Post a prompt, have an art from this insane russian to Lemmy – 272 points –

Trade offer meme

I receive: Stupid prompts that can be fun to draw and post without CP, small fandoms I don't know, bigotry and shit we don't want on Lemmy

You receive: Arts based on your promts drawn by a russian alcoholic, b\w, 200x200px, with a mouse, eternally posted on the lemmyverse under your prompt

ED: I'm too sleepy-eepy so I'd continue tomorrow.

ED: Slowly working on my backlog. I've not thought there would be more than 3-5 anons seeing that thread, lol.

ED: Seems like I resolved all recs. Thank you all. That was fun.


Can you draw me being happy? I cannot imagine it by myself

Cano being overwhelmed by billions of realities where they are happy even if they don't notice that.

Being happy for a depressed person is hard, and that realization made me love, kiss, slopy-style, the name IDLES gave to their most popular album: Joy as an act of Resistance. Idk your taste, but maybe these UK punks can make you feel seen at least.

Isn’t this The Scream?

That's a valid question. I'd come to it right after I figure out how these hands work. Our written history knows wars started for even less significant reasons, so I'm pretty damn serious.

Thank you for the drawing! I'll check that band out later

Many of their songs aren't light and touch topics like toxic masculinity, violence, hatred, burnout, but there's one I find very fitting.

If someone talks to you

The way you do to you

I'd put their teeth through

Love yourself!

IDLES - Television

A dumped nuclear reactor core in a wasteland next to a dead tree. And there's a goat standing on top of the reactor of course

Our Ma said we aren't allowed around these places.

It's so warm, it's welcoming. Why don't you step closer and touch it yourself?

(I'm not that clever to draw a reactor right)

a cool sword that’s definitely not a stick I found on my walk

That's a magical mega stick that buffs your STR. It's magic is in adjusting to your journey, not making it too easy, but challenging and enjoyable.

Baby Godzilla playing with city building blocks

Building a city from LEGO wasn't a good idea. These little plugs hurt. Why I'm not allowed to smash humans? Crushing them causes a funny fart-like sound. But no, I'm jailed to these stupid simulations.

Adorable. And sad.

Many people think otherwise.

And, despite our initial feelings, this sadness colors our happiness brighter when we are to stomp these meatbags.

I love this thread, my insane Russian friend!

My prompt: The God of Lemmy

(I need to know who to sacrifice to.)

That's a tough cookie.

Without an unnecessary dive into the history of studying living bodies' interconnectiveness and telepathic conversations that could take us into some dark places, I want to tell you about a little pet shop right around the corner. Organized like a small and comfy co-op, they are giving off pet mice to everyone interested. They do so for free, but before they give it to you, they make you know the rules, and they are as follows:

  1. Everyone can adopt their own Lemmy and pet someone's else.
  2. Someone, even a stranger, can feed them and make them thrive, and that's the only right way to control them.
  3. No one can stop them from eventually congregating, staying on their two feet and sharing thought in someone's backyard.

(The untold forth rule is killing one exact mouse on sight, but that's probably obvious.)

The sacrifice though is time. Just like their meowing arch enemies, they want your attention and care on their own terms, terms sometimes defined by other mice in their hivemind. That may be confusing at first, but this pet demigod would show you the way how to nail it.

As someone who used to have two pet mice (Eloise and Agatha), this is acceptable to me.

Worf challenging (creature or object of your choice) to honorable combat.

Star fleet doesn't allow starting an open combat, but Worf finds his way.

Worf: I can't undo years of injustice on Palestinia-3. These wounds left by zionism and islamism need generations to heal.

Worf: As an acting officer, I'm limited in what I can do, and that lack of power is painful to a klingon, yet...

Worf: I feel like teleporting Bibi to Defiant and making him stay there due to a bureaucratic hell for a year or two can make a difference.

A goose on a unicycle going “wheeeeee”

It's so fast I couldn't picture him, but I accidentally shot their manling Matt who struggles to catch up to them on his bike. As told by Sun Tzi in his 'Art of Race', you shall never give a goose a unicycle.

