‘We will fight with our fingernails’ says Netanyahu after US threat to curb arms

breakfastmtn@lemmy.ca to World News@lemmy.world – 368 points –
‘We will fight with our fingernails’ says Netanyahu after US threat to curb arms

Benjamin Netanyahu has vowed that Israel will stand alone and “fight with our fingernails” in defiance of US threats to further restrict arms deliveries if Israeli forces proceeded with an offensive on the southern Gazan city of Rafah.

Netanyahu, the Israeli prime minister, was speaking on Thursday after Israeli and Hamas delegations left the ceasefire negotiations in Cairo.

It was unclear whether the talks had broken down or simply paused, but the failure to reach an agreement on this week’s round of meetings raised apprehension of an imminent Israeli attack on Rafah.

Netanyahu appeared to shrug off a public warning from the US president, Joe Biden, the previous night that if the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) launched a major offensive on the city the US would not provide bombs and artillery shells to support the operation.



OK. Do it.

A) Most people don't believe that the only way Israel is able to fight off the evil Palestinians is because of bid daddy US.

B) The 13,000 Palestinian children you have murdered would've been happy to be able to defend themselves against fingernails.

lol did he think that made them sound strong or tough, or does he realize it makes him sound like an emotional manbaby?

My first thought was that he's starting to sound like Putin.

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"we". mfer is sending other people to war. he is not involved in any fighting. eff outta here

A number of high profile Israel failkids have gotten themselves killed doing insane bullshit in Gaza since the bombing started. The war cabinet minister Gadi Eizenkot's son headed a commando raid into northern Gaza in the middle of a bombing run. Very likely he was killed in friendly fire, under orders from his own father.

Much like the 30 year old Brigadier General and his 20 subordinates who killed themselves dynamiting the home of a slaughtered Palestinian family, he's become collateral damage in his country's bloodthirsty rampage of revenge.

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When you play the victim role one (or rather 50) times too many.

According to Israel, everyone is against Israel

Sometimes, when everything is shit, check your shoes instead of telling others that they are shit

And everyone who dares criticizing them is obviously antisemitic.

Can a country have a gender, too? Can the state of Israel be a woman so its also sexist not to commit genocide?

Especially those self-hating Jews.

Sorry i honestly dont get this. I agree with criticism of Israel but what do you mean with your comment about jews?

A lot of Jewish groups have protested Israel and their Jewishness has been ignored and them been called antisemites or they’ve been called self hating Jews.

If you perfectly obey israel and wag your tail for them you are allowed to exist.

The second anyone pushes back in the slightest against their Nazi regime trying to execute a Holocaust they are instantly slandered as Hamas.

Israel has no qualms throwing loyal dogs that have been supporting them for their entire lives, just look at Genocide Joe getting labeled as Hamas the second he draws any lines.

These are not people that can be negotiated with. The are extremist maniacs.

Sounds like they don't need any help. Good to hear. Now maybe we can stop providing billions in support each year.

Maybe the US should just stop arming Israel and give the arms to Gaza instead and see how that plays out.

I can't believe this bullshit has gone on for so long

Nobody can believe the shit has gone on so far with Russia and Ukraine but here we are 2 years later.

This conflict with Israel is looking to go on for just as long if not longer.

The conflict with Israel has gone on for 76 years. October 7th was just the start of a cycle of intensification within the larger conflict.

Thats something that a lot of people seem to forget. This fight has been going on in one form or another since the creation of the modern state of Israel. And there is an almost unlimited amount of blood on the hands of both the Israelis and Palestinians. (As well as the colonial countries who set up the borders in the first place)

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For sure, Hamas would never use the weapons for anything else than in a pure defensive manner. Can guarantee it.

Hamas is a wholesome book club.


So Israel is no better than a terrorist organisation is what youre saying

None of the parties should be armed by an external force. This conflict is eating an insane amount of attention but has a miniscule importance for anyone not involved. It's actually insane how many westerners makes up their whole identity by this conflict.

Europe and the US have enough to worry about with themselves. Russia is a direct threat to freedom in Europe, and people here are worrying about some dispute far away that doesn't affect them at all.

Arming any part in this conflict is dumb.

No power wars directly. It's been proxy wars for forever.

Atleast they don't use white phosphorus on civilians and blast children with tanks at point blank.

/s oh wait the s is not required

my brother in christ, this is exactly the point. isis-ra-el is only emboldened by foreign weapons. cut that shit in half and give the other half to the palestinians and shit changes. without foreign support vis-a-vis british zionists in the 30s and 40s and current american tax money isis-ra-el would have been de-platformed already

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Pay attention to this, America. This is a desperate politician facing embarrassment, criminal prosecution, prolonged jail and international ridicule for the rest of his life if this "war" doesn't perpetrate indefinitely. This is how trump will hold the US hostage if your boomer aunts and uncles in the swing state suburbs elect him again.

