Which is your favorite Lemmy app?

A Cool Dude@lemmy.ml to Asklemmy@lemmy.ml – 85 points –

Voyager. Closest (so far) to Apollo UI.

Apollo is dead, right?

Yea, sadly. You can open the app to hear some music and get a link to the merch store. It also unlocks an extra in the developer’s other app, pixel pals. But no browsing


Boost has been my go to for Reddit, and now also for Lemmy. Best app ever.

just wanted to point out how amazing it is to have so many high quality choices for Lemmy apps when theres only 40,000 active monthly users! And how the uptime has improved over the last month..

Sync for Lemmy is my daily-driver, but I also use the pwa (Voyager/wefwef), Liftoff, and Connect.

Yep, 4 apps for browsing Lemmy with, and I love them all for different reasons. I've used Sync for years and had no problem paying to get rid of ads - so many hours of entertainment have been facilitated by Sync, and I appreciate that enough to pay for it.

What's the differences between them that causes you to use 4? I personally use liftoff myself

Nothing super dramatic, honestly. I'm really happy with the level of polish/finish in S4L, and the rate of releases that the dev has been keeping up since moving to Lemmy. I really didn't use reddit without Sync (or RES if on PC), so it just feels right given how similar the platforms are. Sometimes I just want to change it up without spending any time in settings menus.

Also, sometimes I just feel like looking at the vaporwave-dark theme in the Voyager pwa. I haven't used Liftoff much since Sync came out, but I did a lot of app-hopping when I first got here and I guess the habit stuck!

Sync, I've used it for years on reddit and am quite used to it.

Liftoff. Just a plain, minimal, and stable experience.

Same, I settled on liftoff. Had Jeroba, Connect and Liftoff when I first migrated over but like Liftoff the best.

Jerboa is still my choice. Thunder is good but is slow at times, I used to be Infinity for Reddit user but I've become enamored with MD3.

Jerboa, fits me so far.

Me too, such a great app. I tried others and were not good for me.

I tried it back in June but it seemed like it was down every other day. I switched to Connect and haven't had any issues, so I've stuck with it. I'm glad to hear Jerboa recovered because it was a nice experience when it would work.

Boost. Loved it when I was still using reddit. Am really happy to be able to use it again for Lemmy.

Boost just dropped so I'm giving that an honest try, so far it seems great. Connect is the alternative I've been using for some time.

Boost is a lot smoother, which makes sense since it's had years to mature, but it's missing some Lemmy specific features still. Connect has the features, but it's less polished.

Both are likely to improve more, and I'll likely use Boost moving forward, but I do have some concerns about if the ads trackers go away when I pay to remove them

Sync for now, I'll give Boost a shot when it's 1.0.

Boost! As an avid Boost for Reddit user, this feels like coming home.

So glad the Dev was able to get this up and running as fast as they did, immediately paid for the upgrade.

Jerboa is a great choice as well, was using that for a bit

Currently Summit because it is the only app that supports mod actions (that I know of). The dev also implemented some of my suggestions and I'm still happy about that, so I'm biased.

Otherwise I like the simplicity of Jerboa.

Using Connect for now and it's working well for me

Been using it a couple of months, think I'll stick with it as long as I am on lemmy

Connect. I have jerboa and sync installed but the regex filters in connect are are a killer feature and I'm quite happy with the app

Same. I've switched to it when starting with Lemmy and it's been a great app. To me the UI is preferable to Jerboa and Sync. I used to use Baconreader for Reddit and Connect feels kinda similar.

I oscillate between Mlem and Avelon these days as they are both native SwiftUI apps.

What about Voyager?

Voyager is one of the very few I hadn’t yet tried. I got it after seeing your message… is this Apollo?!? Because it looks and smells like it hahah. I’ve switched to it now. Thanks.

It is inspired by Apollo yes. And it is also my favorite one 😎

Eternity. I feel like not many people know about it, which is a shame - it's the most polished open source Lemmy app (haven't tried the ad-ridden spying ones, can't compare with them).

