What game, book, TV show, and/or movie do you wish you could experience for the first time again?

π•Ύπ–•π–Žπ–ˆπ–ž π•Ώπ–šπ–“π–†@lemmy.world to Asklemmy@lemmy.ml – 96 points –

This thread has convinced me to play Outer Wilds.

My picks are:

  • Game: Portal 2.
  • Book: The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.
  • TV show: Bojack Horseman.
  • Movie: The Shawshank Redemption.

Game, Outer Wilds

Movie, Everything Everywhere All At Once

  • Game: Return of the Obra Dinn
  • Book: House of Leaves
  • TV: Twin Peaks
  • Movie: The Matrix


GoldenEye 007, but I want it to be in 1997 playing on the 27" CRT TV in the basement with my brother. Technically, it was my N64, so I always got to use the gold controller that it came with. We sat on the carpet within feet of the giant wooden TV cabinet, because the cords weren't very long. My dad was a carpenter and only recently refinished the basement with tongue and groove cedar. I still remember the smell of the wood and the sound of the furnace clicking on down there. He even cut a crescent moon into the bathroom door as if it were an outhouse.

We liked to play Golden Gun in the temple. We even made up our own games within the game, like hide and seek. Back then he was my best friend. He made some life choices that were different from mine. We were never as close as when we played that game. We're not in a bad spot or anything, but those days now just memories.

If I were your brother I would love to read this comment

Game: Super Mario Galaxy
Book: The Rama series, Arthur C Clarke
TV: The West Wing
Movie: The 5th Element

It makes me happy to see Rama mentioned here! I read the first book in the series when I was 8 or 9, and it's what really hooked me on science fiction. Like, I had to read it with a dictionary open because some of the language was way too technical for me, but I was absolutely enthralled.

Other people who've read it and who I've talked with seem to be split over whether the first book is better than the sequels, or the other way around. I prefer the sequels, my wife prefers the original. Do you have a preference?

As a child, I greatly preferred the original. A lot of the emotional subtext from the sequels went over my head (since I was raised in a very emotionally repressed environment), but I could totally grok the cold, somewhat impersonal nature of the first book. It was easier to imagine myself in this huge alien structure when I could understand the characters. Nowadays I think I'd probably prefer the sequels since I derive a lot of enjoyment from interpersonal drama and conflict. I'll admit that it's been ages since I've read them, so I can't say for sure.

Oh wow, I actually haven't read the Rama books (been meaning to!), but I vividly remember the flawed-but-wonderous PC adventure game. Have you played it by chance?

Haha, grokking abstract space-math associations maybe wasn't my strength when I was like...7 or something (prolly still isn't LOL). But I sure did enjoy crudely drawing the biots and aliens. :D

The soundtrack is still one of my favorites from any game, ever.

This humorous review is fun to watch, but there's really good gameplay and stuff without commentary too. :)


I played the game back when it originally came out. Like any media based on a book, it was slightly frustrating for a while that the graphics didn't match the visuals I had imagined whole reading the book. I still have the discs somewhere, might see if I can get it running somehow. I suspect I'll find the game mechanics to be clunky but today's standards.

I'm surprised there hasn't been a movie made yet.

Game: Life is strange Book: Hyperion TV Show: Stargate SG1 Movie: All of them? ... Primer Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within (if you know, you know)

Game: To the moon

Book: The Culture novels by Iain M. Banks

TV: Star Wars Rebels

Movie: Alien

Alien replays nicely if you haven't seen it in awhile and really focus on the experience.

Yeah but the anticipation of "when is the alien going to pop out" is only there on the first watch. I've watched it a bunch so can never recover that one.

  • Star Trek
  • Ultima Underworld
  • Myst
  • Fallout
  • Jurassic Park (book)

Oh man, Ultima Underworld was mind-blowing in its time.

The sequel was pretty good too. They’re both on GOG, btw, And have aged pretty well. The graphics aren’t so good, but the story and gameplay are still pretty great. I still replay them (and the Myst games) from time to time.

Oh, I played them both. I didn't really care for II's splitting the game into 8 "worlds", I preferred the original's single huge dungeon, but I did enjoy it.

It did get annoying having to run back and forth through all of the worlds, but some were very cool, like the one with the fighting arenas. And the tomb with all the levels. And the story was awesome.

Metal Gear Solid 3.

I played it overnight, I was alone, and it thunderstormed that night around the time I reached The Sorrow. I couldnt stop. It was so good and I was into it. Nothing else has been more memorable.

Game is such an unbelievable slam dunk for me. Outer Wilds.

But if I could forget two, it'd be Outer Wilds twice because it's an incredible story

The whole experience of starting up my new (used) N64 for the first time on my blurry old CRT TV and see that huge 3D Mario face pop up that I could squeeze and pull. This was a truly magical console for me.