And preceded by a coup if he doesn't get elected?

He won't be able to stage a coup this time because he won't be able to kneecap the defenses.

They try it again they're going to have more than just one Babbit.

Israel has already been preparing for this eventuality for years. They’re not as dependent on US aid as one might think. They had started working towards reducing their dependence on US military aid specifically because of US presidents trying to set milquetoast restrictions like, “Please stop committing war crimes so openly.” And our aid makes up much less of their GDP (though still something like $3+ billion/year). Likely they’ll just take their business elsewhere to countries more willing to ignore war crimes. We should still stop providing aid to them though, they’re a belligerent country and committing war crimes & genocide.

I kinda wanna see Israel start weapons development with China. Just to see people lose their shit.

take their business elsewhere to countries more willing to ignore war crimes.

Like where? The US is basically the only country backing Israel right now, in spite of every other western country. I doubt Russia or China will jump at the opportunity, and pretty much all their middle eastern neighbors have "death to Israel" in their constitution.

Sounds like there isn't any issue if we stop all arms shipments then. See ya Bibi bitch.

That sounds a lot less likely to murder innocents.

They will also be fighting with:

  • Toothpicks
  • Plastic straws
  • Cotton balls
  • Rubber bands
  • Feather boas
  • Marbles
  • Jump ropes
  • Paper clips
  • Marshmallows
  • Bubbles

Don’t they have cows also? They could Monty Python and the Holy Grail-style attack them as well.

Fingernails and decades of US arms sales.


If those old oral traditions turn out to be prophetic, I wonder if that makes Russia an analogical Jormungandr, eating the remnants of the former USSR and growing ever larger.

Whose Thor in that analogy? Is it Ukraine?

In the hypothetical that an oral Scandinavian tradition told of the world's actual end, some or all of the story could be lost in translation or hallucinations.

Thor fought for the Norse against the great serpents, so maybe it could be symbolic of the EU in a proxy war with China. Idk. We're all just making stuff up, feel free to fill in the blanks, I'm not your prophet.

Good, then let them fight with their fingernails. STOP ALL MONEY & WEAPONS TO ISRAEL.

Israel's ministry of peace said on Thursday that the withholding of arms would pose no obstacle to the swift end to the looming Hamas threat. They added - All previous Palestine land will be ready for Israel citizen settlements by next spring. /s In case that's necessary.

Jared Kushner says Gaza’s ‘waterfront property could be very valuable’

He said that if he were in charge of Israel his number one priority would be getting civilians out of the southern city of Rafah, and that “with diplomacy” it could be possible to get them into Egypt.

“But in addition to that, I would just bulldoze something in the Negev, I would try to move people in there,” he said. “I think that’s a better option, so you can go in and finish the job.”

He reiterated the point a little later, saying: “I do think right now opening up the Negev, creating a secure area there, moving the civilians out, and then going in and finishing the job would be the right move.”

Just need a little Lebensraum and we can get it with this Final Solution.

This was the first thought that came to mind:

And I'm sure they'll be just as heroic.

Netanyahu appeared to shrug off a public warning from the US president, Joe Biden, the previous night that if the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) launched a major offensive on the city the US would not provide bombs and artillery shells to support the operation.

Political theatre.

US keeps trying to pretend and appear rational, peaceful, trying to end "war", then ships a ton more to start the slaughter. Then US sends another warning…

The US is the really annoying parent in a grocery store counting to 3 over and over to try to get their child under control.

How about parachuting that asshole and his fingernails down in Gaza? I think that's a food idea. Preferably in two separated packages.

Have fun with that.

I suggest calcium and vitamin d supplements, and rubbing in nail oil with vitamin e daily.

This is the best summary I could come up with:

Benjamin Netanyahu has vowed that Israel will stand alone and “fight with our fingernails” in defiance of US threats to further restrict arms deliveries if Israeli forces proceeded with an offensive on the southern Gazan city of Rafah.

Netanyahu appeared to shrug off a public warning from the US president, Joe Biden, the previous night that if the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) launched a major offensive on the city the US would not provide bombs and artillery shells to support the operation.

“Director Burns is departing the region as previously scheduled, but interlocutors from other delegations are still in discussions in Cairo, so those talks are still going on,” John Kirby, the national security spokesperson, told reporters.

A major offensive on the city of Rafah would threaten the lives of more than a million Gazans who have sought haven there and who have not received from Israel any serious provisions in terms of shelter, food, water and medical support.