I don’t blame you, those geese can reach speeds of up to mach silly

Drunk Irish sailor eating a banana.

To fund his another adventure, this irish sailor promoted a fresh novelty: drinking shots made from frozen banana cuts. That's not like his idea failed per se, even though he didn't think of another way to produce them than spooning out the meat of banana and eating it himself before taking them to the freezer. But his generous soul made him give them off for free to everyone who walked by. He's not sad that it wasn't a working business model, but kinda afraid what many pounds of banana and booze would lead to the next time he wakes up.

Draw something that makes you happy


Not in a depressing way, I just adore the blank state when I don't have any responsibilities and worries to occupy my mind and I can build something from the ground. A sense of creative freedom not pre-shaped by external factors. That's very inspiring.

A dog riding a giraffe while having an animated conversation with an elephant walking alongside.

If you think about it. - Says the dog. - You are not that different. That's the question of where to place your head on the throat-nose line. God probably thought what it would be if they put the slider to 0% and then 100%, and here you came. All before discovering the golden proportion in the canines.

Would you shut up for once? - The Elephant cried. - I'm tired of you.

I feel conflicted. - Said the Giraffe looking far away. - If I want to find the oasis or the end to your arguments first. I can handle the desert and whatever it sends me, but I'm troubled by my friends arguing. Let's keep going, for as the night comes it can become pretty cold there.

What the abyss sees.

Mostly clueless humanoids who look extra derpy from that angle. The whole shenanigan of 'and then the void glanced back' is based on people seeing their untidy hairy nostrils reflected on it's surface.

I wanna see the sea drowning in a man

Maliciously drowning him or just indifferently?

I wanna see passion, an entire sea gasping for freedom in the existence and being of a human being, trying to avoid the jaws of death, while man is just indifferent to the sea's pleas. Think the roles of a man and the sea, reversed.

The CD cover art to the best album ever made.

That's very dividing. For me it's probably

Squarepusher and friends playing academical and early jazz music live with a full orchestra.

Chicken Wings!

You are insufferable, Ginger. Next thing you'd say is that tendies are made out of chicken too!

Initially I thought about a chick being a WW2 pilot, an avian with metal wings making those doubting her amphibians, but chics from the Chicken Run movie arguing about enjoying food from KFC topped that without any challenge.

Well chickens eat egg shells

Didn't know that. But since birth is that stressful and demanding, it makes sense to avoid any waste and bring it back into the system. Yet, imagining a woman snatching that umbical cord like it's bacon is... uhm... something. Sometimes double standards are okay.

In Peru Chicken lay blue eggs. Thats also a double standard Im okay with.

Take a look at the karameru cat image for 5 seconds, then draw what you can remember of it

I've tried to figure out what's with it having a forward-facing anus (was it a belly-button?) until my time ran out. So there it is, an irregularly placed cat anus. I believe your gods would torment you for accidentally starting my furry porn artist career.

Small fandoms? There is a delightful youtube channel called Colganology in which an eccentric old English man documents his craft projects and whatever else is on his mind. I discovered him because of his series in which he builds a bunch of absolutely terrible musical instruments out of random bits and bobs that he has lying around. I would very much appreciate a depiction of his mighty war horns intimidating his enemies

I said no niche fandoms.

But here it is, since I found this channel amusing.

Timecode of a reference:

Oh my bad, I totally misunderstood what you meant. Excellent drawing though

Let's say it was a decent recomendation that occured there by chance (:

Rereading my rules after your reply I find them, ehm, very awkwardly worded. Every excluded thing is connected by AND so order doesn't matters, and if you read 'things we don't want on Lemmy' and then niche fandoms, bigotry and CSAM, it means these are things not included in the first, or things 'we' want on Lemmy lol. I'm not in the position to point at a light misunderstanding after THAT fuck up :D

Small fandoms? Engineer from Risk of Rain 2 kneeling down and petting a turret like it's a cat. If you feel up to it, they have bustling fungus.