Subreddits you are going to miss? to Lemmy.World – 191 points –

I'm going to miss AITA. Even if someone makes it a community, it will take a long time to populate.


Honestly, I think the more reliable curated information will be what I miss the most. I almost always append a Google search with "Reddit" - because the information and format are so much more reliable than the bot populated garbage sites.

Also, niche porn subs. šŸ«”

I literally add "reddit" to the end of a search all the time...thought I was the only one

I think we all learned to do that eventually. It's like losing an encyclopedia

Already today I've made probably 15 Google searches with the "reddit" suffix only to be met with privated subreddits. It's a grim feeling, considering my undying support for sticking it to Reddit rn. It kind of feels like passing by the place old restaurant that was always nasty and unhygenic yet had delicious nostalgic food, and remembering that the place eventually closed down and you won't get that experience anymore.

I think ChatGPT is going to mean Reddit and similar sites will also become bot populated garbage. There was just now a major problem with this in /r/programming.

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/r/AskHistorians - ruthlessly and efficiently moderated, but every single post a fascinating read. I should msg Zukhov to see if he wants to move ship to /c/AskHistorians.

That would be amazing if the current AskHistorians team moved here. It's legitimately one of the best run subs.

Effectively migrating entire subs is an excellent strategy

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Cmon lemmy, tell us you have a PR team that is actively seeking out the good mods over there

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Really going to miss my local subreddit.

We had a weekly rant thread and it was funny just seeing neighbors talk smack or bitch about silly little things.

For sure. My small city sub was hilarious. Always people asking "anyone know why there's a helicopter flying over our city?!"

Ours was "Did you hear that noise??"

Between that and "OMG is that gunfire?!" when it's OBVIOUSLY a firework. What with the bright explosion and the fact that people don't usually skip handgun firing and jump straight to grenade launching mortars.

Ours was "Did you hear that noise??"

That sounds just like r/SaltLakeCity

"Anyone else see those lights in the sky?"

"Visiting soon! Any recommendations?"

"Is [broad area] safe?"

Why not just start it here in Lemmy? I did for my City and a few people have already started to trickle in without any sort of advertising. The memes have already started to flow!

I was just trying to think of what I'd miss the most when I saw this. Yep, hands down it'll be my local sub. We're one of the smaller cities in my country which meant the sub reflected the quirks and experience of day to day life quite accurately.

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Iā€™m really worried for those who use third party apps and depend on r/stopdrinking. That community single-handedly helped me get sober.

I fear that someone who is on the brink of breaking sobriety and wants to reach out on r/stopdrinking, not being able to access it from the app they normally use would be just enough of a hurdle for them to give in and start drinking again.

Makes me really sad to think about since it can be a dark place and the people there are so genuinely caring.

there was a quote from a reddit exec recently about how awful it was that people were 'sharing things that they wouldn't even say in therapy' which were going un-monetized. sick, sick people

i subbed to lots of mental health subs which were invaluable in the last 10 years. 1.5yrs sober as well. hope lemmy is a good alt; hopefully there won't be any automod bullshit, like towards the end i couldn't even get a post through in /r/depression, i mean my god

inb4 Reddit placing targeted ads about beer on /r/stopdrinking.

This is a thing already, I almost never get alcohol ads until I post about trying to be sober.

This is the subreddit I'll miss most. I'm at about 120 days after 20 years of drinking because of the people in that sub inspiring me. I would start a similar community here but I don't really feel like I could handle running something like that.

Congrats on 120 days! It will be two years on July 8 for me.

I had the same thought about spinning one up here. Iā€™m not sure Iā€™d be capable of running a community like that especially with how much of a tight ship theyā€™ve got running.

I wonder if it would be worth posting and asking about it there or DMā€™ing a mod perhaps. Maybe Iā€™ll give that a go.

I say start the community, and make a post welcoming arriving redditors, letting them know you don't have moderators yet, to please offer if they can help, but that they have found their community gathering place and it's gonna be OK.

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r/AskHistorians. I don't think a sub like that can just be remade out of nowhere

I mostly will miss being able to google something and adding "reddit" to my search to search for public opinion on day to day issues and problems.

This is probably one of the biggest losses. Reddit was my go-to for finding actual answers to questions I had. Without it, you end up with nothing but sponsored articles that don't really answer the question.

That's an easy problem to solve. When I was 10 and went on a family holiday trip to Advertisistan, I first came into contact with the awesome concept that is Buythiscrap. It is a very sophisticated process, but my parents, who were born in a time where lead was still a perfectly fine additive to gasoline, taught me well during the stay.

