Trump vows to end ‘madness’ of EV push to politics – 237 points –
Trump vows to end ‘madness’ of EV push

In a pair of Truth Social posts Monday evening, Trump took aim at the electric vehicle industry and President Biden’s push for more electric vehicles. With this opposition to electric vehicles, Trump is likely trying to persuade Michigan voters to support him over Biden, who carried the swing state in 2020.

The Biden administration has pushed to boost electric car sales, with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) predicting that two-thirds of new car sales could be electric by 2032 under a new proposal released by the administration earlier this year. Last week, the Energy Department announced plans to invest $12 billion into converting auto manufacturing facilities into plants for hybrid and electric vehicles.

Trump also took aim at Shawn Fain, the president of the United Auto Workers, for supporting the Biden administration’s latest investment into electric vehicles.


Old man yells at sky

Old man urges investment in horses, buggys, and oats.

I don't know, all those liberal coffee shops are selling oat milk. Can't the horses eat something more Republican like corn?

Literally. He really should be mad at climate change for fueling the need for EVs.

But then that’s admitting that climate change exists, and then it’s a slippery slope to saying he was trying to start an insurrection and coup, and that’s a big no-no for Dolan Trumpet.

Gas would have gotten away with it if it wasn’t for that pesky pollution.

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Only the fucking Republicans would end up against innovation.

The anti-progress culture war bullshit is overdone and tired. Give it a rest and let everyone else move on without you.

anti-progress culture war

And anti-science across the board. War on education from elementary school to college. Very unfortunate.

Republicans hate change. They hate that they no longer run the show, though they're doing what they can to get that power back. They hate that the old white man doesn't have the strangling grip on society it once had. They hate that minorities and women have rights, though they're doing what they can to change that. They hate open boarders and people who feel more themselves as a member of the opposite sex. They hate what America was on the path of becoming, which was a place that truly welcomed any and all people.

The anti progressive party.

We have a word for that: "regressive".

Most of the world's conservatives aren't even conservative anymore they've become regressive.

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He's not gonna do shit.

He'll only do something if he can force some of the production line through a Trump subsidiary so he can get a cut.

Come down to the Trump™ Pump station and get some gasoline

He will yell, get media coverage, wait a few days, somehow declare victory and never speak of it again. Its the same playbook can we just ignore him until his court dates?

He's gonna do a shit on a prison toilet hopefully soon.

Goes to show, again, that this dipshit has no idea what he's talking about. Detroit automakers have been steadily retrofitting old plants and building new ones to increase EV manufacturing capabilities.

From MI here, I love my EV and despise anyone who hates on them.

I only hate them because I can't afford the Porsche EV.

What about those of us who think that EVs only prolong the issue, and that better public transportation for everyone isn't just a good idea, but the best idea for personal well-being, as well as climate change?

Sure, but while I wait for that to actually exist where I live, are you OK with me driving an EV or should I just not leave the house?

I think they should realize that those public transportation have to be powered somehow and that we have to keep developing the technology for EV one way or another because fossil fuel busses and trains are not the future.

I mean, they're already starting to move away from natural resources for busses. Granted, per person per mile, they're already drastically more efficient than than any gass guzzler on the road.

Not too mention that subways and light rail are already electric, and we're moving away from fossil fuel power generation, too.

If we built futures that didn't need cars, with more walkable locations, mixed zoning, safe bike lanes, etc. our current car-centric society could finally disappear.

You should be in favour of EVs. Just large, bus-shaped ones. However private transportation isn’t simply going to vanish. So it’s best to support a transition to EV cars as well

What about those of us who think that EVs only prolong the issue, and that better public transportation for everyone isn't just a good idea, but the best idea for personal well-being, as well as climate change?

I'd tell them to be realistic, and remind them that a large percent of the population doesn't live in dense areas where that type of thing is practical, and that personal vehicles, of some sort, will be required until those larger issues can be fixed.

The vast majority of people live in dense populations...

Better public transportation is an ongoing process involving restructuring towns and cities at all levels. Even if we were prioritized it like we should, we’d still need personal transportation for many decades.

Realistically, even if we did rebuild all cities, towns, and villages to make public transportation more practical, there will always be someone who needs personal transportation. There will always be a need for trucks and tractors. By all means, let’s do what we can to reduce the need for personal cars, but we can’t afford to wait and we’d need EVs even if we achiebpved it

That's not even consistent with their donor's ideology.

