J.D. Vance 'caught lying' on video about egg costs — with price tag right behind him

just_another_person@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 734 points –
J.D. Vance 'caught lying' on video about egg costs — with price tag right behind him

Price increases in eggs have largely been due to the outbreaks of avian flu and producers having to cull their stock, anyway. Not something Harris or Biden caused or could wave away with a wand.

That's the justification, and maybe the catalyst, but prices have stayed higher than they were due to price gouging. It's not Biden/Harris fault, but rather capitalism. They saw they could still make more profit while selling less at a higher price, so they kept doing so.

On top of that, the FTC under Biden/Harris has been investigating price gouging at the grocery store level and Kroger just came right out and admitted it. While vying for a merger with another conglomerate chain grocery.

We desperately need to break up Kroger, it's not helping anyone anymore.

We desperately need to break up Kroger every large corporation, it’s not helping anyone anymore

Fixed it for you.

Yeah and a bunch of other shit the FTC has done under Biden to protect consumers. But Biden will never get credit for any of that.

Because the donor class is pissed about it and most of them own the media.

They want the dems to fail so trump will give them more tax breaks.

shit the FTC has done

Biden will never get credit for any of that.

Good. Just because he appointed the excellent Lina Khan doesn't mean that he deserves credit for the work of her and the agency.

Especially since it's a reasonably safe bet that her appointment wasn't his idea to begin with, but rather that of a more progressive member of whichever committee suggests cabinet picks.

Doesn't he, and his administration, deserve credit, even if it's just for listening to other people? If it were a particular other president it wouldn't happen, so his administration deserves to be praised for it. Criticize where it needs to be done, but also praise where it's deserved. If you only criticize then you're unable to be won and aren't worth trying to win.

No, Biden doesn't deserve credit for not being Trump. That's putting the bar so low that you'd need specialized drilling or diving equipment to reach it.

Likewise, Biden does not deserve credit for not stopping people within his administration from doing good things that he himself would likely not have done.

If you only criticize then you're unable to be won and aren't worth trying to win.

Conversely, if you set the bar too low, demanding nothing except "don't be ridiculously awful" from the people who have the power to enact positive change, that positive change will never happen.

I didn't say for not being Trump. I said he deserves credit for what his administration has chosen to do. Regardless of who's idea it is, his administration chose to listen to them, if it wasn't from them. They deserve credit for that.

You aren't even setting the bar too high. You're not even setting it, and then saying they came in short. You're saying they don't deserve credit for something they literally did. How dumb is that?

I didn't say for not being Trump

No, but given the context, it was a fair assumption that you were implying it.

I said he deserves credit for what his administration has chosen to do

He doesn't. Not his choices, not his credit.

Regardless of who's idea it is, his administration chose to listen to them, if it wasn't from them. They deserve credit for that.

You're conflating Biden with thousands of other people.

Yes, the people in his administration deserve credit for the good thing they do.

No, the administration as a whole doesn't get credit for the work of the FTC. Because the rest of the administration didn't do it.

You aren't even setting the bar too high. You're not even setting it, and then saying they came in short

That's not true. I've consistently said that Lina Khan and the FTC are doing great work AKA rising above the bar.

Not giving Biden and the rest of the administration credit for work they didn't do isn't even criticism. It's a "lack" of undeserved credit, which is neutral rather than negative.

You're saying they don't deserve credit for something they literally did

Other than Lina Khan and the FTC, who I AM giving credit, they literally didn't.

How dumb is that?

Your interpretation of what I'm saying is very dumb indeed.

What I'm ACTUALLY saying isn't the least bit dumb, though. It's just proper assigning of credit based on merit rather than just association.

The president doesn't do much of anything themselves ever. Their job is to pick people who will handle their jobs well. A good leader is one who is capable of picking good advisors. In what way does he not deserve credit? Sure, she does also. It doesn't take anything away from her. You just literally cannot admit that you appreciate something Biden has done for some reason.

You just literally cannot admit that you appreciate something Biden has done

Nope. You guys just literally can't countenance that hiring someone doesn't mean that you get to take credit for work of theirs that you didn't otherwise contribute to.

