'I did it for my country': Giuliani justifies defaming Georgia election workers

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'I did it for my country': Giuliani justifies defaming Georgia election workers

Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani on Sunday offered a justification after he was found liable for defaming two former Georgia election workers, Shaye Moss and Ruby Freeman.

On his Sunday WABC radio program, Giuliani congratulated himself for a "brilliant legal move" because he recommended that then-President Donald Trump take his rigged election claims to state legislatures instead of the courts after the 2020 presidential vote.

"I went to Georgia, indicted, I went to Michigan, I went to Pennsylvania, I went to Arizona, and I went there, and I testified, and I brought my witnesses, and I said, among other things, if we lose, we'll have a historical record, yet we're going to prove this one day, Mr. President," he recalled telling Trump. "I don't even realize they're going to try to put us in prison, arrest us, raid our apartments."


we were on the verge of electing a 30-year career criminal as the President of the United States, and if you do that, you're going to rot from the head down.

More projection. A 30-year career criminal is exactly what Trump is; as evidence has shown and proved.

Now, now, now. Trump is way more than a 30 year career criminal!

Sounds like he has zero remorse and is basically saying "My only crime is that I tried to stop an election stealing criminal".

The judge should double the ruling.

If these people don't keep doubling down, the maga base turns on them and they are completely screwed. They rely on the money from grifting those idiots and are no longer even remotely accepted by the adults in the room.

He doesn't have enough money to cover the initial ruling. The courts need to more aggressively retrieve the money because it already may as well be a trillion dollars he owes.

More like 50-year career criminal, in Trump's case...

dude's been stealing oxygen from more worthy beings since day one.

"Did it for my country" is the new talking point. Trump used it yesterday.

This is the rationalization when the narcissist is proven to have lied. "I was being selfless, making that sacrifice"

That didn't happen.

And if it did, it wasn't that bad.

And if it was, that's not a big deal.

And if it is, that's not my fault.

And if it was, I didn't mean it.

And if I did, you deserved it.

So that’s line four of the prayer? Moving along pretty well!

I feel like it's more like line 5. He's admitting fault, just "didn't mean" to harm the election process.

I guess we'll see "you don't deserve democracy" some time over the next year and our election really will be a question of if we want to become a fascist state or not

There are quite a few on the right already saying this. "We're a republic, not a democracy!"

See how some are proposing that the House should decide presidents.

As long as the candidates are also House members, and they can be changed part of the way through their term, that's just the parliamentary system, like the UK, Australia, NZ, etc have.

“For the country” is just him admitting to what they are trying to steal?

Why did you rob that bank? For the money.

It's because they're the best option for the country. Therefore everything they do is justified.

Admitting you committed a crime is not going to work out for you at trial...

"So when you said you 'did it for your country', isn't that an admission?"

". . ."

It's already been to trial and he was found guilty of defaming the two election workers (he didn't even put in a valid defence).

That wasn't the CRIMINAL trial though, that is still coming.

You don't want to be admitting crimes ahead of potential jail time, especially when the bar raises from "preponderance of evidence" (civil trial) to "beyond reasonable doubt" (criminal trial).

From the article:

"I did it all for my country because I knew something my fellow countrymen didn't know, and that is that we were on the verge of electing a 30-year career criminal as the President of the United States, and if you do that, you're going to rot from the head down."

What a fucking idiot.

Does the Trump country club know any other rhetorical tricks? Or just projection?

Fake News. I’ve gotta admit, Fake News was brilliant strategy, if sowing seeds of doubt into the election process was the goal.

That is all they need. There could be multi-angle cameras that record their hate speech, and all they have to do to answer to it is say Fake News.

Fake News! I never said that they should “fire up the ovens”. And if I did, it was not referring to any one specific group of people. And if I actually was referring to specific groups of people, I was just saying what you all think. And if you don’t think that, then you are probably an agent of either the FBI or IRS/ANTIFA.

Edit to fix punctuation.

2 more...

"Did it for my country" - translation: "Did it for myself"

you did it for yourself and your friends you fucking crook, and nobody but the left half of the bell curve thinks otherwise for even one second.

Do you think he believes it? Giuliani is an idiot but like, surely even the biggest moron can tell that the grift is just not working for him. I’d pipe down and try to minimize further financial damage, but maybe he’s a true believer.

Idk. I’ve never had my soul seep down my face in a black goop so maybe I’m trying to apply rational thought processes that don’t exist within him anymore

I don't think he believed it in the beginning, but I'm not convinced he has all his faculties anymore, so I think the line between grift and reality is getting blurrier every day for him.

I don't think he's capable of just shutting the fuck up. Like his daddy trump, it's physically impossible for him to stop gibbering out bullshit.

At this point, I don't think he even knows. Dude has completely lost it. Seems like he's sun-downing half the time.

Do you think he believes it?

The best liars are able to convince themselves of the bullshit first.

Thing is, they don't have to believe it to feel justified in saying it. Just like some cultures accept/encourage otherwise negative behavior like cheating or lying as long as it's at the expense of the 'enemy' (unlike some cultures who would consider those acts dishonorable in themselves), Republicans are easily at that point in their culture where as long as it somehow owns (or just bothers or creates extra work for) liberals, and internally they can wink wink, nudge nudge each other and be on the inside of the joke, it's perfectly fine to say one thing and think another.