EV's exist to save the auto industry, not the planet.

True. If you want to save the planet you'll redesign your cities to stop the car dependencies. Allow people to walk, cycle, and use public transportation.

Electric cars is just another ruse for huge car manufacturers to sell more shit to ruin the world slightly slower.

How dare people want EVs! This desire for something Trump doesn't like must be quashed!

The anti-electric / pro-oil propaganda that "conservatives" pass around is really baffling. They have integrated this stuff into their core belief platform. It's nonsense because EVs seem to be a really great option to solve a lot of problems, and you'd think people that complain about gas prices all the time would want to not have to buy gas at all.

All the sense that I can make of it is that Russia is an oil-export economy, and they have been pushing the pro-oil propaganda into the "conservative" thought pipeline for so long that it just became part of their religion.

It’s more than that. A lot of conservatives think of texas and Dakota when they think of oil. They think of Michigan and Ohio when they think of gas powered cars. They think of Appalachia when they think of coal. And they think of all of this as what energy independence is. Meanwhile they think of California and foreign countries when they think of batteries and renewables. To them a windmill is ugly chinese made crap that will leave them with rolling blackouts when they need electricity the most

More than all that though they think climate change is a lie to convince them to stop living the way they want and to take their jobs and make them subservient to the government. Because even if the democrats are right the new jobs aren’t going to someone who dropped out of high school to mine coal in a rural town in West Virginia. Sure Columbus might get more jobs, but zanesville wont.

It’s performative opposition. No one really thinks there’s some kind of actually intellectually coherent views regarding incandescent bulbs, fuel efficiency, or solar power. It’s a conditioned reaction at this point. Sure, the oil lobby will oppose it, but it’s not like Big Bulb is trying to get rid of smart bulbs.

They’ve been conditioned to respond to the talking point of “the government is trying to tel you what to do” to such an extent that Biden could win the next election if he announced a government initiative to stop people from chaining themselves to rocks and jumping into the nearest lake.

Free market economy but only in things I like

“Progress?! Not on my watch!!!”

This is the most accurate summation I’ve seen of Mr Oompa Loompa in a long time.

What's the ten year forecast for fuel prices again? EV is the future, those not on board will get left behind like those in the 20s who refused to switch from the horse to a automobile.

Seems misguided as appeal to a big chunk of Michigan voters. The car companies are all retooling lines for EVs as demand continues to increase and they don't seem to be turning over tons of employees to do so. For auto industry workers electrification seems to be somewhere on the scale between an lateral move and a boon.

But I'd think it would still play in Alaska and the gulf states where all the oil drilling and refinement happen. Though I also suspect we'll see hydrogen economy jobs ramping in the gulf states since that's where Toyota has most of the US manufacturing.

Not only are the autos retooling factories to build ev’s they are investing billions in new battery plants. A big part of the UAW negotiations are making sure that future ev’s are made with union labor. EV’s are coming and dipshits like Trump won’t be able to stop it

Trump is likely trying to persuade Michigan voters

Why would this persuade Michigan voters? Are Detroit auto-makers forbidden from manufacturing electric vehicles?

I doubt it. I worked at a big 3 plant and they were openly talking to the workers about shifting production from ICE to EV components

That's what I assumed but didn't know, so thanks for confirming. What do you think that line I quoted from the article is trying to imply then?

As a Michigan voter, does Trump's vow to "end 'madness' of EV push" persuade you in some way?

He seems to have missed doing an entire side of his head with orange makeup.

What a strange strange man.

At this point, ranting against EVs is the equivalent of your crazy old Uncle ranting about how Satan is possessing your Commodore 64 in the 80s. That's how these people look to me now. Long over-the-hill fuckers with nothing better to do than yell at inevitability.

The madness is coming from you, Ronaldo Rump. Must you attach hysteria and hyperbole to everything? Even a goddamned windmill is cause for high drama with you.

He has to have polling saying this is a winning message, since he has repeated it a few times and it's an actual policy proposal.

But dang this doesn't FEEL like a winning message. The federal government is giving billions to major Michigan manufacturing facilities and he's...against it?

Probably a winning issue with petroleum mogul donors. He’s trying to fish for money.

getting his base not to take Covid precautions or vote by mail wasn’t a winning message, so let’s not put too much thought into their motives.

