I know really believe its a terrible thing

You should stop being friends and family with them. Trust me, you will live your best life if you do.

The name isn't to point out his efforts but a way to signal to conservatives that, because he cares about tampons, he cares about girls in a way that is "unnatural".

The goal is to try to label him, put him in a box that the right can point at and say, "SeE?! He MuSt Be A PeDoFiLe!1"

The people who are building the narrative are trying to paint him as worse than "Hide your sofa" Vance, which is a tough sell right now.

I'm actually sort of proud of the Democrats right now. They have, effectively, pulled the mic from the hands of Trump and Fox, name called them to the point that the Republicans are scrambling, actually panicking, about the election.

The issue is they are twisting it and saying they forced schools to put them in boys bathrooms to ramp up the transphobia.

Boys should be reminded that menstruation is a normal thing every time they use the bathroom.

They will probably mess around with them, and learn how they work. Having their own to play with is better than breaking into girls' lockers and messing up their precious supplies as happened to me in middle school.

If the school provides a boxful that has instructions, they'll get the benefit of the diagrams. (Tampax could do us all a favor and label the clitoris, please!)

But even just seeing how small they are might be reassuring to boys whose only ideas of sex come from porn.

If I recall the law was all bathrooms. And some trans men need tampons.

And sane, normal americans don’t care beyond “yeah. Menstrual products should be available for any who need them”

You are correct on multiple things. it's all bathrooms and I, as a normal American, don't care.

Just funny to watch the straw grasping here from the GOP to attack rather than actually have a policy plan.

Republicans are weird like that. Always trying to keep tampons from women.

Tampons. Dignity. Body and medical autonomy and privacy.

Man, my brain is ruined. I read this in Dwight's voice.

Republicans are weird like that. Always trying to keep tampons dignity from women.

And especially boys who need them.

The harm in "boys have access to these" is basically zero; they might occasionally use a pad to bandage a skinned knee or something.

I’m assuming the parent post was referring to trans boys. Still a very small harm by the numbers, but a bit more important by personal impact.

I swear I read somewhere that tampons are actually bad for first aid. They just soak the blood up and try to plug the exit. I think actual gauze or bandages are designed to promote coagulation and protect the wound.

Apply the period pad or tampon externally on a wound and apply pressure. The pressure controls the bleeding, the pad or tampon is a clean surface to not promote infection. It would be a temporary solution of course but that's what first aid is. Probably not a great idea to insert anything like that in a puncture or bullet wound because I assume you want the flesh to come back together and don't want to cause more damage pulling it out. Even removing a tampon when your period was too light to soak it can be painful and cause microtearing.

probably pretty useful for first aid in the next school shooting

Tampon Tim

Stopping the red from flowing. County by county, state by state.

That is good, I think they should run with Tampon Tim and use this line.

the party of "if you can't afford it, then you deserve to suffer" never seems to have a problem with corporate bailouts

Not that long ago, I met a lady asking for money on the side of the road. I stopped to ask her what she needed.

She needed tampons.

It was clearly the most embarrassing thing she was forced to endure. I will never forget her smile when I got her a supply and some other things that a lady might need/want when going through that time of the month. I have sisters and nieces, so it is something I have been around my whole life. To think of how many of my classmates might have been suffering this issue is heartbreaking. The free items at school is a true caring and wonderful thing. Even putting it in the boys bathrooms, such a good idea. I would not be surprised to know that a boy brought some home to share with someone in need.

What a thoughtful thing to do. I am actually 1000% on board with having menstrual supplies in the men’s room, even knowing that probably a good percentage of them will be used by boys just messing around. I went to college with young men that acted like I kicked a puppy when I mentioned menstruation. Whole grown men who could not stomach even a mention something so common that it happens to half the population once a month. I firmly believe that having those supplies available to them will not just help the people who need them. It will also make them better parents and partners because they will actually have some basic understanding of what is involved in menstruation and how to help someone in need.

I was a kid when I learned about menstruation. As a kid, I said, "why do women have to pay for something that's necessary?"

As I got older, I started applying this logic to everything else.

Long story short, I'm a communist now.

Oh gee I thought the party trying to control women’s bodies and send their rights back to the 40’s would be allllll about providing free menstrual care products

1340's? 1940's would probably be way too progressive for the majority of modern conservatives

You misunderstood. Modern conservatives are aiming for the 1840's

But in the 19th century you couldn't even randomly burn women at the stake for being "witches."

Because of woke.

I never thought I'd ever say it. But I am glad that democrats are starting on outright insulting and mocking their opponents. They need to take it a step beyond. They need to not simply call out the weirdos that they are, but just the sheer degenerates and freaks that they are and how they are never close to what their claimed ideal is.

