Trump Is Pissed at Harris for Trapping Him in Two Debates

theprogressivist to politics – 479 points –
Trump Is Pissed at Harris for Trapping Him in Two Debates

Is Donald Trump really trying to get out of debating Kamala Harris again? Or is it the opposite?

On Thursday, it seemed like the dust had finally settled. “The debate about debates is over,” said Michael Tyler, the Harris campaign communications director, in a statement. “Donald Trump’s campaign accepted our proposal for three debates—two presidential and a vice presidential debate.”

“Assuming Donald Trump actually shows up on September 10 to debate Vice President Harris, then Governor Walz will see JD Vance on October 1 and the American people will have another opportunity to see the vice president and Donald Trump on the debate stage in October,” the Harris campaign continued.

But now, Trump’s team claims that the Democrat lied when she said the two sides reached a debate agreement. At the moment, there is only one confirmed debate between the presidential nominees, to be held September 10 by ABC News.

Nevertheless, the Trump campaign’s press secretary Karoline Leavitt told the Daily Caller Friday that Trump will be doing three debates and Vance will be doing two.


That Trump campaign sounds like a well oiled machine.

Well they vetted JD Vance so... maybe they should keep on truckin?

I encourage them to keep that truck on that path. It may appear to be swerving like it's being driven by a duck on heroin, but that's just a cunning strategy, I'm sure.

What’s wild is coming out of the convention they certainly seemed like one. Talk about a textbook case of “house of cards”

After the Biden debate they just stopped talking essentially and it made it all look polished. Now that Harris is in they suddenly have to actively campaign again and against someone competent, so they're crumbling.

They spent all of the money on lawyers to defend his crimes.

Nevertheless, the Trump campaign’s press secretary Karoline Leavitt told the Daily Caller Friday that Trump will be doing three debates and Vance will be doing two.

I'd have sympathy for the people having to deal with trump's bullshit working for his campaign, but they're working for trump. Fully deserved.

Wait, hold up, why is Vance doing two?

I think they are getting riled by the "Trump/Vance are cowards" argument and this is there pathetic attempt to counter it: "Nuh uh, we actually wanted more debates!"

These people are such weird losers.

Not quite an answer, but:

Vance, confusingly, proposed two vice presidential debates as opposed to the traditional one. One of his proposed dates is the same day Trump is due to be sentenced for his hush-money trial.

If they're going to ultimately back out of the debates, it makes sense to bluster first about wanting even more debates and then claim that Harris and Walz refused their debate schedule.

Im sure that debate will have the proud boys on call for when sentencing doesn’t go their way.

No, that’s not what they said. They said Trump’s publicist told Daily Caller he’d be doing two.

Based on history, there is no way to predict reality from that statement.

He's trying to pull a power move by not just simply accepting the invitation to the one debate. They feel like they need to one-up the offer by offering ANOTHER debate, on their terms this time!! It's childish

When they referenced the VP doing a second debate, they were referring to Harris.

I'm pissed that we're trapped with Trump for three fucking election cycles.

It's like one of those shits where you keep wiping and it just doesn't go away

For the love of God, just buy a bidet.

Kids these days.

Coincidentally i just installed one last weekend. But the trauma of endless wipes will always be there unfortunately

I've been trapped with Trump since the fucking '80s. For young people today, it would be the equivalent of 40 years of Logan Paul, with him being President at the end of it.

It was funny when he complained that his campaign wasn't doing well here in New York City where he's from. Dude, we've been over your shit since before the TV shows when you were just another one of the scummy rich landlords none of us have ever liked.

So much worse than Logan Paul though.

Logan Paul, so far!

Yeah, Trump wasn't this bad in the '80s and '90s. In fact one time in the '80s he even offered to pay for the funeral of a child killed by a bear (although there's no evidence that he ever actually did it).

Hopefully they come out with an anti aging vaccine and that mother fucker refuses to take it and we don't have to see him ever again. Who am I kidding, he would be the first in line.

He needs a better doctor.

One who knows that an "anti aging vaccine" doesn't go through the earlobe.

My fear is that Trump actually died during COVID and what we've been watching since is an AI-driven hologram. We'd be getting this shit for eternity if so.

He's proving himself about as capable of critical thinking as ChatGPT, so that part tracks.

Well maybe you should have voted for him last time.

The solution to Bad is not Worse

I thought their logic was humorous.

No joke! All serious! And gloom!

Apparently. Jesus Christ.

At least we know Donald exists.

Are you seriously taking a common expression of exasperation to push some very specious theories about whether that man actually existed? The cult leader 2000 years ago most definitely fucking did, any other conjecture is Elvis Presley is alive conspiracy horseshit people like you pretend to abhore.

