Open extensions on Firefox for Android will be available from December 14

Lee to – 842 points –
Open extensions on Firefox for Android will be available from December 14 - gHacks Tech News

i wish firefox wasn’t neutered on ios

That one is on apple tho.

Hoping for more EU intervention on those tools.

Although I agree that Firefox should be freed on iOS, but should chrome?

A significant amount of browsers on iOS would probably move to blink/chromium the first chance they get(like they do on Android), which only serves to strengthen Google's monopoly in the space.

The alternative would be ... The EU rules that only webkit and Firefox are allowed on iOS...? That's not happening, nor should it. (Fuck Google still though, I agree with your stance there)

Better than apple doing whatever the fuck they want. Imagine Microsoft would have only allowed IE based browsers on windows. We would still be in the IE days, because why put work into something when you can just force people to use it?

At least with chrome it is used because it is a pretty competent engine.

I mean if I was dictator I would do this... But some people would hate me for it and they'd have a decent argument to make. It won't happen... But yeah, fuck googl cannot be said enough

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Yes, equal ground should be given to all. Unfortunately, you're right about Chromium but that doesn't mean we shouldn't play fair.

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Genuine question, why stick to ios in that case? I can see a normie who is unaware of these stuff keep using apple since their use case isn't that complex and apple gives a decent baseline.

But, ios legitimately sucks because it's so restrictive and here your personal productivity is going down because of it.

I used Android and its variants for 10+ years. With each version you had to do more and more battle to somewhat safeguard any shed of privacy. It was exhausting.

So I bit the bullet and chose the lesser of two evils. Apple > Google.

Happy so far.

You cloud always use LineageOS or even better GrapheneOS. With Apple, you're just trading one devil for another.

There is no lesser. 4 oz pile of blue shit is same as 4 oz pile of pink shit. Both the enshittification process will enshrine.

Google will crawl over broken glass to steal your data. Apple sells you overpriced shit. they are not the same

My man, you're living in cuckoo land if you think Apple isn't tracking you.

Apple doesn't need to crawl over broken glass to steal your data when you just give it to them.

Don't worry, you guys will soon get sideloading. Hopefully someone ports it to iOS

Orion supports (some) Firefox extensions. Worth a look imo.

Wow, yes it is!

Just tested Firefox Focus, Vivaldi, Opera, DuckDuckGo, and Safari with Hyperweb (non-optimized adblock configuration admittedly).

Orion blocked more ads out of the box than the rest. Impressive. Says it supports some Chrome extensions too. (Didn’t test.)

Interesting there’s no default search engine. There is an extremely gentle prod towards Kagi by listing all other search engines under “Ad-Supported”.

What do you mean? How does Firefox behave on iOS? There is no extension support, or what? (I've never used iOS.)

Browsers on iOS just use WebKit. So chromium or quantum aren’t allowed. So all the work Firefox is doing for android isn’t compatible

yeah, i don’t think the app store allows it. or it may be related to the fact that firefox has to use the safari engine on ios

Whaaaat? Damn.

Nowadays I tend to feel fed up with Android and switching to iOS crosses my mind sometimes, but the more I hear about iOS, the more I appreciate Android.

Seriously, WTF?! A web browser is a pretty essential tool, I can't believe a real Firefox version cannot be installed.

I guess, my long term solution will be some Android-fork.

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massive W firefox

Don't give them too much credit. They're only returning most of what they took away four years ago.

They're not changing their minds though, that was always the plan?

To upgrade the browser then slowly reintroduce extensions

Yeah, where are the themes? Not like they are anything beyond a background change nowadays anyway.

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Nightly user here, does this mean I no longer need to do the song and dance of manually adding my addons list to the browser anymore? Guess I can finally switch to stable!

I am also using the same method and hoping the same thing. I doubt we will have to do the song and dance just because it is very much a developer feature test route and they have had extension functionality previously in the regular release.

Also looking forward to pulling back to stable build.

Now i just wish they fix the stupid bug where my tab becomes unuseable, it happens randomly and i cant reproduce, only thing that helps is to close it and undo the closing.

I have had this happened to me before, I think it has something to do with Android closing the app because of needing more RAM, hence you go back to FF and find out a blank page or sometimes it is not even the correct tab lol, refreshing it won't fix it thus you'd need to manually close, or force close the app to get it in a working state.

Also, I haven't checked on mobile, but the PS Store website just crashes Firefox entirely in macOS lol, those kind of annoyances weren't present in Chromium based browsers, and I can see this being a huge downside for most people, for me it is worth it because FF is so damn cool.

Yeah that's weird. I end up needing to open a new tab. Does it randomly.