Before I remembered the the concept of Buythiscrap, I had the same problems as you, but when looking through the holiday pictures from Scammyphotobooks, which has a really amazing software to work with, the concept came back to me.

There are 3 different solutions to solve your problem, but each of them is easy to shop and has its own shipping costs.

1st solution: Use the first add on Google

If you apply Buythiscrap correctly, you should reward the company that paid Google the most to be on top of the search. Better yet, buy some products you don't even need with the low quality garbage they want to sell you.

2nd solution: Use the second add on Google As an alternative, you can also click on sponsored content nr. 2, as they also paid a great deal to be up there. And we from Buythiscrap really appreciate when companies pay for their products to be shoved down your throat.

3rd solution Scroll down to the Garbagefilledwithpops blog post, where for every three lines, there is an auto play video of unrelated topics and product, and every half a page of scrolling, you are presented with a aesthetically pleasing pop up add that includes a riddle to close it. Remember to sign up for their newsletter, as they will kindly distribute your personal information to companies that take good care of your data and send you relevant product offers.

If you are not convinced of Buythiscrap by now, try to check out these amazing alternatives:

  • Moneyforbillionaires
  • Yourdataisfreeforall
  • Organfarm
  • Prince Bank of Nigeria

*ad is short for advertisement

add = +

ADD isn't a thing anymore, it's all ADHD now.


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Before this entire fiasco, I didnā€™t even realise googling ā€œ____ Redditā€ was such a global phenomenon. But I also didnā€™t realise just how much I relied on these surprisingly specific answers to just about everything until now that itā€™s gone. Damnā€¦ Iā€™ll miss it.

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all of the weird, super-specific cute pages. illegallysmolcats, illegallysmoldogs, airplaneears, attackeyes, puppybellies, oneorangebraincell, stealthbombers, scrunge, peanutwhiskers, toebeans, whatswrongwithyourcat, crabcats, huskytantrums.

I... may have an addiction.

Me too! I had a collection of them (multireddit maybe?) and liked to look at them with my 4 year old. I loved those

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r/cancer It was a nice space to find support of other people going through what I'm going through.

I have created a community here (its called cancer just like the subreddit), all we need is more people. You are not alone

I tried to find your community and it didn't come up in my search. Not sure if I'm doing something wrong or if there is something wrong with the community

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Aw, shit, sorry to hear you're going through that hell. Lost my left nut at 19 to that bastard. Obligatory fuck cancer. Rooting for you! Here's hoping a similar community crops up here soon.

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I'll miss clicking Top of All Time in all subreddits. In here I have to wait YEARS before I can find the Top of All Time content.

For real! Finding a new sub and putting it to the All Time test was always a treat.

/r/history heavily moderated and has actual historical experts answering questions and has a big library of already answered questions.

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I'm going to miss many of them, I'm a real reddit junkie. But I'm leaving tonight and don't expect to be back.

Most missed: Witches vs. Patriarchy. Can't seem to find a lemmy equivalent.

Edit: my first comment!

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Not a subreddit, exactly, but I'm going to miss /u/poem_for_your_sprog and /u/Schnoodle_Doodle_Do. They made browsing so much better - I loved unexpectedly coming across one of their poems.

I miss u/shittymorph but the legend will live forever even though he retired in 1998 when The Undertaker threw Mankind off Hell In A Cell, and plummeted 16 ft through an announcer's table."[2]

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Subs that I used (and will miss) (Also no NSFW subs here)

