US destroyer has ballistic missiles fired toward it, after responding to attack on commercial tanker to World – 337 points –
US destroyer has ballistic missiles fired toward it, after responding to attack on commercial tanker | CNN Politics

Two ballistic missiles were fired from Houthi rebel-controlled Yemen toward a US warship in the Gulf of Aden, after the US Navy responded to a distress call from a commercial tanker that had been seized by armed individuals, the US military said Sunday.

The tanker, identified as the Central Park, had been carrying a cargo of phosphoric acid when its crew called for help that “they were under attack from an unknown entity,” the US Central Command said in a statement.

The USS Mason, a guided-missile destroyer, and allied ships from a counter-piracy task force that operates in the Gulf of Aden and off the coast of Somalia responded to the call for help and “demanded release of the vessel” upon arrival, Central Command said.

“Subsequently, five armed individuals debarked the ship and attempted to flee via their small boat,” said the statement posted on social media platform X.


What a weird article leaving out very key information of the tanker being an israeli vessel

This video with too loud background music does a lot better a job of explaining what happened

The comments on that video are mental

Yup, what the heck is going on there. There's this one comment about how the U.S got technologically surpassed and I'm just thinking "even if it's true, they have nukes. Who will ever test them??"

Aww it's the USS Liberty sequel!

Israel loves pulling the US into war. It's their national pisstime.

Edit: corrected the word passtime


"Passtime" is both not a word and if it were it would mean something not what you are attending.

While we are at it,

It's "Dog-eat-dog" not "doggy-dog" "Regardless" not "irregardless"

A pastime is a hobby you do to pass time. Passtime and pass-time are both former (albeit now obsolete) spellings of the word.

Don't be so quick to scathingly correct when you don't have a great grip on the term yourself.

Fucking hate spelling Nazis on Lemmy. As a dyslexic person, it makes me slightly hate commenting.

Use a fucking spell checker then. They are free. Stop being a lazy dyslexic.

Fucking hate people who are too lazy to accomplish even the simplest of tasks.

Lol, I'm not keen on those who go out the way to act like venemous little toads.

Urp yurz.

Obviously. Lazy shit bags aren't keen on doing anything. It's all about you, right?

"Urp yurz" lol what does that even mean? "Urp derp" to you, too, I guess? Shit, I dunno. I don't speak lazy dumbass.

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Way to sensationalize, just call it a missile no need to evoke the thought of an icbm.

It's probably a sayyad anti ship missile, ciws would murder them things unless mass fired which they don't have the resources for.

Isn’t there two types of missiles? The distinction matters, why would you assume it’s intercontinental based off of the type of missile? Cruise or ballistic can both be intercontinental.

It just means they follow a ballistic trajectory instead of direct fire like a tow missile.

It doesn't really matter no, they're just trying to make it sound scary. You gotta remember like half or more of the population won't know that and don't have the critical thinking to look it up.

Fun fact in this case it's a ballistic and a cruise missile. Likely a sayyad version of the qud missile which is itself likely a recased version of an Iranian missile.

How are they trying to make it sound scary? They are literally just telling you the type of missle. Cruise vs ballistic. Anything else is in your head.

People don’t need to look anything up, it’s not denoted as intercontinental, so why would you assume that?

You’re the one trying to make it sound scary lmfao. The article is fine and don’t claim critical thinking when you’re lacking it yourself. People aren’t going to assume icbm since it wasn’t ever mentioned until you did….

The vast majority of the public understands "missile fired from ship" to mean a missile fired from a ship, like they've seen in the movies. Hits the ship and goes boom. "Ballistic missile" invokes the misunderstanding of a missile with a nuke attached as the warhead.

Don’t fall out of your chair reaching like that.

The media says ballistic missiles when they want to invoke the idea of ICBM with nuclear warheads. If you didn't realize that, then you've never watched the news during a time of tense international relations, which means you're likely quite young. No reaching required.

Not young at all and no they aren’t. There’s nothing to imply icbm from ballistic, cruise would be more worrisome in reality than ballistic, so making the distinction removes an issue there.

And why are you assuming nuclear with icbm? None of those are related unless you make the biased connection.

You are reaching even worse now…..

It's called sensationaliam, adding a detail for no reason in the headline is the very definition of it.

I don't. Many people will, I guarantee it.

No, I'm not trying to make anything scary saying it's sensationalized is the very opposite of that.

