Forking heck

no banana to Lemmy – 552 points –

I don't know why this is posted as a shitpost. This is just life wisdom. There is a single fork in my drawer that I refuse to use, it's basically like a salad fork, but it's not quiet big enough to be one, but it's too large to be used as a normal fork. I. Hate. That. Fork.

We can't shitpost about life now?

I have one fork with extra long tines. Dunno where it came from. But every time I grab it, I'm like "Yo, long boi! Youre not going to stab me this time are you?"

And the long fork does not assure me that its not going to stab me this time, because it does not like to lie.

Nope. We got a 12 seating set for our wedding and donated everything else. We've replaced lost/damaged pieces with same ever since, so we have an entirely matching set.

It must feel great to have your life figured out.

Its not just a fork.

I also have a spoon, a butter knife, and a steak knife, that I all hate for no reason, that I actively put back if I accidentally grab them to get something else.

I hate them so much that I will just skip eating if thats all in the drawer and I dont feel like doing dishes.

Sharp corners and edges, low quality stamping, hard to clean between the prongs and crevices. These are thr things thay make me throw out forks and spoons.

We have some forks which are made out of really thin tin you can bend them very easily. I hate those forks. No one uses them. I wish they would take the hint and fork off, instead they hang around trying to blend in with the better cutlery and get picked by accident.

I have one spoon I prefer because of the thinness of it and I have had a 4 pack in my hand and not bought them because it might make it less special. How am I supposed to be an adult with a brain like this?

The good fork is thick and has fancy engravings. It came with the random shit in the house.

The bad fork has a scrape on the prong. You sometimes feel it's shameful failings across your tung. It makes the plastic disposables feel fancy.

Idk why I keep this fork that's slightly bent and I just sigh then use it.

Used to have a spoon like this, but I’ve since replaced all my silverware with matching pieces 😌 which is amazing btw

We did the same too. They're also black, which is awesome.

I love how almost everyone in this thread seems to not have a cutlery set. Including me! I can't be bothered with that shit, there's better uses for my time and money.

I love you hated fork

I just checked Ikea's website and they have cutlery sets on clearance for <$2. Theres plenty at various price points, and only the most expensive get over $20.

I understand different people are in different situations. There have been times in my life when $20 was a big expense. I also don't like throwing out good stuff to buy new stuff. But to me the hassle of dealing with the one bad fork isn't worth messing around with - either toss it or put it in the junk drawer as a non-food instrument and buy new ones of you get low.

I don't see how people can eat with broken, bent or sharpened tines.

I accidentally bite my food instruments enough that I don't need individual instruments to be unique.

Huh, I can't think of a single time I've accidentally bitten a fork or spoon. I can't even think of a way that it would happen. Now I'm curious if this happens to others?

I've accidentally bitten a fork but very rarely, every few years maybe. It's not pleasant.


Are these people trying to scrape the food off their forks using their teeth instead of lips?!!

It's rare, but every time it's incredibly unpleasant. It's expecting to bite into a nice soft food, but instead chomping on a piece of metal, praying that you didn't just break a tooth.

It happened to me a few times one year when I started getting neurological disorder. It stopped once I started paying attention to what I eat, cherishing every bite.

I'm in my mid 40s and many of my cutlery had names. I'm not kidding. There's Mack, the knife. Then there's "gitty", a fork from git. There's "Hulk", my favorite mother-of-Pearl egg spoon (from "spoony god", got it?!?), another fork named "cleetus", another knife called "Aragorn", a huge serving spoon called "Schaffer" (a German thing, from "schaffen", getting it done), an old knife called Emily (cause it's blunt), a fork called "Becki" from Bakelite, it's end of made from it (no dishwasher for Becki, ever), a 2 prong fork called "Chris", from Christopher Pike, the star Trek captain, "butters" the butter knife, "Ichi", the Japanese crazy Sharp straight knife, regularly sharpened on "Neil" and "Kappa", the diamond and the water stone and the list goes on and on. Don't ask about the other stuff, like "Wicket", the electric wok. E-wok. Right. That one. I guess, it became kind of a hobby.

When I moved in w my gf the only forks in the house were 2 forks of the same kind and I hated them, so I went to the dollar store and bought a fork that didn't suck, and when she asked me why I had to tell her of the loathing I carried for her utensils. She just shook her head but a few years later yet another fork appeared in the house (which I also don't like, but don't actively detest), so I can only conclude that she must've not thought too much of her forks in the first place. Plus she occasionally uses my dollar store fork. I may not have much in the way of taste but clearly I'm doing OK in the fork game.

