Leak: Elon Musk said he wants X to be a dating app, too, in an all-hands meeting on the anniversary of his Twitter takeover

meiko60@lemmy.sdf.org to Technology@lemmy.ml – 185 points –
Leak: Elon Musk said he wants X to be a dating app, too, in an all-hands meeting on the anniversary of his Twitter takeover

You're telling me I can meet a potential partner, have video calls with them, get scammed out of money, and tweet about how sad I am, all from the same platform? Sign me up.

And it’s all run by the guy who can’t even handle running twitter when it’s just a social media website. But sure, yeah, if they throw more functions on top of 280 text character posts, with a fraction of the people that ran twitter, I’m sure it’ll be even easier to manage.

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It's a bank! It's a dating app! It's a video hosting service, a town square, a shopping mall, a floor wax AND a dessert topping! Why go anywhere else? Just stare at the middle of the big shiny X until it makes sense!

Lol, he wants it to be wechat but forgets that everyone uses it because its a government sanctioned monopoly.

No one wants a dating/chat/payment/microbloging/uber app.

Link your ride data to your dating profile? What could go wrong you fucking donkey.

Well it's no secret exactly that he's kinda infatuated with China's methods.

Don’t worry. Musk will single-handedly promise better data security than even the NSA or CIA has.

Of course as soon as the first dump of X user data hits the dark web his sole response will be:


Wasn't there a conservative dating app which no women wanted to be on?

Most conservatives I've met, in Alberta, Canada, have giant ball-sacks hanging off their trucks... Somehow I don't think they are looking for women in the first place... Or they are lying to themselves.

PSA: if your truck didn't come with balls, and you add balls to it, you've done gender affirming treatment.

I'm getting some rainbow truck nuts and a car bra for my truck. I like to keep folks guessing.

Its amusing how they mistake biological truths ("the way the Lord made me") for sins. The reality is is doesn't matter if you're straight or gay, you're going to feel interesting things upon receipt of stimulation if you are of the male disposition...How many married men caught with their pants down and in full—err, receipt... ;)

Men outnumber women on every dating app. It's really bad on religious and politically focused apps, but it's also bad everywhere else. A typical guy will go through thousands of swipes per real match.

Elon Musk running a dating app sounds like the biggest dumpster fire in human history.

You know what, actually, go Elon! I wanna see the trainwreck play out.

Elon Musk's entire career since his PayPal days has been throwing one horrifyingly bad idea after another to his employees for them to figure out a way to bring into reality, then take credit for all of his employees' work once they somehow realize these idea in order to shamelessly market himself as a tech genius, a "real life Tony Stark", to make his employees realize even more bad ideas. Until his management of Twitter exposed him.

Can't wait to see what kind of trainwreck a dating app designed by a misogynistic thrice-divorced deadbeat manchild would look like.

Now I want to watch glass onion again.

(Watch my movies too, please😊)

You're not the real Margot Robbie, she doesn't use Linux.

Academy Award nominated character actress Margot Robbie can use any operating system at home as she please!

I mean the bar is pretty low right now. Tinder/matchgroup basically owns the market. I used the Facebook dating app for a bit and honestly, it ended up being more worthwhile than tinder.

I think Facebook dating works better because you get a much more complete, natural profile of a person over a long period of time compared to Tinder and friends. Twitter... is not that.

I loathe the guy but I really think you’re doing him a disservice. It is HARD to scale businesses while maintaining an environment of iteration and preventing things getting moribund. And while I’d never work for him on work-life balance grounds, you can at least not fault him for living the kind of environment he wanted to create, with absolute dedication to the task.

And honestly, how many CEOs do you know who can walk the grounds of his business and tell you exactly what each component does and why? While it may not be his idea, that’s still a lot of knowledge to hold in your head.

Elon failed at scaling businesses. He lucked out at the start, and people think he's a genius due to survivorship bias, but tesla is going down the drain, even if it had an extremely good position in the market. SpaceX is doing alright I suppose, but didn't achieve many of the ambitious goals Elon said would happen, like the mars stuff, if not cancelled, then very delayed. The boring Company is a failure. Twitter is a failure. Solar roofs were a failure. Neuralink is a failure.

Employees talk about how they constantly have to tip-toe around him, and basically psychologically manipulate him to do the right thing. I think SpaceX just has really good managers that manage not the employees, but Elon himself. Whenever he gets full reign in a company, it falls apart.

