Man says police officer had no right to pull him over because she’s on OnlyFans

ᴇᴍᴘᴇʀᴏʀ 帝 to Not The – 353 points –
Man says police officer had no right to pull him over because she’s on OnlyFans

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He said it made him think: “You can’t arrest me no more; I’ve seen your private parts.”

He said any respect he had for her work or the department disintegrated after he recognised her as an OnlyFans model. “I wouldn’t want her to be arresting me and I just saw you and your husband last night for $29.99 have sex on OnlyFans. I just can’t respect you or the precinct that you’re working at,” he continued.


Ah yes, the ol' Incel defense: You can’t cite me bc I don’t respect you.

Right? I don't respect cops in general, but I still have a speeding ticket on my record.

The "fun" intersection of incel with sovereign citizen bullshit.

He can’t respect her because she’s a sex worker and not because she’s a cop? Man talk about being right for the wrong reasons

Why would you not respect a person because they're a sex worker?

Edit: I see it now.

I think the implication is that the cop shouldn't be respected for being a cop, not because she's a sex worker.

because they likely don't respect themselves.

Who the fuck pays $30 to watch an online sex video?

there is nothing more pathetic than paying for pornography. or even being an avid consumer of it. one time a friend of mine told me to follow him on twitter and his entire feed was full of animated fetish porn. lost all respect I had for him. keep that shit to yourself.

Being on OF definitely doesn't grand the right to pull over drivers! Being a cop however, does..

Just have to hit him back with the “I can’t respect you or anything you do because you pay $29.99 for porn when you can just get it for free. So your bail is now doubled as you clearly have more money than you need.”

"you can't arrest me no more, I've seen your privates" lmfao

It's a nice loophole, but following all your local cops' OnlyFans can be expensive.

Much better to just go after the OnlyFans of judges. They can't sentence you if you've seen their private parts.

No no, they'll just send you to another judge. Instead, you follow the president's OnlyFans. He runs the government, so once you have the government can't do anything to you.

“Mr. Biden I have seen your butthole, you can’t touch me.”

How much Does he spend on OnlyFans to accidentally stumble upon a local cop from his area? Is he looking to Platinum OnlyFans?

“I wouldn’t want her to be arresting me"

Most people wouldn't want anyone to arrest them. Arrest is done against the arrestee's will. That's kind of the point.

Exactly. Oh no, you can't respect her? Luckily respect really isn't necessary when it comes to arrests.

Reminds me of those Sovereign citizen videos on Youtube. People are sitting in their cars feeling all high and mighty filming the cops saying they can't arrest them for X or Y reason then the cops just bust their windows and pull them out whilst they're still screaming their bullshit. I'm not the biggest fan of the police but I do find those videos satisfying.

I have actually heard from several police officers from a variety of departments that when they e counter a Sovereign Citizen they tend to have a policy to drop the situation unless it is a felony offence because too many officers have been gunned down by them over traffic stops and such.

Some people guide their behaviour by a sense of morality.

Others are guided by the threat of authority.

And still more are guided by whatever is most convenient at the time.

I wanna know who's behind the onion and how tf they come up with this stuff. This is gold.

And it was on this day that reality and The Onion became one in the same.

Reality is now officially broken. If everyone could stop using it for a week the crisis team will attempt existential surgery before a decision is made about whether it should be demolished.

I blame Cern, reality started getting really fucking weird after we discovered the Higgs boson

No time. Maybe we just try turning it off and on again?

more than two hours and still no link? 😱

I searched in a different thread already and couldn't find it either. Even when using the search on OF for her bio words...

I think it's down now.

If this actually worked there would’ve been a black market of naked cop videos

It's a shame that hardworking people with real jobs these days have to take on a side hustle as a cop just to make ends meet 😞

Did The Onion manage to sell one of their stories to the Indie?

You paid for porn, you're worse.

Yes let us all go about not compensating people for their work. That surely will not be a problem.

In the context of the guy saying he lost all respect for her, it's fair to say he is worse. He gave her money. She's the superior one.

Not in his mind. People like him genuinely believe that them paying means that sex worker is being humiliated and degraded by them.