Lemmy users, have you seen toxicity migrate here from reddit?

x4740N@lemmy.world to Ask Lemmy@lemmy.world – 93 points –

There is plenty of toxicity, but I don't think it "migrated" from reddit. It's just a property of people.

Yes exactly, the difference between Lemmy and Reddit is that while Reddit encouraged toxicity it for engagement purposes, Lemmy admins are incentivized to shut it down ASAP.

There will always be sucky people wherever humans congregate, the question is will they be allowed to disrupt everyone else.

Every time we get a wave of fresh influx, it seems to bring a fair number of upset people here. I'm not particularly surprised, they're coming from a less-pleasant environment just in general.

People do seem to settle down a little bit after they get some time to unwind from that all, though.

Not really. Disagreement, even angry disagreement, but only hexbear did I find truly toxic.

Conversely, I had to use reddit recently (to find an old post) and I don't know if its because I haven't been there for months and I'd forgotten how bad it is or if it is actually worse but fucking hell it was like a war zone.

Yeah I popped over there for a sec and holy hell what a toxic crap hole. Like, ok, on lemmy there are a few shitty takes here and there. But most of the folks writing them are generally ok and it is a one off. Discussions are mostly good faith and reasonably civil. Signal to noise ratio is so much higher.

On Reddit it is just a deluge of hateful bullshit and most of those post an endless stream of it. Nearly all the discussions are bad faith full of venom and ire pushing propaganda and lies and hate. With downvote brigading and astroturfing galore.

(Mind you I don't see anything from hexbear anymore... Quite a few really bad eggs from that basket JFC)

Honestly, I've found this place to be a lot more toxic than Reddit, especially when it comes to tech.

I came across a highly upvoted comment on Lemmy saying that they wished someone would engineer a virus to fucking murder everyone with right-wing fundamentalist views. Now, I don't like right-wingers and think they need to fuck off, but calling for the presumably extremely slow and painful (as viruses tend to be) deaths of so many millions of people is pretty fucked up and I got heavily downvoted for pointing that out.

Yeah, this place is even more toxic than Reddit. There was a period when it was new that it seemed like everyone was a lot nicer and more positive, but that has ended.

Absolutely. I just recently got roasted for posting a guide to updating the BIOS on certain laptops in the Linux forums.

Was expecting a small number of comments, maybe a couple of questions or "thanks"; nope.

"OP IS RETARDED THATS NOT HOW YOU DO IT!!!!!" Neckbeards gonna neck.

Nobody was toxic against you in all 3 posts you crossposted. Some were saying that it is confusing, a harder way to do it or that it didn't work.





The more important question is why were you trying to gaslight me? Does it help with your own insecurities?

I don't really see any toxicity here.

Take the last link for example, where exactly is the toxicity?

Ok. I don't see any toxicity here.

Ahh I see you're a mod. Of multiple communities. It takes a "special" kind of person to want to be an internet hall monitor, let alone try and collect as many sub's as they can.

Most people understand tone in writing.

You don't.

Nope, it's called growing a thicker skin. If you get offended and classify every criticism or every person denying your opinion as toxic, you're not ready for the internet yet. It is the exact same reason why you are being downvoted from a few others.

Interesting, still working on that gas lighting, I see.

Seems like you're the one who needs a thicker skin. Seems like its a prerequisite for being a mod.

Ok. Say that to the other 3 people. I'm done here.

No actual response? I gueas you got called out. Lol try harder

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Somewhat. I’ll use myself as an example.

When I first came to Lemmy, I was more defensive than I realized. I had gotten used to aggressive, obnoxious behavior. Soon, I noticed that wasn’t an accepted norm here. It only took a couple days to realize, but I needed a few weeks to actually get out of the habit. In those early days, I’m sure I brought some toxicity with me.

Now, though, I don’t create, feed, or encourage toxic comments. I just assume it’s an honest mistake, poor choice of words, or someone whose primary language isn’t English. If I choose to reply, I’m friendly, and give them the benefit of the doubt. If a comment seems deliberately rude or trolling, I don’t engage at all.

Also, how nice is it to be able to give (or get) the benefit of the doubt?!? You can make a spelling error without getting three or four pedantic screeds! I didn’t realize how much I missed basic civility until I rediscovered it here!

