California officer shoots and kills boy, 15, holding gardening tool

juicy@lemmy.todaybanned from community to – 762 points –
California officer shoots and kills boy, 15, holding gardening tool

Lacy said the family also reported that after the shooting, the family was forced out of the home while officers “rummaged through their house looking for any justification for shooting and killing Ryan”.

Not a good look.

They don't care how bad it looks cause they get away with it

They constantly get away with it too, i wonder what the stat is for the amount of cops that get put away for misconduct like this versus the ones that don't, it's gotta be like 1 out of every 10/100/1000 or something similar.

Saw body cam footage like that once. Guy is on the ground bleeding out and the cop is searching the car for the gun that will justify it. Guy was bleeding out because when asked for his ID reached for his wallet

Probably should go watch the actual video:\\_medium=referral

He's told to drop it, and literally chases the officer out of the house with it trying to kill him. Bodycam from 2 angles.

Edit: Ok, I read the article. Yeah, him charging at the cop with that tool was a really bad move. I still think the situation could have been handled differently. Could have.

Tasers, batons, or just run away. Diffuse the situation. Imagine a judge saying "You charged against a cop with a gardening tool? Sentenced to DEATH!"

The boy didn't get a fair trial. He was murdered with no justification.

That's basically what their elected prosecutor will say, I've seen it a lot. They'll say "he has a weapon and was committing a crime, so the shooting was justified." That's what they said when my local pd shot a kid in the back when he was running away. He hadn't done anything but run away and was killed.

He was murdered, if you shoot someone in the back while they are fleeing you are a murderer.

The cop that shot him is a murderer and a coward.

Yeah, and the states attorney started her excuses with "he was committing a crime" as if execution is the correct answer for running away from police.

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Edit: Ok, I read the article. Yeah, him charging at the cop with that tool was a really bad move. I still think the situation could have been handled differently. Could have.

Police in other countries are constantly able to non-lethally subdue people wielding knives. Do not normalize this reaction.

Thanks. I'm really not normalizing this, though it's a good suggestion for other readers.

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As a father of a child with Autism I feel I am more than adequately equipped to respond to this.

I don't think many, if any, neurotypical people understand how Autism can impact a person's ability to process the world in a way that is deemed "normal". This child may not be verbal, may have aggression issues, may have a learning disability, etc.

The last thing that should have happened is someone pulling a gun.

I cry thinking something like this could happen with my son. All it takes is one bad interaction with someone who has absolutely no experience with Autism and this can happen.

For anyone reading this, do yourself a favour. Volunteer with autistic people. It could be at school or in the community but you all need to learn that Autism does not look like the doctor in The Good Doctor.

I cry thinking something like this could happen with my son.

Gotta prepare him for when he is antagonized

My nephew is autistic, ODD and goes violent when going overboard

The more he is antagonized young, the better he learns how to deal with it. He is getting much better at understanding himself and controlling himself in situations he wouldn't have a few years ago

I posted a similar comment before seeing your more eloquent reply. All I can say is you are 100% right about this:

I don’t think many, if any, neurotypical people understand how Autism can impact a person’s ability to process the world in a way that is deemed “normal”. This child may not be verbal, may have aggression issues, may have a learning disability, etc.

And the people who should MOST be aware of this? Those who we issue a gun and a badge.

He was attacking people and hurting people already. This isn't a situation where he was irritated and the corner and someone provoked him, he was already violent when the officer's arrived.

... So why didn't the officers just fucking leave the house?! There's no reason for them to stand their ground here. Retreat to safety and call for a crisis counselor and psychiatrist to come help. Call the boy's parents.

Fragile masculinity is why those pussy ass cops shot a kid. I hope it tortures them for the rest of their days. And I hope whenever they see a kid with autism from here on out, they're forced to realize what they've done.

The San Bernardino county sheriff’s department was responding to a 911 call on Saturday from a family reporting that a boy, identified as Ryan Gainer, was attacking his family at their home

If you watch the actual video the sheriff goes into the house to find him and the teenager comes charging out trying to attack him. The officer did leave, he fled while telling him to stop. He didn't stop and continued to chase him with the weapon and he was shot.

That's why they shouldn't call the cops when a person of color is involved. The police will just kill them.

As ADA Krause said in the Rittenhouse trial said, "We all take a beating sometimes."

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The cop was literally running from the kid, while the kid was swinging his weapon. The cop certainly wasn't "standing his ground".

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In Canada (afaik) cops rarely kill anyone who is not wielding a gun, this includes people out of their minds on drugs wielding knives. They are usually able to disarm and subdue the suspect by non-lethal means.

The idea that a 15 year old kid running at a cop should be shot on sight is absolutely absurd and only normalized in the US, please reconsider your perspective.

All that said cops still fucking suck in Canada and have a history of being racists and abusive.

I am 100% open to having my opinion changed, hense "afaik" and my last sentence. Sending me news articles proves nothing since my wording was 'rarely' not 'never'.