You really trying to advocate that Jesus Christ existed? Despite no proof at all? Might as well try to advocate that Deadpool is real.

What would you accept as proof?

“These are all Christian and are obviously and understandably biased in what they report, and have to be evaluated very critically indeed to establish any historically reliable information,” Ehrman says. “But their central claims about Jesus as a historical figure—a Jew, with followers, executed on orders of the Roman governor of Judea, Pontius Pilate, during the reign of the Emperor Tiberius—are borne out by later sources with a completely different set of biases.

Or are you arguing there is no proof anyone existed prior to the 1800s? Oh sure there are documents, but that's not proof.

There's documents saying that Medusa existed as well. There's documents saying Santa claus existed. Hell, in today's world, there's documents saying Indiana Jones existed. And you accept documents as proof 1800 years after the motherfucker supposedly existed?

Genius here can't tell the difference between documents created by historians and documents created to be fictional stories.

There's documents saying Santa claus existed

Saint Nicholas did in fact exist. He had no magic powers, was just a generally nice guy, and folklore was created around him after he died.

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No proof? I can't be bothered with this idiocy. Read a fucking book about ancient Rome around 33 AD.

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three debates—two presidential and a vice presidential debate.

Trump will be doing three debates and Vance will be doing two.

One of the VP debates is between Vance and Trump

Trump mentioned the award after he was introduced by one of his top patrons, Miriam Adelson, a heavy-handed Republican donor who became the richest Israeli in the world after her husband, billionaire Sheldon Adelson, died in 2021. The couple earned Trump’s favor after they funneled $25 million to Trump’s super PACs in 2016 and donated $5 million to his inauguration. That earned them a spot on the dais, just a few rows behind Jared Kushner, as Trump was sworn in. In 2018, their contributions effectively bought Mrs. Adelson the Presidential Medal of Freedom, and in 2019 influenced Trump to recognize Israel’s sovereignty in Golan Heights, an Israeli-occupied portion of southwest Syria that the religious state captured in 1967.

Four years later, the Adelsons eclipsed their previous spending on the pro-Israel politico with a $90 million donation, and gave $300 million to Republican-focused Senate and congressional Leadership Funds, outspending the next three donors combined, according to Intelligencer.

Now I finally have info about who this lady is, after seeing a number of headlines about the comments. She's some shithead Israeli right-wing billionaire asshole. Fucking piece of shit. No surprise there.

When I see stuff like this all I can think is how crazy it is we'll look at "third world nations" and call them corrupt when we have stuff like this going on. This is just bribery but under a different name and with rules to only let the wealthy do it.

If you watch Veep, Sheldon Adelson was the “inspiration” for Sherman Tanz (read: is 100% a direct parody of).

Actually, it's worse for Harris. Debating against someone with marshmallows in the mouth is a nightmare.

It only sounded like he had marshmallows in his mouth because Twitt I mean X has shitty enough tech that they couldn't support things. /s

Also, you're 100% right. Debating against someone like Trump is hard because the will spit out lies faster than you can debunk them.


Against Biden, sure. Trump's scared of seeming less intelligent than a black woman on a public stage. He'll find excuses to never debate Harris.

Why does Harris even bother? Just do the one debate in September and be done with it, since the venue and format was already agreed on. Anything else, Trump is going to move to FOX and have it rigged. And it will just be Trump soundbites (more so that it already is.)

I really hope he doesn’t show up on Sep 10. Then Harris can have all the tv time for herself. And then she can refuse to do any other debates, simply stating Trump is unreliable and doesn’t show up therefore she won’t waste time scheduling any more.

I didn't know there was more than one agreed-upon debate. Fox is kind of a non-starter, but I only knew about one other, and I've been trying to keep up!

I don't know if it would be better for Kamala to randomly show up to the Fox debate and catch them unprepared to attack her while maintaining the facade of legitimacy, because they were just expecting to let Trump ramble for an hour; or if it would be better to let people see the weird old man go on about nonsense for an hour, and possibly have Fox forced to cut away when he starts lying about 2020 again.

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I honestly think Harris will lose. The Democrat base only comes out when there's a progressive candidate. Harris' record is more right wing than Biden's. When the press starts talking about it the base will stay home like they did with Hilary.

With Hillary everyone believed Trump couldn't possibly win so they were safe to not vote for Hillary in protest. They're not going to make that mistake a 2nd time.

Okay. So what's your solution? Or have you already decided Trump has won, and have chosen to give up?

Harris' record is more right wing than Biden's.

Record of what?

I think most Dems are smart enough to settle for someone who at their worst is centrist versus the far-right extremist democracy ender

So we can safely say you're spreading bullshit then?