What do you eat and drink every day?

pinkdrunkenelephants@sopuli.xyz to Asklemmy@lemmy.ml – 71 points –

I eat like I'm in an apocalypse survival game. What did my survivor find to eat today? Ooh, root beer and string cheese.

Breakfast on weekdays is peanut butter on wholemeal toast. With a huge cup of coffee.

Throughout the day I drink water flavoured by raspberries and blueberries.

Dinner (or lunch to the rest of the English speaking world, I'm from northern England) is a chickpea and mixed vegetable salad I prep for the week on Sunday.

Tea (main evening meal) is normally a pie or something breaded like a Kiev or fish served with chips (chunky fries) and mixed frozen vegetables. Then Greek yoghurt with mashed frozen raspberries and blueberries for dessert.

As a snack most days some digestive biscuits with a cup of tea (what's normally called breakfast tea).

Saturdays I skip breakfast and have a bacon sandwich for dinner.

Once a month I order a huge calzone for tea on a Saturday (my local takeaway calls it the Monster, it has every kind of meat they serve in it) which I dunk in mayonnaise and pig out on whilst drinking a Doombar. Then I have another Doombar whilst smoking a cigar afterwards. Normally there's enough calzone left for food the following day.

This... what?

I've never heard of these Northern English pecularities. Fascinating.

Cheese. I'm pretty sure I never go a day without eating some cheese. Cheese is the best.

Breakfast is almost ALWAYS toast with crunchy peanut butter and honey on it.

For some reason I can’t eat peanut butter in the morning, it’s weird. I’ve tried, and it makes me gag. But I LOVE peanut butter in general, and crunchy with honey is my favorite. If I’m feeling extra special I’ll add some salted butter…

Unsweetened Greek yogurt with berries and granola for breakfast or a bagel and a hard boiled egg

Lunch: whatever leftovers I packed from dinner yesterday

Dinner: tacos, pasta, burgers, steak, sandwiches, wraps, or if I’m feeling lazy a bagel and cream cheese

Breakfast: Black tea with oat milk, oatmeal with peanut butter blueberries, and a touch of cinnamon and sugar.

Lunch: water, and a bunch of frozen fried garbage that I tossed in the oven and smothered in ketchup and ranch dressing.

Dinner: water, a microwave rice and lentil packet, and all the following separately sauteed, seasoned, then combined: lions mane mushrooms, zucchini, bell peppers, tomatoes, and broccoli. Produce was from farmers market except tomatoes from my garden.

Lentils and rice are so easy and so much better on the stove. I get it if it’s too much hassle, but you’re already going to so much trouble. I tend to cook for a few meals at once, so I’ll do a cup of rice, two chopped up carrots, vegetable bouillon, and all the necessary water, then after that’s cooked for ten minutes, I’ll add the lentils, and cook until they’re done. Check cook times to get the timing right.

The carrot is there because it makes an enormous difference for lentils- lentils need carrots like pasta needs salt.

Thanks for the tips! I never knew about the carrot lentils thing. How finely do you chop the carrots?

At 8 o’clock in the morning, I’ll have fish and a rice cake. At 10 o’clock, I’ll have fish. At 12 o’clock, I’ll have fish and a rice cake. At 2 o’clock, I’ll have fish. At 4 o’clock, just before I train, I’ll have fish and a rice cake. I’ll train and I’ll have me fish and I’ll come home, have some more fish with a rice cake and then have some fish before I go to bed and that’s it for the day.


Other than that I have a hard time eating consistently, the most likely is probably bread though.

I get to work and make myself a toasted bagel sandwich with jam and vegan cream cheese. I also make a flask of earl grey tea with a teaspoon of sugar. Lunch is often a veggie burrito. Dinner depends. Usually stew or curry or stir fry.

what cream cheese do you use? I'm severely lactose intolerant and I haven't found a decent one yet

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Rolled oats with either yogurt or milk for breakfast, 9 out of ten days, and 2 L of water during the day

2 L seems quite excessive

Not really. My countrys recommendations are 1½ L a day, more if you're active, and since I ride my bike for 8-10 hours for exercise a week, and commute on bike for another three, aiming for 2 L is not unreasonable

2 liters of water isn't excessive.

So how much fluid does the average, healthy adult living in a temperate climate need? The U.S. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine determined that an adequate daily fluid intake is:

  • About 15.5 cups (3.7 liters) of fluids a day for men
  • About 11.5 cups (2.7 liters) of fluids a day for women

These recommendations cover fluids from water, other beverages and food. About 20% of daily fluid intake usually comes from food and the rest from drinks.

In both cases, 2 liters of water is closer to what you should be drinking.

The paper did not suggest that that is the amount you should be drinking. It had based the adequate daily fluid intake on the median total water intake from US survey data. "In this setting, the AI should not be interpreted as a specific requirement." AI (Adequate daily fluid intake). "... on a day-to-day basis, fluid intake, driven by the combination of thirst and the consumption of beverages at meals, allows maintenance of hydration status and total body water at normal levels.". Just drink when you are thirsty and you should be fine. But you do you.

