McConnell pledges to remain Senate GOP leader to politics – 254 points –
McConnell pledges to remain Senate GOP leader

Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) vowed Wednesday to keep his job as Senate Republican leader at least through 2024 and to finish his seventh Senate term, which runs through 2026, despite recent health problems.

“I have no announcements to make on that subject,” McConnell, who is 81, told reporters when asked about calls from fellow conservatives to step down as Senate Republican leader.

“I’m going to finish my term as leader and I’m going to finish my Senate term,” McConnell declared.


Until someone finds his phylactery there's nothing that can be done. Liches gonna lich.

I heard its just a regular Ball mason jar and they keep it in the basement at the Heritage Foundation... like right by the display case with Ted Cruz's spine and across from the cheap plastic dorm room trashcan from Target that houses McCarthy's single brain cell.

I know this is a rumor because Ted Cruz doesn't have a spine.

this what you get when you allow the Lich to DM.. i don't know who decided that was a good idea, you know.. must have been some bargain or other..

Weekend at Bernie's...another remake no one asked for.

The irony being I haven't seen Bernie making weird pauses in public

"Weekend at Bernie's" was an 80's movie about a businessman that is murdered by the mob, but two of his employees stumble upon the body and, believing they accidentally killed him, have to puppet his corpse to try to convince people he's still alive until they can escape. It's a comedy, despite how dark it sounds.

Different Bernie. This is a movie reference.

“I’m going to finish my term as leader and.."

{ 47 seconds of silence }

"I’m going to finish my Senate term,”

Mitch McConnell has personally done more harm to the people of the US than anyone since Reagan. He is one of the greatest monsters in modern American history, directly responsible for immeasurable human suffering and he does not deserve to live.

The next one needs to kill him, and I hope it happens on camera for all of us to watch, because it's the closest tbong to justice he will ever face.

I'd love to watch the life slowly leave his eyes as he shits himself on national television.

I, for one, hope hell is real. Eternal torment will turn out to be a fair deal when offset by the sheer delight of watching people like McConnell plead with God as the gates shut behind them. "But...but I hurt all the people you told me to hurt..."

Moscow Mitch Momentary Mute Mitch

Censorship is big for Moscow, so Moscow Mitch is still relevant. His GRU handlers wouldn't let him say anything!

I would rather see a peaceful transition of power. I don't see how revenge helps anyone here.

Not the next senator, the next mine-stroke. Dying of a stroke on national tv is far better than this quivering lump of chelonian garbage deserves.

Harry may have gotten 2 horcruxes so far, but he surely won't find the rest.

Once the lizard people mothership arrives with his new host body from the home world.

We need to retake the Senate for the blue team in 2024 so that we can have a real leader, like Diane Feinstein.

I don’t know what exact joke you’re trying to make, but it really is well past time both of them retire.

That's the joke...

Well, it could be that joke. Or it could be a sarcastic ass “y’all talking shit about our guy, but look at ur people”. Basically the same joke I guess, but more pointed.

Of course. When has he ever made a decision that benefits others than himself? Never.

I don't know what's going through these ancient politicians' heads but don't they reach a point where they've accomplished everything in life they can and they just want to relax? Being an 80+ year old senator and dying in office sounds horrible to me.

It's not about being accomplished for most of them anymore. It's about not letting go of their power. They won't admit to themselves that they're old or the world has changed. They grip desperately to their seat and their power because they "can still do it", and they "know what's best".

People who have had a senile friend or family member have seen similar stuff plenty of times. Older adults who can't even close their hands all the way or remember that they dont have shoes on will argue and fight, sometimes violently, that they can still do something. For example, still cook with an open flame despite catching their house on fire three separate times. Or that they can still drive despite not seeing past their fingertips and not knowing what city they're in.

There is a thing called aging gracefully that involves accepting the difficulties of getting older and passing the torch, and clearly a large number of politicians are having a serious problem with it.

Lich McConnell went back and reviewed the Necronomicon and realized that these episodes don't actually mean anything and the necromancy spell he cast 800 years ago should give him a few more terms.

Sen. Mitch McConnell 's future ghost (RIP-Ky.) vowed Wednesday to keep his its job as Senate Republican leader...


Be honest with yourself, you have like 4-6 years at most.

I don’t even think he’s got that long.

There’s only a one year difference in these pictures.

You have to drink a lot of baby blood to maintain the skin suit's integrity, and it's hard to sneak up on a baby when you keep having strokes

it’s hard to sneak up on a baby when you keep having strokes

That's some profound wisdom.

You'd be stunned how long someone will cling to life out of pure spite

That's what I noticed in the videos where he's having his episodes, he's extra skinny and just looks extra like shit.

Yeah but that's drinking 3-4 babies per day. Idk how he can keep up with supply tbh...

You are being super generous, I think.

I say he makes it to 2024, but doesn't see 2026.

My brain doesn't work and I'm in charge of a lot of stuff

---a guy from a place where things are Fine

A corpse puppet is still a puppet after all.

The Weekend at Bernie's parody of Mitch McConnell freezing up is a go.

Look I'm just gonna say we should move the senate to alaska and see if anyone retires.

I support this, but we'll also need to make attendance actually mandatory for the plan to work

He might as well, its not like he's in charge of what he says anyway. They could hang his dead body from a gantry and flap his mouth with a string, it would be effectively the same result.

This is the best summary I could come up with:

“I have no announcements to make on that subject,” McConnell, who is 81, told reporters when asked about calls from fellow conservatives to step down as Senate Republican leader.

“McConnell has noticeably aged since his bad fall in March, when he sustained a concussion and a broken rib, and he should want, for his own sake and that of his colleagues, to go out on his own terms,” the magazine’s editors wrote Aug. 31.

McConnell pointed to a letter from the Capitol’s attending physician, Dr. Brian Monahan, when asked by reporters Wednesday to discuss two recent incidents when he froze while speaking to television cameras.

Monahan, citing brain MRI imaging, EEG study and consultation with several neurologists, said McConnell shows “no evidence” of suffering from a seizure disorder, stroke or Parkinson’s disease.

Asked if doctors know the precise medical reasons for freezing at press conferences, McConnell said: “What Dr. Monahan’s report addressed was concerns people might have with some things that happened to me.”

McConnell’s home-state colleague, Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.), an ophthalmologist and eye surgeon, however, has raised doubts about Monahan’s medical findings.

The original article contains 480 words, the summary contains 184 words. Saved 62%. I'm a bot and I'm open source!

It’s an inspiration that he’s willing to push through adversity to continue serving the people.