AbandonedPorn ABoringDystopia AbruptChaos AbruptComposure AbsoluteUnits AccidentalWesAnderson ActLikeYouBelong ActualPublicFreakouts AdmiralCloudberg AdorablePorn AdviceAnimals AfterVanced AirSwimming AnimalsMadeMeSmile AntiConsumption AskDocs AskHistorians AskLemmy AskScience AssholeDesign Atheism AwfulEverything Aww AwwJusticeServiced BabyElephantGifs BabyRhinoGifs BadCode BadassAnimals Balisong Barkour BattlestarGalactica BeAmazed BeamNG BeforeNAfterAdoption BestOf BetterEveryLoop BirdsBeingDicks Books Bullshido CanadaHousing CarHacking CatastrophicFailure CatTaps CavePorn ChangeMyView ChoosingBeggars Cinemagraphs ConfidentlyIncorrect ConfusingPerspective ConstantChaos CozyPlaces CrazyIdeas CrappyDesign CreepyWikipedia CryptoCurrency CursedComments CutawayPorn Dachshund DamnNatureYouScary DamnThatsInteresting DataHoarder DeepSpaceNine Deftones DepthHub DeTrashed Documentaries Doggles DogPictures Dogs Dogs_Getting_Dogs DogsOnHardwoodFloors DogsWearingHats DogsWithJobs DogTraining DontDeadOpenInside DumbassPeopleAtWork EarthPorn EarthPornGifs EatCheapAndHealthy EducationalGifs eli5_programming EngineeringPorn EverythingScience ExplainLikeImFive EyeBleach FacebookScience Facepalm FacingTheirParenting FaithInHumanity FastWorkers FirePorn FloridaPoliticianMan Food Freefolk FuckCars FuckYouInParticular Funny Gadgets Gaming Gardening GeoPolitics GetMotivated GifRecipes Gifs GifsThatKeepOnGiving GoodCopFreeDonut Guanajuato HappyCowGifs HardcoreAww HardcoreNature HellscapePorn HelpMeFind HeyThatsNeat History HistoryPorn HitManimals Hmmm HoldMyBeaker HoldMyBeer HoldMyCatnip HoldMyFries HoldMyJuicebox HoldMyRedbull Holup HomeAutomation Humor Hyenas i2p IAmA IAmAJournalist IAmAScience IAmTheMainCharacter IAmVeryStupid ID_News IdiotsFightingThings IdiotsInCars IdiotsInHelicopters IdiotsOnBikes IllegallySmol IllegallySmolCats ImagenAI InfrastructurePorn InstantPot InstantRegret InterestingAsFuck InternetIsBeautiful Investing Ipvs IsaadArthur Jokes Karate KeepOurNetFree Kubuntu Kyokushin LastImages LearnDutch LearnProgramming LegalAdvice LeopardsAteMyFace LifeHacks Linux LinuxMasterRace ListenToThis Longevity LSD LucidDreaming MadeMeCry Maher MaliciousCompliance MapPorn MasterReturns MaybeMaybeMaybe Mechanical_Gifs MedicalAdvice Medicine Medizzy Mexico MildlyDisturbing MildlyInfuriating MischievousGibbons ModeratePolitics Monk MorbidReality Movies MovieStunts MurderedByWords MuseumOfLemmy (yeah, bye reddit) Music MusicalJenga NatureIsBrutal NatureIsFuckingCute NatureIsFuckingLit NatureIsMetal NatureWasMetal NeedAFriend NegativeWithGold Netherlands NeutralNews News NextCloud NightmareFuel NoahGetTheBoat NobodyAsked NoisyGifs NonCredibleDiplomacy NonFunctionSlackFill NoNoNoNo NoNoNoNoAww NoNoNoNoYes NoNoNoNoYesNo NoTakeOnlyThrow NotJustBikes NotTheOnion OddlySatisfying OddlyTerrifying OldFreeFolk OnGuardForThee OnlyOffice OpenSource OpenSourceHardware OrphanCrushingMachine OrvilleFanGame OSHA OutOfTheLoop PerfectFit PerfectLoops PerfectTiming PersecutionFetish PersonalFinanceCanada Philosophy Photography PHP PHPHelp Pics PigGifs PiHole PoliticalDiscussion PoliticalHumor Politics ProgrammerHumor Programming ProgrammingHorror ProphetsForProfit PublicFreakout Puebla PupliftingNews PuppySmiles Queretaro Quokka QuotePorn QuotesPorn RareInsults RBI RedditAlternatives (lol) RedditIsFun (LemmyIsFun?) RelevantXKCD ReligiousFruitcake RepublicanPedophiles RoastMe RuralPorn SadAww SamHarris Science Sciences SelfHosted ShitMomGroupsSay ShockwavePorn ShowerThoughts SkyPorn SlammyWhammies Sleep Space SpecializedTools SpecialNeedsPuppers Sploot SQL StartledCats StoppedWorking StormfrontorSJW Strips SustainedChaos SweatyPalms Sysadmin Technawwlogy Technology TechnologyPorn TechScie Televangelists Tenagra Thalassophobia TheGoodPlace TheHandmaidsTale TheOcho TheOrville TheProblemJonStewart ThereWasAnAttempt TheyDidTheMath ThingsCutInHalfPorn ThisIsMyLifeNow Tifu TikTokCringe TipOfMyTongue TippyTaps TNG TodayILearned Toolbox Torrenting TrueAtheism TrueNews TrumpTweets UpliftingNews USSOrville Vancouver Wallpaper WallpaperDump WatchDogsWoofInside WatchPeopleDieInside WaterPorn Web_Design WebComics WebDev WebDevBuddies WebHosting WhatCouldGoWrong WhatIsThisThing WhosAGoodBoy WinterPornGifs WorldEvents WorldNews WorldPolitics WorseEveryLoop WritingPrompts WTF XKCD YesYesYesDamn Videos