The president doesn't do much of anything themselves ever

Sounds like a reason to eliminate the position.

Not a reason to heap praise on an old white conservative man politically stuck in the 90s (at the latest) for the hard work and success of a brilliant young progressive woman of color and her agency.

OK, I'm don't arguing with you. If your job is to select people who do a particular job well, and then they do that job well, then your job was done well also. If you somehow don't agree then I don't know what's wrong with you.

Elizabeth Warren, btw.

She's the one who recommended Khan? Well done, Warren!

She only recommended her! Everything she does after she doesn't get credit for, right! /s

You can't stay consistent, can you? "Biden bad" is the only difference between Warren getting credit for recommending her and Biden getting credit for choosing that recommendation because it was the best choice for what he wanted to accomplish.

She only recommended her! Everything she does after she doesn't get credit for, right! /s

Correct. That was exactly what I gave her credit for and that alone.

You can't stay consistent, can you?

I have throughout. Just because I'm not as impressed by Biden's ability to say "oh, alright" to someone better's suggestion doesn't make it inconsistent to appreciate Warren's good suggestion.

Biden bad" is the only difference between Warren getting credit for recommending her and Biden getting credit for choosing that recommendation

No. If a group of people suggest which restaurant to eat at and you accept one of the suggestions, you don't get credit for the quality of the food.

The person whose idea it was gets credit for the idea to eat there, and the restaurant get credit for THEIR work.

it was the best choice for what he wanted to accomplish.

Best choice? Yes.

What HE wants to accomplish, rather than what more progressive parts of the party care about? Highly doubtful based on a congressional career where he was always on the side of corporations, a notable example being championing the BAPCPA, which was a major reason why the CFB was founded to protect regular people from corporations.

The FTC is part of the executive branch. Biden absolutely deserves credit for putting an actual trust buster in charge instead of a corporate lackey.

He deserves a little bit of credit for listening to the recommendations of people more progressive than himself with regards to the appointment itself, sure.

That doesn't mean that he gets to take credit for everything she does, though, much of which he most likely wouldn't have done in her place.

Yeah. Was quite surprised when I first read that. Brazen.



though, I'm pretty sure the FDA isn't entirely powerless to create regulations about vaccinating livestock.... oh fuck. Republicans shat on that, too.

Republicans don’t want to hear facts. They just want “alpha males” to cater to their feelings.

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he's so incompetent. Its amazing how often he just walks into the rakes.


Reality is what you say it is.

(In case any readers are actually wondering; Venture Capitalism - JD Vance is the puppet of Paypal co-founder and Palantir spyware owner Peter Thiel. A far-right billionaire who promised trump millions of dollars if he put his plant, JD Vance, on the ticket so in the event trump wins and keels over (odds are good, yeah?) Peter Theil becomes de facto dictator and . . . does whatever evil a billionaire tech bro can't get away with on that alone.)

He also follows the philosophy of Curtis Yarvin who is an absolutely terrifying psychopath who thinks America should be a dictatorship and wants us to have an immutable caste system.

“If I have to create stories so that the American media actually has to pay attention to the suffering of American people, then that’s what I’m going to do,”

  • Jack Dick Vance, a U.S. Senator representing Ohio.

If he has to create stories so that the American media makes the ambitions of the most vile, ruthless and reactionary sections ruling class look like the suffering of the american people, then that's what he's going to do

I know this is one of the dumbest things to latch onto, but why do they keep talking about "Kamala Harris's policies" like she's the current president? If that were true, then Vance is a dementia addled lying sack of....

Huh, I guess I answered my own question.

Desperation, they really, REALLY wanted to run against Biden, where the age issue worked more for than against him.

They know they are fucked, their only option left is to bang on the table.

They want to try and pin some things that currently go on on her, because they assume, as the vice president, she could have some say in what the president does. The Orange Menace brought it up in the debate as well btw. 🙄

However, there is not much to pin on. Everything the republicans care for is going relatively well, given the circumstances. So they're making things up.

I don't think they assume she could have some say, I think it is just malice, a bad faith argument on their part. They know very well and also know that their base you eat it up because they already hate the other side, they just need something that resembles a reason.