Take your complaint up with US Central Command, they're the ones who described them as "ballistic missiles". It's not sensationalizing to use the phrase your sources use, they'd be criticized for bad reporting if they just said "missiles"

They are ballistic missiles, the fact that it's in the title is the irrelevant part because people see "ballistic" and go ooo that must be bad when in reality a ballistic missile against a us destroyer is an insanely idiotic waste of money.

Why would people think ballistic is bad? You seem to be the only one inferring that here.

It's an important fact. These rebels are well known to be supplied by Iran, specifically with ballistic missiles which they have used before against Saudi targets.

And they would be supplying them with missiles if we remove the distinction.

What’s your point?

In a military incident, what ordnance is used matters.

Yes so saying ballistic instead of just missile is an important distinction.

I've already explained this, I'm not responsible for anyone else's reading comprehension bud.

You’ve explained incorrectly with your bias leading.

Sensationalism isn’t just adding words, there must be intent there and you’re just assuming intent.

You claim critical thinking and this and that, yet it only sounds like you had sensationalism arms your word of the day and are taking it at face value. Instead of understanding that intent also matters.

Try some critical thinking of your own, and maybe some reading comprehension as well if you want to try and use that against others. Which is incredibly ironic considering you’ve proved that lack of yours by assuming all of this and missing the intent….

I didn't lead anyone anywhere bud.

That's quite literally sensationalism. Instead of houthi missile it's houti make ballistic missile so the uneducated go "wait they have ballistic missiles" and read a story that is a nothing burger. It's like the seventh time they've been attacked loitering in the area.

Nope, you're judging it based on people that actually read like most of us in world News. The average person is not smart, and lacks critical thinking and judging by how many people don't get it they number may be a bit higher than I assumed. Yes intent matters, that's why they added ballistic lol.

No need, but you probably aught to rethink some things yourself.

Yes… yes you did lead, your sensationalizing of the headline border on propaganda due to the bias you’ve presented….

If they didn’t clarify ballistic, people would assume it was a much more sophisticated cruise missile. Sensationalism another way.

Since the average person lacks critical thinking (like you here again) they would put ballistic missile to remove sensationalism and propaganda that can be built by bad actors (you again here), since now someone doesn’t need to do extra research or further reading to find, no they are safe since they aren’t intercontinental or smart cruise missiles.

Thank god they told us they were dumb missiles.

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Except a ballistic missile often invokes the image of an low tech, unguided mortar more than it does an intercontinental nuke. You calling it "sensationalized" is implying it's the worse thing when it's clearly not.

No an unguided missile in military parlance is a rocket and yes probably a ballistic one. But way to prove my point, your average person has no idea what the fuck they're talking about.

It’s not sensationalized, it’s an important distinction.

It would be like an article mentioning a vehicle involved in a collision is a truck instead of a car. How would that be sensationalism?

Again, you’re the one attempting to make a non-issue scary. This isn’t sensationalism by any stretch of the defintion.

It's not.

Does the word ballistic materially change the subject of the article? No it's an unnecessary adjective. And yes your example would be as well. They tried to make it sound worse, it's a shitty Iranian missile fired well under maximum range it being ballistic is irrelevant aside from being an idiotic choice.

Not at all. How exactly do you get that out of my comments.

How does telling you the type of missle make it sound worse? Because you think and want it to…?

Any headline can be stripped down and made to be sensationalized if you can never ever use an adjective. It’s only sensationalized in your head since you want it to be, you’re the biased one here.

How is my example sensationalized? Please explain to the rest of class so we can understand why you’re so biased here.

For reasons already stated, it's not hard to understand. You should read Chomsky if you don't understand the importance of words.

Again, remove ballistic and it changes nothing but adding it makes it sound worse. That's sensationalism.

There's no bias and I'm pretty sure I told you why I'm my last response didn't I .

No you haven’t explained anything, you just keep repeating the same thing and I keep telling you that’s not actually sensationalism, since it’s not.

Try something else, sensationalism isn’t just adding words, it’s adding words to intentionally mislead.

You’re the one misleading here, not the headline.

Try again.

I've repeatedly explained sensationalism, I'm not sure why you're saying I haven't.

It literally is.

Not at all.

Try what again?

You haven’t explained sensationalism, you’ve sensationalized the definition really.

Sensationalism requires intent, there is no intent to mislead here so there is no sensationalism. Sorry you can’t think critically enough to comprehend this.

