Favorite Lemmy Client

BrandgrandReal@lemmy.world to Ask Lemmy@lemmy.world – 129 points –

What is your favorite client for Lemmy?


Sync! It's what I used on Reddit, and having it here made switching platforms so much smoother.

Voyager…formerly wefwef.

It has all platforms - Web, PWA, iOS and Android.

It is free and open source. No tracking and no ads.

Me too. Same app for my PC and Android feels good.

It is wild that on github, Voyager almost has much stars as Lemmy. I love this app so far. (And lemmy as well)

same. initially i was worried about the performance compared to "native" clients like Boost,Sync,etc but even as a PWA written in JS i have zero issues with it.

My only problem with it is the developer disappeared for the longest time and it feels like it fell behind so many other apps.

Hmm…I guess I don’t know what I’m missing since I haven’t tried any other apps lately. For me my main ask out of Lenny is more users, more content, more communities and community so I don’t care much about fancy features at the moment.

Lately I’ve actually been feeling a sort of online loneliness…once upon a time I had a lot of engagement and connection on Facebook. On Twitter at a different point in time. I didn’t really miss it when I had Reddit because there was all of the community, support, camaraderie you could need from mental health to football to weird hobbies and quirks.

Voyager feels like Apollo but most of what made Apollo great is dead and gone (Reddit)

Now I’m depressed 😂😭

I'm sorry dude. What communities do you have interest in?

I miss the raisedbyborderlines sub, having live game threads for sports with lots of parcipants, finding active subs for whatever random show you are binging at any time like Suits or Haunting of Hill House. Parenting subs like Daddit.

Sync has not received an update in more than a month and nobody complains about that.

Voyager dev takes a well deserved break and suddenly everybody bitches about it.

Why this double standard¿?

The dev is a human being with life outside of developing this app and there is no arguing that. All I simply stated is that it fell behind in development when compared to many other apps.

Do not misconstrue my words.

This is not an attack on you or your statement. This is just a general observation I made. I have seen several people claim they left voyager because the dev has 'left' even though he told us he was taking a break (went on a vacation) and even though the client is actively being developed now

I previously used Voyager before switching to Boost. It was the only way I could experience iOS apps on Android.

Boost (the best social app ever) & Jerboa (simple, lightweight alternative).

I can't even begin to describe how amazing Boost is. It's the only android Reddit app that I will acknowledge, and it's the only client that got me into Lemmy.

You can 1- hand with boost. That's all you need to know

Boost is too nosy.

And requires payment to remove ads. Fucking lame.

What's the issue with that?

Hmmm. Let’s see. Annoy the users of your product into paying you money so that they can have the features that other similar products offer for free?

I’ll be damned! Seems there is no catch!

I don't get it. Do you expect him to work for free just because others do? If Boost for Lemmy was completely a paid app instead of free with ads, it wouldn't see as much adoption. That's how Sync, Boost and Relay (for Reddit) used to work.

So…. There’s tons of free options that are just as good, if not better. So, offering a paid version of something people can easily get for free is duping the ignorant.

Now if Boost offered some premium option that was not offered in the free apps- that’d be entirely different. But that’s not the case.

So it’s a rip-off.

Memmy (on iOS).

Astoundingly good for solo effort at sub v1.0.

Yeah. It’s my favorite at the moment, but it doesn’t seem well maintained

The github is active again! Looks like the dev is back from their break

I tried many waiting for Sync release on Lemmy, but nothing felt as complete, it's just far and away the best IMHO.

On Android, former Relay for Reddit user.

Right now I have SEVEN lemmy apps on my home screen as I figure out which I like best. So far I keep going back to Sync the most.

Boost's animations suck. It takes too long to show the post list after swiping away an image and the whole screen goes black, it's a bit jarring.

Liftoff works well but it's ugly.

Jerboa isn't very customizable and the post list doesn't feel dense enough.

Voyager literally does not tell you what instance the community you're viewing is on.

I haven't touched Thunder in a while but I see they've updated quite a bit with a lot more customization. I remember older versions being nice, so I'll give it a try again.

Connect is about the same as Liftoff, works well but kinda ugly. Admittedly not as ugly though.

That issue with Boost may be device dependent. It is only a split second of black for me on an S23. But, i agree it should just be better no matter the device.

For Voyager, there is a setting to show the instance.

I found the setting for showing a user's instance, but still no setting for showing the instance of communities.

If there’s no @, it’s local.

Could probably add an option to configure. The idea to not include the instance url if local was to cut down on noise in the UI.

Voyager literally does not tell you what instance the community you're viewing is on.

Yes it does. If there no @lemmy.instance attached to the community then that is because the community is on the same instance as your account.

Boost can display new comments in a different color. I don't know how I lived without that feature for so long. Any other apps that can do that?