Itamar Ben-Gvir, another far-right minister, posted “Biden - heart emoji - Hamas” on social media, but later said Israel should “respect our friends but also fight our enemies without considering other factors and without compromises”.

Dr Yonatan Freeman, an international relations expert at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, said Biden’s announcement, far from pressuring Netanyahu, could strengthen the Israeli prime minister.

The original article contains 1,346 words, the summary contains 220 words. Saved 84%. I'm a bot and I'm open source!

Fingernails is a euphemism for nukes.

Nukes in Palestine? Even Russia can't use nukes safely in Ukraine due to the potential pollution of their own territory.

Ridiculous that Biden is changing policy due to students protesting a war just because the aggressor/initiator is losing badly. He’s lost their votes already.

Hoping they take Rafah soon and eliminate every last Hamas jihadist and hopefully get some hostages back alive

Go back to truth social you obvious troll.

Never used Truth Social. Isn’t that for the far right?

You’re completely wrong. Im just against extreme religious terrorism. Strange that you think that makes me far right

If it walks like a duck quacks like a duck and spends it's time denying the ongoing genocide in Palestine like a duck, then I'll call it a duck

You are deluded if you think supporting Israel in its right to defend itself against Islamic Jihadist terrorists is exclusive to the far right. By your definition Biden must be on Truth social too

The fact you had to argue a completely different point instead of the one I'm actually making shows that you KNOW your position is morally indefensible.

We both know that Israel invading palesting and killing thousands of children isn't "self defence".

We both know Israel restricting humanitarian aid from entering palestine, thus causing a man made famine, is not them defending themselves.

Everyone here knows you are not arguing in good faith. Including yourself, so why are you wasting your time? Are you doing a "le epic troll"? Are you just an edgy contrarian? Or something else? Please, tell me.

Taking Rafah... Rafah has been occupied for the better part of a century, my dude, they're not taking land to root out terrorists. They're just killing people for the sake of killing people.

Got a source that they’re killing people just for the sake of it? I’m pretty sure they’re after these delightful people: https://thisishamas.com

There’s a post about another mass grave found at a hospital a few scrolls above this

It’s horrible, but there are mass deaths in a war. If Hamas surrendered themselves the war would end.

There will always be a hamas, because when you commit human rights violations against an oppressed occupied people for so long that’s what you get. Israel is the architect of its own misery here

Oppressed people would not be decapitating innocent people, murdering a pregnant woman then cutting out the baby, all the while doing it with pleasure and chanting to their god. It’s doing gods work, not because they’re oppressed.

Yes innocent people get killed in a war, but it’s not the intention. For Hamas, killing any Jewish people is the intention. You’re a terrorism apologist

Nice to meet you genocide apologist. How many children’s hospitals did you bomb today?

There’s no genocide, but there are childrens hospitals loaded with Hamas military weapons. Terrorists don’t give a damn about those children, but it gains them great supporters like your good self.

You keep making this argument but I just don't get. How does the supposed presence of Hamas in / under / around a target full of innocent civilians and children in any way justify bombing the area with what can only be described as full disregard for innocent casualties? Would you be ok with the IDF carpet bombing a hospital full of Israeli citizens based on intelligence that a bunch of Hamas are holed up in the basement? If not, why is it okay if it's innocent Palestinians instead?

Yes, Hamas strategy of endangering citizens is horrible. Does it give Israel blanket permission to just bomb densely populated civilian areas? Absolutely fucking not!

They aren’t blanket bombing civilians. They’re fighting a difficult war in an urban environment against terrorists who hide behind civilians, against civilians who support the terrorists, and telling civilians to evacuate but many are coerced into staying by Hamas, and despite all that, they’re still harming less civilians than would be normal in a war in those circumstances.

So no, I wouldn’t be ok with blanket bombing any hospital full of innocent people. I would be ok with bombing a hospital where innocents have been told to leave and where terrorists and their weapons are located.

Tell me where are all the protests against Hamas? Where are all the people calling for them to surrender? All I hear is apologies for their acts

telling civilians to evacuate

My dude, where the hell do you think these people can just go to? There is barely any land not under attack these days, and even if there is somewhere safe to go to, not everyone can just leave either because they physically can't or just don't have the means. Especially true when we're talking about goddamn hospitals...

many are coerced into staying by Hamas

Again, a great reason not to bomb the area if that's known to be the case.

So no, I wouldn’t be ok with blanket bombing any hospital full of innocent people.

Then why aren't you condemning Israel's conduct? This is exactly what's happening.

I would be ok with bombing a hospital where innocents have been told to leave and where terrorists and their weapons are located.