I have it happen for webview most times I use it. I ended up using Kiwi Browser instead because of it.

this happened to me atleast twice a day. it's annoying, and sometimes i ended up using chrome.

I honestly can't wait for this to happen so I can finally get Flagfox on my phone. I likenbeing able to see where a website might be hosted, where the server is.

What are some good extensions for Firefox? I got the standard ad-block but I don't know what else is out there.

Ublock origin

Search by image

web archives (for when you hit a paywall)

old reddit redirect (so you don't get stuck on the broken mobile site)

I straight up can't see anything on new Reddit now. just "something went wrong". they're really screwing things up -_-

Consentomatic. Automatic rejection of all unnecessary cookies. It's not perfect but works often enough to be worth it.

If you are an Android, why not just use LibreTube?

In my particular case: because I still need to sync my subscriptions and playlists, as well as the support for adding comments.

Dark Reader. Make sure to set the background color to pure black (#000000)

Also a password manager like Bitwarden

Why not just download the app for Bitwarden?

Looks cool, is it mainly for the US? Also does it show other Amazon sellers or local brick and mortar stores?

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Next, tab stacking.

And a tablet UI

Yup, my android tablet is the only device I own (unless you count my smart tv) where I don't use Firefox. At least there's kiwi so you can have a tablet interface and still be able to install addons

Is it a different UI than the one that has on the iPad?

There has been no tablet UI for Firefox on Android since the Fenix update 4 years ago. It's just the phone UI stretched out. It's a big bummer

Firefox is dead to me until they bring back a proper tablet UI. No tab bar is a deal breaker.

Yeah, I use Samsung Internet on my tablet. Firefox on everything else, so I obviously miss the syncing, tab push and access to extensions with my tablet. I even put it up as an Idea on Mozilla Connect, where a lot of people seem to agree, but I don't foresee Firefox ever addressing this. I think they're buried under a mountain of back-end issues.

This is very needed, I think you can get around on desktop with some neat extension, but we are fucked on mobile lol.

Wheres that guy who was getting mad about all the Firefox posts. Did he leave?

Do I need to install mobile-specific add-ons or will the ones I have on desktop sync across?

I don't know if they'll sync, but you'll be able to install all add-ons available on desktop (possibly minus the Firefox themes)

That's not what they announced. Extensions marked as compatible with Android will be available and technical changes to the design of some extensions are recommended to ensure good results.

tbh I didn't even know it was limited because all I use is uBlock origin lmao

Will be fun to see Wappalyzer on mobile

Stylus also super cool to get old non responsive websites to behave well enough on mobile.

Holy shit that's huge. They already had extensions but very limited compared to the PC version.

And here's me; bought a Google Pixel and the first thing I did was disable Chrome and install Firefox. Reading this makes it even more worthwhile.

Now install GrapheneOS and fully delete chrome.

From screenshots I learned some new extensions to use for desktop and mobile. Thanks u/

Is there any news about themes getting support back?

I know this is a big thing regarding extension on mobile, is Kiwi browser totally opened to extensions too, or does it only have a selected extensions list available?

Anyway, having this without any hacky thingys is a big win.

I only use kiwi for a browser extension that has 4000 installs. So I assume kiwi extensions aren't limited to a selection.

Will extensions be usable/ allowed on iPad? Is it... Too ambitious? 😬

Not until apple allows non-webkit browsers like an operating system would. It's happening but I'm not sure when.

PS it can only happen because the EU forced them. that's right, your os maker had to be forced by the government to allow basic computing functionality. Apple is shitty.

That’s not the reason; Safari and the like still support the WebExtensions API (the same the Firefox uses). They just require extensions to be signed, .app’d, distribute through App Store etc. and maybe only go to Safari which is a lot.

I read this over and over and it makes no sense to me. Even if you were right, do we really think that FF extension devs are going to make and maintain a completely separate codebase for a iOS-only FF version of each extension? I highly, highly, doubt anyone would do that.

Then on top of it, yeah, maybe you'd have to kiss Apple's ass to ever get it installed on a user's device. In any case, Fuck apple with a cactus.

It’s the same codebase. Safari can use extensions written for Firefox as long as you compile it into Apple format.

Bizarre. All these years, every time I have tried to use a safari extension, even very popular ones like 1password, I've had issues. So I feel like it's historically not been as simple as this... Maybe it is now, but all the web devs I know HATE safari. Myself included.

I mean, you've still got the entire signing BS so there is a very valid reason to hate.

I wish... I want Dark Reader... It is a crime that most browsers don't bundle it, a bigger crime is that websites don't support this.