A quick google search shows that police in Canada killed 30% less people per capita (in 2022), so it seems our cops are a little bit less shitty but still pretty shitty.

Father of an autistic teen here - very good chance that kid couldn't even begin to understand that the police gun would not only harm him, but kill him dead.

He possibly didn't understand or was too deep into an autistic meltdown (overstimulated fight or flight response) by that point to possibly comply with the commands from the officer, and (looking at my own son as an example) I doubt that he comprehended the seriousness of wielding such a weapon at the cop or at anyone.

My son knows he has to be careful with knives, and that he generally shouldn't touch them unsupervised.

Does he know he could hurt someone with it? Yes I think so.

Does he know it's even possible to stab someone to death with it? He doesn't even have a concept of "dead" vs "asleep" and has never witnessed a wound that couldn't be healed with a bandaid. Explaining these concepts in abstract is of very limited value with him.

They need to send more cops, and with nonlethals less lethals, and try harder not to kill these kids - many of whom exist in a world that almost entirely works in a way they don't understand, no matter how intelligent they may be otherwise.

Elijah McClain

Linden Cameron (not dead, but not for lack of trying)

Ryan Gainer

My list of "names of autistic kids shot or killed by cops" that I can list off without trying is slowly getting longer.

As I always say - I can't imagine more a of a nightmare than my son interacting with police while neither me nor my wife is present. I'd be less worried if he was playing in traffic. At least I can count on people driving down the street trying not to kill him. And that's really sad because I wish I could count on the help of police if ever he would need it.

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I didn't even have to open the article to see the boy's skin color. And I'm not remotely shocked.

Bodycam video

Officer was backing away from the kid, and turned to run away from him. The officer was actively retreating from the attack at the time the shots were fired.

Two officers were present. It is not clear from the video who fired the shots. It is very clear, however, that the kid was actively attacking the officer.

Yea sadly the kid was an aggressor here

But the cops should be using tazers or something non-lethal to deal with this kinda altercation

But the cops should be using tazers or something non-lethal to deal with this kinda altercation

Something non-lethal... Like the "bare hands" they attempted to use on their arrival?

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Too bad there aren't things cops could do other than murder when this sort of thing happens.

If only a cop had literally any other option to stop someone with a garden implement other than a gun.

Too bad guns are the only option to stop people....

Police in other countries are constantly able to non-lethally subdue people wielding knives. Do not normalize this reaction.

15 yo with a hoe, vs. 2 "trained", "fit" men with weapons specifically designed to kill instantly with a twitch of a finger.

Everywhere else in the world the kid would get a slap on the wrist, parents penalised, settled and sorted.

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Sensationalist bullshit title from the guardian. Typical now. You can't just get unbiased news in many places. They all have to push an agenda.

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Another child murdered.

I will not shed a single tear for when cops get shot and killed.

US cops really have stored up an incredible amount of badwill, haven't they? Now, I can't help but see Nolan's Batman film (whichever the one is with cops in tunnels), Brooklyn 99 and others as straight up copaganda. Just zero sympathy. The balance will shift at some point, it has to.

To be fair Brooklyn 99 dunks on cops. Like a lot.

Final. season was really interesting I that regard. Real cop propaganda is The Rookie. It is shameless.

The final season was less humorous about it. But even in the earlier seasons, the vast majority of cops outside of the 99 are incompetent, corrupt, or both. Comparatively, Wuntch is one of the least bad in the force.

Blue Bloods is the worst of them. Flat out abusing people in custody followed by a friendly family Sunday dinner.

Yeah I knew a cop who can't stand that show because of how blunt it's propaganda, pro-police violence, and anti-civil rights the show is.

Most depictions of LE in action movies are copoganda. I mean, shit: the Dirty Harry/ Legal Weapon trope of cops needing to sidestep the rules is so fucked when you think about it

3rd Batman movie, the one that made even less sense than a superhero movie normally makes.

The entire plan depends on a fusion reactor acting like a fission bomb that Bane didn't even know was down there, Blackgate being moved within city limits after the events of the second movie for no clear reason, and a letter that again no one knew existed while the plan was being carried out.

Also if he broke Batman's back why not just kill him? Why give him a chance to escape?

Also if he broke Batman’s back why not just kill him? Why give him a chance to escape?

He explains that he wants batman to watch his city deteriorate to chaos or whatever.

By putting him in an underground prison where he can't see it happening?

Also why? In the comics Bane removed Batman because he was a threat not because of a personal grievance.

He has a TV showing him Gotham news or some shit. idc what happens in the comic. I'm not defending the movie just telling you what I remember from watching this movie like 10 years ago. There's a lot of stupid shit in the movie but it's made abundantly clear why he's alive and in prison.

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Cops killing children dealing with mental help episodes and get rewarded with more funding is something that makes me sick. Body Cam footage shouldn't depend on if cops feel like releasing it should be sent to an independent party automatically. RIP Ryan.