Yes, drinking when you are thirsty is a good idea. No one is saying 2 liters is a requirement. It's just a normal amount to drink and around the average adequate daily fluid intake amount if all you drink is water.

Corn, involuntarily...

And water.

If u are being force fed corn against your will respond with a 🌽 emoji

🌽 ;_;

How are you being force-fed corn?

The same way we all are. It's in most drinks, most bread, most toilet paper, most snacks, most sausages... it's in everything!

Water is my go to drink all day every day.

I dont really have a daily food go to.

Soylent and water. Food for an actual meal is different every day though, I like variety

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I'm part of a veg co-op so get amazing, locally grown veg pretty cheap. So I'm eating very seasonally lately and it's nice. Last week was an aubergine glut so I made baba ganoush. This week we get squashes for the first time this year, I'm excited!

Tea (either black tea or some native herbal tea) and wholemeal cookies, sometimes sandwiches with sausage or peanut butter or sweet equivalent, pasta with minced pork and ketchup, etc.

How does your native tea taste?

Well, we have mint, fireweed (Ivan-chai) and many other I don't know. Mint tea is ubiquitous all around the world. Fireweed tea (Gauromečio arbata) has quite an interesting taste and smell. If you tried to taste raw Chinese green tea leaves (before preparation of tea), it has a similar taste. Nowadays, in the shop, a wide variety of different herbal mixes is sold. We didn't have any caffeinated drinks until 1990s.

An interesting drink is 'acorn coffee' which is set into the National Registry but I never tried that one.

And also we have berry-based hot drinks served as 'tea', most notably buckthorn tea.

Way more diet coke than can possibly be healthy for me...

Fuck yeah. Diet Coke, Black Coffee, and Water are the 3 constants in my life.

Eggs in some fashion


Breakfast: coffee

Lunch: coffee

Dinner: coffee

Dessert: coffee

Midnight snack: coffee

Is anyone else going through and guessing at where people are from?

All the cheese people I'm guessing are either French or from the American Midwest (the former eating significantly different cheese than the latter). The tea people are probably British. Peanut Butter is likely a North America only thing.

I'm not sure if it's possible to accurately guess our locations based on food choices. Everyone's giving such generic choices that they could be from everywhere. Shit-tons of Americans drink tea, for example. Lots of other rich countries have American restaurants for American style food and therefore could have people who like stuff like peanut butter which isn't a part of their home country's traditional cuisine.

In Iceland they have a restaurant literally named "American Style". It's made to look like the classic 50s diner, movie memorabilia type place, with burgers and fries.

Breakfast: Müsli or bread with Nutella, oatmilk

Lunch: Sandwich, yogurt, maybe something on the side like olives, caprese salad, whatever I fancy

Dinner: I cook something, preferably enough for two days or just some spaghetti or frozen pizza if I’m lazy.

Throughout the day I drink tea, iced tea and water

I'm on a diet now for about a month. Only drink water and coffee.

I eat 1 big meal a day. Low calories and if possible low on carbs. So lots of vegetables, replaced potatoes with cauliflower and mostly chicken breast.

As dessert yogurt with a little bit of fresh food.

What time do you eat your meal? I can't imagine going hours without eat even a little bit of fruit.

I try to not eat for about 20 hours, sleeping is included and eat in a time period of 4 hours.

I usually start eating around 5 pm. I just drink allot of water to keep the hunger feeling away.

I also started my diet with a 5 day water fast, to give me a nice start.

I just hope I can keep the weight off this time. It sucks being fat.

Good luck! I'm sure you'll get there and hopefully you'll be able to maintain some good habits.

A typical day looks something like this:

Breakfast: egg beaters with mushrooms, peppers, onions, low-fat cheese, and either ham or turkey lunchmeat, topped with salsa or hot sauce, plus an orange and either yorkshire gold tea with condensed milk or Wawa pumpkin spice coffee

Post-workout: Core protein shake

Lunch: half-sandwich of ham and turkey with hummus and pickled onions on whole-grain bread, plus half a can of minestrone soup or a salad

Mid-afternoon: yorkshire gold again and maybe half an apple with chunky peanut butter

Dinner: usually lean meat (either chicken breast or pork tenderloin), green veg (steamed spinach with lemon and a little butter or maybe peas), and some type of starch, usually either a baked sweet potato or farro cooked in spiced broth

Dessert: 2 small pieces of dark chocolate or black licorace

All throughout I drink water.

Bread and water.

Water for obvious reasons and bread because bread is that thing that goes well all on its own, can make a good snack, a light meal or a feast fit to fill the glutony of demons.

I'm a big fan of bread. What kind of carb are we talking here?

Any type of bread. Whole grain, wheat, rye, barley, corn, mixed cereals, with seeds... just bread.

Here in the USA, corn bread is a specific thing, more cake-like than bread loaf. I don't know where you are in the world. What kind of corn bread do you have?

