What's the hottest and coldest temperature you've ever been in?

mizu@lemmy.world to Asklemmy@lemmy.ml – 103 points –

Indoor temperatures don't count. I'm talking about the weather.

Coldest for me was probably 14°C (I live in a tropical country) and the hottest was 48°C when i was traveling in June this year.


Coldest was -44°C when I was working as a northern lights guide in Norway. We'd always take our tour groups to areas with a high likelihood of polar activity, and once the whole coast was widely overcast so that we had to drive almost to the Finnish border. Camped out along the road towards Kilpisjärvi coming from Skibotn (company was based in Tromso).

Hottest was +45°C in Lagos, Nigeria. Used to work there as well for a good while.

I've been outside working in -34° C, and likewise 54.4° C. That's -30° F and 130° F for those of us who use imperial.

The negative temp was Alaska, and the high positive was the Arabian Gulf. Good times.

I'm close to you. 118F in Colorado, -30 in Chicago during the polar vortex. I had icicles in my beard within minutes, it was gnarly.

Wow. They are both impressive numbers.

My hottest is Australia at about 47c and Germany at about -18c.

Went from one, to a couple of days later the other. Quite the shock. Quite the fun of it all.

47.5° (117.5 F) in Phoenix AZ USA summer.

-11.6° (11 F) in Flagstaff AZ USA winter.

Hottest would be 41°C, in 2003 and last year (France)

Coldest, -35°C, Québec Carnaval in 2016. I stayed about two hours in that temperature, I started to have cold burn in my fingers and my toes.

Would take -35 over 41 all day.

Coldest was about -45°C, hottest was about +45°C. We've got quite the range where I live, though usually it's closer to -30 and +30, those were just extreme cases lol.

A year or two ago we went from -42°C to +42°C in about 3 months (end of Feb to early June). The temperature swings in parts of Canada are wild

I know you said indoor temperatures don’t count, but my low is kinda fun: -110c for three minutes (cryotherapy). Outdoor was 48c (local thermometer said higher) in northern Western Australia.

I know nothing about cryotherapy: were you awake for that?? What was the experience like?

Yeah, awake. Stood in a giant freezer wearing only shorts, socks and a mask. It’s a way to enhance healing by encouraging white blood cell production via shocking the system through lowering skin temp rapidly. Very good for muscular issues, arthritis, etc. I just did it once for fun, but I could really go for a bulk set sessions… getting old.

hey you're the guy who didn't shit for 3 days! how was the sex party?

Hottest was 115 F (46C) in Phoenix, Arizona. Coolest was -55 F (-48C) in Prudhoe Bay, Alaska. I think the wind chill was around -85 F.

-45°C in central Alberta in the 90’s, +45° C in California in the 80’s.

Mine's about the same range, but both in Alberta

I don't think there's anywhere in Alberta that gets above 40

Not regularly, but if I remember correctly it was a record-breaking 43 about 10 or so years ago

-47C skiing in Banff, +42C hiking on Vancouver Island.

That has to be a windchill.

Even if I put on a neoprene mask and scarf, I could only do one run and then had to go into the lodge for half an hour to warm up. It was brutal, but I think I still have a pic of the sign at the lift telling the temperature. They shut down the gondola because they were afraid to put people up on it.

-43c / +46c

Probably going to be more hotter seasons and never going to experience the -40s again with the way climate change is going…

Hottest 43°C. Coldest somewhere around -20°C.

Hottest was just under 54° (128.6°F) in Kuwait. I went for a run just to say I was the only person to go for a run in the hottest day in human history so far.

I think it got down to -29 (-20) in Albany NY one year but I'm looking for colder experiences soon.

Hottest: 37°C

Coldest: -25°C (-40°C with windchill)

Both in Toronto

Hottest? Somewhere around 50C. Coldest? -25C.

Coldest was probably -20 °C, hottest around 40 °C.

My comfort temperature is right around 15 °C. Anything higher than 20 °C and I start sweating.

My girlfriend wants to go to Egypt for vacation this year. That's going to be fun...

I start shivering below 22°C lol

Coldest would be -60C, warmest about 40C. Funnily enough, these were in the same place (Canada).

