Fully Half of Americans Have Tried Marijuana

mwguy@infosec.pub to politics @lemmy.world – 281 points –
Fully Half of Americans Have Tried Marijuana

Story Highlights

  • 50% of U.S. adults say they have experimented with marijuana
  • About one in six Americans (17%) are current users
  • Three in four Americans are concerned about effects on young/teen users

And the other half should. Maybe they’d chill out a little bit.

I know I'm just speaking for myslef, but I'm 100% on board for full legalization, but have 0 interest in the stuff myself. I'm actually partly convinced that the really vocal anti-marijuana folks use/ have used it themselves but have some weird mental idea about it being legal. See also: anti-sex work politicians getting caught with prostitutes, anti-adultery christians getting caught cheating on their spouses, anti-groomer pastors getting caught... well, you know.

I'm not much for forcing things on others, but what if just this once, we hotbox the entire country for one day?

I wish but I shouldn't with my psychosis

That number seems crazy low.

Especially considering about half of the states have legal weed, and non legal states are surrounded by legal states.

It's not as simple as that though. Just because it's legal in Florida for medical, doesn't mean that it's not potentially a problem. If you have a medical license for it and apply for a government job they will probably deny you. Since it's a right to work state, even if it isn't a government job if you fail a drug test they can still fire you.

And we love it

Eh, I tend to not like it anymore, I say as if I didn't have some within arm's reach. I've not actually smoked any in about three months.

My smoking habits have changed a lot as I get older. When I was in college, sure smoke all day. These days maybe before bed or once im done with all my shit for the day. Otherwise it makes me unable to do anything productive.

In the 90’s, I made a bet that we’d get universal healthcare before marijuana legalization. I lost.

If you're in the US you haven't lost yet. Still federally illegal, so you're still breaking federal law in legal States.

It being federally illegal doesn’t really mean much. No one is going to arrest you for it. If it’s legal in your state no one is coming for you.

You cannot cross state lines with it through any means of transportation.

And if it’s legal in that state the local/state cops won’t give a shit.

Least you can smoke about your mistakes.

I used to smoke weed. I still do, but I used to, too.

Over the years, I have done my part to introduce people to THC. First in high school, then a long break. This year, I bought some gummies for the hell of it when I noticed we were walking past a weed shop. My partner tried it for the first time and loved it.

50% seems low to me, but I guess we have a huge elderly population. To my surprise, my father told me that he tried it when his wife's brother offered it. He said he didn't get high. I think he wasn't taught how to properly inhale. But it goes a long way to showing the growing acceptance. He was very anti-drugs when I was growing up.

TLDR: I'm doing my part.

Just my upper half. My lower half is a bit too shy to try it.

All the cool kids are boofing weed.

Don't be a square, put this edible in your butthole.

I've not, but I'm considering it for pain issues

If you're not in a legal state, look into delta-8 products. They're derived from hemp instead of cannabis, so they're legal in most places (in the US, at least), and they contain THC delta-8, which is a very slightly different molecule from the THC found in cannabis. Different enough that it's legal enough to be sold in gas stations and smoke shops.

I find that they tend to have a lot of the pain relief and relaxation effects of normal cannabis, but without nearly as much of the psychoactive components. You can still get high on delta-8 products if you really want to, but it requires a lot more product than regular cannabis to get to that point, so it's not a financially sound way to get high.

You can get delta-8 in a lot of different types of products, from edibles to vape liquids to hemp flower that you basically smoke like regular weed. Personally, I'd recommend the vape products, as they tend to go into effect quickly and it's pretty easy to control your dosage with them.

In my experience it doesn't help with pain nearly as much as people act like it does. But it helps with relaxation and mood. Still better than not having it.

That's fair. Everyone has their own experience. Personally for me if I'm in pain and take some edibles, I am aware there is pain, but my brain doesn't care about it. Certainly an interesting experience IMO

Oh, funny, I just replied to the person above you about this. That's exactly it. It's a 'pain modifier' as my neurologist calls it.

Being in pain and caring less about it is not as good as not being in pain, but it's better than being in pain and it being at the forefront constantly.

Marijuana doesn't help with pain specifically, but some of its other elements like CBD can reduce inflammation by allowing more bloodflow since it relaxes your veins through dilation.

What it does for my nerve disorder is what my neurologist calls pain modification. The pain doesn't go away, you just care about it less.

That is actually less than I expected.

I haven't tried marijuana, because my lungs are precious temples only to be destroyed by industrial pollution tyvm, but I've tried THC.

A lot of people lie about these questions. More are willing to admit it now but it's still lower than I 'd expect.

I tried it once, but I felt nothing. I was already a little drunk, so maybe that was a factor?

I was sober, and I felt nothing my first time, either.

You didn't inhale properly; nobody does their first time. Cause otherwise you would have definitely felt it since alcohol intensifies the high.

Try again. It can take 2-4 attempts before you get the technique down and are able to actually feel something.

I inhaled like I would with an inhaler, and those always worked right (back when I needed them). Regardless, it's been 19 years since I tried it, and I don't see any reason to start something else that's not great for my health.

Iirc inhalers are direct-to-lung, smoking weed is mouth-to-lung. Use your mouth as an antechamber for the smoke and then inhale it down with fresh air, hold for 5-7sec, exhale, repeat if necessary (don't over do it, can always smoke more, can't unsmoke that last hit.)

It also isn't that unhealthy. And if you vape or eat it instead it isn't really any unhealthy. As for "why" only you could answer that, you do you, I'm just spreading info.

The vape/edible argument is a good point, and I would be open to trying it that way if I could legally get out in my state.