I think it’s also that they’re acting as though Harris is secretly running the show since Biden is, according to their narrative, too old and senile to lead. I fully expect if Harris wins that in 2028 they’ll sue her on term limits when she runs.

Thank you! I think it's sad how they are so desperate to paint their election opponent in a negative light to score political points that they are pretending she's the president and is responsible for everything going on. Even in normal circumstances, the president can't push a magic button and control the price of eggs or gasoline or whatever, but the hypocrisy of blaming Harris for it now is just doubling down on the lie. It was all "Biden did this, Biden did that" right up until he bowed out of the race and suddenly Harris is actually responsible for all that shit and it's infuriating to see them trying it and even more infuriating to see it somehow actually working on people.

He's an admitted, unashamed liar. Don't even give him the time of day.

This is probably why his boss hired him in the first place. Good god, Americans. Get out and vote!

A qualification, certainly, but no. He was brought on the ticket for Peter Thiel's money and no other reason.

From the video:

“Let’s talk about eggs, Because these guys actually eat about 14 eggs every single morning.”

There's just so much that's weird about that. "These guys" are his 2 sons Ewan (6) and Vivek (4). You're saying these kids each eat 7 eggs every morning? That's a lot of eggs. Think about it. 7 fried eggs? Or 7 hard-boiled eggs? If you're scrambling them, you lose track of the individual eggs, but what, he's cracking 14 eggs into a huge bowl, then scrambling them? Do you know how much scrambled eggs that's going to make?

If his boys were teenagers, maybe I could see it, though eating that many eggs every single day would still seem weird. But, at least teenage boys are known to have big appetites.

Even if you include him, his wife and their 2-year-old, roughly 100 eggs a week every week seems odd.

Then there's just the weirdness of saying "about 14". We're talking eggs. Why not "about a dozen"? Slightly more believable, and a more common number to use when talking about eggs. I mean, surely if your kids really loved eggs you'd try to reduce it to a dozen eggs per day just so you're using one full carton every morning. Then again, if you're buying hundreds of eggs per month, maybe they come on a pallet, not by the carton, so "a dozen" doesn't mean much to you.

It's funny how he keeps finding new ways to live up to the “weird” label without even trying

Did he talk about 88 of something after he said 14 eggs?

Pssssh, when I was a lad, I ate 4 dozen eggs every morning to help me get large.

i think more than 2 as an adult isn't a great idea unless you're tossing out the yolks

So unshocking.

this is why I'm voting for the party of Any Competent Adult ™️

if I had ranked choice I'd be voting for Giant Meteor first. Just saying.

Giant Meteor DOES solve the global climate change issue really easily.

I'm a Republican who does their Own Research and saw the Video and this is FAKE NEWS! Whatever Trump and Vance tell me is True is TRUE! Those Price Tags are FALSE just to make Vance look like a LIAR even though he said on TV he lied which was also FAKE NEWS! I'm not WEIRD!

That was a really weird response. Where can I buy a flag with your name on it to put in my yard?

a Republican who does their Own Research

LOL, that was the best part of your joke!

I love how their own research is whatever Jordan Peterson or Matt Walsh says.

Waiting for someone to complain that there is no “/s” in 3… 2…

There's no "1" in your response! And another thing! There are too many memes these days that aren't the two pictures of the black guy pointing any more. I am not a crank!

"So tell us JD, how will you help lower the price of eggs if elected?"

Ok, good.

As a reporter, I'd ask him why, as a current sitting Senator, Vance himself hasn't done anything to help lower the price of eggs even while his colleagues in the Senate and the House are.

Kroger exec admits to artificially increasing the price of eggs: link

27 Representitives and Senators calling for a block of the merger between Kroger and Albertsons: link

...Vance was not among those calling for a block of the merger of the price fixing grocery store..

"eggs, butter, some bread... whatever makes sense"

The egg shortage has enabled record quarterly profits and sales at Cal-Maine Foods (CALM), the largest producer and distributor of eggs in the United States. The company produces brands such as Farmhouse Eggs, Sunups, Sunny Meadow, Egg-Land’s Best and Land O’ Lakes eggs.