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I just want to find a place where I can say "Taiwan is number one" and "Putin is a bitch".

r/TalesfromtheFrontDesk, r/TalesFromYourServer, and r/TalesFromRetail. The camaraderie and support among these people, the abuse they endure, and how big their hearts are despite how tough their jobs are... I really enjoyed those. I hope they land somewhere here.

Would add r/TalesFromTechSupport. I don't work in any of these fields, but still enjoyed reading all the stories there.

I'm really going to miss /r/writingprompts, I've written a lot of stuff for them over the years. Sadly I don't see a replacement popping up here yet and their mods also didn't bother with the blackout protest.

Make your own community! Thats the beauty of the fediverse. I promise to join your community if you create it.

My local city subreddit, r/stlouis. The fediverse channels for it are dead but hopefully that will change. Also r/personalfinance

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So much unnecessary drama, but can't stop reading

That is a community that would work even better on Lemmy, without changing the name. I would love to see the best stories from Reddit reposted here. Unfortunately, it would involve people who like Lemmy but don't mind reading lots of Reddit.

Could someone make a bot that just scrapes that subreddit and reposts it to a magazine?

What if Reddit had an API? That would take some of the guesswork out of scraping.

paging /u/spez


100%, even if a lemmy alternative were to someday be created, so much needs to happen before that (advice/confession communities, regular post updates) that a BestofLemmyUpdates is in the far distant future

I'm gonna miss none of them because they will all come here

Game specific ones. /r/hyruleengineering and /r/darktide as recent ones.

All the /r/<blank>_irl communities. The later seems like one I could probably just start and post in, even if no one else sees them.

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Shitposting/humour subreddits for niche topics, like r/languagelearningjerk, r/vexillologycirclejerk and r/worldjerking

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All of the TV series subs and the discussions. It's great after watching an episode to join the discussion with others.

This is a big one for me. Although, there were a few times where someone made an innocent prediction in one of these threads that ended up ruining a surprise for me later on. Iā€™m choosing to view this as a small silver lining.

r/mycology was an amazing community where people and bots would help identify mushrooms and other fungi pretty quickly.

Yeah, I really enjoyed all the subs where people would ID bugs, animals, plants, mushrooms, etc.

Some of the industry specific ones like supply chain or logistics or even insurance were fun to lurk, and get a sense of what people in the industry think of those outside it

The hilarity of /r/SubredditDrama

Please join the official website of r/subredditdrama,

I got "YOU AREN'T WELCOME HERE, GO AWAY!" they're not approving new users right now :(

Where did you see that message? I just successful created another account without any problem at all.

A lot of subreddits that have been said I'll also miss, but for me personally I'll miss the Math based subreddits I used to follow the most. r/badmath was a particular fav. I don't have many "math people" in my friend group so it was nice to have a place to chat about differnet math topics and learn. But hey, I'm sure with time we can expect a lot of those subreddits to find a home elsewhere. Hopefully here. I like it a lot so far!

Well, we won't miss anything if we move everything here. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø

I miss r/quilting and r/sewing. As a crafter, the knowledge I gain from these type of subs is invaluable

I think thereā€™s a quilting community here. Obviously not as populated as Reddit yet but itā€™s a start.

Edit: Maybe you already know about it but here it is,

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Hey everyone, I just joined 5 minutes ago. Been a Redditor for 7y 2m. Iā€™m actually really going to miss reddit and many of the communities such as r/idiotsincars, r/catastrophicfailures, and well a couple hundred more over followed over the years. Iā€™m hoping I can find more community here though. I never felt connected to the users on Reddit. Maybe it will be different here.

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/AskAnAmerican - It's interesting to see what the rest of the world doesn't get about us.

And, conversely, r/shitamericanssay is fun for a facepalm

I'll miss the meta subreddits like lostredditors, switcheroo, SubredditSimulator and SubSimulatorGPT2. I'll miss niche communities built around less mainstream games and shows. I'm really going to miss DaystromInstitute and SonicShowerThoughts.