This attitude of clapping back at the absolutely insane actions of the Republicans has made me feel represented for the first time in my life. It's also making me happy that I'm excited to vote for a candidate rather than just voting against the worst option for a slightly-less-worse option. Love to see that.

Kind of torn to be honest. I find AOC's tit for tat brattiness to be pretty unproductive. And when you get into a fight with a pig, you both get covered in mud and the pig loves it.

But - just being the adult at taking blows hasn't worked for anyone else since these smooth brains chidlish antics because their primary attack tool. Maybe that's why "weird" is getting some traction. It is a backhanded insult that doesn't really demean you the same way as back and forth churlishness does.

Whatever gets under the republicans' skin is fine and dandy.

You don't need to sling mud in the same way, you need to really show case their faults. They have tons of them. There is no need to make anything up.

Using subdued language does nothing. Republicans have been calling all liberals and democrats and anyone they don't like fascist for decades. The closest thing democrats ever got to was when Biden used the term semi-fascist to refer to some of them a while ago.

Calling them weird and weak is actually very good. You need to understand what hurts them and do that. Because they will never stop. Even if you endure their shit and are truly unaffected, their actions still turn people against you whether you realize it or not.

What do you all think the answer would be if you asked Trump and Vance the question "have you ever gone into a store to buy period products for a woman?"

I mean Trump's diaper changer has a nick name. You'd have to ask that guy where the depends are.

Republicans know that they are going to lose.

They are trying to muster all the morons together to see how many morons they can try to trick into another Jan 6.

This is no longer about winning an election. They are building The Army of Stupid.

The GOP finds it as a point of ridicule because they don’t appreciate or understand concepts such as human dignity. God forbid you help do something helpful for kids, Jesus would be against helping children anyways

They call everyone a pedophile except actual pedophiles.

Because, projection. Repbulikkklowns can't help themselves. If they something bad about someone, it's a fact they're doing it.

What a weird way to highlight yet another way you suck, Republicans?

It is basically a bad faith argument.

Tampon Tim is the name he got because he put tampons IN THE MEN/BOYS bathroom. Men don't need tampons Snapz.

Many men have daughters and wives. Men need tampons. It’s a good idea to keep a tampon or two in your emergency/first aid kit.

Stop being so ignorant. The high school boys bathrooms aren't for men with daughters. He did this for a very specific reason.

Sorry i didn’t mean to be ignorant. I was just using this as an opportunity to promote men carrying tampons. I guess it’s probably a good idea to provide tampons high school boys too. I didn’t think about that.

I mean - the "psychology" behind it is to try and apply a childish playground nickname that damages him. Sleepy Joe, Lyin' Chuck Schumer, Low Energy Jeb Bush. The template isn't complicated. huRr DuRr tampons are gross and icky, and for ladies, let's try and make people think Walz is gross and icky. While the number of MAGAts is never going to be zero, there doesn't seem to be quite as much childish frenzy around his name calling as there once was.

Well, the Almighty smote women with the Curse to punish them for the thing with Eve and the apple and remind them of their subordinate role, and it would be blasphemous to undermine His will. Note that these are completely normal, mainstream beliefs, and should not be considered in any way “weird”

Didn't ya know, women are supposed to hide in the bleeding shed during that time of the month!

What a hill for those misogynistic shitfucks to die on...

Also, women are faking it for attention and could just "hold it in" if they really wanted to.

They don't think kids should be fed if their parents can't afford it. They literally would rather children go hungry than have a functioning government that works for its people.

Y'all really surprised they aren't fans of giving out tampons?

Maybe they are pad people. I know ppl who don't like tampons or feel it could cause reaction.

Maybe democrats should start removing all the tp from the men's bathrooms at the republican rallies

Not sure if it would teach them much though.

Stuff like this is honestly such a stupid toxic hill to die on.

It's such a common sense policy (similar to having water fountains at schools).. There are only huge benefits

Is it a sequel to Tampon Trump? You know the guy who got his ear slightly pierced and then went on to wear a big ass tampon on his head? And idiots were wearing them too?

Tampon Trump! Tampon Trump!
Bleeds from his ear and shits with his mouth!

You may laugh, but that magical ear tampon healed his ear 100% as of today's press conference.

Tampon Trump or Diaper Donny (He can't control his bowels after years of drug use)

Don't need tampons if you're pregnant taps forehead

Oh, that's how they work: Apply directly to the forehead. /s

Feels like people are arguing "Republicans HATE that tampons were provided in schools but actually it's good!" And like sure, but specifically the argument I've heard is that they were in the Boys bathrooms as well.

Like everything for Republicans recently, it's related to hating trans people.

Since the republicans won't do anything about gun control, the boys will probably find them useful to plug gunshot wounds.

The Republican party is full of fuckwits who think women could just "hold it in" if they wanted to.