Try to explain this is sensationalism, your explanation you’ve tried doesn’t work since intent is needed and it’s lacking here. So try again to prove this is sensationalism.

Heres a hint, omitting words can also be sensationalism, so yeah… its not just adding words like you’ve previously claimed.

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I won't read Chompsky because I know the importance of words

The dude thinks the USA invented propaganda and no other country uses it

Apparently not.

And no they didn't, propaganda is much older than England let alone the US and we're certainly not the only ones to use it but way to prove that lack of critical thinking.

I believe you misread my comment, I said that Chomsky seems to believe the US invented propaganda

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Boat A responded to a call from Boat B that was under attack in the water. Boat A fired warning shots and used a weapon to deflect an incoming weapon. No injuries or damage were reported. The incident is being investigated.


Well yes, but actually no.

We both know you didn't have to remove all the detail along with the sensationalized detail. You're just trying to be petty about it.

Well that’s their point, where’s the line of sensationalized detail? Calling it a missile can be sensationalism to some people.

Also, omitting details is sensationalism as well, it’s not just adding words. They sensationalized the headline with omissions to make a point.

Calling it a missile can be sensationalism to some people.

People are entitled to their own opinions, but not their own facts. It's a "missile" if it has a means of self-propulsion (otherwise it's a "bullet" or "shell") and a guidance system (otherwise it's a "rocket"). Maybe some people would think calling a missile what it is is sensationalism, but they're just wrong.

They sensationalized the headline with omissions to make a point.

Yes, I'm aware of what they were trying to do. Their point was stupid and they were petty to make it.

I’ve always wondered what the difference is between a “rocket” and a “missile”, but constantly forget to look it up. Now I know it’s a guidance system. Thanks!

Ballistic missiles don’t usually have guidance systems though…. Those are cruise missiles and why the original articles distinction matters.

A missile is a rocket with a payload, which is just a projectile with an engine.

The article better just call it a projectile to avoid any avenue of sensationalism.

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Fact, it’s a projectile.

Describing it further as a missile, bullet, mortar, shell. Can all be considered sensationalism.

You seem to have missed the point, where’s the line of a description being sensationalism?

A ballistic missile is sensationalized of missile, missile is sensationalized of projectile. Projectile is sensationalized of weapon.

Where’s the line dude……?

Describing it further as a missile, bullet, mortar, shell. Can all be considered sensationalism.

No, that's a lie. Words have meanings and you aren't entitled to pretend "missile" isn't factually accurate.

It is factually correct, just like ballistic missile is too. It lets you know it’s a dumb missle vs a smart one.

If that distinction isn’t important, why is missile over projectile?

You still missed the point entirely… do you need a stool or something? You can’t have your cake and eat it too lmfao. You’re being a massively hypocritcal troll if missile is important over projectile, but not clarifying ballistic as well. You can’t have your cake and eat it too.

Buddy was being a little pedantic with their example, but it was needed, multiple people (you included) are putting bias into sensationalism, and sometimes the only way to point that out is through exaggeration.

It’s funny that you STILL missed their point and are arguing that missile is important over projectile/weapon, but not ballistic…. Lmfao.

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Nope detail to convey the subject is good, irrelevant detail to draw clicks isn't.

If someone sensationalizes a situation or event, they make it seem worse or more shocking than it really is.

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Mads, it's time for your takes to get wildly less insane.

Aww still salty Mr bigot? Here to make fun of my disability or some shitty racist take on houthis?

Ed: almost forgot. You're a bigot, at least be an honest bigot. An ashamed Nazi is still a Nazi.

This is a really good look for you.

How's that bud, you get actively called out for being a troll on like 80% of your comments what leg have you to stand on?

Should I link your bigoted sexist bullshit? Or how about your bigoted ableist bullshit? Pick your poison or I'll pick it for ya.

You're a bigot, at least be an honest bigot. An ashamed Nazi is still a Nazi after all.

No one has ever called me out for trolling because I don't troll unless someone gets unhinged

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"If a shitty home-made missile's engine fails half way through flight then technically it's ballistic from that point on." - shitty reporter.

It's if homemade it's probably unguided which makes it a rocket or rocket assisted mortar.

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Balistic missles are not an ideal antiship weapon.

the high angle of attack reduces opportunity for intercept by all but the most advanced and expensive systems. it may seem counterintuitive, but we're not dealing with 1960s ballistic missiles, we can now guide during terminal descent.

So these boston whaler based terrorists have precision guidance and a seeker of some sort? How do they target?