Overall my biggest concern is over the giant stockpile of years of community answers to all kinds of questions. If Reddit falls what happens to all of that? How do we pick up the slack if it does?

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Honestly, a lot of NSFW subs devoted to somewhat niche fetishes. I saw started up as a separate instance for NSFW content, and I'm hoping at least some of these subs make it over there soon.

if this is ever going to be a competitor to other social media we need a shit ton of porn asap.

also lol

Reminds me that r/changemyview also really requires a large pool of participants to have value... Damn, I really liked that subreddit. I feel like it made me a better person.

They'll come, I'm sure, but many craft and hobby-based subreddits, including r/wood, r/cardistry, r/MUD (or MUDs?). I'm looking to external sources for that type of learning new skills or topics.

I don't really care for endless memes and shit posting, but deep content takes more time and effort, so patience seems necessary.

R/leaves has been a mixed bag-- lots of repetitive questions, but also some amazing and human stories.

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futurology, medicalgore, medizzy, okbuddyretard, surrealmeme,bossfight,chadtopia, internetisbeautiful

Nada. Nothing. I was there for the people, and the people that don't seem like they are just cavemen who figured out how to browse a website left Reddit and reformed every sub I was subscribed to over here already. I don't even have any specific novelty accounts to miss since every single one I knew of hasn't been around for a while as it was already, such as /u/shitty_water_colours.

Don't be afraid to create your own communities!

I think whatā€™s scaring a lot of people off is moderation. Iā€™ve considered creating a few communities myself but Iā€™ve never been one for managing. I try to do my part by interacting with communities that have been created and driving activity. Huge kudos to those who are founding these communities though.

Just do it! It takes about 30 seconds to create one. It's going to take a long time before these communities, especially the more niche ones, require full-time moderation. Something like AskLemmy might be a big undertaking, but other niche subs are going to take awhile before it's too much for one person.

And hopefully by that time, others could help out with mod duties :)

Subs that deal with medical issues. It was nice being able to go to them for advice or to help others.

Such subs were already niche on Reddit, and given their often embarrassing nature, I don't think we'll see them on lemmy in any comparable form for a while.

r/castiron r/cremposting r/absoluteunits r/old_recipes all my favorite corners of the internet


I had just discovered that place too. That was a good one.

Still left the 170k sub I had as top moderator (and really only one of two active mods) and deleted my account of 10+ years on July 1st.

ā€˜Cause fuck emā€™ thatā€™s why.

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r/KDrama, and it'll be a while until anything similar ever arrives as it relies on recurring posts and a huge community for discussions šŸ„²

Nosleep and its assorted subs... I've been reading there since it had roughly 300 subscribers. I really hope the community rebuilds here.

HobbyDrama and similar subs. They're the Fandom_Wank of the Reddit era and I honestly love every bit of it. I'll miss Rimworld, too.

r/sp404. I miss it so much I might just make my own community here. Although, Iā€™m not interested in moderating it cuz I donā€™t have the time.

Although, Iā€™m not interested in moderating it cuz I donā€™t have the time.

I hope there is serious organic outreach to disillusioned reddit mods, because they are a/the crucial key to success.

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I'm going to miss all of my smaller history/archaeology related subreddits.

I'm someone that doesn't have many friends or many people to talk to about life and it's dilemmas. So when I had any sort of problem I often went to advice type subreddits to talk it out. So yes AITA was one. But also AmIBeingTooSensitive, Relationships, OffMyChest, etc. And I'm a mom so parenting subreddits were a good resource. And also subreddits like LoseIt and PetiteFitness were helpful because I struggle with my weight.

But one thing I noticed before all the drama was that the people on reddit got more and more hateful. Instead of trying to help the poster, they'd tried to find more to the story to make them this evil person. And they'd completely fabricate a separate reality and just tear OP a new one based off of assumptions.

So I was already kinda done with Reddit before the drama with 3rd party apps. I knew that it was causing me more problems than help. I had already started telling myself to stay away. It's toxic. So I'm happy to have an excuse to get out.

So hopefully an alternative emerges with nicer people. Or maybe I should just go find friends.

It was INSANE over there sometimes. People would take one blurb and then turn it into a whole creative writing piece. Many people didn't even bother to read up to the second sentence on AITA before starting to tear the poster to shreds. Admitting fault and apologizing? Never, they just doubled down as if there wasn't another human on the other side. Death threats occurred over the lamest stuff, and imo it became actively toxic.