Smoking MJ drunk gave me the worst hangovers and no additional high. Can't recommend.

I’ve never tried it, but honestly that’s just because I haven’t got a clue where to look, lol.

Go around back your local Outback/Applebees/Chili's about 10 minutes after close. Find the guy smoking the cigarette with long hair and ask if he listens to Electric Wizard. The rest will come naturally

Hell, I can't even have marijuana products for medical reasons and even I have (accidentally) tried an edible.

I don't know much about weed and stuff, but I hated that particular edible since it made me sleep the rest of the day away.

1 in 6 is a little shocking.

I know a lot of people who would use it if their jobs didn't test. Would be considerably higher if not for workplace drug testing.

I can believe this. I see jobs for like $12 an hr that requires a drug test and a background check. Definitely been lucky enough to not have to go through it, or have anyone care if I did.

I'm currently in an area of Washington where there's a McDonald's in a cannabis shop.

It's in-your-face legal here

Though I'm about to start my own homestead someplace, so your advice is SUPER useful. Thank you for taking the time to write that out.

America, land of degenerates

Hey, just because they haven't tried it doesn't make them degenerates.

If religion is the opium of the masses, i wonder what actual drugs are...

Marijuana isn't an opoid. That's an actual classification of drugs. Equating Mary J to Opioids is like equating grape juice to whiskey.

That is an arbitrary classification. Call it what you want, it still is a substance that heavily alters one's mind and has no real use outside of medical use, and as such must be banned outside of medical use. There is no argument for recreational drugs of any sort, and before you say it, yes this applies to alcohol too.

You must be fun at parties...

It's an arbitrary classification that you brought up...

There is no argument for recreational drugs of any sort, and before you say it, yes this applies to alcohol too.

That's objectively untrue. Not only is it stupid when you think about it for like 45s, but just because it's an argument you might not accept doesn't mean there isn't an argument for it. Additionally, the current system (in the US) does exactly that. It schedules those mind altering drugs based on their medical applications.

If you want to go down that road, then every classification is arbitrary as there is no definition of drugs sent down from the heavens. In any case this is just sophistry, call it what you want, it is irrelevant. The point still stands, it is a heavily mind altering substance that has no benefits when used recreationally (this is the point of the word recreational), and as such must be banned.

The point still stands, it is a heavily mind altering substance that has no benefits when used recreationally (this is the point of the word recreational), and as such must be banned.

What? How does that point stand? That logic is heavily mastubatory at best. Most recreational activities have "no benefits" beyond the recreation itself. Banning them isn't the answer.

Banning a common activity is itself harmful. The decrease on organized crime in states that have legalized should be proof enough that the ban just doesn't fit our society.

Most recreational activies are productive and serve a purpose other than mindless pleasure, be it reading, exercising, creative projects or other such activites. Recreational drug use serves no such purpose and only exists to numb one's mind from the outside world, and likely their troubles, this fact just is covered by pretty words about "relaxation" and such.

Banning a substance (with strategic eye of course, for example a total immediate ban on alcohol would cause more problems than it would solve, a incremental ban is better in this case) that complements this behaviour also discourages this behaviour, as no-one who isn't addicted to the substance will take the risk of procuring it illegally. And the ones who are addicted obviously require medical care.

The decrease of organised crime in drug trade is no argument, one could argue that murder should be legal since the amount of convicted murderers goes down if it is legalised. Not to mention how the ban on certain drugs in America isn't designed to lower the usage of drugs to begin with, rather simply profit off it in various ways.

as no-one who isn't addicted to the substance will take the risk of procuring it illegally. And the ones who are addicted obviously require medical care.

More mastubatory logic there. If that were true, there would be no users of a product withing a generation of banning it.

The decrease of organised crime in drug trade is no argument, one could argue that murder should be legal since the amount of convicted murderers goes down if it is legalised.

If murders only harmed the murderer that might be the case. The use of drugs is nominally victimless. And the only decision we need to make about a popular product in a free society is do we want CVS or Walmart selling it or organized crime.

Not to mention how the ban on certain drugs in America isn't designed to lower the usage of drugs to begin with, rather simply profit off it in various ways.

It has had that effect though.

Recreational drug use serves no such purpose and only exists to numb one's mind from the outside world, and likely their troubles, this fact just is covered by pretty words about "relaxation" and such.

Many leisure activities serve no immediate purpose other than relaxation. I see you've ignored the socialization aspect of recreational drugs and their effects on the various arts too.

Also only half the drugs roughly "numb ones mind." Those are downers. Uppers increase brain activity.

I did say that anyone not addicted wouldn't procure substances illegally, not everyone with a drug problem seeks medical help you know.

The use of drugs is nominally victimless.

It is not, society itself is the victim as the drug user is wasting their potential and time on drugs instead of something productive. Not to mention the wasted effort and resources on producing the drugs and dealing with trouble users.

Many leisure activities serve no immediate purpose other than relaxation.

And many such activities ultimately are harmfull and defending them is a result of one's lack of self-discipline and lazyness.

I see you’ve ignored the socialization aspect of recreational drugs and their effects on the various arts too.

Both unnecessary, if one needs drugs to socialize, they need to seek medical help.

Uppers increase brain activity.

And typically have detrimental effects on the individual. There are risks and no benefits, therefor, ban.

society itself is the victim

So victimless. That's the definition.

and defending them is a result of one's lack of self-discipline and lazyness.

Is it? It is it just reasonable to realize that millions of years of mamillian evolution have led to leisure as normal a part of the species.

no benefits,

Uppers increase brain activity.


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