Sounds like you’re in a much healthier mindset now! And I think that mindset spreads just as virally as toxicity, both online and in real life.

The communities I frequented in Reddit were pretty positive. I see more snarky comments on Lemmy, but I'm posting more here, so maybe I'm just getting more interactions.

I thought so until I went back to reddit and saw the difference. Just today there was a post on PublicFreakout about Just Stop Oil sitting in front of a bus and over 300 comments wishing the bus driver would have ran over the protestors and killed them. It was actually insane.

Yeah the attitude on Reddit of using a car as a self defense weapon against protestors really baffled me during the BLM protests. They downvoted me like mad when I said it was cringy and sick for them to get so hyped over clips of it happening

Yeah it's terrible that people wish other people would die due to their beliefs or activism. It's just not necessary and just plain inhumane.

On the other hand I just wish these just stop oil protesters weren't so dumb. I still remember the UK article about them halting a tanker truck. Meanwhile the driver is talking to a news crew saying something along the lines of "Yeah but that's cooking oil"

Then there's the thing about them hiring a hall for a rally and holding a banquet. With plastic cutlery... Like what? You're using oil based shit. At least check yourselves in the mirror before you go out and tell others how to go about things.

A few weeks ago I saw a reddit thread where the general consensus was that microtransactions were ok and even good. How it has changed from its heyday.

I don't know if I've seen more toxicity per se, but I definitely have seen more negativity recently. I remember when I first got here during the reddit protest stuff, everyone was so nice and it felt very refreshing compared to reddit. Now I don't get that feeling. There are still plenty of nice people, but there's just a lot of bitterness regarding the state of the internet right now.

As well there should be. Enshittification is here to stay it seems.

Actually had a conversation the other day on Lemmy with another user where we disagreed on a topic.

We did not attack each other or were agressive. So I'll take that as a win

Maybe? I definitely interact with more users lately who seem unable to make a point without being a condescending ass hat at the same time. Couldn't say for sure if they're coming over from Reddit, though.

This place feels too political sometimes. I'm alright with being political, but just with the right amount.

To be fair, choosing Lemmy over Reddit is absolutely a political choice, hence people here are going to be more politically-minded.

The toxicity here is rather different than what i've experience in Reddit, the kind that make me quit it just like that. It's just too many kids there.

I agree, people around here seem more mature on the whole. In my last year of Reddit, not only was I getting tired of the comment reposting bots, the teenagers subreddit seemed to permeate throughout the rest of the site more.

Not really. I've seen a lot arguments on here actually resolve amicably instead just degrading into personal attacks. Also seen people take criticism

Yeah, I particularly remember seeing two people go back and forth, and you'd have to click "Show further thread" like 6 times before one of them just quit it.

I tend to genuinely feel that the users here are more mature and more open minded.

No, but certainly seems that Reddit has turned into a cesspool of right wing ideology.

I've never see that much toxicity on Reddit to begin with. Most of us came due to Spez.

Reddit is a huge site, depends on what subreddits you visited. The news and politics subreddits could be particularly toxic. Some of the "men vs women" themed subreddits were bad too.

Kinda? Maybe not explicitly toxicity, but some passive aggressiveness.

I've grown pretty accustomed to stuff like that – you get used to it after spending so many years on open forums.

I used to try to "clap back" but I realized that's a waste of time and it doesn't help whatever situation the person on the other side might be going through. I now tend to just move on and keep myself busy with something else.

I mean, the toxicity wasn't a reddit thing, it was the users. Reddit was big, so many were there. Some of those users moved. So it's here on lemmy too now.

I don’t know about toxicity, but I despise seeing the same damn low-effort, popularity seeking, and pointless questions on asklemmy as askreddit is polluted with. Really not a fan, and I downvote every single one.

Not really. One of the things that annoyed me on Reddit was posting something and getting told to search the subreddit for a similar topic or question that was posted a over six months ago but people here are pretty chill and willing to engage in a conversation instead of just commenting a joke or "This" or at the very least understanding.

Could be people just appreciate having content to engage with.

I quite liked the joke threads, specifically because they were threads and I could close them all in one tap if I wasn't in the mood.

The "This" and "+1" shit can stay away though. There's an upvote button for a reason.