The problem is that they aren't particularly good at it, so there isn't really a solid line and, find themselves on both sides of the lines as far as being the insiders and also the mark, they don't fully know how to function. Just watch the lower level people in interviews...they have no idea what the end game plan is, just some talking points, so when you ask them about two counter-intuitive assertions, they just fall back to pouting and anger. It's really no difference for the top-level players like Trump and Guiliani. They just know that the lies work, and some people are letting them get away with them, and everyone else can't keep up with the speed with which it's spewing from their collective mouths, so they follow that prayer, the say it, they know they have to say it half convincingly, and in the process, end up believing in some of it, laughing about most of it, and generally confused about which half is which.

“I am a proven traitor to America and attempted to oppress the will of its people because I am an American patriot and I love my country!”

This is the type of dumbassery that all the backwoods Cletus’es eat up. Guaranteed to earn his master a few extra votes.

“I am a proven traitor to America and attempted to oppress the will of its people because I am an American patriot and I love my country!”

Secedes from Union

So that's cool and all (well not really), but the time to raise a defense is at court. Of course, they don't simply let you say things, you have to produce the discovery materials.

What's that? That would be incredibly damning? So just take the verdict and whine? Sounds about right.

Lol. Welcome to the "find out" part of the story Rudy.

Get fucked

Just because you say you did it for your country, doesn't make it good.

Like the shit I took this morning, I did that for my country.

That poor poor victim, you see he had to overthrow democracy and frame innocent people because he didn't like the next president.

Ah, admission of treason.

Sedition, not treason. He's attempting to usurp the legal government process through extralegal reasons and replace our current form of government with a different one. Sedition wasn't covered in the constitution, but the Alien and Sedition acts were passed during the Adams administration in the leadup to the War of 1812 (our real war of independence). However, the Alien and Sedition acts were passed before the Supreme Court pulled the power of Judicial Review out of its ass, and it's likely they wouldn't surivive a modern test for constitutionality. Doubt we'll see any Attorney General bring charges under those acts, blatantly unconstitutional laws tend not to work well against white criminals with money to defend themselves.

Treason would be acting with a foreign agent to overthrow the government. For example, one could commit treason by supplying classified documents (that were stolen from the White House and improperly stored in a bathroom) containing information about identities of field agents to agents of foreign powers, in exchange for monetary and/or political gain. Even though most people would consider such actions to be treasonous, treason carries the death penalty so it's hard to get it to stick. Usually folk who do that sort of thing get tried under the Espionage Acts. See Manning and Winter, imprisoned for espionage; vs the Rosenbergs, executed for treason.

If we're talking criminal action, I'd think Rudy should be tried under the Alien and Sedition acts, but more likely various state election interference statutes. Someone who will remain nameless has clearly committed treason & espionage, though I doubt we'll ever see his Orangeness meet the same fate as either Manning/Winter or the Rosenbergs, despite his causing significantly more damage to our nation.

The 'foreign agent' is of Russia, near as any rational person could readily discern. I appreciate the distinction you've made, and tho' I'm not a lawyer, it's pretty clearly treason with Russia, and against the USA. And this applies to nearly all of them, Rudy, Orangey, a goodly portion of the GOP reps, judiciary, etc. And that's the real problem, what do you do when a 1/3 of your country commit treason?

To MAGA their country, their America, is only for wealthy, white, male landowners. Nobody else matters in their view. Read any statement from tr*mp and team with this in mind and you'll understand their context. These people believe that the white man was God's gift to the New World, they are owed this and how dare we disagree!

Not even his supporters are going to remember him as anything but a penis butler for Trump.

we’re going to prove this one day

In other words after all this time and your people swearing up and down they've seen proof, the pillow guy trying to present garbage as proof, it is still not proven and you actually have nothing, not one piece of concrete evidence.

They all keep claiming that they've got iron-clad proof that the election was stolen and that it will all be proven in the next court case or will be released in 2 weeks. Then the iron-clad proof fails to show up. Then, they claim that the judge is part of the conspiracy and refused to allow it or that Those Evil Liberals somehow prevented them from showing the evidence. But don't worry because they'll show it in the next trial/in two weeks. Repeat again and again and again.

On his Sunday WABC radio program, Giuliani congratulated himself for a “brilliant legal move” because he recommended that then-President Donald Trump take his rigged election claims to state legislatures instead of the courts after the 2020 presidential vote.

Incriminating yourself on your own radio show is more brilliant still.

I have never seen anyone so thoroughly disgrace themself as Rudy Giuliani.

Same here. He could have retired after 9/11 and would have been seen as a hero and "America's Mayor." Granted, the accolades wouldn't have been earned, but few weeks have looked deep underneath the glowing reputation.

Instead, he hitched his wagon to a narcissistic wannabe dictator. He tried to overthrow the election results. He repeatedly defamed two election workers. He destroyed every shred of his good reputation multiple times over and he has nobody to blame but himself. No, not even Trump. Rudy could have cut away from Trump at any point but chose not to. This is all on Rudy.

Yeah. I'm sure the country doesn't thank you for it, Rudy.

nothing is better for america than undermining democratic processing

Giuliani congratulated himself for a "brilliant legal move".

Ok buddy.

Well, good for him for finally finding that hill to die on.

So, you know, you can die now.

What country is that? Russia?

Exactly. The game plan was always to sell us out to Russia.

Didn't Trump suggest hanging people like this?