Im conflicted. I want to watch the usual suspects again for the first time but with Kevin Spacey being too much of that movie I dont know if i would even if i could. And that makes me sad because it had one of the best moments in cinema...and that has been completely tainted by a shit person

Game: Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic Book: Ender's Game TV Show: Tom Baker Doctor Who Movie: The Sixth Sense

Game: Baldur's Gate Book: Dune TV: Fraggle Rock Movie: Fight Club

Game: Quest for Glory I: So you want to be a Hero
Book: Colour of Magic, by Terry Pratchett
TV Show: Babylon 5
Movie: Spaceballs

All fairly old, but still some of all time favorites.

Game: Day of the Tentacle
Book: Cryptonomicon
TV: BoJack horseman
Movie: The Matrix or The Prestige

Honorable mention: Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog

Game: Gunship 2000

Book: the Murderbot Diaries

TV: Firefly

Movie: Casablanca no! Little Shop of Horrors!

I watched serenity before i watched firefly. Wish i could watch both again in the other order.

BUT i think i had an interesting relationship with the river character that many other fans dont have because i got to view every river moment knowing where her story ends up.

On a different tangent, i wish we could get a Book of Booke or The Good Booke show/novel/film

Kinda experienced Portal 2 again for the first time when I played through it in VR. Such an amazing game!

Huh, wait. You can play it in VR? How?

(It was my wish 3 years ago)


There's also a VR mod for HL2. Makes it a better VR game than Alyx IMO.

This sounds awesome. I wish I could understand what I was reading and put it on the VR my stepson gave me.

Well, depending on what VR setup you have I can either help you set it up or it might be impossible.

Portal 2 in VR runs on a PC (a pretty good gaming PC) connected to the headset either through a cable or wirelessly. If that's the setup you're using, it shouldn't be too hard to figure out.

If you have an Oculus/Meta Quest and only play standalone (that is, no PC is involved, everything runs on the headset), then I'm afraid that's not good enough for Portal 2 or Half-Life 2, though there is a VR port of the original Half-Life. All you'd need for that is any PC (even potato quality) and a USB cable.

Ah, it is Meta Quest 3. I haven't used it much. I got to play a couple levels of Portal 2 a very long time ago. It was one of the very few video games I actually enjoyed. I don't know anything about Half-Life. I'll ask him if he knows about it first.

Ah, ok. Playing the original Half-Life in VR is great for the nostalgia value, though probably not that great if you're not familiar with the game itself. There's a bunch of great VR ports of old games for the standalone Quest by developers calling themselves "Team Beef". Doom 1, 2 and 3, Return to Castle Wolfenstein, Quake 1, 2, 3 AND 4, Jedi Outcast, Jedi Academy... the original Tomb Raider is coming soon too.

The real draw is to see those familiar game worlds from a new perspective.


I don't think there will every be a more satisfying twist for me. The twist was about me, the human playing the game, and only works because of the nature of the format.

It was perfection.

Book: 1984 Movie: Sinister Game: Borderlands 2 Tv show: (Is an animated serie ok?) Gravity falls

Hell yeah animation is ok, and Gavity Falls is a solid 10/10 choice.

Between my brother, a mutual friend, and myself, we have over 1,800 collective hours in Borderlands 2. That was probably my favorite game for about 5 years. It's fun enough on your own, but the game gets a million times between with co-op.

I thought the Pre-Sequel was pretty good. The low grav mechanic was a fun addition, and the moon being populated by Aussies was a nice touch. Borderlands 3 was kinda meh. We all had high hopes for it. It's a pretty good game, but its greatest weakness is that Borderlands 2 exists.

Game: Tie between Dragon Age: Origins and the original Bioshock.

Movie: Nightmare on Elm Street

TV Show: Stranger Things

Book: Man, too many to mention, but maybe The Lesser Dead by Christopher Buehlman.


The good news is that everyone is going to be experiencing that for the first time again in about a week's time!

God what I wouldn't give to play through the ICO series for the first time again. Three of just the best cases for why games are art.

  • Game: Zelda Ocarina of Time. My first true game that I had and enjoyed as a child, I didnt even know the language and I vividly remember using a dictionary and translating the game while playing.
  • Book: One Piece Manga, yes its not a book, but reading everything from zero to current would be an amazing journey, one that I enjoy watching book-tubers discover One Piece and devour it is great. If I had to reread a book perhaps Project Hail Mary, I didnt know anything about the book, I just liked the authors previous work and picked this one up and stayed all night reading the book, it was one of those amazing moments when reading.
  • TV show: Futurama, incredibly funny and imagining discovering it new again would feel awesome. -Movie: I dont really have *A favorite movie, more of the experience and feeling I had while watching a movie. But perhaps the Batman trilogy

I'm currently going through the One Piece manga for the first time and I'm having a blast.

I'm in the middle of Punk Hazard right now and it's starting to drag on, but I'm told that everything gets way better afterwards.

