Biden announces U.S. will airdrop food aid into Gaza to World – 385 points –
Biden announces U.S. will airdrop food aid into Gaza

And then Israel will bomb Gazans as they're rushing to get some food

Wonder what would happen if they went full crazy and shot the planes dropping supplies. they're helping hamas so we shot them down

USS Liberty says not much would happen.

I would say the us would make a lot happen if Israel shot down one of our planes.

But you have a point, this is a little different though.

There is no way to claim they didn’t know this time

Yeah, the US public is much more aware now than they were in 1967.

I think Israel is batshit insane enough right now that we might get to find out!

The IDF: We're protecting the Palestinians since Hamas is in the air drops!

Yup...Israel said Hamas was flying the supply planes from the US. They were right when they said that it was actually Hamas that blew up every single hospital in Gaza, so I have no reason to doubt them.

You might need a /s there. I actually see users here that believe and spread that bullshit.

I thought about it, but then I decided to embellish what I had initially written until I felt it was sufficiently absurd.

The problem with that is that there are so many crazies and shills on the internet, some people will take you seriously.

Every service member is entitled to defend themselves. Some do it by launching flares. Others do it by firing anti radiation missiles at any missile system doing enough to target them.

But honestly, the Israelis aren't going to do that. They aren't cartoon villains. They are smart and know exactly what they want and how to get there.

But honestly, the Israelis aren’t going to do that. They aren’t cartoon villains. They are smart and know exactly what they want and how to get there.

Yeah cartoon villains usually don’t commit genocide, and see the thing here is that Israel has no fucking clue how to get where they want to go and they are blindly engaging in mass violence that will ensure Israel will be unsafe for decades to come (can you imagine how badly you would want to hurt the people who murdered your entire family for no reason?).

You can be veryyyyy smart and still be a fascist at the same time unfortunately.

You assume they want safety. Netanyahu and group want power.

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See that carrier in the Mediterranean? Park that bitch right off the coast of Gaza and start shipping food and aid straight in, what the fuck is Israel going to do about it

Bring in some USMC LCACs drive it right on up the beach.

And fucking dare Israel to.

Dare them to do what, the US supports them. The US isn't staring anyone down here, they're watching a genocide and selling the gas for the chambers.

Absolute fantasy that they're some saviours here, they enabled this and are getting enough push back to make the barest effort to appease critic in an election year.

That would change overnight if we had personel getting pasted by IDF while dropping off supplies.

One of the big differences between now and USS Liberty is by how much coverage these things get. It would be hard to keep it out of the media.

Besides which, LCACs have been used before in exactly this role. (They’re hovercraft designed to drop off tanks in a beach. IIRC, they were used in Africa?)

That would change overnight if we had personel getting pasted by IDF while dropping off supplies.

We had citizens in the war zone for a month until Egypt made a corridor. NPR was talking directly to them as they begged the US government to help them get out.

The US isn't going to stare down the IDF at all

Well… no.

But we should. Or at least, something… I dunno.

You dumbfuck, you think you don't live in a one party state that pretends to be 2? Just read some Jackie Chan interviews bout politics and then think about the shit comes out your mouth.

It's not like the US would retaliate.

Like when This happened and we did nothing

The uss liberty incident didn’t have the real time eyes that the public has in Gaza.

They won’t put troops on the ground because they don’t trust IDF to not fuck that up, but if they did…

there is zero way that it’d be as contained as the Liberty was (we’re all gonna know about it roughly five minutes after it happened,) and no way that Biden won’t be forced to respond- aggressively- when everystarts blasting videos of IDF missiles hitting American marines/sailors/soldiers/airforce.

I’ve said since the beginning that they should put one us soldier on each truck and roll on.

The fuckers are stupid, but not that stupid

Are you kidding me? The IDF is committing a genocide that will ensure Israelis are unsafe for decades to come, they literally could not be acting in a more stupid fashion.

They absolutely are that stupid.

Also I find it hilarious y’all think that conservatives in the US would actually genuinely care if someone they had decided was an ally (Netanyahu) killed US servicemen. Conservatives don’t actually give a flying fuck about the lives of US soldiers like they don’t actually give a fuck about the lives of US children.

Conservatives would absolutely sit there and take it if Netanyahu killed US soldiers. Maybe the left would immediately push for military action but it would be fighting against a bunch of spineless cowards because Netanyahu would just blame it on Biden and Conservatives would 10000000% run with that narrative no matter what the reality was.

Not a bad idea, but you'd be relying on the IDF and Hamas not to fuck it up. The odds of a fuck-up increases exponentially with every idiot you add to a situation.

We can call up almost a third of Israel’s total population into active military service with minimal problems.

No recruiting drives, no drafts, that is just in our already active and reserves.

We probably have more special services members who cut their teeth on war in the desert and urban areas than Hamas had at their full strength in ordinary soldiers.

We have spy satellites that can practically, and in all likelihood actually can, read the text off pages.

We got so good at making super bombs that we got bored and said “Hold my Beer” and then stuck some fucking swords on a missile just to show off.

The US Military is basically the real life version of r/HFY.