Ooh that looks excellent. Converting from grams to furlongs and hogsheads so I can try making it.

Now you're teasing.

Perhaps a little, but I will try to bake it. It looks good!

It's an hearty bread. Usually it keeps some degree of sweetness so it goes well with just some butter but it can be a complement for any dish, from just vegetables (fava beans or sweetpeas are classics), any fatty fish (goes well with cod, sardines or mackarels) or roasted meat.

Just avoid dishes heavy on gravies. This bread shines when soaking the fat already present in the food, rendered by the cooking process.

The usual intro is caldo verde. I took a look at the article and whoever wrote it in english has shit for brains but you can get the gist of the thing.

Steel cut oats boiled with fruit, sweetened with maple syrup, and served with some type of dairy. I always use cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg, and ground ginger!

Fruit is either:

  • Cut apples
  • Frozen blueberries or strawberries

Dairy is either:

  • A drizzle of milk
  • A couple tablespoons of plain greek yogurt

A muffin in the morning ( usually coffee chocolate or blueberry) with a bottle of 2% milk for breakfast. Then a can of OJ and red bull. For lunch I just get a single patty burger with lettuce onions, and pickle slices. 2/3 of it with mayo and the other third ketchup. After that I drink another red bull when I get home, and that's about it. Depending on how much smoke I'll make myself a breakfast sandwich ( English muffin, an egg, sausage patty, and shredded sharp cheddar) to sate my munchies

Eat: At this time of the year, in no particular order, mandarins, chops and onions, coconut mullet/vege curry and rice, vita weats and vegemite, cheese, frozen berries with yoghurt, apple crumble, nori, chocolate, dolmades, salad from the front garden, chicken, eggs.

Drink: Water. I'm allergic to caffienne, so everyone else drinks tea and coffee, but not me.

Oatmeal for breakfast every day. It’s easy I can make it in a mug at work using hot water from the coffee machine.

I usually have some hot Cheetos for lunch. I should quit but my diet is otherwise bland and so it’s nice to have something with some sort of spice once a day

Trying to bulk up has me ingesting whey protein daily 90% to fill up. Even when cutting down you gotta take even more. One way or another it ends up in a shake or on few occasions, some nice recipes. Can't do better on a budget.

Coffee ,water, piece of fruit, a nut bar or loose nuts/berries mix. Meat and two veg in some sort of combo for dins

I'm on a very early schedule. It's usually black coffee until the afternoon, a snack a short nap, and then a big dinner around 5. I like to cook, so sometimes it's a full meat-starch-veggies affair. I'm also wicked overworked, so sometimes it's delivery or frozen crap. We go absolutely nuts in summer with all the stone fruit from the farmers market, less so as the offerings turn towards apples and such.

Cereals in the morning, stuffed paratha and chutney from the local shop for lunch and biriyani for dinner.

The only consistent thing is coffee, green tea and water. I'm new to tea but it might supplant coffee entirely actually. Green tea makes me feel good :)

As for food I switch it up a lot but I often eat plain yogurt with muesli for breakfast.

After my morning exercises I drink a mug of diluted lemon juice with a pinch of salt. After this, I have a mug of hot milk, wheat flatbread with unsweetened peanut butter, a boiled egg, and a cup of green tea. This is my breakfast which I eat everyday. For lunch I have an apple, a cucumber, a tomato, a wheat flatbread with some cooked vegetables, some fish or chicken, homemade yogurt, and some Pomegranate. In the evening I have green tea with two teaspoons of roasted peanuts (yes I measure out the peanuts using a teaspoon). For dinner I have 5 heaped teaspoons of psyllium husk soaked in water. I like to eat the same food everyday. Maybe once in a while I might eat cake/a burger/something else instead of the peanuts.

Espresso to kick the day off, then water the rest of the day. Occasionally some Gatorade to rehydrate.

Oh except for the days I drink so like most days that end in a y. Then anything over 9% alcohol that tastes good.

Food depends entirely on the second part. Healthy home cooked meals with lean protein and lots of veggies, often rice if I'm sober. Horrible unhealthy things go down the food hole when I'm not. If it's fried I will eat it when intoxicated.

Diet Dr. Pepper. I genuinely don't drink water at all some weeks. It's probably a problem? I AM collecting those sweet Dr. Pepper points, though. Got me a hat, backpack, apron, tumbler, 6 can mini fridge, can cooler, etc.

Water, red Bull, sandwich egg salami gouda cucumber. Most days huel-like foodshake

What's a huel-like foodshake?

Something like HUEL aka. Milkshake with better macros

Carbonated water is like a drug for me, I often have to stop myself from drinking so much of it. Also drink coffee daily, but only one cup. My body reacts strangely to caffeine so I just get sleepy if I drink more than that.

My morning always starts with a mixed bowl of:

  • Diced paypaya
  • Diced seedless grapes
  • Slices of banana
  • 3 or 4 heaped tablespoons double-cream plain youghurt
  • Cocoa powder to flavour
  • Some powdered almond nuts