Additional classified records found in Trump’s bedroom after Mar-a-Lago search to politics – 658 points –
Additional classified records found in Trump’s bedroom after Mar-a-Lago search

There should really be a 24/7 protest in front of Cannon's residence - the continued stalling is a corruption of justice.

Cannon should be charged with obstruction.

Cannon should be fired out of a cannon. Into the sun.

Even if it were fired from space, a cannon large enough to fire a Cannon projectile would need to have a muzzle velocity of at least 1467 ft/sec to offset Earth's orbital speed and begin the fall towards the Sun. While modern high velocity cannons can far exceed that for small solid projectiles, we're talking about firing a federal judge-shaped fleshy mass. Even if such a Cannon cannon were to be constructed, it is highly likely that, upon firing, its passenger would simply be turned into a non-federal judge shaped (and decidedly more juicy) fleshy mass due to the acceleration forces.

I don't believe you. I think it could work just fine, and it should be tested to get to the bottom of this once and for all.

What if we're a bit fast and loose with the Cannon cannon, and we make it more of a rail gun. We should be able to make it long enough to accelerate the Cannon projectile to sufficient speeds without liquefying the contents like you would from the instantaneous acceleration from the Cannon cannon.

Dude I saw star trek generations it was just this silly little rocket and it only took 10 seconds to reach the sun

Unacceptable. We need a fully intact federal judge in orbit. Work it out, get it done. I want him identifiable with a telescope.

As long as the acceleration is spread out over about 1500 feet/500m, he should be fine.

That would require a rocket and not a Cannon cannon.

You put Cannon into a cannon and then you put the Cannon cannon into a rocket. You fire the rocket into space and then the cannon fires Cannon into the sun. That way you can recover the rocket since it, unlike Cannon, has value.

Or, and hear me out:

Into another cannon. Endless entertainment.

Cannon fires Cannon into cannon. More at 10.

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Once again, if literally any one else on this planet were caught with that much top secret material without proper authorization they’d be in jail for the rest of their lives.

Yeah, instead, based on polling, we will just elect him president. Every month we get closer to the election, the better Trump's polling numbers get.

So, figure out what to do when he's president, because if you're someone who would like to bet serious money on the election, the smart money is on Trump.

Welcome to 2025.

Who cares about being caught with it? He was literally handing it out as a pay to play situation. That Aussie billionaire paid bank and got top fucking secret US nuclear arsenal information and that dude blabbed to others immediately, even on the car ride leaving MAL.

So, we doing the same thing again? Rattle our sabers loudly and express our dissatisfaction until a corrupt judge puts it to rest and the felon carries on as usual?

No, we cry about the FBI’s standard verbiage for raids (the same used for MAL raid) and frame it as a literal assassination plot to muddy the waters after Trump’s lawyer told the Supreme Court that Trump could kill rivals with seal team 6 and also at the NRA speech recently in which Trump talked about executing Biden

Oh I almost forgot, Newsweek will post about how this is bad for Biden and platform all of trumps lies in the meantime

Ahh shit… yeah same thing again

When I think of Newsweek, I laugh and laugh about how the right calls outlets like Newsweek "liberal".

Al Capone was originally jailed for tax evasion. 45th would be jailed for being greedy and not giving up papers when even the first batch was discovered, cementing his intent. Both are criminals, but only one is a federal case level moron.

Donald also did some big tax evasion. Would be cool if he could be jailed for any of the numerous crimes he has done.

“the crime-fraud exception pierces the attorney-client privilege even when the attorney is an unknowing tool of his client.”

Huh. An unknowing tool, you say.

Another term is “useful idiot”

The proposed evidence for their plausible deniability is being stupid enough to work for Trump.

Can they just file a new set of charges and hope for a different Judge?

No; double jeopardy.

If they are different charges it’s not double jeopardy. Double jeopardy means being tried twice for the same crime and same charge.

I had, perhaps incorrectly, taken OCs comment to mean filing the same charges again, looking for a second trial that actually proceeds while the first is endlessly delayed.

Totally separate charges would indeed be a separate matter.

Your comment has one upvote and two downvotes currently. It would be nice if someone would explain why they think you're wrong if that's why they're downvoting. As IANAL, I have no actual idea how this works.

Double jeopardy is for the same crime, not more of the same crime. The charges for the additional documents found after the first round would be a separate charge. You know, like murdering two people is two separate charges.

My down vote is because saying additonal crimes would be double jeopardy is stupid enough that I assume the poster is a MAGA shill, but don't want to spend the time checking. You seemed curious and worth a reply.

Well that's overly hostile for no good reason... Assuming the worst of everyone you encounter is a pretty terrible way to live and just makes the world a shitier place to be.

My response was in relation to filing the same charges again; as in attempting to have two trials for the same charges/crimes, hoping one goes well while the other is hopelessly delayed by a shitty judge. A misunderstanding perhaps. One you could have cleared up...

/edit; and now your downvoting every comment I've made. Glad we could have a reasonable discussion. Enjoy your pointless hatred, Pce.

I only down voted two of your posts before this one. Apparently other people also think your posts are terrible and don't add anything to the discussion.

That would certainly be nice. Kinda just tossed the idea out there tho; IANAL as well.

I'm just familiar with the general concept, but looking closer at the details; it seems that may only apply after an actual acquittal/conviction.

You could probably run two simultaneous trials, and only apply the double jeopardy clause once one of the two trials concludes (nullifing/halting the later trial), but I'm not all that sure.

No idea if any case law actually supports this idea.

No, committing two murders doesn't mean one invalidates the other. Finding more documents warrants additional charges.

We aren't talking about seprate crimes, or additional charges; we're discussing starting a second trial for the same set of charges crimes, while the first trial is still proceeding/on hold.

Yes, we ARE talking about a new and separate set of charges for the ADDITIONAL documents.

Can they just file a new set of charges and hope for a different Judge?

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Was the bedroom not included in the original search warrant?

Didn't read the article, huh

What's an article?

When water freezes coming off a roof

That's an "icicle". An article is a two wheeled pedal powered vehicle.

No, no, that's a bicycle. An article is a very tiny unit of matter.

Wrong, that's a particle. An article is a spot on your skin where hair grows.

Um, actually, that’s a follicle. An article is a verb that is modified to be used as an adjective or noun.