So, let me rephrase the question: in a hypothetical situation where hundreds of Israelis were kept in a location with a bunch of Hamas in the basement and coerced to stay there by hamas, do you think the IDF would be justified in bombing it?

Tell me where are all the protests against Hamas?

I don't even want to engage with this point because it's not relevant in this discussion whatsoever. Unless you think innocent people deserve being bombed because they don't demonstrate against a violent regime within an active warzone while trying to survive.

I support neither. Hamas is the natural consequence of the Israeli apartheid state, is all I’m saying. So, have any big plans today? Going to target a journalist’s family? Help dig a mass grave? Maybe just stop aid and food going to the famished? Must be hard work, but a hearty diet of boot leather will see you through it

Quiet day for me. You decapitating anyone today? Cutting out any unborn babies? Raping? You’re definitely earning your place in paradise. Congratulations

So you agree that killing hostages is an terrorist act, so when Israel shot their own fleeing hostages…

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Actually, the percentage rate at which people are dying in Palestine exceeds that of WWII. They've also got the most dead reporters in such a short timeframe, perhaps ever recorded.

Which figures are you using? Hamas figures can be taken with a pinch of salt. The best approximation I saw was 3:1 non combatants to combatants which as awful as it sounds is actually very good for dense urban warfare.

Hamas are not fighting like a regular countries army would fight. They do not care for their own civilians

Do you fuck the boot before you eat it?

Do you kiss your jihadist family with that mouth? Or did they all go to paradise detonating themselves already?

Jihad is a word often used to describe priests or people faithful in times of hardship, it's even part of the scifi term Butlerian Jihad which describes people who overthrow a robot overlord. It doesn't really indicate connection or relation to any Muslim sect, if that's your misconception. Most of the comments here are probably white agnostic millennials.

there are mass deaths in a war

What is happening in Gaza right now is abnormal by so many metrics, including % of children killed, % of civilians, and number of reporters. It's far from normal even in context of the more chaotic wars in history. Stop trying to normalize it.

If Hamas surrendered themselves the war would end.

Do you really think that after Israel just brutally murdered thousands of innocent young people's families, they're going to want peace? What Israel is doing right now is making sure that there's going to be a fresh wave of "terrorists" down the line. If you actually want lasting peace, what is going on right now makes absolutely no sense

Show your source for those figures. If it’s the Gaza Health Ministry you should know it’s controlled by Hamas, whose interest it is in to tell you all the dead are women and children to gain international sympathy. Looks like their propaganda is working

Let me turn that right around on you: What are your sources that dispute the Gazan numbers? I find it hard to believe that anyone is in a better position to count casualties than the body running the hospitals in the affected region.

Of course the numbers from all sides always need to be taken with a grain of salt, but GHM numbers are generally trusted by the UN, US government and media, and have been found to be accurate in numerous Western (aka Israel-friendly) studies. I don't know how much more you want.

No, their/your propaganda isn’t working, I hope Israel is turned to glass

It wouldn't end the war, Israel will keep re-categorizing Palestinians as "the enemy" to justify their extermination campaign.

You have to keep in mind that the reason the Palestinians voted Hamas into power was a direct reaction to Israeli hostility.

It existed before Hamas, and will continue after Hamas.

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If you think Israel does not want any civilian casualties in Gaza, ask yourself some of these questions:

  1. Why have more than half of the homes in Gaza been demolished?
  2. Why has Israel shelled hospitals and refugee camps?
  3. Why has Israel intentionally crippled Agriculture in Palestine?
  4. Why has Isreal limited the amount of water and electricity available in Gaza?
  5. Why do the aid trucks entering Gaza have an average wait time of 20 days? Does it take you 20 days to search a vehicle?
  6. Why have the IDF opened fire on crowds gathering around those trucks delivering food?
  7. What country did Hamas weapons travel through to get there? It wasn't Egypt, as the former Muslim Brotherhood, whom Hamas is a branch off of, in Egypt was overthrown a decade ago.

Netanyahu allowed Gaza to arm themselves. Netanyahu ignored warnings of the attack in October. Netanyahu allowed them to enter from multiple directions while the best surveillance system on Earth suddenly became useless. Netanyahu brought you this war.

If your goal was to kill as many civilians as possible without risk to your "own people" nearby, then you would operate this war much like Netanyahu has. I believe he would have napalmed the entire region if the rest of the world weren't threatening sanctions and intervention.

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Makes me miss lemmy karma

Whats that?

Was like reddit karma keeping track of up/downvotes, could tell an obvious troll from a mile away

Now that you mention it, profiles here only show number of posts and comments. I didn't even notice.

It used to show the karma count on profiles but that feature was removed.

Yes, that's correct, you used to be able to see karma on profiles but now karma does not appear on profiles.

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