How do you pick your usernames? to Ask – 53 points –

For a while I was using the same username for everything, but recently I've been trying to mix it up.

Context: Currently picking my new username for Signal and I'm not sure what to put. I don't want spam, and I use Signal for privacy, but I could also do something nice. First name? Randomly generated?


Been using it since the 20th century, and it's never taken by anyone else.

I’m going to start stealing your username on all new sites so you’ll have to be like Rhyn0plaz

Same. Had it since BBSs were a thing. No one else has ever created an account with it either. It’s irritating when a service requires #s in the username field. Don’t find those often and I don’t usually stick around.

I usually go for a play on words

Last week on lan party friend named himself Fu-King-Sheep.

"Who is fucking sheep?"

"I hope that nobody is fucking sheep"

He had something like this every game.

If you haven't done it yet, next time set you name to Your Daddy.

It's a concept in Japanese martial arts that I read in a book by Takuan Soho.


Fudōshin (Japanese: 不動心) is a state of equanimity or imperturbability (literally and metaphorically, "immovable mind",[1] "immovable heart"[2] or "unmoving heart"). It is a philosophical or mental dimension to Japanese martial arts which contributes to the effectiveness of the advanced practitioner.

I was training in Jujutsu and kenjutsu at the time and the concept clicked. I know it sounds very 'weeb' but it was an epiphany and quite profound for me at the time.

There's a Shingon Buddhist deity that encapsulates the concept too and he holds a sword to cut through ignorance and delusion.

There're some related concepts like Mushin that come together with marital arts.

That's really cool, thank you for sharing :)

I created this account to ask about curves.

My default is the first name I gave to myself before I even was in first class.

When I need something else or temporary I just slap together some words.

Something I was really into at one particular moment.

Sacabambaspis is an extinct genus of jawless fish that lived in the Ordovician period

I love it

I try to make it as short as possible because it looks cool to me

It's meaningful to me, and meaningless to the internet.

Don't wanna dox myself but mine was my favorite character in a video game and my favorite band. That combination was never taken in anything.

I spent 5 minutes coming up with a xbox360 username as a kid based off games I recently payed. Good enough to last me my entire life.

Well let's be real, anyone who's had them has tried this. As someone who does this often I must say it was difficult to type my username

I had a plan that'd I'd comment on random things i came across and give a really convincing but incorrect take on it. Never got around to it.

Assuming the name has no real use or meaning, I'll often "blur" the site into a similar/related word, and possibly do that a couple of times. For instance, Signal becomes singer, becomes your favorite singer. Or signal becomes noise, becomes Public Enemy. Bonus points if I can bring it back to a pun

I used to ride a motorbike like a cunt. Tried to be descriptive.

I never use the same username across systems. That would make correlation way too easy.

For the last while I've been randomising the dictionary of 3 or 4 character words and running down the list until I find something I like the sound of and is available. If it's a well populated username base I might need to drop back to a list of all permutations of a-z in that length and do the same.

i put in all the brainpower i can muster and think for about 2 hours before just choosing a random roman god/dess or something stupid that i think sounds cool or has to do with something i like, because i can't think of anything original. like if i had to make one right now it'd probably be uhhh superfluidhydrabreath

if i were queer enough i'd probably change that to supergenderfluid, but i'm not

games like stellaris are the most challenging to me solely because they require you to make up a lot of names, and i don't wanna use the auto generated names because that's stupid and for cowards. often times i spend more time making up names or designing my characters than i do playing the game the day i start

Was called it a lot as a kid, I took it and made it my own. Now it let's me know who to block when someone has literally nothing left to their argument that they have to resort to using my username as an insult.

Do you block someone if they say "hey bonehead what's up?"

Only if it was meant as an insult. Usually there has to be several comments trying to argue with me before the insults come out. I appreciate when people ask how I'm doing in a non-confrontational way. I'd assume that statement wasn't meant as an insult, but I've been wrong before.

Not sure how I picked this one it was the name for a throwaway account I forgot about for like 10 years. Nowadays I like the randomly generated ones that are like random adjective with a random animal noun. Like AngryRaccoon or UglyBear