Ted Cruz Is Getting Nervous He's Going to Lose His Senate Seat

MicroWave@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 464 points –
Ted Cruz Is Getting Nervous He's Going to Lose His Senate Seat

The Texas senator’s questionable podcast deal with iHeartMedia is raising eyebrows amid his increasingly desperate fundraising efforts

THE WALLS ARE closing in around Ted Cruz, and the Republican senator is lashing out. 

Cruz, who has served two terms as Texas junior senator, is facing a tough reelection challenge from former NFL player and current U.S. Rep. ​​Colin Allred (D-Texas), who won Texas’ Democratic Senate primary in a landslide victory last month. 

On Wednesday, Cruz begged for donation on Fox News while complaining that Allred is out fundraising his 2018 challenger, former Texas Rep. Beto O’Rourke, by leaps and bounds. 

“The Democrats are coming after me, they are gonna spend more than $100 million this year, George Soros is already spending millions of dollars in the state of Texas,” Cruz told Sean Hannity. “My opponent a liberal Democrat named Colin Allred, is out raising Beto O’Rourke, my last opponent, 3 to 1. They are flooding millions of dollars into Texas — and the reason is simple. You remember my last reelection, it was a 3-point race. I won by 2.6 percent.”


Ted Cruz is a lickspittle traitor who blamed his daughters for his leaving the State during an emergency and tried his hardest to overthrow the government.

Nothing would make me happier than to throw him out of office kicking and screaming on his wolf-scrotum-looking face.

And that's the nicest thing I can say about him.

Couldn't happen to a nicer guy!
Remember Trump trashing his wife and father during the primary a few cycles ago and Ted working the phone bank after being thrashed?
Ted Cruz tearing up while working a phone with Trump/Pence signage on the wall.

Hey now, that association is very unfair to wolf scrotums.

Excellent points, all. Perhaps a bit harsh to wolf scrotums which, unlike Ted Cruz, have a clear and useful purpose for their existence.

I like Ted Cruz more than most of my other colleagues like Ted Cruz. And I hate Ted Cruz.

Al Franken,

Neoliberals lying to him to get him to resign is still so fucked up.... They just didn't want the competition.

For those that don't remember:

The party leaders kept telling him the only way he could get an investigation to clear his name was to resign. And as soon as he resigned they said an investigation would be pointless since he already resigned...

At the time it was one of the worst things modern dems had done, but they quickly eclipsed that.

I didn't know this context. I knew he was being pressured to resign, but I assumed it was by angry constituents.

“The Democrats are coming after me, they are gonna spend more than $100 million this year, George Soros is already spending millions of dollars in the state of Texas,” Cruz told Sean Hannity.

I don't know whether or not it's true that Soros has done this, but I do know it's super weird that he's such a boogeyman to the right. He's basically synonymous with The Devil in their playbook of riling up their base.

Anyway, it's nice seeing them hate a billionaire for a change.

George Soros is a Jewish man who has spent lots of time and money fighting Soviet influence in eastern Europe.

Of course Republicans hate him.

It is a dogwhistle. For the Repub's voting base, which is Nazis, they understand he is talking about "Protocols of the Elders of Zion."

They'd probably rather talk about a billionaire Democrat donor than acknowledging that billionaire Republican foundations are basically what funds their party.

Preemptive spin, or projection or whataboutism or guilt or something. Defense by offense. I doubt either party really wants to hang a lantern on their funding.

Golly gee, for the fiscal responsibility party those republicans sure do seem to be having a whole lot of money troubles lately. Sure do wonder what that all's about.

What is the GOP going to do when Soros passes? He has been their boogeyman for so long they will need to replace him somehow.

"Soros" is mostly a way of saying "Jew" with plausible deniability. There are plenty of other ways to do that

They tend to list the rothschilds or whatever. They'll come up with more bullshit, they always do.

Mostly they like to scapegoat soros because he's jewish even though he's got like 1/10 the funds of musk

Bill Gates is up next. They had a trial run already with COVID conspiracies.

They’ll start a conspiracy theory about how he didn’t really die, and is actually immortal on account of all of the adrenochrome injections harvested from trafficked children by the satanic democratic cabal.

I am now dumber for having written that.

He'll just be replaced by the Ghost of Soros in a very effective Scooby-doo-esque campaign because that's how their base rolls.

They'll have Elon Musk spread more lies on Twitter about migrants illegally voting or something.

In red Texas, they vote AllRed?

I'll be happy to see Ted voted out.

Oh sheet a footballer? Ted is cooked. They all claim to be christian but we know who the true god of Texas is. The almighty pigskin.