I quite liked the joke threads, specifically because they were threads and I could close them all in one tap if I wasn't in the mood.

I guess I just never cared for the Reddit style of humor. Especially when I was looking for additional information on a topic.

The "This" and "+1" shit can stay away though. There's an upvote button for a reason.

People there really seen to put a lot of weight in up votes. I wonder how much of that is fishing for karma

I really don’t miss the top level comments with the “edit: wow, thank you so much for all the upvotes!” award speeches appended to the end of them.

I habitually downvote any dismissive "just Google it" replies.

I feel like Google's search results have also turned to trash in the last couple years making that an even more annoying statement.

At the very least everyone here seems to be on the same page about women being people, so definitively an upgrade.

I've been called an idiot here a couple of times, but I think I'm drawn to the irrationally angry people

I have gotten downvoted a good amount for comments that lean more right or contrarian, I don't really know if that can be helped and that's not the majority of my comments so it doesn't ruin my experience or anything. But it does contribute to an echo chamber.

Mostly annoyed me because on the Liftoff app it wouldn't show comments voted below zero on my profile and I used to want to check back in on the further discussions my comments spawned.

Yeah I find that there is almost zero nuance tolerated , though better than reddits absolute zero. If you have any opinion differing slightly from others it's easy to get called an idiot or fascist.

Grab boosted. Liftoff was great at first but it had so many damn flaws like what you said that I switched.

Are you asking about a specific episode or community of toxic behavior that originated there but has found its way here? If so, then my answer is no. Granted, I haven't visited that other site in such a long time, I likely wouldn't know if some specific instance of toxicity here was actually related to something over there. Also, I mostly avoid the communities here that are named similarly to subs over there which always seemed to be a magnet for drama or poor behavior. Mostly.

But if you're asking in a more general sense, then my answer is yes(-ish). I have experienced and seen a fair bit of toxic behavior and numerous toxic users here. In many cases, the behavior and mannerisms mimic the toxicity I was used to seeing on the other site. So, I presume it's something that originated there and then subsequently migrated here, but I obviously couldn't say with complete certainty and absolute proof.

Granted, that's not unexpected, and as other folks have already commented, toxic people and toxic behavior are pretty pervasive and ubiquitous on social media sites.

I have experienced the same reddit toxicity with some specific users and certain groups of users that fit within certain demographics

Been seeing a lot of troll accounts, but over all nothing too extreme.

A bit of toxicity around specific instances/communities but not really the type from reddit. Also it's easy enough to block those instances. People in general have been great on Lemmy.

Outside of one troll that was banned for spamming comments sections with videos that I hope I never see again, I don't know if I've used Lemmy, whether it be my account on the main instance or this account, enough since the Reddit protests to really see anything "toxic". I have noticed that there have been more times where I've felt like I didn't belong here but I think I've always kind of felt like this and it's just more noticeable because I use Lemmy more since I stopped using Reddit.

Edit: You do know that down voting me just proves my point, right?

My perception of the sentiment expressed here is that people are disinterested in inauthentic expression, lack of empathy, or an unwillingness to entertain other people's ideas or opinions.

Mine is that is what people do on the Internet, and it's compounded by the anonymity the Internet provides. Doesn't really matter what platform.

Even in the public open side like Twitter, people just shout stupid one liners at each other, like there's some universe where people changed their mind about something because you called them stupid in the world's most creative way.

The more people you put together, the more colamity. Lemmy of just very new, so maybe the riffraff hasn't shown up yet?

I wouldn't say that it migrated. I would say engagement increased on Lemmy and, with it, so did the toxic behavior. There are a lot more bitch fights on here now, but that comes with the territory of more posts. Reddit did seem to encourage this type of behavior, though. While there are some Lemmy instances that do seem to encourage toxicity (I have a couple in mind), the majority seem to be affected by it without actively encouraging it. Toxic behavior is, generally, human nature, because humans are toxic creatures. Most people, however, don't default to toxicity; they need to be encouraged into it.

Yeah absolutely. And there's toxicity that was already here, see hexbear and any other radical left communities.

Technically, Lemmy itself is a "radical left" platform. That was its purpose in creation.