Exactly so. The successful companies he's involved in are largely successful despite him, not because of him

And honestly, how many CEOs do you know who can walk the grounds of his business and tell you exactly what each component does and why? While it may not be his idea, that’s still a lot of knowledge to hold in your head.

Not Elon, that’s for goddamn sure. The dude randomly unplugged and moved entire racks of servers which caused massive downtime and glitchiness on Twitter.

It's also extremely obvious he has done 0 actual tech work since the 90’s based off of the way he talks about coding. Also allegedly he had no idea how to run a Python script lmao

Can we just pause and think on that? A dating app named X doesn't exactly ring with success.

So its a bank with video calling where you can also get laid and read right wing misinformation, that is a lot of checked boxes

No. It’s a platform, which can load custom HTML-ish apps, like WeChat (very successful in being a platform) or Telegram (not very successful yet at being a platform).

All Spacebaby is saying is “I have an audience, let’s address it with everything and charge an access fee for companies accessing it”. I very much doubt he sees Twitter creating all these things, just providing a platform that allows others to do so while seeking rent.

He’s imagining the sort of closed off internet like what you see in China. I’m sure the ultimate purpose is that he can censor anyone calling him a Spacebaby. What a Spacebaby!

People would have to be nuts to build anything on his platform after he killed all third party Twitter clients and ruined the Twitter API. That's not how you build trust.

I already have an everything app where I can date, do banking, and even use Twitter. It's called Firefox.

Awesome! I always wanted to date a nazi. Gimme those white supremacy bitches!

Changes profile pic to confederate flag

Get ready to smash some puss!

s/ and satire, obviously…

Oh no, it's me watching Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade as a kid all over again!

Not the hot nazi fräuliens again! /s

My God, is everything related to Musk worth reporting? What's next, "Breaking news, Musk got out of bed today!" Jesus Christ

Elon’s solution to the cyber harassment problem - let’s just make it part of product? What a moron

Wait, in the last thread it was a bank

He probably wants it to become “the internet”. He likely thinks he can do search better than Google, shopping better than Amazon, social better than Facebook, etc.

“X” as a dating app sounds like converting from a pornhub to an escort service.

if he somehow turned it into a legitimized escort service, that would be actually useful to society, other than that he would be the one running it so it would be corrupt af and detrimental to society.

Is he throwing darts at a concept map??

it's every app in existence!! That means it will be worth every other app x 10!!

No, he always wanted it to be wechat but misses the fact that its basically required for Chinese citizens to use.

Leak: Elon Musk said he wants X to be a gaming app, too...

Porn site when? They got the name down for it already. Just get on with it man.

Great, would really love to get a preventable STD from a right wing anti-vaxxer

Did it also want to be a clown car?

If so, good job!

Awesome. If people don't give a fuck about their privacy, can I buy a subscription to just watch?

I'll bet he STILL can't get laid without paying for it...

Wait, isn't X that app that evolved thorough multiple stages never reachig any just drowning in it's own puss? Free speech platform -> all round financial app -> dating app -> future bullshit this conman can spew?

Basically the same as Facebook.

Women @ uni -> social media -> chat -> video chat -> videos -> marketplace -> dating -> vr

Only thing being that FB has never touched financial stuff, afaik.

Not saying fb is good, just that this idea is hardly new or unique. What Elon wants has been done before by others.

Truth be told he hasn't got an original ideea since ... Ok I don't think he has got past that point yet.

Icm confident that until next year he will do it /s

This is the best summary I could come up with:

(tldr: 8 sentences skipped)

Musk did not get into details of how exactly X would become a dating app, if there was any user demand for such features, or what further product changes would be made to turn it into one, one of the people present said.

However, the idea is in line with Musk's push for features that require payment, as most dating apps today are some form of subscription service.

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Musk said during the meeting he expects X to be capable of functioning as a bank by next year, the person added, whether or not users want it to be.

(tldr: 2 sentences skipped)

For new users in New Zealand and the Philippines, a fee of $1 per year is now in place for the platform's most basic feature or posting is part of the initiative toward payments and banking, the person added.

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Insider previously reported on Musk's push for live video at X and his aspirations to turn the platform into a video-centric "media channel."

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Several employees submitted questions before the meeting regarding the company's financial state as advertisers and users continue to flee the platform.

(tldr: 7 sentences skipped)

The original article contains 701 words, the summary contains 205 words. Saved 71%. I'm a bot and I'm open source!

I like the tldr notes on how many sentences were skipped. It gives a lot more context to how the bot has reduced the total article length.