It would take a special kind of stupid to start some shit when we are handing out food and trying to appease both sides of the political spectrum, and just give the US a legit reason to fuck around for Real Real in the Middle East again.

Good, would have been better a month or two ago, but good.

Gotta keep em alive so the IDF soldiers can shoot them, can't waste good target practice!

Just to put into perspective it's something like 2 trucks worth at this point for 2 million people. This is a drop in the ocean. We should be sending 2 trucks a minute.

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Airdropping aid to get around a blockade imposed by the Israel....who depends on our military aid to genocide the Palestinians. This is the height of absurdity

So the World's super power can't even send food aid through borders.

The US hasn't given Israel enough money to unlock that feature.

Sending anything in on the ground creates a risky situation that could quickly escalate. The US is not going to do that without careful coordination with Israel.

Refreshing to read the comments here from reasonable people against the shocking genocide, nice change from the bloodthirsty savages on worldnews.

Seriously, wtf is up with that subreddit. I got banned for saying maybe it's not ok to shoot people in hospitals.

That subreddit is a clear psyop.

I was banned FROM REDDIT for reporting calls to violence in that sub.

They said I was abusing the report function.

I had 5 reports total, 3 of which were acted on, 2 reports of content that passed review.

I see we have a hamas supporter over here...

I got banned for replying to a 20 comment chain with a link to a picture of Imran Khan using a handgun lmao.

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This is the best summary I could come up with:

WASHINGTON — President Joe Biden announced Friday that the U.S. will drop food aid into the Gaza Strip, noting that the humanitarian aid flowing into the region for Palestinians is not nearly enough.

“We’re going to pull out every stop we can," Biden said.

Biden also reiterated that the U.S. is trying to push for an immediate cease-fire between Hamas and Israel in order to allow more aid into Gaza.

This is a developing story.

The original article contains 75 words, the summary contains 75 words. Saved 0%. I'm a bot and I'm open source!

It would be simpler to demand that the Israelis end the blockade, maybe condition the bombs they drop on Palestinians with letting aid trucks in. Have your cake and eat it too. Still more humane than this.

Sorry, but that’s too simplistic. Israel’s support is too engrained in the politics of the US and other countries, and they could easily throw monkey wrenches in all directions. It makes the situation worse, not better. Netanyahu has to removed, but as it is now he has to be worked through, and that’s what’s slowing everything down.

True, the evil empire must go. As long as the US exists it will continue to unconditionally enable Israeli violence against the Palestinians.

That’s not what I’m saying - Arabic nations still need to attend to their own home-grown evils before they can attempt to label other empires as such. You seem set on a particular mindset, and I’m not going to waste any more time with people twisting my words for their own agenda.

Will Biden have American bombs delivered together with the food or will they as usual use Israel to deliver them separatelly?!

Wasn't that in the Hunger Games where they dropped explosive toys on children? Something like that, maybe

they will airdrop it at the sea and any Palestinians who want to get it will get shot from IOF ships.

So basically, it'll light up targets for the IAF to drop their US made guided munitions on.

My brain is finally starting to fully develop at 32...I don't understand this shit. What's the point? Genuinely I want a reason for both sides in the matter. What's the single sentence argument for both sides. No inflamitory talking points.

Without going too far into history, one side is tired of living in an open air prison and the other side is tired of terrorist attacks. It's a self reinforcing conflict because neither side can win. Israel can't bomb an idea and Hamas can't terrorize an F-35 joint strike fighter.

Thank you for the response without chastising. My assertions were correct that Israel are essentially recreating operation Iraqi freedom with carte blanche? I get that it's not your responsibility to educate me in this matter. I just have no clue what the fuck to believe based on vague internet opinions.

Iraqi freedom was a response to a single terrorist attack. Israel's response is to decades of continuous attacks. While October was particularly bad, Hamas has been firing rockets and missiles indiscriminately into Israel on like a weekly basis for many years now. Israel has been able to protect themselves from this thanks to their Iron Dome defense system, but that doesn't change the fact that they are shooting down rockets launched with the intent to kill their civilians.

On the flip side, Israel has been treating the Palestinians particularly badly. They severely restrict trade into and out of the area, restrict the travel of Palestinian civilians, and have been slowly stealing more and more territory from them by literally driving people from their homes, sometimes just straight up killing them. While claims of an "open air prison" are a bit hyperbolic, it's not off by much.

Add to that a healthy dose of racism on both sides against the other and you are left with a massive mess that few people understand. There is plenty to hate on both sides because both sides have done, and continue to do, incredibly shitty things to each other. Neither Israel nor Hamas is right, and neither of them give a shit about the Palestinian civilians. Another issue is that the average civilian on both sides isn't exactly dreaming of peace. Due to how long this has been going on for, if you took a random Israeli and a random Palestinian, odds are they would want to kill each other.