There were times that that sub alone genuinely made me concerned about the fate of humanity. The whole point of AITA was supposed to be to see if you were in the wrong, but many redditors turned it into some weird rage-fest. Often, you'd conveniently have at least three posts about the same click bait situation/topic within a week, and the comments were mostly angry mirrors of eachother.

Even if reddit backs down, I don't think I want to go back.

r/bestofredditorupdates was what I read before I went to bed. Iā€™m lost without it.

Aw man I haven't even thought about that sub til now. It was my morning coffee scroll. It will take forever to build something like that here.

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The gardening subs always made me feel like I could do anything in my tiny garden as long as I put in the work.

I definitely miss knowledge stuff like r/eli5 r/nostupidquestion r/space r/science r/todayilearned

I browsed reddit a lot learning new stuff everyday while drinking my morning tea. But the thing I miss the most are the comments. So many posts got debunked or verified or explained even more with sources in the comments. Because of course there is a guy or a girl somewhere learning all about one type of drywall installation for 30+ years telling everyone why this wall installation in the gif can only be in 5 mile radius in Norway.

r/Ilguns I need that to keep up with the gun law changes in illinois and the myriad of court cases going on.

And the r/ukraine and r/ukraine conflict was where i was getting news of the war.

I found a few ukraine news here, but it will take time to get it really going.

Local communities. I do not know why, but having people share the same social conditions makes them a warm place, even for gaming communities

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Biggest ones will probably be r/bouldering and r/climbharder.

The tech related ones will be more likely to have big replacements, but bouldering is pretty niche, so I'm not sure about that one.

I miss being able look up any niche thing I was into at the time and find an active community discussing it and making memes.

Daddit 100%

What would we call the Lemmy successor? If we can come up with a dad joke type name I think it's in the bag.

Oh man, I can't think of anything good! Let me know if you make one though and need a mod. I just made my first community too so I'm trying to flesh this all out as much as I can.

I think I might just do "Dads of Lemmy" if I can't think of something clever. Yeah would like the help with moderating!

ChatGPT said we should use Dadiverse...

That's a good one. What about PopCorner? Trying to work out something that sounds like "Lemmy Dadsplain" because then it uses Lemmy name.

I might be older than a fair amount of you on the fediverse, but I'm going to miss Daddit. It was a super supportive community. I'm also going to miss nosleep, I really enjoyed a lot of those multi part stories! Other than that, I think I'm just going to miss all the random stupid posts I saved over the years and went back to here and there for a good laugh.

I will miss r/baking, r/breadit, r/rabbits, r/old_recipes, r/askhistorians, r/archivists, r/truefilm

I miss r/neography. It was full of interesting conscripts by so many talented people. The hardest part about leaving Reddit was the loss of these niche communities that canā€™t be easily replaced over here. I also miss my countryā€™s subreddit, it was nice place with interesting people and entertaining posts. I tried to make a replacement on Kbin but itā€™s just 8 people and Iā€™m the only one posting. But this is only the beginning, the fediverse will only grow from here and weā€™ll start seeing these smaller communities appear.

Comics. I don't think a lot of comic creators will start posting here, so can't interact with the creator.

With that, also not sure about editing like bonehurtingjuice.

Also, potentially somewhat nsfw subs dedicated to specific people. Somehow I doubt the Lemmy community in general has much interest in that. Too mainstream I guess?

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I will miss all of the pev (personal electric vehicle) subs like electric scooter and electric unicycle. Seeing others on adventures and getings tips and news was great

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r/AskHistorians - mostly because of the unprecedented quality of moderation r/MaleFashionAdvice - helped me appreciate fashion and nice clothes

my first comment!

iā€™m going to miss formuladank. iā€™ll try to start every single sub iā€™ll miss on here though. my account is only a few minutes old

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r/greebles for sure! I got into their Discord though!

I'll miss all my niche gaming subreddits. Path of exile, incremental games, and I even liked keeping an eye on the gacha gaming subreddit. So many more to mention like r/gamedeals, patientgamers, many more individual game subreddits.

There is a patientgamers here at least.

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Another Plebbit refugee here. I liked r/RoleReversal and r/neverchangejapan. Honourable mention: r/piracy =)

I've seen a c/piracy if you're still looking

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datanalysis, userexperience, uxdesign, digitalmarketing, extramile, watchitfortheplot, coffee and combatfootage

Weird niche ones like r/SpecEvoJerking. Speculative evolution is already super niche and that's a parody sub about it.