That's awesome! yes, the story structure changes a lot after the war, the conflicts grow larger and take longer. Oda also changed a the characters personalities a lot, in some he dialed them a lot. But it does get better, mostly because Cesar and Jody, where not the best. But still it does get a lot better later on! What was one of your fav moments? me from back then was water seven, it felt that the stakes really ramped up

My favorite single moment so far was the conclusion of the battle between Luffy and Boa Sandersonia.

It really highlights that Luffy is not willing to act against his principles, even if it would further his goals.

Best arc though is a tossup between Arlong Park or Impel Down. Arlong Park has had the best character writing in the series so far, and Impel Down has the highest stakes.

Luffy and Boa Sandersonia.

Absolutely, one of the smallest but most defining moments to show how Luffy thinks about conflicts. For me, I think Zoro's sacrifice for the crew was a highlight for me, I still remember having to wait to find out if he survived or not buy taking Luffy's pain. Usopp's apology, Chopper's backstory, Rob Lucci fight... man so many great moments. But I do agree with you, Oda build Impel Down and the war it was such an epic moment of the series.

Game: Noita
Book: The Player of Games by Iain M. Banks (RIP, you deserved more time)
TV show: Cowboy Bebop, I think
Movie: Honestly, I can't think of one.

In order of priority, I'd put The Player of Games at the top by a wide margin (seriously, it's an amazing book by a brilliant author), followed by Noita, with Cowboy Bebop at the end.

At this point, there are definitely plenty, but I'd personally say my top picks are definitely (in no particular order):

β€’ Brok the Investigator

β€’ Franklin (yes I'm a child at heart sometimes)

β€’ New Vegas and the DLCs

β€’ Borderlands (on xbox360 w/ all 4 DLCs, have been playing on and off for over a decade and still have way too much stuff left)

β€’ An American Tail (definitely in my top 3, if not my absolute favorite 3D animated film ever)

  • Game: TLOZ:BOTW
  • Book: 1984 by George Orwell
  • TV Show: Attack on Titan and Neon Genesis
  • Movie: Contact, Interstellar.

The first BioShock game. I don't know how I managed to go so long without it being spoiled for me, but man, I'm glad it wasn't.

Just a game and book come to mind for me right now, plus a music album.

Game: Star Control 2

Book: Vacuum Diagrams by Stephen Baxter

Album: Floating World by Anathallo

  • Game: Skyrim
  • TV show: Game of Thrones
  • Book: The Lord of the Rings
  • Movie: The Lord of the Rings

Mass Effect 2

Guild Wars 1 (at the time it was just called Guild Wars)

Edit : both were played on the pc

  • Game: The Outer Wilds and DLC
  • Book: Goosebumps - Night in Terror Tower
  • TV Show: Battlestar Galactica (2003)
  • Movie: Requiem for a Dream

Wheel of Time book series.

Got way into it when I was younger, got them as soon as new ones came out but after re-reading the first like 10 books multiple times and the repetitive descriptions, the long journey just killed it for me before it got more wrapped up in the later books. Still love it when I go to try and reread it, just get flustered out around book 7. Would love to just be able to do the entire run now with that same enthusiasm I had before, like finding a great show with lots of seasons to binge.

Game: Wolfenstein the online part. Cant remember what title, but it was on pc in the 2000s oh it was Amazing Book: Goosebump TV Show: Werner Movie: The perfect storm

Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory

So much fun

Im not sure.i just remember something at a beach, (Normandie) and it was possible to throw a smoke granade to get airstrike. And to take a flag in the bunker... He

I'd love to experience the Mass Effect trilogy for the first time again. Especially since I started with 3 so I already knew the ending when I went back to the other games.

I Saw the TV Glow, I was just talking about not liking that I’ve been desensitized to it a bit.

  • Game: The Witcher 3 (especially Hearts of Stone DLC)
  • Book: The Hobbit
  • TV show: The Dekalog
  • Movie: Mulholland Drive

Game: a tie between Doom 93 and Super Metroid

Book: Different Seasons by Stephen King

TV show: The Sopranos

Movie: a tie between Terminator 2 and Spoorloos

Don't need to, just wait a year and rewatch or play, you'll have forgotten the whole thingπŸ˜‚

Game: Age of Empires II Book: Looking for Alaska Series: Mr Robot Movie: Perks of Being a Wallflower

Game: Halo 3 Book: The Kingkiller Chronicles Movie: Harry Potter series (yes, I hate Rowling, but I can't move on yet) Show: Doctor Who. Been rewatching nuwho with my wife and it's like I've become insatiable for more. Been reading the books, comics, and audio plays. Gonna try Torchwood after

  • Book: The MaddAddam trilogy

  • Game: Yakuza 0

  • TV Show: Twin Peaks

  • Movie: Pee-Wee's Big Adventure

Twin Peaks

Is Twin Peaks suppose to be a slow burn? I have tried it few months ago, the pacing is very slow and eerie. Didn't really catch my attention.