50C and -40C. Within 1 week of each other on different continents.

I suppose you've never seen snow then? Definitely try if you get some chance. I wish it snowed more often where I live.

I have no idea what the coolest temp has been for me, but probably around -10C?

Hottest was easily over 50°C. I live in a hot and humid place, so it is even hotter than your typical 50°C. And it's hell. Really good if you're on the beach (assuming you manage to avoid insolation), but being home and having to work is the absolute worst I don't wish to anyone.

Coldest was maybe 15-18°C? I was travelling to a not so cold neighboring state and it was quite good, actually. I prefer the weather like this.

Hottest is about 115F (45C) and coldest is -2 or 3F (-20C). Both were in Dallas, Texas.

Bout -40C (that's thermometer, not "feels like") and +40C. We have temperature swings.

Coldest is probably around 20°C (but it feels a lot colder due to fog and wind).

Hottest is roughly 35°C (feels a lot hotter due to humidity and lack of wind).

I haven't traveled far though, and never outside the country.

The hottest I've been in was 117°F (47.2°C) when I lived in Las Vegas. Was actually slated for a 10 mile run that day, but it was mercifully cut down to 4 miles.

Coldest without windchill would be -35°F (-37°C), just a couple of winters ago. I'm surprised it's not lower, not too far from here a city set the state record at -60°F (-51°C) not too long ago.

Coldest: -20º Vilnius Hottest: 47º Sevilla

Coldest: -30°C.

Hottest: 52°C.

Hottest 48°C (52°C Apparent temperature) Chaco region, Paraguay

Coldest 0°C Paraguay (it doesn't get extremely cold here)

Coldest:0C with rain

Im hoping to experience snow for the first time in my life this winter tho

Hottest, in the early '90s I worked for a technical trade school as a lab instructor in Phoenix, AZ. My commute was by motorcycle from Tempe, AZ. In the heat of one summer it got to near 120F outside one day, and wearing motorcycle gear plus the heat from the motor made me feel like I was going to pass out from extreme heat exhaustion (but luckily, I didn't).

Loved for a little in Lapland, Finland. What’s that. Like -20c in winter?

Hottest would be where I line now, Australia. Mid 40’s C is common where I am.

I think coldest was -18°C during the coldest winter we've had, curiously it didn't even feel that cold when walking outside but that might be because there was no wind and you started feeling the coldness inside you instead of outside.

Hottest is I believe around 40°C but that one's not as crazy so I'm not really sure of the actual figure, probably higher or lower by a small amount of degrees.

I’ve slept outside in a very basic shelter I made with branches and snow at -44°C. I’ve biked long distances over many days during a heat wave when the temperature was 38°C average and highs of 40°C.

118F -42F. Both extremes experienced in northern Nevada.

Hottest was about 56C when I ran the Badwater race through Death Valley. Coldest was about -27 when I was in Idaho…tried to jog that day too but couldn’t take the burn in my lungs.

Hottest: +40C

Coldest: -40C

I think that's exactly it, which is nice and round. The 40 above was in the US, the 40 below was the coldest it's ever been at night here. Without windchill, mind you. Windchill is cheating. With windchill it can get close to -100C on those same days.

Hottest was 122°F (50°C), a record heat day in Mesa, AZ.

Coldest was in Indiana during the polar vortex of 2019, -45°F (-42°C).

The world is a crazy fucking place.

Hottest was around 50°C, which was surprisingly bearable but I do like warmth, so there's that.

Coldest around -10°C, and hated every second of it. Cold is my arch nemesis.

I slept in a tent in 2°F(-16.6°C) weather, I've probably been in slightly colder but not while sleeping.

Hottest was 117°F(47.2°C, last year in my home town it was +110°F for over two weeks straight.

-25F (-31C) in Steamboat Springs, Colorado 110F (43C) in Las Vegas, Nevada

At a certain point, cold is just cold

-43°C was the coldest. We typically get around a week of -30ish here every winter and it didn't feel much different

41°C was the hottest. I was at Disneyland and walking anywhere outside was torture.

