Trump confuses Obama for Biden again at Virginia rally speech to politics – 499 points –
Trump confuses Obama for Biden again at Virginia rally speech

Trump can mistake Hillary Clinton for his wife and it's not gonna change a god damn thing. He's a fuckin dope, and if people don't get it by now they're never gonna get it

They get it alright. They like him for what he is.

They do and he empowered them to get loud and fight for their "beliefs". We're all like "Great, another folksy dope remark, from the folksy dope", but they see their own view on things confirmed by the great, successful & rich version of themselves.

At least that's what I've come to believe, after all these years of jaw dropping things said and done. The reaction to most things Trump does and says, should be a "No" in unison from every human being that can add 1 and 1.

Trump thinks about black men a lot.

He's obsessed with Obama. This event literally changed history. Trump may not have run without such humiliation.

I think he would have tried either way. He talked about running in 2000 or 2004 as a Democrat, and even suggested Oprah as his VP

He’s demented. Literally.

Of course he's not, He's a stable genius: “I took it, and I aced it,” “I think it was 35… 30 questions. And let me tell you, you know, they always show you the first one: a giraffe, a tiger or a whale. ‘Which one is the whale?'” “The first questions are very easy, the last questions are much more difficult. Like a memory question,” “It’s like, you’ll go, ‘Person. Woman. Man. Camera. TV.’ So they’d say, ‘Could you repeat that.’ So I said, ‘Yeah. So it’s person. Woman. Man. Camera. TV.’"

Did you say the same thing when Biden couldn't remember Obama name?

Why wouldn’t we?

They don’t even need to. Retirement age exists because we acknowledge that passed some point people are to old to function properly on the job. So what the fuck are they doing in politics?

When offered 2 bad choices i’ll stick with the lesser evil though, which is the one not literally quoting Hitler and campaign promising a dictatorship.

Retirement age exists because we acknowledge that passed some point people are to old to function properly on the job.

That is...not correct. Retirement age exists because at one time it was expected that people would generally achieve a certain level of wealth and live out the rest of their days doing what they wanted with that wealth and time. Plenty of people >65 are fully capable of certain types of work.

Retirement age exists because at one time it was expected that people would generally achieve a certain level of wealth and live out the rest of their days doing what they wanted with that wealth and time.

A retirement age exists because it was fought for by the labor movement, and it was set during the creation of Social Security in the US during the New Deal. It was also set at the average age of death IIRC, and because a large part of the homeless problem during the Great Depression was seniors who had not saved enough money to support themselves without a job's income and were largely unable to obtain new work.

How is genocide the lesser evil?

Because genocide plus fascism is worse than genocide alone. Is this even a real question or are you just trolling?

Genocide is genocide, with or without fascism

No one’s saying it’s not, but one plus the other is worse all around that just the one (still Bad Thing) alone.

The alternative is the same genocide, plus even more of it in more places, most likely. Including right here on American soil.

If a dog pisses on the floor and you give them a treat they are gonna think it's ok to piss on the floor.

Biden could come out and say I could kill 30k Palestinians and my supporters will say the other guy is more dangerous..

If your dog pisses on the floor you don't throw him out and invite a wolf in instead.

These aren't dogs, they're people with political power. You'd have to be a moron to think a slap on the wrist is worth the actual collapse of democracy.

If the only available choices are varied degrees of evil democracy has already collapsed

"Hurr durr, If I'm going to die, it doesn't matter if my options are 'slow torture' or 'painless drug cocktail', they're literally the same"

Rebuilding the US into a dictatorship seems like something, that should be avoided. But then I am not a US citizen.

We have a dictatorship of capital which rules over the duopoly

Yeah so why not just hop in bed with actual dictatorship?

Just look at Russia; it's going so well for them! No genocides at all and it solved all of their problems with capitalism!

And they have shopping carts!!!! Let's be Russia!


Don’t worry I’m sure he knows what it’s like to live in Russia.

Do you honestly believe that trump wouldn’t also support that genocide? Netanyahu is a longtime friend and supporter of trump’s.

Sadly we are stuck with a “lesser of two evils” situation - and Biden, while supporting evil, is still less evil (by far) than trump.

What Trump might do is irrelevant, instead of focusing on what ifs, people should be focusing on right now.

What an enormously stupid thing to say! What a candidate might do while in office is literally how you decide your vote…

So let's ignore Biden committing genocide because the other guy might do it too

Who said that? Nobody, and you’re just pointlessly deflecting? Yeah.

Do you honestly believe that trump wouldn’t also support that genocide

The thread you are commenting on did exactly that

Oh so you just can’t read, got it. You’re aware that genocide is not the topic of this thread right? It’s about who to vote for and sadly that’s not a determining factor. But go on trying to pretend everyone is having the conversation you’d prefer.

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Lesser evil is still evil, it really is a testament to how bad things have gotten.

Neither option cares or would actually change much about the atrocities.

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When you vote for someone you are also voting for the advisors and their other support staff. I much prefer Bidens support staff.

Trump is far too narcissistic to listen to anyone on his support staff tho. I'm sure they're constantly trying to reign him in. But somehow he remains inexplicably popular.

Even his CoS that pushed Obama for cuts to SS?

Oh no, that's worse than anything Trump has done, you've convinced me, switching sides now.

Sorry your guy isn't doing anything to help sales, tough gig.

I dont know who 'your guy' is. I dont support either right wing pedo

Do you have the ability to vote in the coming election? Are you eligible?