So if a cop, afflicted with PTSD from shooting teenagers, points a gun at me and I kill him in self-defense... Do you think the criminal justice system will hand-wave it away as easily as this?

So if a cop, afflicted with PTSD from shooting teenagers, points a gun at me and I kill him in self-defense…

The thing is, liberals want to see this as some kind of exercise in fairness. "Oh if can shoot me then I can shoot them!"

No. This is a gang-violence thing. The MS-13 gang member can shoot you because he's got a gun and years of psychological scarring and a willingness to kill to survive. You can't shoot the gang member, because all his buddies will show up at your house, hold you down and skin your dog alive while you're forced to watch, then bust out all your teeth and hang you out to dry as an example.

Cops work the same way.

This. I forget the court ruling, but there was one, that found you are legally allowed to defend yourself against a police officer who is not acting lawfully, up to and including killing the cop... But good luck surviving that long.

... and proving it. In the end he could likely have been in plain cloths, no badge, in a bar after work and could still somehow claim to have announced himself and tried to prevent some bad perceived crime and it would be fine. Or if he got killed they would likely pull out is glorious career and what good cop he was to argue that he MUST have acted rightfully.

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For some reason this is unpopular, but I don't think a police officer should be allowed to remove their firearm from its holster until actual assault has occurred, unless non-police citizens are in danger.

A cop merely being scared should never be a reason somebody dies.

If you can't handle the pressure, don't be a fucking cop.

… and I can’t believe I have to add this, but not obeying is almost never a valid reason to just start blasting. If no one is in danger, police have the power of radios, time, reinforcements

but I don’t think a police officer should be allowed to remove their firearm from its holster until actual assault has occurred, unless non-police citizens are in danger.

This is the norm in many countries. For example anytime a policeman takes out a firearm, they need to file paperwork explaining the encounter, which is suprisingly (or not) a huuge deterrent.

I’m in the US and years ago a cop had to come by to put down a rabid raccoon that was wandering around. I jokingly asked him if he’d have a bunch of paperwork later for discharging his firearm (around houses to boot).

He did not seem to care, lol. I think he just gave me a “nah” or something.

The lack of discipline in American cops is hard to understand. Why does anyone put up with this?

Yeah but then police would actually have to receive training on de-escalation. Can you imagine paying teachers more? Better to use the traveling drill instructor screaming "SHOOT OR DIE MAGGOT".

The HBO Watchmen series has this as part of its premise.

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This piece of shit couldn't fight a 15 year old with a hoe? What a coward. One gut punch and the kid would have folded like a lawn chair.

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Let's list all items that do not look like a gun during a police encounter. I'll start:

Small puppy Couch Basketball Bucket full of fruit Ice

I can't think of anymore at the moment. There's bound to be one or two other items.

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So for context my local PD dealt with a fine gentleman who attacked a security guard in his car dual wielding a hatchet and metal pipe. They spent several hours trying to talk him down before charging him with a shield and arresting him without much further ado. If you guessed he was white you guessed correctly.

complimenting your PD for disarming the situation peacefully

calling your PD racist for not shooting a white Person

PD as a broader category are racist because they will spend hours and risk gory death to avoid killing a mass shooter or a maniac with a hatchet but will shoot a black child on sight. My local PD's efforts to save the lunatic are actually commendable and just. I'm using that as an obvious contrast to behavior in situations like this one. Their commendable behavior proves that its entirely possible and reasonable to preserve life even in harrowing situations. The tragedy is that other cops as a group don't show the same bravery when a black child's life is in the balance.

Were you asleep for the last decade? We've seen over and over how people of color get treated by cops.

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Society failed this boy. More spending on medical research, and care could have prevented this event. But instead we spend way more money on killing more people in other countries. And the medical research could help those who serve in the military as well. But no, must cut those costs as much as posdible.

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Whatever happened to tasers? I guess it's not that convenient for the police to have someone capable of suing back, makes one wonder how many cases aren't able to get the attention this kid is.

The kid's 15!! a Taser will endanger the cop!! Lord have mercy on this poor cop, good thing there wasn't an acorn or someone else might have died

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I saw the body cam, that kid was charging at the cop, he wasn't just sitting in his front lawn taking care of some flowers. The only real question I have is what was that cop doing there in the first place?

The San Bernardino county sheriff’s department was responding to a 911 call on Saturday from a family reporting that a boy, identified as Ryan Gainer, was attacking his family at their home in Apple Valley, east of Los Angeles.

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Also, why charge a cop with a weapon, though? Teenager at least had the agency to not rush a cop.

Why there? Googled it, this is from a different article:

"The officer-involved shooting was reported before 5 p.m. Saturday, after the San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department received a 911 call about a domestic disturbance in Apple Valley, authorities said.

The caller reported that 15-year-old Ryan Gainer was attacking his sister and smashing up glass and doors at the family home."  

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Yep, right up there with that Florida cop freaking out over falling acorns or something.

If you can't disarm a 15 year old kid, maybe you should find another job?