Lemmy.World Minecraft Server Announcement

lwadmin@lemmy.worldmod to Lemmy.World Announcements@lemmy.world – 764 points –

Join the Adventure on the official Lemmy.world Minecraft Server!

Calling all Minecraft adventurers and builders! We're thrilled to invite you to embark on an incredible journey on the lemmy.world Minecraft Server. Get ready for an immersive experience like no other, where creativity knows no bounds, and the possibilities are endless.

Minecraft Version: 1.20.x
Address: minecraft.lemmy.world

You can ask questions, request features, share your stories on the discord, matrix and in the official lemmy community

The Server has some rules

Other info:

Server FAQ: https://lemmy.world/post/5467019

Server Info: https://lemmy.world/post/5468646


? This seems random but nice

We wanted to make something like this for a long time ;) Just lately we had time for it.

As you will probably see and guess it is aiming for a relaxed environment and less pvp focused.

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Oh I'd love to participate, but where do I get the time from? 😭

I will sell you time! It's like not worth it though. I charge $65/hr

I'll be getting the pocket edition and participate from work... maybe sometimes. lol

fyi, minecraft java edition (what this server is) and every single other version of minecraft are completely different games and they are not cross compatible.

i see that you're a lemmy.world admin but i'm just making sure you know lmao

What is the average age on this instance? Maybe I was too old already when Minecraft came out, but I thought it was a game for 10 year olds.

44 and I play with my 9 year old 🫡

Hi5! I'm 45 and I have played MC from the beginning, still play it more than any other game. Now my little kids play it with me and it's their favorite too.

Me and my army buddies all discovered the alpha version of Minecraft in 2011 while deployed in Afghanistan. One of our Intel guys brought it back on an external drive from R&R and we all installed it on our laptops. Soon, the entire camp was playing it when off shift, including old, crusty infantry platoon sergeants. It's an ageless, timeless kind of game. Like someone else said, it's like building stuff with Legos.

it's like building stuff with Legos.

I got Minecraft when it was still in beta, for exactly that reason. I was in college, I had some free time, and I liked messing around with the demo - it reminded me of all of the fun I had playing with Legos as a kid. I think it cost me maybe $15?

Now, a decade later, I still play it fairly often, and given all of the content that's come out since then, it might be the most worthwhile $15 I've ever spent.

I'm 40. Minecraft is so good. I play harbored games mostly like Elite Dangerous and a ton of RTS or FPS games. Minecraft is different but it's magic.

I'm 50. But my kids of 9 and 10 are also on the server.

If it was a game for 10 years old, and it's been 10 years from release, then we get 20 years olds :) Also its like Lego, anyone can enjoy it

Damn, I feel like a child, being 18 and all, so many 40+ people here haha

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I can't fucking believe people are just allowed to swear up in this bitch. Gone are the good ol days when a motherfucker was safe from the shitty reality of the world and it's fucking pottymouth when they logged into a Minecraft server....

Nice. I'd kinda like to see games like Minecraft become more like the Fediverse, where you could walk between worlds hosted on different servers in-game

I'm pretty sure server connections themselves are mostly P2P so that would be difficult, might be doable though since there are plugins to allow hopping between multiple worlds on a single server but that's very different than hopping between multiple servers.

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Been quite busy with work recently, hopefully I remember this server in a weeks time

I played minecraft with people on that other site, after they invited me to the 100somethingClub. And then some guy who told me he was high on cocaine kept greifing me for no reason.

the public server experience. If you don't encounter someone high out of their gourds, you haven't played enough.

That's usually me lol. I don't tend to be an asshole though griefing is annoying as hell

Is there an open source option to Minecraft? Some of the latest decisions Microsoft has been taking with it have been quite anti-consumer.

Yes there is, it's called Mintest!

Minetest is an opensource voxel game engine. The minecraft-like game made with that engine is called Mineclone2.

There's minetest, but don't expect compatibility with Minecraft servers.

What decisions? Legit question, it's been a while since I last played.

Forcing migration to Microsoft account and the deleting Mojang accounts, forcing chat reporting in all servers along Mojang's rules, even servers not hosted by Mojang, banning 'mature' themed servers - and more

How does chst reporting work if Microsoft isnt running the server?

It's done both on the server and client side, using signatures and block chain, something like that. There's videos you'll find online that explain it much better than my 2c would, and I'd imagine wiki.vg would have it documented in detail if it's still maintained.

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Any mod (packs)?

Nope, not for now but in the faaaaar future possibly

Thanks. Not the answer I was hoping for, but I appreciate the response.

Can't wait to check it out! It's been a hot minute since I've played with others on Minecraft

This is a great idea 👍

Nice work! I look forward to checking it out very soon.

I haven’t played in a long long time, so I can’t recommend something specific, but any plans to add one of those experience-based progression mods? It might help people identify more trustworthy players long term.

Really a missed opportunity to not run and promote a Minetest server (with Mineclone2 or similar).

You are absolutely right. I don't even have a microsoft account so good luck with playing minecraft...

So a Microsoft amount is free, yeah...?

Yeah I'd better not pay with my data. No seriously, why do I need to have a microsoft account to join a random server? I prefer Minetest's approach where you have a separate login per server. Yes it may be a bit more arduous but in the end I dont play on more than 4 servers max.

