Please check you kids' Halloween candy, everyone to Lemmy – 1338 points –

Remember kids, don't ever plug something in to your computer that you don't trust or are unsure about. Picking up flashdrive off the street and plugging them in is one of the easiest ways to get malware installed on your computer.

That's why I take mine in to work to plug in.

Gotta test it on the expendable company network before you take it home.

Previous work got USB sent to them via post and they had to access the data on this drives. These drives came from end customers, so they had two computers specifically for the purpose of retrieving images from the USB sticks and burning them on CDs.

Theres also usb drives that are designed to short circuit your computer. Frying the motherboard.

USB Killers are expensive though. No one's intentionally ditching those for randos to find

Expensive is relative. You can find a sketchy USB Killer on AliExpress for like $6.

Maybe expensive as a single throwaway device, but not very expensive to cause pure chaos to a bunch of random people.

Are they? I thought they were basically just a few capacitors hooked up wrong to a USB port.

Why would they? Simple boost coverter costs about 0.5€.

one of the easiest ways to get malware installed on your computer

Only if you are the child of an Iran nuclear engineer. (cough stuxnet cough. )

If not, visiting .ru porn sites is much more likely to lead to infection.

visiting .ru porn sites is much more likely to lead to infection.

I did that once. Now it burns when IP.

Are you ever coming back with those cigarettes?

Let's hope these don't carry Linux ISOs, which would be a very problematic drug to deal with.

I carried a USB stick with a Linux ISO once and my object in life has been to dethrone God and destroy capitalism ever since.

I agree with your purposes. Good luck, fellow lemmer.

I keep my ventoy drive with me at all times (it's plugged into my laptop). One of these days someone will let me install Linux on their computer. In that case, I have a second drive for the new convert.

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Mint?.... MINT? We're a RED HAT household Mister! You have some explaining to do!

I always just hand out slips of paper with the BlueRay encryption key 09 F9 11 02 9D 74 E3 5B D8 41 56 C5 63 56 88 C0

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I might be dumb but how many books would 64gbs mean

a shitload. 64000 if it were simple text only stuff with 1MB per book, 640 if it were 100MB chonkers full of images

yeah i read mostly sci fi books so around like 300-400 pages all text and i'd say the average e-book for them is like 150-200kb's so if it were books like that you'd be looking at stuffing like 300,000 books on there.

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I would be very interested in the list of banned books, and how it would be curated.

For 64gb, you might have to extend the years to be: banned books ever, and then break down that list by reason. Just to fill space you'd end up including dubious books, and you'd need to be clear on where/who/why a book got banned.

A book being 'banned' from a pre-school for being 'not age appropriate' by some pointless helicopter parent wouldn't count unless the book was actually age appropriate.

Then you would need a category of 'banned by author banned'(or similar). Books that were considered age appropriate at the time, but now definitely aren't. I'm thinking here of the recent removal/editing of Dr Seuss books to remove problematic racial stereotype. Not necessarily banned in their original form, perhaps, but still censored (perhaps, rightly so for the target age).

64GB is a lot of books. You would end up even including 'The tale of (Darth) Pelagius'

(Pelagius was considered a heretic in the early years of the church, and his writings were banned)

As long as they're not books on kinky sex that you share with kids because you're pure evil, I support you.

My mother was a women's studies major and we literally had an entire bookshelf of material about sex and sexuality growing up. It's weird how I had literally no interest in it prior to a certain biological epoch, at which point it became an extremely useful tool for independent learning.

Weird how now I am a well adjusted adult who has a healthy relationship with my own sexuality as well as my partners' and I haven't ever raped anyone even a little bit!

I care - thanks for sharing a snippet about you growing up. I was also indifferent to my father's porn stash i found in my parents closet. Until, out of nowhere ...

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What counts as banned? Mien kalf?

for some reason, that book is not typically targeted by right wing book bans.

Because they directly reference it for their politics

Moms for liberty needs it to pull quotes from for the newsletter

I guess you mean "Mein Kampf"? And no, the people who are into banning books are very much OK with that one.

Either censored by the government or self-censored by the library/institution as the case may be. It's truly a process as old as writing itself.

In the case of kids specifically I would probably limit it to age appropriate reading material, which Hitler's angry prison manifesto really isn't...

