Drug that Trump called a ‘miracle Covid cure’ is linked to 17,000 deaths

MicroWave@lemmy.world to News@lemmy.world – 823 points –
Drug that Trump called a ‘miracle Covid cure’ is linked to 17,000 deaths

A drug infamously touted by Donald Trump has been linked to nearly 17,000 Covid deaths in a new scientific study.

Researchers say that the anti-malaria drug hydroxychloroquine was prescribed to patients during the first wave of Covid-19 “despite the absence of evidence documenting its clinical benefits.”

The French study estimated that 16,990 patients in the US, France, Belgium, Italy, Spain and Turkey may have died as a result of the drug.

The study has been published in the February issue of Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy.

Researchers say the data used comes from a study published in the Nature scientific journal, which reported that there was an 11 per cent increase in mortality rate linked to the drug’s prescription.


17000 republicans deaths. Because no one else is stupid enough to believe his word.

To be fair, the 17000 were not even all Americans. 16,990 patients in the US, France, Belgium, Italy, Spain and Turkey. I too dislike Trump but the world is larger than the US

We would need to see the breakdown. If it's 14000 in the US and 3k elsewhere then that's telling but i don't see that information listed anywhere.

Edit: Found it!. It's about 13K in the US.

Overall, using median estimates of HCQ use in each country, we estimated that 16,990 HCQ-related in-hospital deaths (range 6267–19256) occurred in the countries with available data. The median number of HCQ-related deaths in Belgium, Turkey, France, Italy, Spain, and the USA was 240 (range not estimable), 95 (range 92–128), 199 (range not estimable), 1822 (range 1170–2063), 1895 (range 1475–2094) and 12739 (3244− 15570), respectively.

Would've been hilarious if that matched the exact number of votes he lost Georgia by or something like that.

11,780 conservative deaths in GA... What a coincidence!

Clearly Brandon poisoned the Georgian Hydroxychloroquine supplies!

It actually exceeds that number, 11,780, so I'd say that counts.

So nothing of value was lost. Got it.

Sure, some of them were evil, but I bet most were just stupid and tribal. I'm sure plenty were helpful neighbors, good friends, average parents, a part of some community that now misses them. Many were good people whipped up into stupidity by a team that doesn't care about them, we should remember their humanity.

Oh yeah were they a nice lady except when they were voting for people that wanted everyone to have a gun and nobody to have health insurance?

The same is true of Nazis as well, but I have a hard time having ethical consideration for those who wish to cause pain and suffering. I find it ironic and poetic when they cause it to themselves.

Unfortunately, a lot of patients didn’t actually have many options and were prescribed it without asking. In the early days of the pandemic, doctors were basically just throwing everything they could at it, to see what worked. If you got a conservative doctor, there was a good chance that you’d be prescribed it without ever asking for it.

Because all the doctors were flying blind, but hey the news says this drug works so we might as well try it. They’re probably going to die without treatment anyways, so worst case scenario the result is the same as if they weren’t taking it. Nowhere to go but up, right? A lot of patients basically didn’t have a say, because they were hospitalized.

No doctor will just randomly prescribe medications to a patient with a relatively unknown disease just "to see what sticks" because that's not how that works, that's now anything works.

Medicine have side effects, especially on people that are already sick. Also, a lot of medicine knowingly won't do shit because they do things not related to visursses. Viruses specifically are VERY hard to treat. Bacteria have antibiotics, because of how bacteria work. Visursses in general basically only have vaccination, basics they only have "prevent it" and "your own body will kill it" hydrochoroquine (or however you spell it) was kever going to cute anyone from covid, it has severe side effects, but trump needed some miracle to cure this to become the president that fixed covid, so he just threw this in, the retard.

Trump should be jailed for mass murder, at this point, for his actions

50% of people are below average intelligence. This is by the definition of averages. Republicans don't have a monopoly on stupid. They do seem to have a vocal majority of them though.

The waste from this, the people who died needlessly from not getting vaccinated, from drinking bleach, it's sickening. That sentiment would likely not be shared should the situation be reversed.

That's 17,000 people who will not be voting in 2024.

More than Trump needed to flip Georgia.

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17000 deaths.... Within a limited set of countries, so the entire amount world wide will be much, MUCH higher.

Trump is the direct cause that covid got that big in the US, he directly recommended shit like this medication, hell he recommended injecting bleach.

Trump is DIRECTLY responsible for the deaths of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of men, women and children.

But hey, let's make him president again!

hell he recommended injecting bleach

Okay...first and foremost: Trump is a fascist moron, an absolute danger to everyone, and can go fuck himself. However, he did not recommend injecting bleach. He VERY STUPIDLY asked his task force if it was something we could do.

Source: https://youtu.be/zicGxU5MfwE?t=35

Even so, the "one minute" disinfectant was actually alcohol, not bleach. It was an interesting presentation very early in the process when we didn't know much.

But leave it up to the media to turn that into "injecting bleach." Repeat a lie enough, people will believe it.

It was as interesting as observing that a handgun kills cancer cells, and have we tried that? It was never not incredibly dumb.