German here.

hottest: 42°C in summer 2003. there have probably been warmer days by now, but I'm not aware of any.

coldest: -14°C in winter 2009/2010, while waiting for an absolute asshole of a bus driver to stop reading his news paper and finally open the door to let us in. I get that you want to enjoy your break in silence, but ffs. Leaving us waiting in such cold temperatures for around 10 minutes was just inhumane.

Hottest? No idea. I've never liked the heat and avoid it when I can.

Coldest? Easy. Forty feet (12 meters) up on top of a jet fuel tank in Thule, Greenland helping to change the cover on an automatic tank gauge. It was in the -40s on the ground (doesn't matter which scale) and windy. I don't know how much colder it was on top of the tank, but it was certainly colder than it was on the ground.

I cannot say the coldest temperature, but I know it was most certainly one of the klondike derby campouts I did back when I was in scouts. I had to look it up, and my city apparently usually has an average overnight temperature in December at 21.6°F, so I imagine out in the campgrounds it's colder since it is further away from any towns/cities.

As for hottest, it got somewhere around 98°F where I live this week, so I'm going with that since I cannot accurately say what the hottest I've dealt with outside is.

116°F driving through Arizona in July 2007, could've been worse if it wasn't a dry heat. (46.7°C)

10°F Central Texas Feb 2021, had no power, so had no running heater at home. (-12°C)

Hottest was 100F, thought I was going to melt. Coldest was -30F with windchill, ambient air temp without wind was -6. Honeslty I'd take -30 again anyday over 100. I can layer for the cold, at 100 I wanted to take my damn skin off.

113F in Dallas Tx, in 1980.
-15F in [the former west] Germany, Jan 1985

This week will hit 48c so that'll be fun Coldest I've been was Wyoming -40c with 55mph winds I was a meat popsicle on a horse.

Coldest and hottest in my own country (UK) that I've experienced are -14°C and 40°C. -14 was fine but 40 was hell.

hottest was 47°C and coldest around -10°C (which felt too cold for me haha, it's crazy to me that people can survive with temps like -20°C and lower :ρ)

Hottest: 42C humid - horrible sensation, would never want to experience it again, but looks like we're almost there again
Coldest: -27C - wasn't nice, but not worse than -15C with high winds!

(both in Romania)

40°C - Malta holiday.
-21°C - Kasprowy Wierch hike.

Hike? That must've been extreme

The weather can change quite quickly in the mountains. It was winter hiking anyway, but suddenly dropped as we neared the top. Thankfully, there is a cable car station at the top of Kasprowy.

Hottest would be 49°C in Marrakech, in the middle of August. I remember Moroccans talking about how hot it was, and a big thunderstorm broke that evening with torrential rain.

Coldest would be at home in the UK. Probably the coldest I've experienced would be about -7°C, that's pretty extreme where I am though and it would be the night time temperature. I remember a few years ago going clubbing in winter and someone robbed my coat, I had to walk home at 3am in about -3°C with my friends trying to keep me warm. Not fun.

Hottest temperature would probably be around 45°C (desert) and coldest below -50°C (Siberia).

Arizona desert during the summer. Winter Storm in Wyoming.

I live in southern california, so it doesn't really dip below 40 F. One time it got to 109 degrees here but the actual hottest I was was during a trip to Florida. 115 and humid.

Hottest? Last summer, driving home, Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex area. The A/C in the car I was driving was busted, it had zero window tint and a plexiglas roof panel so there was no shade whatsoever. The area was getting that extremely dry late-summer heat that area gets during made worse by the heat dome effect over the city. The actual temp was likely 108°-110°F, but the "feels like" was somewhere in the upper 120°s. Add to that the fact that the wind itself was literally hot, and there I was driving down the highway with my windows down cooking in what basically amounted to a convection oven. I ended up finding that I was actually cooler if I rolled the windows up. When I got home my shirt was totally soaked and as a result, it has the shadow of a seatbelt burned into it.

Coldest? Around -20°F in central Utah during winter at about 3AM during an impromptu snowball fight in the apartment complex I lived in. Zero wind and about a foot of snow on the ground. Again, surprisingly dry, so it was legitimately PLEASANT with a ski jacket, long johns and jeans, when compared to a humid, windy winter as warm as 32°F anywhere else in the same gear, but definitely the coldest temperature I've seen by the numbers.