Besides the "kiddy forks", there's one. There's also one spoon that I always use. If it's dirty, I'll clean it first

all my forks are like that, I hate the smaller ones

Really?? Wanna trade because I can't stand the big forks. Like why are they so large? I don't want to consume my entire meal in a single bite.

Forks where the back half is heavier then the front half give me so much rage. Why my fork keep falling off my plate???

But it becomes perfectly balanced when your holding food in it

But when it has food on it, you hold the fork in your hand and thus can ignore imbalance

a) why are you putting your fork down? Dinner is a race.

b) does your fork have a huge jeweled pomel? I can't image a fork so imbalanced that you accidently place it such that it falls off the plate lol.

Some forks have really "fancy" hand - thick and heavy.

Of course, it's a small problem, but annoying one

I kinda get it in concept. But I can't imagine leaving enough of my fork hanging out past my plate that this would ever be a problem no matter how heavy-handled the fork.

Can I get a pic of how you rest your fork? 🤣

We have two kinds: long and narrow fork and a short and wide fork. I always swap the narrow for the wide.

I also have a thing with the plates. I really don't like using the ones that don't have a design on them. There's just something off about using a blank plate.

Then why not get rid of them?

My wife can still use them. She's normal.

Yeah but you can't. If it doesn't matter much to her anyways then find some you like and just donate the ones you don't. Shop around at thrift shops if you don't have much money. That's what I did, I fricking adore the set I found and I don't think I paid more than $20 for it.

To take it a step further, I can highly recommend having all your dishes be part of a single matching set. It's the little things that make you feel like an adult with your life in order, you know?

Brain: No its still good.

Me: But I hate it. I never use it. Im going to throw it away.

Brain: No dont!

At age 35 you should be considering throwing out (well, donating) the misc silverware for a matching set, I think. This was more of an issue in my 20s when my silverware was all mismatching.

For some reason mismatched silverware always bothered me.

It is one of the first things I purchased when I moved out of my parents house, and I've had a complete set of matching silverware since.

...except for one spoon. I have one spoon my great grandmother gave me that I've held onto for over 40 years that doesn't match. That spoon is only used for eating ice cream.

Yeah, it's funny, I've replaced almost all of my silverware but I still have a couple of spoons that are from the set my parents had when I was growing up. It's an oddly nostalgic thing.

I have a drawer filled with two sets of silverware: a heavy,solid walmart set,and a cheap,thin dollar store set. The dollar store set you look at them funny and they're bent. The walmart set,tho,I believe you could commit homicide with one and it would still be fine. Nice and heavy,good feel in the hands. The dollar store set feels like a child's play set. I despise them but my wife won't let me throw them out. If I have to use the flimsy ones I too will skip a meal,or wash one of the good utensils.

For me, I had two sets of silverware and then two stray forks that I'd no clue from whence they came. Once I had them, though, every fork from the actual sets became the one I didn't want to use.

My mom's house was like this. When we inherited my grandma's nicely molded and weighted set she just put them all in the drawer together with the cheap but decent set we already had. She then went and added a cheap amazon stamped sheet metal set, which was painted black so it didn't even match a little bit, on top of it all.

Drove me nuts until I could finally move out and buy a single cohesive set for my drawer.

Apart from the pleasant one on the left, they're all the worst. The 4th from the right is almost good, but then you notice the creepy-as-fuck centre tine-gap length.

Chopsticks are superior anyways

It's much harder to cut a steak with chopsticks.

You cross the chopsticks like an X and use it like scissors.

But either way I wouldn't use just a fork, I'd use a knife too.

Well yeah, the fork is to hold down the steak while you cut it with the knife.

You can hold down the steak with the chopsticks and use a knife as well is what I'm saying.

With chopsticks you have less pressure area and thus less control.

What? You can apply as much pressure and area as far as your chopsticks can spread. If anything, it's more control because you can hold them close together for smaller pieces or spread your chopsticks out wider than 2-3 forks.

You can apply as much pressure and area as far as your chopsticks can spread.

With chopsticks you have just two points of pressure.

Doesn't matter, u can cover a wider range of surface area. If u spread out the chopsticks about once inch apart, they cover the same distance as forks. Just apply as much pressure as needed