Elon Musk breaks debate silence with bizarre offer to impregnate Taylor Swift

MicroWave@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 511 points –
Unhinged Elon Musk Offers to Impregnate Taylor Swift

Donald Trump’s debate fail appears to have short-circuited the brain of one of his biggest cheerleaders. Elon Musk remained silent while Trump was blowing his first debate with Kamala Harris but issued a bizarre response to Taylor Swift endorsing Harris at the end of the night.


Creepy af

Elon AF

Leon AF

Nahhhh Leon was only in to 12 year old Natalie Portman.

It was a good movie and it's worth pointing out that Leon was not into Matilda because she was 12.

It's a nice bit in the movie, yeah he's a professional killer with virtually no morals but he helped a neighbor kid out when she didn't have anyone else, it almost redeemed him.

I'd have lawyers working full time and a restraining order put on him if I was Swift. That shit is fucking creepy.

Honestly. I feel awful wondering if she'll have an increase of credible threats, cuz she's had stalkers for years I'm sure, but detangling whether it's because she just made the endorsement or if Musk inflamed it would be difficult to prove. Can his one message be taken as a threat on its own, though? It's creepy, but unless he's slid in her dms prior to this I don't think there's a case for anything.

You all are missing the point. It has nothing to do with actually wanting to date/impregnate her. He is so insanely jealous of her and the fact she doesn't have to be a complete edgy tool or buy a whole platform to make people listen to her like he does. It's about taking all of her accomplishments, her fame, her fortune, her following, her talent and negating it by debasing her into nothing but a womb that would jump at the chance to have that human cheesecloth on top of her.

Weird, very weird. Not demure, not mindful.

Bru WHAT they've been trying to saying demure this whole time!? I've heard people pronouncing it as "dimir" this whole time and have been thoroughly confused why everyone on the internet suddenly started referencing random ass magic the gathering lore for the latest slang.

Thank you for typing it out and showing me the way to the truth.

Have you not seen how crazy MTG is lately? Jewish space lasers and the gazpacho? Seems on brand.

He’s the fresh faced ingenue mogul, new to the the social media scene

In case y’all didn’t know, he already has 12 kids… so this might be a credible threat.

12 kids that he claims. There's probably several rape babies out there too

Broer wat afgaan In die land bly in die land

That’s why he’s going to mars. What happens on earth, stays on earth.

I listened to an old radio show where an episode had this line in it. Might’ve been X-1.

Anyway yeah earth is space Vegas that’s why it’s chaotic here.

I feel like it's pretty obvious now that his desire to start a Mars colony is purely an extension of his eugenics tinged breeding kink

Every single day I get a yucky feeling when I remember that people are still using his garbage website/app/platform.

Kinda glad Taylor didn't post her announcement on Twitter.

A bad try at distraction? Also how he handled his daughter... Uuh I guess nobody should EVER be "impregnated" by this asshole.

fortunately, isn't common to get impregnated by the asshole

Swift is too smart for him. She knows he's an immigrant and just wants to get into her place so he can eat her cats.

...are you sure "onion" staff have not invaded?

I hope she moves to another platform and takes her peeps with her.

Leon is a conservative dipshit running a glorified message board for other conservative dipshits.

What's weirdest to me is that he said this about another billionaire. Like it's not any grosser, it's just so... Uncharacteristic of high society?

Like he's the wealthiest man on Earth and he says this about Taylor Swift?

Shows you that money can't bring you anywhere close to happiness I guess.

i would love to see the cagefight of kelce vs musk.. can it be to the death? i feel like that would be a nice finisher

I support to billionaires fighting to the death. Winner takes all. Everything and anything is allowed in the fight. The only rule is that the both billionaires have to be in the ring.

Dumbass wouldnt get within 50 feet of her before her security beat him into the ground

Ah, yes, another completely normal, well-adjusted statement by the man himself.

He said "I will," not "I would" or "I will if you want." He is saying he will act regardless of consent. That's not an offer, it's a threat. Calling it an offer is disinformation.

I think the fear that their children might end up like Elon is the thing persuading many people not to have kids to he first place.

Good. Keep going with the weirdo shit after JD Vance shit the post-debate bed. I'm sure this will really help boost Trump in the polls.


Just think. There's a parallel universe somewhere, where six years ago he just congratulated that diver for rescuing those kids, accepted that his robot needed some work to be useful, and just expressed relief that they'd been bought out alive.

And we're stuck in this fucking one.

Just because everything that can happen, will happen in the multiverse theory, doesn't make this a possibility. This was never on the table - that would just require way too many unlikely particle decay events ;)

No, see, he has a bunch of kids, so maybe he's proposing she adopt one of them.

That's better, right???