That's irrelevant, neither right wing pedo has earned my vote

You are effectively voting for Trump or Biden - whichever candidate you dislike more. By choosing not to vote for one of the major parties you ethically own the awful consequences of whoever is elected.

America has a horrible electoral system and it will almost certainly have a horrible choice in the general election - it fucking sucks. But if Trump is elected and women die because abortion is made nationally illegal or, if you're conservative, I don't know.... either way, that shit is on you if you choose not to participate.

Yeah, it sucks, but voting is your obligation.

It sucks because voters keep allowing it to suck. The blame, if Trump is reelected, lies solely on voters not demanding their party primary Biden. Instead of holding him accountable they kept punching at the people trying to hold him accountable. Anyone that opposed the approved echo chamber rhetoric was quickly labeled Russian, bot, paid by Putin, etc.

I am not effectively voting for either, red fascism or blue fascism is still fascism.

You are acting childish, women's lives are on the line. The system is broken as shit but it's what we have - voting for anyone but blue fascist or red fascist is just shirking responsibility.

That fucking said, make your voice heard in the primary, vote uncommitted or for a local competitor (if one actually exists and isn't worse than Biden). In other races vote for candidates that have a reasonable chance of winning, if you live in a solid blue state DSA is usually a great option.

The system fucking sucks and I am sure as hell not going to defend it, I hate it so much that I emigrated... but I'm still going to vote.

women's lives are on the line

Did you have that same energy when Obama said that codifying Roe versus Wade was no longer a priority?

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This little slip doesn't prove Donnie is demented, but he is demented.

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Because everyone knows Obama is secretly controlling the Deep State from his hidden bunker compound in his original birthplace of Kenya. /s

That's seriously what maggots think. All of them. I watch a lot of their media and so many of the elected politicians still even say "who's actually doing that, not Biden, is it Obama?". Like they could come up with detailed conspiracy theories that would take someone just a few searches to realize its bullshit. But they don't even need to do that anymore. The population is so retarded that all they need to do is reference that last guy they hated. Biden is a senile and incompetent, right? MUST BE OBAMA. Who they still think is either African or Middle Eastern and never showed iz gurd dam berf ferticate.

I never understood the Kenya thing. Even if he was born there, his mother being an American citizen at the time of his birth makes him a natural born American citizen and eligible for the presidency. Hell, McCain was born outside the US and was running against him in the same election.

Is this the election for US presidency or for who runs the next bingo evening at the local nursing home? Can’t make this shit up


At 77 and 81 respectively, Trump and Biden are the oldest people to run for the presidency in US history. “Putin has so little respect for Obama that he’s starting to throw around the nuclear word. You heard that. Nuclear. He’s starting to talk nuclear weapons today,” said Trump, on Saturday night in Richmond.

The crowd reportedly went silent as the Trump referenced Obama, who left office more than seven years ago. It’s the third time Trump has made the blunder in the past six months.


Trump’s mistake came the day after Biden, twice confused Ukraine and Gaza as he announced that the US would airdrop humanitarian supplies to Palestinians in Gaza who are dying of starvation due to the Israeli bombardment and blockades.

“In the coming days, we’re going to join with our friends in Jordan and others who are providing airdrops of additional food and supplies into Ukraine,” Biden said on Friday. The US will “seek to open up other avenues into Ukraine, including possibly a marine corridor”, he added.

A White House official later clarified that Biden meant Gaza – not Ukraine.


Confusing two ongoing humanitarian crisis, when both are constantly in the news and both are impacting the popular perception of the administration is absolutely understandable. Confusing the current president for the guy who hasn't been in office for years, who has barely been in the current news or media lately... It's an obvious bad faith argument.

Look, Trump shouldn’t be running for President, he should rot in jail. But that doesn’t change that Biden can’t get out 2 straight sentences without fucking something up. I absolutely don’t get why they wouldn’t let anyone younger run instead. You should be sharp if you’re one of the most powerful people on this planet, your daily decisions can affect billions.

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He is not senile. It was a joke. It's just that Alzheimer made him forget he already used it.

Ahh, more 4D chess I see.

Factoid; all chess games are technically 4D.

You can argue 3D pieces + time but in the abstract the board only uses two dimensions

Wouldn't checkering itself, even in the abstract, need to reference two discernible colours or shades, and so, wavelengths of light, and so, some extension along a z axis, and position in time? Is it possible even for an abstract checkered pattern to be defined in any less than 3 dimensions + time?

And for some reason there’s a video of Biden on the article instead

That's just how it works. Trump loses 40% of the Republican vote in Michigan, And it shows his strength. Biden loses 20% of the vote in Michigan, and it shows his weakness.

Nice percentages. You conveniently left out the total numbers in which Trump beats Biden.

Unless Biden calls for a ceasefire very soon it's an FF15.

I swear this guy has either an orange or Homer's monkey on his head.

Fits his message though. "All those leftists are destroying the country and are all the same anyway!"

He says stupid shit to piss people off... he's not losing his mental faculties at all...

I hate Trump and I think he is senile and I want him to spend the rest of his life in prison, but I don't think the news coverage on this is fair. Clearly he has always wanted to be compared to other presidents like Bush and Obama, even if he technically never ran against them. What's the point of obsessing over this?

It demonstrates his decline in mental faculties, which is relevant considering his opponent is facing similar scrutiny.

I think his decline in faculties can be better represented than something as petty as this. The man walks like a tinker toy with a bad spring dragging its right leg. He thinks Ted Cruz's dad killed JFK, he thinks the prosecutor in Georgia was racist towards him, and that windmills cause cancer. We can do better than him saying he will beat big names of the DNC.