The problem, once again, is monopolies. Not enough competition means one company can jack up prices.

It's not clear if Harris will continue Biden's policies, but one of the best things Biden's admin has done is to actually go after monopolies for the first time in decades. Under a Trump / Vance presidency, I don't think that's very likely.

What does an egg cost, $10?

I was just at a Wegman's yesterday for the first time in a couple years just for shits and giggles, because my broke ass usually never shops there. Those kinda grocery prices are not far off. I laughed, turned around, left the store, and went back into the Aldi where I belong.

Vance is quite probably the worst VP pic in modern history. Palin riled up the base as intended. Mondale added gravitas as intended. What has Vance added to the Trump campaign?

And with Trump's age and obvious cognitive decline, he's not the future of MAGA. Trump won't be the Fuhrer of Project 2025. Vance will be.

Silicon valley money. Hundreds of millions of dollars in dark money basically, and a lot of power brokers in tech working behind the scenes for the campaign.

He brings nothing from a "fill the gap" stance because he's exactly like Trump, but less addled by age. The pick was stupid from that perspective but if you're money hungry, he brought it.

I disagree, what he brings is obedience. Trump is a wildcard, Pence believed in America or at least that he might lose an attempted coup, but Vance does as he’s told and can change his behavior. He clearly doesn’t believe in anything but not in a chaotic way, more of a “I’ll believe what you tell me to” way.

I'm talking electorally, mainly. Pence brought the evangelicals to Trump. Walz brings the Midwest and white men to Harris. Vance brings nothing.

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Vance throws red meat to the base. He’s exactly what MAGA wants.

But I hope Vance costs Trump the election.

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Who cares how much eggs cost? If I put eggs on a pie chart with the rest of my monthly expenses, I would need a microscope to see it. Focus on real problems like price gouging rent.

You might as well buy the free range eggs for $8/dozen. If that's too much money, it's not like the purchase will make you more financially doomed than before.

For staple food items, especially things like eggs or bananas that were very cheap in the past, pointing to increasing prices is one way to make the cost of living figure easy to see and feel.

Using examples to illustrate a point is perfectly normal, both in politics and real life, and I expect people will continue to do so.

Diabetic people probably care about egg prices. Low-carb diets were a bit pricier already. But I'm going to go out supposing you are really asking why every article about inflation for the past two years focuses on eggs. I just assumed it was a manifestation of that meme about United Statesians desperately grasping for any metric other than the metric system to quantify the world around them.

Looks like JD Vance got a firmware update at least. A grocery store encounter with a prior revision might have looked like this:

Ok. Good. Whatever makes sense. How long have you worked here for?

What he's holding is a flat, not a dozen.

Free market. The companies are responsible for setting the price. Let's put blame where it belongs: corporate greed. Remember when "They were stealing our jobs," and not realizing the company was outsourcing their jobs? And how the fuck does someone steal the job you were hired for? Always bothered me as a kid.

Liarrhoea - a continuous stream of shit that puiurs out of the mouths of Trumpist politicians. Lying is a form of breathing to these assholes.

Fascists tell more and more egregious lies and dare you to call them liars.

Jesus you cannot make this shit up lol

I cannot. But he can, and somehow he's really really bad at doing so!

Dunno if anyone here would know about the moment on TV where the PMLN witch was complaining about egg prices in eggs per kilo

Because regular people definitely buy eggs in kilos.

He said eggs were $4.

Eggs are $4 at my store.

y’all are really reaching on this shit

But that's your store. Vance was saying Eggs were $4 while standing in front of a sign saying "Eggs $2.99" and complaining about egg prices in the area, while blaming Harris for making eggs $4.

He could've stood in front of the $2.99 sign to only show the more expensive eggs. He could've gone to a "higher end" store to find those $7 eggs. He could've just stood in a different part of the store. But his crew looked at the backdrop and said "eh, go for it." and did.

Harris isn't responsible for the price of eggs anyway. There's no "Vice Presidential Office of Egg Prices" she presides over.

He said eggs are $4. Eggs are $4.