Can we push some EVs off a cliff onto his head?

And then build functional public transit for everyone.

Trump as actually a fantastic barometer for where people should focus their values, efforts, and societal goals! Just take the exact opposite of anything this dumb motherfucker says and you’ve got something worth looking at!

sometimes I wonder how hot it has to get before anyone changes their mind on climate change. We'll check back in at the next record breaking heatwaves.

sometimes I wonder how hot it has to get before anyone changes their mind on climate change.

If conservatives' response to covid is any indication, they are willing to literally die first.

There are people out there that I am convinced will take their mental gymnastics with them to the grave. Maybe they'd start to think they might have been a teensy tiny bit off, but only after they've already drowned in a massive flood, or collapsed to heat stroke under a broiling sun in a formerly very temperate region.

Just the same, there's probably plenty of unvaccinated people who died to covid some time during the peak years of the pandemic, who, were it possible, would have wanted to argue with the mortician that their autopsy was wrong and they had obviously died to something else.

Edit: Wait, morticians are the funeral people. I meant whoever does the autopsy.

He’s absolutely despicable in every way. This criminal traitor is going to prison.

I feel like I should have something intelligent to say here, but this is so stupid that it's pulling any cogent thoughts out of my head. Like how drinking distilled water pulls all the electrolytes out of you.

Trump vows to do lots of stupid things. At this point this one barely even moves the needle.

This is the best summary I could come up with:

Former President Trump is vowing to end the “madness” of the Biden administration’s push for electric vehicles — a likely appeal to voters in the swing state of Michigan.

With this opposition to electric vehicles, Trump is likely trying to persuade Michigan voters to support him over Biden, who carried the swing state in 2020.

“The Great State of Michigan will not have an auto industry anymore if Crooked Joe Biden’s crazed concept of ‘all Electric Cars’ goes into effect,” he wrote in the Truth Social post.

Last week, the Energy Department announced plans to invest $12 billion into converting auto manufacturing facilities into plants for hybrid and electric vehicles.

Trump also took aim at Shawn Fain, the president of the United Auto Workers, for supporting the Biden administration’s latest investment into electric vehicles.

The call-outs come as about 146,000 UAW members near a strike deadline when their contract ends Sept. 14 with three large U.S. automakers — General Motors, Stellantis and Ford.

The original article contains 500 words, the summary contains 159 words. Saved 68%. I'm a bot and I'm open source!

i'm more into hydrogen, but EV's tick a lot of boxes (besides lasting for longer than around 12 years, and losing range in extreme weather)

Fun fact: Cold weather reduces the range of ICE vehicles too. Technically more than Electric vehicles, if you're not using the electric to heat the vehicle as well:

You need to heat up the ev somehow. There’s some waste heat generated by the motors, but you’re still having to preheat off the battery. And it’s more emerge effecient to keep the main battery warm than it is to cold discharge anyhow

Otherwise your windows fog up.

That's all true, but you can pre-heat your vehicle before you set off while it's still plugged in. Even a basic Nissan leaf lets you do that. Either way, even accounting for all that people don't seem to realise that ICE's lose efficiency in cold weather as well and it's not a small amount.

but you can pre-heat your vehicle before you set off while it's still plugged in.

Not if you’re not at home. At least, not reliably. 8+ hours of keeping the drive battery warm takes a toll while I’m at work.

In any case, you’re absolutely right ice’s loose efficiency. A large part of that is on the preheat cycle, too. (At least for me, in MN. Going home from work, preheat is about 2/3 the time of the actual drive.)

Vote for donnie to stall anything being done about climate change and help him get revenge on his own personal and political enemies.

Where can we sign up?

Remember nothing is going to change after all this. It's America and American systems and communities that are fucked, not just trump.

There won't be greener grass on the other side. It's all the same old bullshit.

I thought the same before Trump was elected. I thought to myself, it won't be good but it won't be worse, and boy was I proven wrong.

There are deep systemic flaws in America that are not being addressed. I'm sure you see them too. But things got worse under Trump, just look at the steps backwards in environmental protection, trans rights and women's rights. To say it doesn't matter is ignoring the harm done to many communities.

It's okay to want a better candidate, but to paint both sides as no different is reckless and petulant.