From the description though it seems like these ballistic missiles were about as technologically advanced as a firework.

yeah I have no doubt iran /whomever has a long long way to go in their development, just don't want to see all ballistics derided because they change the intercept game mightily.

(Good) Terminal guidance really puts a limit on the speed though, which kind of negates the main advantage of using a ballistic missile (speed).

Even a good ballistic missile will be open for interception longer than say a low observability sea skimmer like LARASM.

Iran isn't capable or mass producing enough anti ship missiles to give to their terrorist proxy forces so ballsitic missiles it is

I wonder if conservatives are gonna run with this story and make the Houthis the next Supervillain Of The Month, or just slap the “rebel” tag on them and forget about it.

Well conservative have no idea what is going on. If they say the Houthi are bad then they cannot complain about Obama bombing them. If they say the are not bad, then Israil will be upset.

You or I would take those things into account, but remember: conservatives are extremely comfortable with hypocrisy.

The Houthis are an Iranian proxy. The smart conservatives will know this and will incorporate it into their vilification efforts. The stupid ones don't need anything like a reason or a plausible excuse.

Before anyone makes the obvious joke, it’s important to remember that yes, there ARE smart conservatives. Folks like me are used to making fun of MAGAts and their ilk, but don’t underestimate the conservatives higher up.

They'll just bring up Hunter's laptop, Clinton's emails, and some form of "Border crisis" down south.

don't forget about the border crisis up north.

did you hear about the massive terrorist attack on the northern border that wasnt totally just a sad, and tragic car accident?

But it exploded! You know, like vehicles filled with large amounts of volatile fluids can do under the precise circumstances. It's really really rare, but it absolutely CAN happen if the right things happen.

“The missiles landed in the Gulf of Aden approximately ten nautical miles from the ships,"

Yeah... Not concerned at all.

The US navy are just overreacting to extreme fishing.

This is the best summary I could come up with:

Two ballistic missiles were fired from Houthi rebel-controlled Yemen toward a US warship in the Gulf of Aden, after the US Navy responded to a distress call from a commercial tanker that had been seized by armed individuals, the US military said Sunday.

The USS Mason, a guided-missile destroyer, and allied ships from a counter-piracy task force that operates in the Gulf of Aden and off the coast of Somalia responded to the call for help and “demanded release of the vessel” upon arrival, Central Command said.

“Subsequently, five armed individuals debarked the ship and attempted to flee via their small boat,” said the statement posted on social media platform X.

Hours later, at 1:41 a.m. local time on Monday morning, two ballistic missiles were fired from areas controlled by Houthi rebels in Yemen “toward the general location” of the USS Mason and Central Park, the statement said.

A statement from Zodiac Maritime, which manages the Central Park, said Sunday the Liberian-flagged chemical tanker was safe “and all of the crew, the vessel, and cargo are unharmed.”

“We will continue to work with allies and partners to ensure the safety and security of international shipping lanes,” Kurilla said.

The original article contains 378 words, the summary contains 198 words. Saved 48%. I'm a bot and I'm open source!

All because Israel, that country is as much of an ally as Pakistan. Edit: For those that don't know, the US was responding to the high jacking of a tanker owned by an Israeli billionaire. Israeli billionaires are using our military assets to protect their business

This is about Saudi Arabia and Iran's proxy war in Yemen, not Israel

The tanker is owned by an Israeli billionaire family, dingus. Israeli businesses are using our military as their personal police.

US navy does indeed insure the safety of maritime travel and trade, as that is a net benefit for the US.

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The Houthi hate the US for reasons other than Israel. They kind of view us as at the same level of Israel.

Well we have been selling arms to the Saudis for a proxy war that by now has led to the starvation death of children numbered at almost 100,000. Atleast it was around 70,000 a few years ago. So it must be more now

Yeah, death to America on their flag and all that. I'm talking about US presence in the sea. And that tanker is owned by a billionaire Israeli family business. Israel is using US as their personal police on top of the foreign aid they already receive, I'm fucking sick of it.

The US navy combats piracy world wide. The destroyer's response has nothing to do with it being an Israeli tanker.

The US would have responded the same for a large number of different counties' ship if they were hijacked in a similar way.

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US really needs to freedomize Yemen already

So the results of five aggressors means wipe out a population of innocent people?

Seems real Hamas if you ask me.

How many pilots executed 9/11? Five?

It's as American as it gets