Trump says going to jail for gag order violation would be a 'great honor,’ compares himself to Mandela to – 474 points –
Trump says going to jail for gag order violation would be a 'great honor,’ compares himself to Mandela

Donald. I mean this from the bottom of my heart: Go fuck yourself.

well hitler was also briefly in jail and got out early before his second, successful coup attempt. so pls stay on your toes USA. be vigilant

I came to say this.

Hitler went to jail for a failed coup attempt less than a decade before coming to power.

Everything about this guy is Hitler.

Damn I am fucking ignorant as fuck on WWII I had no idea. I really don't remember them teaching it in school to even this extent.

And this is why they attack our schools and libraries and books. They want the voting public ignorant as possible so we are blind and easily manipulated. Those in power now (aka with wealth) won't have their kids and grandkids impacted, and that's about as far away from themselves they can care about.

I thought this was fairly common knowledge. You've heard of Mein Kampf, right? It was written when Hitler was in jail.

I knew he went to jail, but was never taught that it was for trying to overthrow the government.

If you're interested in reading more about it, the event is known as the Beer Hall Putsch.

I think it rings a bell. I will do that.

If you're into physics or chemistry at all, The Making of the Atomic Bomb has a ton of WW1 and WW2 history in it and a surprising amount of info on Hitler. It's really long but it's on Audible as well.

Damn I am fucking ignorant as fuck on WWII I had no idea. I really don't remember them teaching it in school to even this extent.

Nobody can guess why Trump loves the poorly educated...

Everything about this guy is Hitler.

Except he's twenty years older than old Adolf was when he took the cyanide.

Very good point. Hitler also didn't fake bone spurs to get out of military service.

Then why fight it, Donnie?

Has he even really fought punishment over the gag order? They are just letting it go basically as far as I knew.

“They” wouldn’t be letting anything go unless he won a fight.

But that also depends on how you define “fight”, and those who oppose Trump have really struggled with that in trying to defeat him.

Look: fascism is soooo effective in undermining functional democracy because it, like, breaks democracy. Like, if democracy were a rules and bureaucracy machine that did good government (ideally), fascism works by identifying and exploiting its weak points in a systematic fashion. Mass media, systemic bureaucratics, advanced administration, logistics— all of this is ripe for disruption and takeover. And, unlike democracy, which functions on strict rules and ethics and is, thusly, slow to respond to attacks, fasism (esp neo- and ur-fascism) attacks from the outside at weak points rapidly with great agility, following few rules that encumber it.

It’s really explained better in this video:

The Alt-Right Playbook: You Go High, We Go Low

No he hasn't, he just whines like a toddler on his social media site. Not to mention the "punishment" has been something dumb like a $5k fine.

Yes, he has appealed his gag order in multiple cases on multiple occasions, because as you know he has 91 criminal charges pending and also several civil cases.

My god, he is such a dipshit.

And people are actually voting for him? We are living in the movie Idiocracy. I want out.

No, in Idiocracy, the president ended up listening to the smart guy.

It's entirely probable that both Canada and USA will be ruled by right-wing morons come the next set of elections. It's a very scary time.

I wonder how long Trump would retain power if he gets back in.

...when his term is served, will a General or an operative attempt to end his third term in office by killing him.... And then will that individual retain any sort of power, or will they die soon after.

Why Canada? Trump has no power here.

I updated my post to clarify what I meant, but did you not see who is going to win the next Canadian election?

No I did not, but claiming who will win might be a bold move.

It's obvious that Poilievre will be the next prime minister, baring some miracle.

Go for broke Donnie, compare yourself to MLK Jr next.

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I'm pretty sure he has already done that.

Can Trump be a martyr too? Like any time soon?

MLK's words resonate because they meant something. Trump's popularity will drop as soon as he isn't around to stir the pot with his random word salad said in a way that gets people emotional.

He eats nothing but mcdonalds and well done steak. His diet is likely to make him a martyr sooner than we all think.

