I feel superior

Hofmaimaier@feddit.de to Lemmy Shitpost@lemmy.world – 1716 points –

Besides the amount of content (and the occasional server issues) on Lemmy I haven't missed anything about Reddit after switching.

that content keeps me coming back as an unregistered lurker and for much longer than all of the fediverse instances combined.

Reddit has been no stranger to server issues, remember. Honestly lemmy.ca has been more reliable than reddit...

For me, the only feeling better than dumping Reddit a month or so ago has been when I ditched Facebook years ago.

Well with Facebook for me it was more like a slow decline until I only used it for things I "have" to use it for. Whereas Reddit was a brutal, one day to the next cold turkey kind of thing.

The only thing I miss about FB was the Birthday reminders.

For anyone I care about, I set a yearly reminder on my phone. Works a treat!

Same here. Just dropped it, no questions. Went back to clear out any comments and useful saves … realized I didn’t miss it all

I ditched Facebook in 2017, the same time I got a Reddit account. Now I got Lemmy when I left Reddit.

I dumped FB after George Floyd. The stupidity of some people was just too much. I had Reddit but there is something to anonymity. I think I pay more attention to the content of the comments. I dunno. Maybe it's me.

Are you on linux yet?

Have you switched to Firefox for privacy? Sold your gas guzzler and started biking so you aren't climate changing? Canceled Netflix, Facebook, Google, and Xed Twitter so you aren't ripped off? Installed bidets so you aren't killing trees to wipe your shit?

I'm unimpressed.

Still love my car, but public transit for commute is the way. Die the rest, actually yeah, apart from the bidet. I saw that on Reddit all the time too, maybe it really is such a life changer. Did you know they are really cheap and can be bought as add-ons to your existing toilet?

I am glad people are ditching reddit too but we don't need to jerk ourselves off about it

Speak for yourself. If you don't want in on the circle jerk you can leave

One real effect of leaving Reddit is I spend so much less time on my phone. I love that. Part of it is because my favorite communities haven't come over to Lemmy, which I don't love.

Reading Lemmy is like a newspaper. After 20-30 min you are kind of finished with the days posts.

That’s a nice thing for me so far. Instead of endless hours wasted, it’s a little peek here and there. See some news, enjoy some memes, and move on.

I went back to comment on a few posts a week ago before remembering how hostile a lot of the community and moderators are

Welcome to the banned club

Not even banned I'd just get my comments occasionally removed for linking a mobile link, the wrong wiki, or a video example of what I was talking about

Damn they sure went Germany(1933-1945) after the fuck spez thing

I feel like the micro managing power tripping Reddit mod has always been a stereotype. The only difference now is a lot of the moderators that seemed a bit more sensible left and I don't think the idea of a "power mod" can really translate to Lemmy considering how it's decentralized

A small number of them have tried, but quickly stfu when it was pointed out to them that they have zero standing here.

I got into it a few weeks ago here on Lemmy.world with some asshole using the same username as he does on Reddit, a mod of 39 subs, when he started lazily regurging all the reasons why Reddit's decisions are delightfully benign and good and to be celebrated . . . yeah, I wasn't having that, except here there is no one who cares about Reddit admin enough to shut me up.

Funny thing, he ended up getting all his Lemmy posts modded the same day. And not just with me: when I looked at the modlog he'd gotten into it that same day with someone in every single Lemmy thread he'd posted to. I haven't looked again but my guess is that he either created a new Lemmy account with a different name or just shut the fuck up and went back home to Reddit like a good serf.

Also, there have been a few rumors about various mods of Reddit subs demanding that popular federation communities of the same name be handed over to their control as well by the admins of an instance, claiming "ownership" and throwing out some non-specific threats to make that happen, but then when that didn't work out for them (I guess when the uproarious howls of derisive laughter finally stopped) they stfu too and presumably crawled back into their Reddit holes as well.

I love watching stupid, self-important fools get escorted rapidly and with force back into their own lane.

Lol I still check it on PC sometimes but Lemmy has completely replaced it on mobile for me.

Same. I still have pangs of grief over doomscrolling reddit (via Boost, RIP) and getting lost in nonsense like best of redditor updates.

That said, I spend WAY less time on my phone now, which is definitely a healthy thing

Same here. I just hope more people will eventually come to create and take part in communities

It feels good. The atmosphere is so much better here, even if the content is slower.

I wasn't a poster on reddit, but I'm motivated to contribute to the posts here, especially to niche communities I enjoy when I find them.

I left Reddit, the second I learned what was happening. Haven't looked back

Image Transcription:

A scene from The Twilight Saga: New Moon showing three vampires, Caius, Aro, and Marcus, in gold-brown Rococo era garb looking judgmentally down their noses at the viewer. Above the image is the caption: What I look like, because I haven't been browsing Reddit for over a month.

[I am a human, if I’ve made a mistake please let me know. Please consider providing alt-text for ease of use. Thank you. 💜]

What the hell, this pic is from twilight? Cant speak for the rest of the movies but this pic goes hard. Might singlehandedly convince me to watch the movies, just to see the context of this image, if not for anything else.

The books have a few very interesting ideas, like the leader vampire society that feasts on whole tourist groups. Or a vampire during the civil war. Unfortunately, it's mostly fluff and never expanded upon.

Those guys are like the leaders of the vampires. They live in Brazil and make the rules and and they punish any one who breaks them

They can't be Brazilian. There are no soccer shirts, flares and big breasted carnivale women.

Good human.

Btw, I was a member of r/transcribers. Is there a big enough community in here already?

I'm not aware of an official community, but you're welcome to transcribe images you come across if they haven't already been done. It seems more common for people to transcribe their own images here on Lemmy, which is nice.

Haven't logged in on Reddit for a while. It feels good not to doomscroll for hours a day. Lemmy is less addicting and less time-wasting and actually has valuable comments whereas Reddit's comment section is mostly pure garbage that I feel compelled to upvote (probably my compulsive tendencies though). But I still use Reddit to search up stuff, however on Old Reddit I think they added a feature where they put recommended posts IN THE COMMENT SECTION and you have to scroll for a while to access the other comments. Idk if that's new or it's something I just noticed but that's such an asshole design.

Does it count if I only dipped in because the answer to a question i needed was only on reddit? I was there for like 2 seconds.

I don't post in Reddit, but if a Google search takes me there, I'm not gonna ignore it. I have contempt for Reddit and the spez/the people who run the site, but not for our fellow users.

EH, nothing wrong with reddit, the entire exodus was stupid for the average shmuck to care about.

Reddit is going into the shitter for other reasons, like being dominated by upvote bots. Usually ran by some intern at some corporation that's posting an AD disguised as content. THIS is what the fucking spineless MODS should have been up against, but they weren't.

I caved. I went back and created a new account in place of the one I deleted. Lemmy is content light at the moment.

I feel ashamed.

I know what you mean, but I've been trying to branch out into more direct media. Things like webcomics, or The Onion. I might even start reading actual gaming news sites that I like instead of getting it all second hand from Reddit.

It's definitely left a gap, but sometimes it's good to move on.