WhatsApp will soon be your one-stop solution for all your chat apps

Chris@rabbitea.rs to Android@lemdro.id – 163 points –


  • The EU has identified WhatsApp as a gatekeeper in the messaging industry and has given it a few months to enable interoperability with other apps.
  • The EU's Digital Markets Act aims to promote fair competition and give consumers more options for alternative services.
  • WhatsApp has already begun working on interoperability with other apps, potentially allowing smaller players like Signal to compete more fairly.

Why is this being presented as "whatsapp will be the one and only" instead of "whatsapp won't be the only option"? The DMA will users to install nearly any chat app and chat with users from another chat app.

Where are you getting "the one and only" from? Are you misinterpreting "one-stop solution"?

What are you interpreting "one-stop solution" as?

The fact that iMessage got the exemptions underpins the entire act. I would any day switch to Signal, if there is 1:1 interoperability b/w the platforms.

@TheMadnessKing @floppy in Europe for most people iMessage is just the SMS app. Even though it pisses me off that Apple got away with it, having WhatsApp to comply with this is just huge. Everyone here uses WhatsApp, and now I won't be forced to leave Signal anymore.

iMessage is not considered a gatekeeper in Europe because pretty much nobody uses it. That's why it's extempted.

Here people use it as a better SMS. Group chats are all on Discord for my generation and the older generations primarily use FB messenger I believe.

Apple just claimed an exception. It's still up to the EU to determine whether it is actually exempt or not.

It's really on American regulators to hold American companies accountable if they abuse their dominant position in the American market to the detriment of American consumers.

They got a exception because npbody uses that insecure garbage here, everyone uses Whatsapp tho so this makes a lot of sense!

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No it won't.

My sister was angered when I quit whatsapp (and facebook), asking me reasons why and if it was because I didn't like her. Told her I like my privacy. Haven't heard of her and a lot of other family since who only like to communicate through social media. Good.

I like SMS and Signal, only people that care for me are using that because I asked them to.

I’m there with you on the ideals, after all here I am on Lemmy (and mastodon fwiw) with Reddit and TwitterX deleted.

But, everybody I am close to in everyday life is a normie for lack of a better term. I don’t have to use Facebook regularly, for example, but there is a practical value to just having it available and checking notifications from time to time.

Kind of like how I’m looking through some code in Linux at work today, but it’s running in a VM on my Microsoft/O365 equipped PC. Much like with Facebook, factors outside my control necessitate using it, so I accept it without stressing myself.

I’m not trying to argue or convince you to change your ways though! FLOSS and privacy need awareness and advocacy, and therefore need strong outspoken supporters!

only people that care for me are using that because I asked them to.

That logic works both ways. You don't care about them enough to use WhatsApp/Facebook it seems to me.

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Cool so I can decide to use Signal for privacy reasons and if the other party uses WhatsApp all my chats with them are read by Meta? What is the point?

What is the point?

The point is that you are not using Whatsapp to talk to them. Which is inherently an improvement since they only get one sided metadata.

Whatsapp encrypts top and it's your choice to write with someone on Whatsapp... 🀦

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I can't wait for signal/session/simplex to be whatsapp compatible, but I'm not sure they can provided the e2ee gurantees since whatsapp is closed source.

I fear that Signal won't implement cross compatibility for WhatsApp since they already said that they are not a fan of potentially giving up E2EE to get it to work. And I can understand that but I still really would like to have the cross compatibility.

I hope Signal doesn't if it won't be E2EE. I like knowing that if it's in Signal, it's E2EE, and being able to tell less technically sophisticated people to whom I recommend Signal that everything in it is secure against eavesdropping.

Beeper will do it, if you self host, it shouldn't be terrible

Signal and also lots of other privacy focused messenger-services (threema e.g.) already said the will not implement this forced interoperability since it will lower their already high standards regarding their users privacy. Sad but i guess it makes sense :(

So users of those apps will have to install the even less secure apps to converse with "normies". Great move.

I’m not sure they can provided the e2ee gurantees since whatsapp is closed source.

Uh, news flash: Signal and Meta are business partners and WhatsApp (just as Facebook Messenger) uses Signal's encryption:

The ability to sell proprietary versions of Signal libraries is literally the reason for Signal's Contributor License Agreement: https://signal.org/cla/

it's still closed source, so we can't make guarantees about WhatsApp conversation participants.

so we can’t make guarantees about WhatsApp conversation participants.