This sounds fun! Can't wait to make some map art and tunes in there!!

Anyone know how big world border is?

Is the server going to be accessible to people who play on TLauncher or other cracked minecraft launchers?

Edit: ok, as long as the game is not owned by some evil company.

Changed my mind a bit. God damn Microsoft suck a shit company. Keep your money and pirate minecraft

I mean since it's Microsoft now it's not really a big deal, also after they introduced the chat reporting featu6 which was (and still is to an extent) easy to abuse by malicious actors.

I know that debates about chat reporting tend to get very ugly and hostile so I'll just link to videos explaining the problem, rather than dive into a heated debate (I won't debate with people, and I certainly won't respond to ad-hominems or baseless accusations).

Video 1

Video 2

Video 3

(Not YewTube or piped links, sorry)

Though I will say running a cracked or Offline server is much harder and requires more effort and using an Alternate Service like ely.by to authenticate users means it's harder for people to join, so I know why most people aren't committed to doing it. It's either too much effort or way too limiting.

I bought both minecraft version on PC, but I use TL launcher, I prefer it to the main one.

re-edit: just use Prism Launcher, that's where the polyMC's devs went to. old comment:

there is that one other launcher... eeeh can't remember the name right now it's polymc . but it's basically as good as the official one as far as connecting to server goes.

PolyMC has a toxic lead dev. Google it to learn more. PrismLauncher forked from it about a year ago taking nearly all the active devs, and it remains my favorite launcher of all those I've used.

Fuck PolyMC.

PolyMC is great, has easy access to Mods, Offline mode (No Account), and separates versions into separate .minecraft folders called instances, very useful if you want to load up and play older versions.

Only downside is some issues with Music Playing and World Icons not saving correctly.

Do we need a Mojang account?

Isn't microsoft and mojang merged now?

Yes. I ignored all their emails so probably lost my license from alpha lol.

The cutoff for migrating was only a few days ago actually.. I think they've somewhat extended it so if you want to keep what you've paid for, I'd strongly suggest looking into migrating.

If you don't have access to the email linked though, good luck..

I'm excited! But why not Minetest? :p

Because of convinience :) and moderation tools + plugins available + performance/stability.

True... the trouble with open source is that nobody's getting paid to add features you want, huh.

The thing is either we do like 10-12 months of hard fucking coding courses to program in minetest or we just use minecraft within 2 days with the same or even better results.

Sounds great! I'd love to join if I was still playing.

Cool idea.

On the topic of FOSS, and promoting it, could we possibly get a MineClone2 server hosted, please?

We set up a community here and favour it over reddit: !mineclone2@lemmy.world (edited in proper URL)

If anyone is curious: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5aHym2jUB1M

AncientMariner, MineClone2 Maintainer

Appreciate it, but why not Minetest? It is open source and more customizable than Minecraft.

It's a completely different game lol. It's like announcing a chess tournament and saying why not minesweeper.

I swear the most annoying part of lemmy are the people who think all open source options are better than all closed source.

Then why do you prefer Lemmy over Reddit?

Because it's not Reddit, and is active enough.

In terms of content Lemmy is definitely inferior to Reddit. So it is, it's not very old and not very large compared to Reddit. But because of Reddit's decisions, I'm here instead of there.

I think you should make an effort to use open source whenever possible, even if it's the inferior option. I don't believe this out of any ethical or moral obligation - it's purely selfish reasons. Any proprietary code that runs on your hardware is something you don't control. For example, we really have no idea what kind of telemetry Microsoft put into Minecraft.

You are essentially taking your hardware - something you physically own and belongs to you - and turning it into a mechanism for advancing the interests of a megacorporation. Me personally, I prefer my hardware to benefit me and me alone. I don't want it sending data home to Microsoft so they can feed their AI models at my cost.

The more proprietary software you run, the less and less you actually own your computer.

Not necessarily, there is MineClone2... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5aHym2jUB1M

That's cool and all, but nobody is gonna play that over Minecraft lol

You're on Lemmy here. There is many people who actually care about privacy and telemetry doesn't sit well with them. Many have been put off by the recent direction.

We're talking about video games here. Nobody is going to take you seriously when you are going to try and convince people that game is the foss Minecraft killer. Good job downvoting me on a week old post though.

I'm not trying to convince folk at all. I'm stating a fact that many prefer it because of it being FOSS. I don't think anyone could ever persuade you of anything. Btw, Karma doesn't exist here. That and your toxic attitude are better found on reddit.

Yeah I don't know who this "many people" are lol. Also nice projecting.

Only downloaded over 300k times: https://content.minetest.net/packages/Wuzzy/mineclone2/

Multiplayer servers have between 20-40 on it most days. So usually can find people to play with. Quite a number enjoy the game. Obviously not on the level of MC. They're a lot bigger with far more resources, but it's a pretty solid game. It's always special when people give up their free time to make the world better rather than tear things down ;).

How about instead of a Minecraft server, you do your own version of r/PAN instead? That was one of the only good things to come out of reddit and I miss it dearly.

Hosting a Minecraft server is an immensely easier task than implementing a livestream service, lol

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