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I will miss AITA too but also not really.

I miss how it was before it became popular. I liked using it to gain a different perspective on things and to see what my own personal bias lies.

Now itā€™s just full of ragebait and trolls. Seems like a lot of the posts are just people trying to gain popularity through tiktok or YouTube.

I'm definitely going to miss the true crime/unresolved mystery/paranormal subreddits. I loved the CreepyAskReddit curation.

The very specific animal subreddits like blurrypicturesofdogs or catsinwaterpackages. Always fun to find new ones or suddenly see something pop up from one of them again.

I guess it depends on which ones donā€™t move here. Right now itā€™s all of them, but that might improve later.

The meme / shit post subs /wetlanderhumor /cremposting /shittydaystrom /aspiememes /tenagra /adhdmemes /dankchristianmemes /mathmemes

And then local subs, cause love me some local drama.

Am I The Asshole and all the crafting subs - quilting, sewing, cross stitch

Since i'm just starting to get into home lab and self hosting I'll miss r/homelab, and r/homelabsales

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A whole bunch of the ones around tabletop games. Mini painting, terrainbuilding, some of the game-specific subreddits that always have loads of userafe content.

If anyone has spotted these communities here in federation space please let me know; I didn't find any so far.

artisanvideos. I love a good japanese watch maker making a wooden cabinet in a rainforest with rocks as tools.

r/houseplants and r/food. I loved browsing aimlessly through all the pictures and seeing pets in the background.

/r/nobuy, they are a very supportive community.

I'm gonna miss r/Art that's for sure! I loved how ppl gave different techniques a twist. It gave me hope! Most websites circlejerk around portraits and anime. Also r/depression. I use to reply post when I think I could say something helpful. Today someone committed to hospital and I'm afraid she won't be able to reach us back, ask for help, ask for someone to listen her. There's lots of niche hobbies too. I recently joined 3 and I was thrilled with these communities: r/falloutnewvegas and their witty crossovers, r/Tau40K had some cool painters and, oh boy, r/MechanicalKeyboards.

Wherever we live, subs for our local communities will be missed.

the smaller gimmick subs, like hydrohomies the_pack. and those 2 specifically had such a positive community which is such a great breath away from the dumpster fire that is reddit

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all the kink subreddits. not the ones that were just fap material cuz you can find that anywhere, but it was great seeing people talk earnestly about what makes kinks click for them and what it is they love about them

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Thatā€™s how these things work. Reddit took its time. I truly think that Lemmy will benefit from apps that make the experience accessible.

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So many...

Wallstreetbets, NonCredibleDefense, all the comedy and podcast subs dunking on Joe Rogan. Last couple years though I got heavy into NFL Meme War subs. Those had some top tier content during the NFL season.

NCD is such a niche thing but god damn it is so fuckin funny.

Avid follower of NCD. Such a unique sort of humour I never would have imagined I aligned with

  • r/Android
  • r/androidafterlife
  • r/androidapps
  • r/antiwork
  • r/CrackWatch
  • r/DataHoarder
  • r/fossdroid
  • r/GameDeals
  • r/MouseReview
  • r/opensource
  • r/patientgamers
  • r/Piracy
  • r/selfhosted
  • r/soccer

I'm going to miss r/datasets, r/selfhosted and other subreddits that allowed me to tap into accessible niche knowledge. I'm sure there are subs I had not yet discovered, but a lot of the information they collected over the years may be gone. I hope those communities will find their way to Lemmy and rebuild.

FWIW, selfhosted does have a sort of "best of" list on GitHub at:

Iā€™ll surely miss my carefully crafted porn collection curated to my tastes. Pressing Delete button was hard.

There was a lot of leftist communities on reddit that I hope survive in some form fuckcars, antiwork, fucklawns, breadtube.

Nosleep and other horror/terror/creepy things subs and some specific videogames subs

For me, it's going to be r/SkyGame (the game itself speaks of humanity at its best, coupled with scenescapes and moments that will leave you agape in awe and pain), r/HFY (astounding, original stories and serials about humanity at its best, even through moments of suffering within the wider multiverse), and r/FilipinoHistory (an intelligently-enough discourse space for all things Philippine history, culture, and society as a whole).

To be honest, so many posts from r/AITA came off as fake after a while, I was already beginning to lose interest. People would do anything for upvotes. Maybe this time we can have less liars, but I'm not so naive as to actually hope for that.