Nobody in Texas outside of Dallas or Houston cares about the NFL, though. It matters more that he played college ball at Baylor, I think.

I thunk it also matters that he wasn't very good. According to his Wikipedia page, he only played in 32 games over 4 years as a pro. That probably saved his brain from CTE.


The guy went on to get a law degree and a career in government, so you’re probably right. His brain didn’t get scrambled too badly from the NFL.

You could argue, though, that if his brain did get scrambled he would make the perfect MAGA Republican

These headlines come out literally every time he's up for reelection. And he wins so easily. I feel like it's just clickbait. Or worse, calls for donations for a doomed campaign

Lindsay Graham did the same thing in his last re-election

And Mitch McConnell. Many people donated to his opponent rather than donating to other races that were Actually competitive.

Here in Texas, we can vote all blue AND Allred, at the same time.

You should be this man's campaign manager, because that might actually work on Texans

I enjoy calling his office and asking how much money the RNC has sent. They sigh, I giggle.

Ted Cruz is a spineless snake-swine with no sense of morality and definitely no desire to do what's right for anyone but himself.

I’ll be doing my part to see this asshole off to Cancun or wherever the fuck else for good.

Vote, y’all!

Nobody likes him, not even his own constituents. They're just idiots who vote R without even thinking about the alternative because reality causes cognitive dissonance.

I don't think he's wrong with this, but he kinda implies that the candidate with the most campaign money wins. Such a great democracy.

If a Democrat wins a statewide election in Texas that would send shockwaves through the American political norms. It'd be the Georgia 2020 Senate elections and runoffs but on steroids. Serious Republicans know that when (not if) Texas becomes a presidential election swing state it's just about over. The Democrats could ignore Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Virginia, Georgia, Arizona, Nevada, and Florida to focus solely on winning Texas... meanwhile a cash strapped GOP would have to fight in Texas while also spending money in all those other swing states. They haven't had to really fight for Texas since like 1980, they might not even have the ground game infrastructure to pull it out of a tail spin if Texas goes purple. The Republican party would still be around in the Senate, House, and governor's mansions, but hope for a Republican president would be over for like a decade at least... if the party doesn't crumble from such an event, with donors fleeing to found new parties.

Why do you think the Republicans have been so focused on turning Florida and Texas into such distasteful MAGAt breeding grounds? They know if they lose either one, they're done for.

Fire the Canadian already

Send him back, we don’t want him.

Fuck, you think we want him back? Shoot him into the sun

Keep that shit away from me

- Sun

It's actually kinda hard to get stuff into the sun, even still, he doesn't have to go in to be well done.

But that much garbage being burned up in space will certainly cause some catastrophic problems

Well, shoot him in the opposite direction and it'll be Alpha Centauri's issue, they're a few light years away, probably won't have to come to terms with that for a few centuries minimum....

And this is why you don't have your own space program. It's far cheaper to yeet him out of the solar system, go halfsies on gas and we'll call it square

Ted is one of the biggest AIPAC recipients this is great news.

Articles like this leave me feeling giddy. Hopefully Texas gets an upgrade this November.

The last time we were sure that we were gonna flip Texas blue was November of 2016. Nothing is done until the voting and the inevitable Republican post-election violence are over. This is fundraising propaganda designed to frighten his party faithful, not an accurate statement about how he currently feels in this election cycle. But it is possible, and would be pretty amazing if we could make it happen. Vote, donate, do the work.

Cruz always struck me as the kind of guy who wouldn't give a damn if he was removed from congress. He often splits from his party and does stuff to piss off his own voters.

Lemmy and Reddit would love that! If it was up to them, we'd be a ONE party system!

What does this comment even mean? Yeah, everyone who isn't a Texas hick would love to see Rafael Cruz pack it up and head back to cancun. He's an awful senator, let alone a terrible person.

If it was up to them, we'd be a ONE party system!

Are you criticizing the fact that a seat is going to flip? Because that's what happens in a democracy. It goes both ways and reflects the will of the people.

Or are you criticizing the fact that the dems are raising a huge amount of money? You mean like how the republicans instituted citizens united to do exactly that for their own team? Are you salty because a republican is losing at their own game?

Something tells me it's neither of those things and you're just mindlessly repeating some drivel you saw about how democrats are evil.

It means that on Lemmy, just like Reddit:

Republicans = Evil

Democrats = Can do no wrong.

Are you new here? More people hate on dems for being awful than anywhere I've ever seen.

And besides that, republicans are objectively bad. A lot of them are actually evil. The one they're trying to put in the white house literally said he wants to be a dictator.

It doesn't get much more cut and dry than that.