That being said there are a few hard hitting children's books about the holocaust, and those actually are on banned books lists.

Mien Kalf can only be read as 'my calf' or a woman with the first name Mien and last name Kalf in Dutch. Mien being pronounced like 'mean'.

Mein is pronounced to rhyme with nine. The 'ei' only being correctly pronounced in American when saying Einstein, other -steins get mispronounced to rhyme with 'lean' (Weiner as Weener instead of whiner fi).

So we've got 'mein', to rhyme with nine, and Kampf, which might look like it's out of your comfort zone, but it's pronounced like comfort without the -ort.

Didn't intend for this to become a German pronunciation lesson using dictatorial literature, but there we are..

If Kampf is pronounced "comf" does that mean the English words, "comfy" or "comfortable" come from the German word for "struggle"?

Nah, not at all.

To be fair, it only really works with the american accent, where the 'o' in comfortable gets pronaunced a bit like an a. In British english it leans more to 'u'.

Comfortable is from latin 'to strengthen or to help'. Com (cum) Force (forte) (maybe the british pronounciation is more correct because of the latin 'cum' :).

German Kampf is related to camp, which would mean a military kamp, but also a battle. It gets translated to 'struggle' in English, but 'My Battle' or 'My Fight' would be more correct, albeit less litererary pleasing.

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Must be bad books? Usually banned books are a good thing. Learn what nobody wants you to know! πŸ˜…

Or am I missing some kind of sarcasm here? πŸ˜…

I think a lot of the downvotes are from people misinterpreting your comment as saying that banning books is good.

The joke is making fun of conservatives banning books and paranoia around blades and poison hidden in Halloween candy.

Oh, I see it now, editing it for clarification... πŸ˜…

Most banned books aren't age appropriate or contain some issue. Like Gender Queer, the "Most banned book in America", freely available to order, contains pictures of sex, blowjobs, and a blood soaked tampon left until the blood curdled. It's not exactly appropriate for kids, so it got banned.

The issue is that most of lemmy has never looked at a banned book, and they're just circlejerking thinking that only super important books get banned or some shit like that.

No, most banned books are sex-education or contain something that the conservative parents that don't actually read these books won't like because of some mistaken idea that teaching kids about the world is a bad thing

As someone who has perused multiple of the books on the ban list: not a single one I've seen is something that you'd legit keep out of a kids hands unless you were some weird prude who hated sex. Eg, a conservative with little sex education themselves

Gender queer is sex education. Just because it has information in it doesn't mean its appropriate.

Mommies and daddies technically are a sex ed concept. It’s all about context friend.

I'd argue talking about how babies are made with mommy and daddy is just as appropriate or inappropriate as talking about changing sex, depending on the age, occasion and intent.

Changing 'Gender' without deviating sexually however should be fine imho... I'm a straight male and I have never shunned anybody for what they think or believe, many of which were very different than my experience of life or personal belief. If I can't relate I just accept, and I don't think any information about genderfluidity would have changed me, but instead maybe even better educated me to know how to respect others that are cause I've been in quite a few arguments about it just for being uninformed about something that didn't apply to me. It's harder than it should be to ask "why" for reasoning and clarification as a binary without apparently sounding condescendent, so advance information about it would have actually been helpful to me... πŸ˜…

You wanna hear something mind-blowing? When I go to a library and don't like a book I just don't read it...

Yeah, doesn't mean that libraries can or should carry every book ever made. School libraries should have books appropriate for the students.

Problem is idiots will see an authors last name being Gay and immediately call for a ban without even knowing what's in the book.

Oh, these kinds of "banned books for children"... πŸ˜…

Thank you so much for not just downvoting me, but at least enlightening me of what I didn't get! I appreciate that! Many just downvote without making me any wiser, even when I ask for clarification... πŸ˜…

Either way, those kinds of books are indeed not for children and are bad to be getting in candy, hands down agreed on that! I just saw "banned books" and assumed books with information that make you question the powers that be or the preset values taught... It's ok to think differently and to critic information that only comes from one side of the story. But it of course is a bad thing to give any sexual or gorey content to children, I just didn't think about that kind of bad when it is put in front of "books", tbh, if it's sexual content I'd more expect it to be 'pictures' then instead of 'books',...

Anyway, again, thanks for clarifying!

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