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I'm going to miss all the weird niche subreddits I was a part of that will probably never show up here in force because there's just not enough people on Lemmy to begin the formation of such niche subreddits. The amount of users interested in those things on Lemmy will be proportionally smaller compared to the number on Reddit, and so it will make it just that much harder to have flourishing and active communities around those things.

I'm going to miss a lot of the hobby subs like r/Unclebens and r/datahoarder but I'm excited to see how they grow here

Ah mushroom tec and data hording, you are my favorite kind of nerd

Reddit was better than pornhub:

/r/paag ( /u/hayleyxyz, /u/due_return_719) /r/realasians /r/tightdresses /r/nsfw /r/nsfw_gif

I miss the Apple related subreddits, that community hasnā€™t really seemed to move over yet.

All the cat subs. If I was having a shitty day I could always go to reddit and look at other people's cats.

Until someone posted something about their dead cat. I had to unsub because that would just ruin my day. I can watch some knarly injuries or worse but nope, no dead pets.

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/r/whowouldwin :(

Also /r/tiktokcringe, so many of the videos there had me nearly in tears in laughter

Well first off, I'm gonna miss my favorite nerdy subreddits. r/wow, r/Morrowind, r/Oblivion, r/Skyrim, r/Elderscrolls, and even r/trueSTL. Happy that Skyrimmods is here though!

Aside from that though, r/botchedsurgeries, r/amitheasshole, and r/hobbydrama.

The rest would be various animal subs, but hopefully, they find new homes quickly.

I won't miss many individual subs, but I will miss the totality of communities.

I will miss that, if I had a problem or question about X, there was almost always a sub for X, and it was usually the best place to get information from people that have some sort of clue.

Example: when it came to weird behaviors from my Samsung Odyssey G7 monitor, /r/Monitors was the only place with clear, focused discussion about it. The Samsung web forums had some people complaining too, but nobody actually sticks around the Samsung forums to have ongoing discussions, so getting a full picture of what people are experiencing was a lot harder. Plus, those kind of forums are always filled with a lot of Yahoo Answers quality of posts, so you have to sift through so much junk to find any usable info.

I've had this experience so many times with Reddit. That's what I'm most afraid of losing.

r/nosleep. It is on lemmy too but to read older stories i have to go back to reddit

Indie game communities, I just love looking at niche memes you only understand if you have played those games, and don't let me get started on the amazing art people put in there. There are some talented and passionate people out there, I hope eventually some hop over here.

I'm gonna miss /r/buttcoin. It's a great place to watch crypto bros lose everything. How will I know when cz is arrested?

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Cyberdeck & cassettefuturism

Jeopardy for daily show breakdowns

Local sports teams

A few gaming ones, but I suspect they're here somewhere too

Most of my favorites have a discord, but that just doesn't feel the same. Very hard to wade through all that chatter

I'll miss those ones too. Found your post looking for them!

PSA: We're still in the early stages of Lemmy. Reddit was like this too when Digg first went down. If you don't find a community you liked - make it! And once you make it, post as often as you can in it.


While most of the stories are fake, I enjoy a subreddit that shows that my fuck-ups aren't so bad, after all.

SummonerSchool and CompetitiveTFT, I know there are discords but I don't like its format.

I'm really going to miss anime_titties; for anyone that doesn't know, it was a wildly inappropriately named serious subreddit focused on interesting, relevant, unbiased world news that actually affected people.

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r/abruptchaos and r/prequelmemes for me

I found an abrupt chaos community, but I can't remember if it's active, and I don't know how to find this thread again if I go check. Lol.

A huge chunk of anime subreddits, some nsfw subs, mealprepsunday and 1500isplenty, suggestmeabook, antimeme, copypasta, coolguides, collapse support, and my city's subreddit (I get to know more about my city, since my residence is far away from the main center of activity). And those small communities for singleplayer rpg mobile games I found interesting. I know they're never going back, most people won't even bother with mobile as a platform for games anyway...

HighQualityGifs and their savagely, wonderful Gif Tournament

I'm definitely gonna miss some of the AMAs.

I miss how AMA used to be. But it's been years since I enjoyed one. There's definitely room for a better version of that. It will be hard get the kinds of high profile people that Reddit gets without a bigger user base but it could happen.

At the moment, /r/horrorlit is one of the subs I browse the most and I haven't found a specific replacement for.

R/daddit a big group of wholesome Bandit wannabes that I could really relate to.