If this all seems exhausting and complicated and you aren't sure what side is 'right', know that's ok. Our minds are not made to be so globally connected, and while this conflict may be getting a lot of media attention, it's hardly the worst conflict that's occurred in living memory, and arguably not even the worst currently going on. It's also likely also far removed from you. If you're from the States, it's literally on the other side of the world. Just know, there's a shit ton of propaganda that really, REALLY wants you to pick a side and will paint the other as demons, when in reality both sides are pretty shitty.

I know this is a week old, but I really appreciate this reply. This was eye opening on a few levels. You took a great deal of time to illustrate what's going on. Thank you.

They are recreating Nazi Germany and Fall Weiss. They want to take over the entirety of Palestine to genocide the people within. They are talking about relocations, they are targetting civillians on purpose.

If Biden can't even force aid through Egypt's border I can't imagine Trump being any more of a lap dog for israel.

Nobody can force aid through Israel's blockade. a) that's why it's a blockade, b) that's why there are airdrops.

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Hamas has anti aircraft, but hopefully they won't try anything.

There are zero reasons why Hamas would prevent food and aid being delivered to the people they are fighting for. Might want to lighten up on the amount of BS propaganda you’re consuming.

Might want to lighten up on the amount of BS propaganda you’re consuming.

You misspelled promoting.

Iran and the Hamas leadership have never had the Gazan civilian's best interest at heart; they've just used Israel and the fight against occupation as an excuse to maintain power and expand their influence.

Israel is conducting this genocide, but Israel never would have had an excuse to enter the Gaza strip without the attack on October 7th. Hamas had to have known their attack wouldn't accomplish anything and would illicit a strong and disproportionate response from Israel. Now the citizens of Gaza are paying the price while the Hamas leadership fucks off to chill in Qatar.

Hamas wouldn't shoot the food aid down though. That's just a stupid waste of ammo. If anything they'd seize it for themselves instead.

What's happening to Palestinians is terrible. It's genocide.

Hamas is not fighting FOR them. It's fighting NEAR them.

Yeah they have a charter and a slogan, but they are terrorists working for Iran.

Again, Israel bad, America bad. Hamas bad. Palestine good.

That's not the point. Why would Hamas shoot down planes trying to deliver food to their own people?

Yes, Hamas bad. But shooting down planes trying to help your people is not just bad, it's stupid.

Israel on the other hand will likely be bombing and sniping the landing zones, because they want the Gazans to starve.

I didn't address that at all in my comment.

Having said that, yes, i agree that they would not shoot down aid planes.

I still contest the concept of it being "their people". They are terrorist manipulators using a human shield to further Iranian state goals.

To keep things clean: none of that justifies or excuses Israels actions

That would be almost as stupid as attacking a country with an extreme rightwing government run by people who are looking for an excuse to use their incredibly powerful military to seize your land. A government run by a corrupt politician that would love to have a war that lasts as long as possible so they cling to power.

Hamas probably wouldn't shoot down food aid planes, but they're certainly stupid enough to try.

My propaganda comes from people in Gaza, not Tick Tock.

Do the people in Gaza believe that there is a threat of Hamas destroying/seizing humanitarian aid? No! If anyone is going to stop it or destroy it it’s going to be Israel. The nation that won’t allow “include anesthetics and anesthesia machines, oxygen cylinders, ventilators and water filtration systems.”

It’s worth the read.

Okay, and? Are you saying that's reason for any and all aid deliveries to stop?

a threat of Hamas destroying/seizing humanitarian aid? No!

I believe he was answering this. Are we not allowed to say Hamas is bad?

Didn’t you hear?

They are actually freedom fighters and are noble! /s

Let’s just ignore how they are a misogynistic, homophobic, anti-trans, fascist, far-right extremist group.

Israel is committing genocide. That makes Israel worse

Not even a close call

I mean, Hamas was literally founded with the goal of genocide, but cool story.

Understanding Hamas’s Genocidal Ideology - The Atlantic

Israel is committing genocide today. Hamas has never committed genocide. That means Israel is worse.

Not a close call

What would you call the systematic and indiscriminate killing of Israeli civilians by Hamas for the past several decades?

Their violence looks a lot like attempted genocide, especially when Hamas has stated that as their intention.

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Sure. How does that add to the topic at hand?

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? why would they shoot down aid going into gaza

Northern Gaza is hard to reach. In recent weeks there was talk about dropping food aid. Then Hamas took pictures of themselves with their anti aircraft man pads and missles. That made private air drops impossible, as civilian flyers don't even have counter measures for that. King Abdullah of Jordan and world kitchen then gave it a shot, and there was no AA. Now the US Airforce will give it a try. They have to fly low on these drops, so look out below.

Now you can downvote this truth I don't really care. Says more about you than me.

I downvoted you just because you said something about downvotes.

Either commit or don’t.

They are meaningless internet points

So does Israel, and I'd be even less sure that they won't try something.

Preemptivelly setting up the excuse for when Israel shoots down the planes, I see...

Hamas' rockets are glorified fireworks. They have no targeting system to hit moving aircraft, all of the calculations are done by hand.

SAM-7, Soviet-era Strela-2 IR launchers maybe old stuff, but they can still shoot you out of the sky, particularly at loòw altitude.

That's not what Hamas uses. Their rockets are hand made.

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