Boost. Was my favorite for years on the other platform, very happy to see it launched here

Boost. Since the app dropped a few days ago I've been using Lemmy as much as I never did.

Eternity - The new name of Infinity for Lemmy, which is a fork from Infinity for Reddit.

I even have imported my settings from the original.

I use Jerboa as well as my main lemmy client (Voyager being the stand by). I like the vintage feel of Jerboa, at the same time can't deny the fact that Jerboa is the oldest and battle-tested client among all.

The only thing Jerboa is missing is a complete search functionality (currently it just searches for communities).

As soon as the capability to search for posts and communities (IIRC a bug was raised in Jan 2022 for this by dessalines himself) - Jerboa will arguably be the best lemmy app around.

Jerboa is also missing what I consider a necessary and basic feature of setting a default comment sort. If you want to see comments sorted by top then you have to make 2 extra clicks in every post you click into, it's extremely frustrating.

I like Jerboa, and I've even donated to them, but it's unusable in the current state. If you don't care about changing comment sorting, I guess it's fine, but I do.


One other thing that Jerboa has but very few other apps do - is the ability to automatically retrieve and put in the header of an article when you are about to post a URL of that article. IMO this is a basic feature that every app should have.

I still donate to Jerboa but I don't use it.

Too many bugs started popping up for me after code contributions flooded in, to the extent where the UI is not really navigatable on my device if the app is open for a few mins. That and the lag when scrolling comments, which I haven't experienced in other apps.

Occasionally I check on it once in a while, but I no longer enjoy using it as much as I did previously

Memmy. I tried a bunch, but Memmy is the one I kept coming back to.

I am testing out voyager as memmy keeps stopping working, but yeah, if memmy didn't keep crashing, would agree.

Voyager is the best one for sure

Only had Voyager crash once. Much better so far.

My only complaint is that I would really like to see user’s avatars.

I use liftoff. I like that voting and images/like are all on the right side for one-handed scrolling. Tried boost but could not get it to work the same.

Eternity. Same interface as my favorite Reddit app - infinity

That was my favorite app, I need to get that asap.

Boost! So glad it's back as a Lemmy app!

Mlem. I miss Apollo dearly, and used Voyager for a bit, but while it's faithfully aped the UI you can feel that it's mobile in a way I just can't stand--it's sludgy and just subtly off. Mlem is snappy and feels at home on an iPhone in the same way Apollo did, even if it's still a little rough around the edges.

do any of the lemmy apps handle hexbears emotes well yet?? if not, I’ll stick to the good ol’ firefox

::: spoiler spoilered emoji you can expand to test if a mobile app handles emotes well yet sicko-orca trans-egg rat-salute-2 :::

The emotes work on boost, but the ::: spoiler tag ::: didn't!

Mind you, I added the tag to this comment and it didn't display, so possibly a bug :)

Well, the spoiler tags work in Connect, but the emojis did not. The emojis work in Liftoff and Sync, but the spoiler tags did not. Both worked in the Voyager/pwa. (This is one of the things I use 4 apps because of.)

I use the progressive web app version and it's all I need. the only thing i dont like is that you can no longer pull down on a post to refresh the comments. some time ago this worked but it doesn't anymore.

Periodically try different ones cos I am a man-child but have settled on Voyager for a long time now and always come back to it.

That's probably why I have 4 installed rn - because you're a man-child (j/k, obviously it's because I'm a ...lady-child?)

α••( ᐛ )α•—

I love that happy wee face on the ascii art you have there!

It was mlmym but then mlmym.org shut down. Too bad lemmy.ml doesn't run it under the old.lemmy.ml like some other instances do. I don't want to move instances and lose my history to get it back and I don't want to trust random third party ones. Maybe I should self host it at some point.

I downloaded Jerboa during the Reddit exodus, was the first Lemmy app I downloaded and I still use it. Never had any kind of problem!