Last time I used Connect and Voyager (a few weeks ago) they couldn't do that. They were nice otherwise, but Boost seems to do everything they do and more.

tried Jerboa at first but it was extremely choppy. Now I use Sync and it's smooth af

Eternity, I came from infinity, so it's the only choice for me

I use connect, used only jerboa so far so can't say much

Same situation for me. Connect seems to be good enough for my liking, I just dislike the upvoting icons/location.

Yeah, I tried boost recently since I used it for reddit but I didn't see any way to browse instance in local mode. I'm still optimistic about making the switch soon.

Not even a day later, and I've switched to Eternity, because connects GUI was pretty ugly and upvotes/downvotes weren't saving/sticking. Haha. Loving it so far and the GUI is much nicer in my opinion.

I tried a couple, but I always go back to just using the web interface through Firefox. It has all the features I need, no extra ads, trackers or permissions, and is pretty comfortable to use. Then again, I don't moderate any communities and I'm not a very prolific poster, so my needs are pretty basic.

It was Memmy for a long time but the developer seems to be on break with development and the app has some irritating bugs.

At the moment using Avelon and it’s really good and still on development.

Thunder rn. The design is minimalistic and supports Material You. It lacks some major features though.

Jerboa because you can see the number of upvotes and downvotes separately. And it's FOSS.

Boost is still smoother and feels nicer though.

I'm using Avelon on Ios and I think it's great. I was using Voyager until some months ago.

Anything that doesn’t make you pay to remove ads. That files in the face of what lemmy is about.

So no to Boost and Sync then. Though it's a one-time payment and not a recurring subscription. However it's ~3,75 for Boost and a whopping ~16,- for Sync to remove ads.

Plus Sync also has a subscription model which for me is an automatic -50 points.

I use sync and none of the ads work. They're all just grey boxes with nothing in them.

Connect is the closest to Relay which was my favourite Reddit app. It also doesn't have ads.

Alexandrite for desktop, bean for iOS and Boost for Android

I'm on Summit now, it's quite nice. I've managed to set it up to feel similar enough to RiF.

All I can say is that projects were many on iOS during the Reddit API debacle in June and that now, barely any gets updated.

I tried Jerbora and now stick to Connect, haven't tried boost coz Connect has been great recently

Bean for reading and commenting. It has only one issue and hopefully it will be fixed sooner or later. When someone responds to your comment and you tap to see it, you don't always land on the right spot in the thread. If it's a short thread, you'll be fine, but in a long thread you just can't find where the comment is. In those situations I use Voyager, Thunder or Liftoff. Once Bean fixes that issue, it's going to be the perfect Lemmy client for me.

I recently switched to Eternity and I'm loving it so far. Only been using it a day, but I haven't run into any issues or anything to dislike.

I personally do not want to use any applications that have ads/tracking. I don't believe they have any place on Lemmy. I know already that I'm gonna be downvoted to oblivion, but I understand that these devs need to make money somehow. I just think it goes against the whole freer internet thing. Despite this, I don't really have a problem with them because they are contributing to the growth of Lemmy. And besides it is way better than using a centralised social media platform haha, so it will remain a personal choice.

Thunder. It was the best one out there for me during the early reddit downfall and now that it has everything I need featurewise I love it. Having watched it's devolopment I also feel a little attached to it.

The bothersome premise of this question is that the only way to use Lemmy is with one's thumbs on a tiny screen.

Probably 90% of my time at Lemmy has been through a PC 😂

Yeah. I get why people might want to consume on a tiny screen. But writing on it seems like masochism when keyboards and armchairs exist.

My account is about 5 days old. I'm not home during this weekend and I don't feel like playing games now so I've done what I usually don't do on PC: done some reading on ~~Reddit ~~ Lemmy. So that's the reason why PC on me is the biggest right now.

I have created some posts too though, and that is more pleasant on a bigger screen and a decent keyboard. But reading and commenting only with no pictures or other files to be added is OK on a smaller screen with a no-physical keyboard 😁 (not that I reply often and when I do, I don't write that much)

Every now and then a post with a question like this pops up on lemmy and I wonder if the Sync company has anything to do with it, because Sync always gets to be the most mentioned answer. It is beyond me why anyone would use an app that pushes ads on you while browsing content from a website that doesn't have any...

I use it, I'm not paid to say this.

ljdawson and rmayayo did great work on their apps, and I purchased both of their apps.

Making software is not easy. I'm a software developer, too. I'm very happy that there is a paid version without ads, I definitely wouldn't use them if I had to use the version with ads.

In my experience, they both provide superior experiences that are both familiar to people and well integrated into Android, especially Sync. Boost has more features however.

If you're looking for a FOSS app, Connect is the next best thing IMO.

I'm currently using the free version. I had the paid version for Reddit, but just haven't purchased the Lemmy version yet.

The ads are really unintrusive though. I think it's one ad every time you reload the feed, about four posts down or so. After that, I think there's no more ads. It's extremely minor, hence why I haven't really felt like I needed to get around to purchasing it.