Creating something collective to try to go against the capitalists is one thing, tankies are another

By tankie do you mean Stalinist or to the left of Joe Biden? Because that word has devolved in the past to the point where I've seen it encompass people like Jon Stewart or George Orwell

Stalinist. The usual suspects defending genocide and simping for China.

Yes. Mainly in posts and communities about politics. If you say something too Right Wing (US). You will get mobbed.

Sorry, the fact you're being downvoted for this is kinda funny.

As a generally left-leaning person, lemmy absolutely has a leftist demographic, and most politics-related threads are full of upvoted low effort hot takes, while relevant but unpopular opinions tend to get downvoted.

But, then again social media is gonna social media...

the fact you’re being downvoted for this is kinda funny.

Yeah, I saw it coming from a mile away.

What relevant but unpopular opinions do US right wing people even have?

Hey, it's one of those low-effort hot takes I was talking about!

Taxing the billionaires is not actually enough money to fund single payer healthcare for the country.

There are a few pieces that involve actually taxing the wealthy and businesses that would fund both single payer and UBI.

Since billionaires' net worth is mostly based on their businesses, taxing businesses instead of giving them massive tax exemptions would add a huge tax revenue stream. Removing caps on social security would as well. Then we raise capital gains taxes back up to reasonable levels again, put reasonable caps on deductions for stuff like interest on home loans and depreciating assets. Things that the wealthy use to pay a far lower percentage of their income and wealth than the average person. They use infrastructure for their businesses and personal use more than the average person, so they should be paying a higher share.

Basically, getting rid of all the tax advantages that come with being wealthy. Just make them pay taxes as their wealth increases and actually make businesses pay taxes. Use that to fund basic necessities and more people will be able to actually climb the economic ladder.

Trickle down economics has never worked, and any excuse to not actually tax the wealthy at a progressive rate is just shilling for the wealthy. Even if it isn't a dollar for dollar exchange, the taxes should be raised on the wealthy so they pay their fair share of what they got out of society because lowering taxes has been counterproductive.

You're not wrong fundamentally, but my point is that all of these actions would have various effects on the rest of the economy, and none would exclusively affect billionaires. There's this misconception that if only Bezos, Musk, and their friends paid some taxes for once, we could have single payer healthcare, and that math doesn't math.

Additional business taxes simply get passed on to the consumer in the price tag. You can say it's worth it, but it certainly doesn't exclusively affect the executive suite. Raising the Social Security cap would be a significant tax increase on the upper middle class. I don't have that much pity for them, but there are a lot more of them than a handful of billionaires, and they tend to be pretty important for winning elections. One of Biden's campaign promises was to not raise taxes on anyone making less than $400,000, and this would violate that. Raising capital gains taxes would have ripple effects throughout the economy, leading to less business investment overall, fewer new jobs, and more layoffs. Plenty of normal homeowners take advantage of tax breaks on home loans.

I'm not saying that any of these steps are inherently wrong, and they're all perfectly legitimate tools. But they do have real consequences, and we can't pretend that they don't. You can say that they'd be worth it - and hell - I'd probably agree with you, but the family in suburban New Jersey with two parents in middle management who will suddenly see a big tax increase is probably going to be less of a fan. There is no giant pot of 100 billionaires' money that we can raid without any consequences.

You are just repeating trickle down talking points and justifying the wealthy paying less than their fair share.

And you're not engaging with literally anything I said, even the most basic things like the social security cap affecting far more non-billionaires, so I suppose I'll just give you the same amount of effort in return and dismiss you as a scientifically illiterate child, and we can both go on with our days.

Well, your point being about only billionaires was stupid in the first place so I replied about the wealthy to try and steer it into a reasonable discussion about taxing the group that billionaires are in.

Why are you worried about multimillionaires paying more taxes?

I think joining an instance that's defederated from Hexbear and Lemmygrad could be a good starting point for an enjoyable experience here. You don't even need to hold right wing opinions, being an anti-authoritarian leftist is enough.

being an anti-authoritarian leftist is enough.

You do know you're proving me right. Because you have to be x-type of leftist to get by on Lemmy. That's what you're saying.

I was agreeing with you that there are too many tankies and Putin fanboys around here, making it sometimes annoying even if you don't belong to the idiot brigade of right wing Americans.

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