Like I said, reaching.

It sucks (in your eyes; I don't care) that he didn't have the PR smarts to ensure he wasn't in front of a $3 price tag, but that's only a reflection of how carefully he manages his image. Careful management of image is not really something I care about.

You're really reaching to defend fascist theil's robot lapdog.

You people are fucking pathetic.

To be clear those are cage free eggs per the label and box art. I personally approve but lets be clear those are not your standard eggs that is insinuated.

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Weird thing is, he didn't have to lie. He said that the price went from $1.5 a dozen to $4 a dozen, but it's not like his argument would have been that much weaker had he used the real price $3...

Weird thing is this would still be a lie.

No need to point out how he could have lied better while ignoring the fact that he’s blaming Kamala for the price of eggs while ignoring avian flu and corporate forced inflation.

It'd be more of a spin, or a lie of omission, at most. Either way it'd be less stupid.

The Republican Party is like the lowest-effort scammers who send you spam full of typos, bad grammar, and an obvious malware link to click on. They don't want people with an ounce of brainpower voting for them because they'd be harder to fool down the line. By appealing to only the biggest morons who can't see through the most obvious lies, it'll be easier for the Republicans to strip away all their rights and kick us all in the face while blaming anyone else.

Just like the scammers, it's pathetically sad that there are so many people who barely pass as sentient so the scam can work.

This does not make an awful lot of sense. The reasons scammers have to filter for the dumbest victims don't apply to politicians:

  1. Scammers don't want to waste resources chasing bad leads. Sending the same email (or emails generated from the same template) to huge amounts of people is rather cheap, but when someone takes the bait at some point you'll need to assign an actual person to deal with it (I'm not 100% sure this reason still applies today, since you can use AI, but it may not take you all the way and it's still more expensive than generating an email from a template) and you'd rather not waste that effort if the chances to complete the grift are low.

    Politicians don't have that problem, because at not point do they need to go one-on-one with individual voters (the bottom feeder activists may do it, but that's a separate attack vector than party leadership going on media). Having the smart voters not buy into these announcements save them neither time nor money.

  2. If someone is going to figure out the scam, the scammer would prefer they do it as soon as possible. Of course, long after the scammer is gone is even better, and not at all is best, but if they can't get away with it - sooner is better than later. If you figure it out as soon as you get the email, you'll just ignore it - and maybe delete it and/or block the address. Most people won't even try to report it, and even if they do there is usually not much that can be done. But if you figure out the scam after you've started to send them money - you are going to want your money back. You'll have more information can potentially be used to track them (like the details of the account you transferred the money to). And you'll be better motivated to involve the authorities. It's safer to filter out the people who are smart enough to do that and make them leave before they have skin in the game.

    If you figure out your politician lied to you - what are you going to do? You can't rescind your vote. You can not vote for them in the next elections - but how is that worse than not voting for them to begin with? Worst you can do is vote for their opponent - but I fail to see why a disillusioned voter is more inclined toward that than a non-voter or someone who voted to a different party. "Yes, they've ruined the country, and if I was their supporter I'd punish them by voting to the other party - but since I didn't vote for them it's not really my problem so I'll just not vote".

  3. Scammers only really need a small fraction of their potential targets to take the bait, because they'll be stealing lots of money from each such target. Having too many victims can actually be risky because it raises the chance someone will do something about them. Maybe even someone competent.

    They can afford to filter.

    Politicians can't.

    Politicians compete against other politicians, and they need a plurality to win. They don't get to be picky. Even in the USA, the number of people with more than one brain cell is enough to tip an election's result. You can't just say "I don't care about the people I can't easily fool" because these people will for your opponent. The 16% who fall for scams won't get you your victory.

A lie of omission is still a lie.

Yes, but a much more defensible one. To refute a lie of omission you need to present the omitted information and show how it is relevant. To refute a lie of actual falsehood you just have to present the truth and point out the contradiction.

I'm not saying he's not a liar, I'm just annoyed by his stupidity.

Weird thing is, last time I bought eggs, a few weeks ago at Safeway, a dozen was about $7. All he's done here is make me feel a little better about the economy.