"We" can't but Signal, who work on WhatApp's source code, can: https://signal.org/blog/there-is-no-whatsapp-backdoor/

tldr: When contacts have verified each other, communication is secure.

If you think that Signal can't be trusted, you should not use their client either.

signal may have given a fully vetted and correct implementation to whatsapp, but because its closed source we don't know if it has changed, or if its really implemented on all conversations.

It changes the trust model of conversation participants.

To answer your query, if signal was closed source, I wouldn't trust it either.

signal may have given a fully vetted and correct implementation to whatsapp

They were not "given" it. They are literally the contractor who worked on that: "Over the past year, we’ve been progressively rolling out Signal Protocol support for all WhatsApp communication across all WhatsApp clients." –https://signal.org/blog/whatsapp-complete/

but because its closed source we don’t know if it has changed, or if its really implemented on all conversations.

I'm not an encryption developer. I can't vet this for Signal's own app either.

...and because its closed source, community cryptography developers and researchers can't vet it for you either. That is the core issue, its not about trust.

It's about capabilities that inform the threat model, and the exposure model.

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Signal interoperability

I support it but this doesn't sound legit

It's weird. With every single app having a DM feature years before Whatsapp was even invented, with every single cell phone having email and SMS capabilities, and with a bunch of E2E encrypted apps already in service, why would I want to go back to Facebook's ecosystem in 2023?

When every single person you know uses Whatsapp, you have to use it too. That's what this law is about. So you can use other apps even if everyone else uses whatsapp

Whatsapp worked on iPhone, Android, Blackberry and even some old ass java phones

They dominated the market in most countries or were close second to Messenger.

Now they keep growing and it doesn't give any chance to smaller better apps, this law makes it possible for you to use only signal but also chat to people that only use Whatsapp

And this is where I wonder, how long until Matrix servers preemptively defederate from WhatsApp?

Probably won't. WhatsApp is already huge. Threads was a new platform with artificially inflated user numbers.

Why though? To avoid users leaving Signal for Whatsapp? if you need to chat with someone through matrix into whatsapp, right now you laready have whatsapp installed. I prefer to talk to whatsapp users from a more secure app, thanks.

I setup my own matrix instance and ran a few bridges on it, so I don't need WhatsApp thanks

How does that solve communication with people that are exclusively on whatsapp?

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This is the way

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Does anyone know what level of interoperability is required? Like basic text, pictures, emoji... or every feature including things like location sharing?

Full Unicode text and images is likely all we'll get, but honestly I never understood the appeal of all the crap they stuff into (say) iMessage.

I don't know iMessage, but some of the more advanced features in WhatsApp/Messenger are great. I use shared location almost daily, voice messages are great too.

Good question. Because it could end up like the interoperability of MSN Messenger and Yahoo Messenger of the early 2000's. It was crap.

Fuck that, fuck them they belong in the digital bin. I don't want WhatsApp to be able to connect to Signal or anything else. Sounds like a gigantic security risk.

Yeah, fuuuuuck that. I use Signal for a reason.

Yeah and I'm kinda liking the "either use signal or leave me the fuck alone" part of it.

"I don't want these Signal encrypted Matrix protocol messages on my Signal encrypted Matrix protocol messaging app, it's a gigantic security risk"

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WhatsApp and Signal use the same Signal developed protocol for E2EE

And yet one of them is from Facebook and the other one is not...

And more critically one is open source so you can verify that it does what they say it does and the other one does not!

Would be awesome if EU demanded that they made at least the message handling part open source.

I don't know if there's any precedence anywhere for forcing code to be open sourced, but it's a nice dream!

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This is such a silly take. If you will talk to signal users, you won't interact with this tech. If you want to talk to whatsapp users, right now yo need to have the app which is much worse!

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I have a whatsapp because my dad wanted to be able to call me without international long distance fees. He's called once and I get endless amounts of spam. I'll be seeing him in a couple of weeks, and I can hopefully switch him to LINE (what everyone uses here) and get rid of this app for all and get the last cancer of Meta out of my personal life.

LINE is the worst for spam though.

Really? I've gotten almost no spam in the last decade or so I've been using it. The one time I did, I think the account had been hacked.