Eat your veggies, kids.

A month ago, but apparently it was a gubernatorial endorsement, not himself:

GREENSBORO, N.C. — Former President Donald Trump likened North Carolina Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson to Martin Luther King Jr. in an endorsement Saturday, despite the gubernatorial candidate’s long history of controversial comments about homosexuality, religion and victims of sexual abuse.

“This is Martin Luther King on steroids,” Trump said of Robinson at a pre-Super Tuesday rally in North Carolina.

“I told that to Mark. I said, I think you’re better than Martin Luther King. I think you are Martin Luther King times two,” he continued as he offered Robinson his endorsement in the Republican gubernatorial primary on Tuesday.

Sorry, he has said so many moronic things it is hard for me to keep track of the specifics anymore 🙃

To really be like Mandela, he needs to be brutalized by South African cops, right? I’ll donate real money to bring over 4-6 South African police to beat the fuck out of DJT for a good half hour in the name of authenticity.

I don't normally condone violence but... Can we make this pay per view? I'm sure the money would go to a good cause

Let's just send him here to South Africa to really sell the experience. Drop him off somewhere, it'll be great!

I’d rather he go a step further and be like Steve Biko

except this wouldn’t be injustice

Three weeks later....the former president is in his third consecutive chicken mcnugget diet protest. We have secrete tape showing followers sneaking in packets of sweet & sour as well as a variety of other things such at ketchup and jalapenos sauce.

1 more...

Two days without his orange makeup and combover kit and he'd probably lose it.

This man wants to be imprisoned for his country.

Oblige him.

Oh man I hope so much that he gets he gets this "great honor", going to jail I mean, and also that he gets what he's wishing for, a black African skin like Mandela, so he'd finally understand what it means to be Black in the US, and especially in a jail.

Man I'd bring him oranges just to stare silently at him for a hour while he squirms like the worm he really is.

This sounds like Reflexive Control. They're testing the waters to set the groundwork for him being locked up. He wants it to not shock his supporters back into sanity.

In other words, he thinks he might actually end up in prison.


Geez, a narcissist compares himself to Mandela and Jesus Christ? Who would have thought.

I know a guy like Trump in real life. Also goes on message rants at 3 in the morning, is incapable of saying a name -any name- without adding "the great" or "the terrible", has called himself a god on many an occasion and continuously claims everyone loves him because he's so great and so nicr. He makes everyone's life miserable, including his children who literally states that they stay with him because they're afraid that if they don't, he will ruin their lives.

He also said he was better than Washington and Lincoln. It was in the same video that he announced his NFT collection.

"I will gladly become a Modern Day Nelson Mandela — It will be my GREAT HONOR,” the former president wrote in a lengthy Truth Social post attacking New York State Supreme Court Judge Juan Merchan, who is presiding over Trump’s case.

If his campaign's aim is to actually get him into prison so that he can leverage a sense of victimhood, I gotta say that I am not at all convinced that that's actually going to work very well.

Nelson Mandela was in prison for 27 years. Come on donny, you can top that!

If donald trump lives another 27 years, it had better be in prison.

The trump effect. Instead of misremembering shit fron your childhood you completely delete from your mind the past crimes of a certain individual.

If God existed, Trump would have woken up on Robben Island tomorrow morning.

I dunno, I think Kaczynskis cell is available, and that one suits him better.

Dude, you're only comparable to Man-Bear-Pig.

I wouldn’t call him human, and pigs are pretty smart.

Word on the street is that you can smell him coming, so bear it is.

He's obviously trying to bait the judge into something.
Fines are also on the table, how big of one can the judge throw at him?

“Like me? Bitch, please.”

Mandela… if he where still around, probably.

Yeah no he wouldn't. This is just pandering to his base, as per usual. He's terrified of any real consequence.

compares himself to Mandela

At least I can now finally understand why Don has been applying his makeup like black face