Back at you with whatsapp too. I still dislike it but not because it generates spam, at all. Do you mean that you get messaged by spammers though whatsapp? I only use it to chat with family memebers and I have no issues with notifications or anything. Maybe I have blocked some notifications but you can do it too.

Yeah, I get tons of random messages from people I don't know. A couple are recruiters who are finding my number on my CV, but most are just "hi sweety, do you have time to talk?" from random numbers all over the world.

Huh, that means that your phone number was sold to call centers. There's a thing called the robison list in europe, idk if it works worldwide, where if you put your phone number in that list call centers can't legally call you. I've recieved zero spam since I put my number in that list, but it seems surprising that recruiters are contacting you through Whatsapp instead of calling you, emailing you or just sending you a message through LinkedIn, that's seems excessively aggressive.

Damn, I don't really have a solution besides marking them all as spam, but new numbers will keep coming so idk if there is a good solution, sadly. Just a note though, if you are receiving that much spam through whatsapp is noe because it's whatsapp specifically, it's because it's the most used app in europe and spammers try to contact numbers from their list though the common apps by default.

WhatsApp is fundamentally bad and anti-consumer because it is proprietary. When people are not allowed to understand, change and redistribute the source code, the people will ALWAYS be milked and abused in some way. Trust me. LINE is also closed source and unfree, so it would only be a matter of time until that company fucks you up and you want to switch to another messenger. The most popular open source/ free messenger would be Signal. Conceptually the most promising one in my opinion is SimpleX Chat, if you want to be a bit more adventurous

No one I know is going to change to those. LINE also has other business stuff built in for interacting with companies (customer service for my massage place, my dentist, etc.) In an ideal world, sure, but it isn't going to happen.

I have a similar issue but I am able to use SMS for those few people, most of them are relatively easy to convince of Singla in my experience, it's as easy as it gets, basically whatsapp in secure!

I wonder if WhatsApp is going to make a white list of compatible App or if they just open an API or document a protocol...

Anyway, I found it awesome.

If someone don't want to chat with a WhatsApp user it's always possible too.

Whatsapp? What year is this? 2015?

edit: get some real problems yall

WhatsApp is easily the most used chat app outside the US and has never gone away. I live in South America and it's HUGE here, specially since IPhones didn't caught on down here, so we don't use whatever app the US public uses.

@el_bhm @floppy you americans are making a fool of yourselves in these threads, there are tons of comments about whatsapp being old or only for drug dealers & sex workers, and it's so funny how out of touch with the world outside of your borders y'all are. In basically any other place of the world; universal messengers like WhatsApp, Telegram, or WeChat are the de facto standard.

I will finally be able to replace fucking SMS with a few people that simply won't switch to Signal, I simply won't use Whatsapp and that did cause some security issues till now!

Do people here know about beeper, i would make it my main but it doesnt support calls and stuff which unfortunately makes it a dealbraker. I hope in the future we will be meta free

No, 1st time hearing about it. Apparently, it uses a matrix homeherver that uses open source bridges to connect to 15 different chat networks. If it supported calls would be great. Should give it a try regardless later. Anyway, here's the faq for anyone interested: https://www.beeper.com/faq

On a side note, I was wondering. Can't WhatsApp ban you for using a 3rd party client? I heard that used to be the case before. But, I'm not sure what it's it like today.

I have no idea if they would ban you, i atleast havent heard of that happening. Also just so you know there is is waitlist for signing up and it can take months

I do, but I'm on a waitlist (and don't want to selfhost) so I've not been able to try it out yet (I don't make calls through WhatsApp, so I see the lack of support as a benefit).

Message me and I'll send you an invite link to skip the waitlist. I think it's a thing I can do on the desktop app now

Oh, thank you very much! Will send you a DM.

Oh I see, then it would probably be perfect for you, hope you get the invite soon

I used it a bit, but you need a WhatsApp account to chat with WhatApp user.

The goal is to have all your account and messages in one App, but you still need one account per Service (whatspapp, telegram, twitter ... ).

Yes of course, but till we have that its a very good workaround

This looks pretty good, signing up for the wait-list.

I'll be here waiting to see how they implement it if they ever manage to do it.

In what way will it replace or integrate with Discord?

One stop solution for all chat apps my arse.