Which you could argue is also a large component of the inflation we've had. We wouldn't have had to massively stimulate the economy if there wasn't a pandemic. But it was all Biden, charging you more for eggs, right?

Well technically, dying does eliminate COVID from your body.

This is probably the grossest "um, actually" I've said ever, but I think technically rotting is what eventually gets rid of the covid in your body. A recently deceased person would still "have" covid in them.

Unfortunately, the people who need to know the results of this study don't believe in studies.

And they're dead.

Some of them are. But I know plenty of Trumpers who consider anything coming out of a university or any study as "fake news."

Wait... they got prescriptions for it?

Where are the malpractice suits? Where are the licensing authorities?

Who would sue the pharmacists? The state probably don’t want anything to do with that and the victims are dead. They probably only have relatives that don’t want or haven’t talked to them in years.

A lot of people in here acting like the patient was the one that got to decide what kind of drugs they were getting. I had covid very very early on, and I was hospitalized. They had me on hydroxychloroquine. The doctors and nurses didn't know what the fuck was going on, they were trying everything they could hoping that something would work. I was basically a test subject because it was so early on. It looks like it didn't kill me, which is great, but at no point did I ask to be put on it.

Yeah but the subsequent private purchases of the drug well after it was established to not work is what the issue is.

If you got covid in that first year you were getting treated with the kitchen sink. Your Healthcare decided the drug was worth the risk and you got it. Not every hospital was doing that, hell I hadn't even heard of one using it until your comment..

A lot of people went doctor shopping to get it. It wasn't just happenstance that most of the people who died here got it.

Look, nobody kills off his base better than him.

To the tune of Gaston --

"No one kills off their base,

let leopards eat their face,

leave thousands of bodies all over the place..."

The base kills itself off pretty well. They would contest this assertion with as much vigor as they can muster!

What's the word we use for a group of people who follow their chosen leader no matter how ridiculous? I can't remember...

Didn't some people drink a bunch of poison koolaid once?


Meanwhile, my local Walmart is fully stocked on horse paste. We were in the pet care section yesterday. A bunch of boxes of apple-flavored ivermectin. And I'm guessing they didn't have that many because people go to Walmart for horse care supplies.

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Doesn't his buddy own the company that makes the stuff?

This was a pumb and dump scam that Trump ran right from the White House.

Personally I liked his stint as a bean salesman while in the white house, just casually sitting at the resolute desk hocking beans...just president stuff NBD.

the orange idiot selling beans from the oval

Let's be real. This dude was doing us a favor by doing this. Anyone dumb enough to listen to him fucking deserves it.

If they were just taking it themselves, that is, unfortunately a lot of these shitwads have children and other dependants.

I don't know that they deserve it, but as a society, we certainly don't have the resources to fix MAGA. That level of deprogramming and educating is WAY past our infrastructure and resources.

So death IS an affective alternative, then.

When it's self-selected death by hateful people who dehumanize others I don't have a problem with it.

Ironically you're dehumanizing others by painting them all with a broad stroke. Some people get duped for reasons other than hatred. Do you think the ignorant or the outright stupid deserve to die?

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Killing your supporters, brilliant move. 4d chess.

It's bc he thought it would affect the cities (where dems live) way more, which of course he had zero issues with because he has only child feelings. By the time his version of thinking was vaguely able to realize that unvaxxed people (his cultists) died way more even in rural areas, his stupid smelly broken brain wouldn't allow him to think he was wrong about something. So he started throwing random words (like hydroxychloroquin) at the wall in hopes that something would work, and even though it didn't he couldn't go back on anything he'd ever vomited out of his piehole.

Basically maintaining his false image of himself as someone literally incapable of error is way more important for him than anything else, otherwise he'd have to confront a lifetime of failure. That'd be a monumental task for even the most resilient people, let alone one of the weakest and most pathetic cowards ever to have lived.

17,000 dingdongs dying from self prescribing out of ignorance and ego is honestly not that big of a number, globally.It's definitely more people than I could kill by speaking. I imagine the same ones would have found a different dumb way to go.

Why do you assume everyone prescribed it to themselves?

Because veterinarians ran out of supplies after Trump flapped his dumb mouth open. I don't think anyone's physician was writing scripts to their local veterinarian.

I take this daily (for other, tangible and prescribed reason).... Doing just fine. People slamming miracle/untested 'cures' always seem to have trouble, weird

So not for COVID? Which is what this article is about?

If people said incorrectly that Prozac cured pancreatic cancer and you took it for depression, why would that matter on the pancreatic cancer issue?

Your dosage is likely much less, and still the drug had some dangerous side effects at your dosage from cumulative toxicity.

Am i wrong or did your point get missed?!

I took you to be saying that just because this drug is safe for the people this drug is intended for, look what happens when someone takes random chemicals without any idea of what they are doing.

It seems like responses to you are not taking it that way?

You read it correctly... I haven't read the other comments yet and starting to think maybe I shouldn't

You would need to have the memory of a goldfish if you thought this was bad. Remember 2020? Remember covid? Remember hospitals being flooded with people and the doctors not knowing fuck all what to do so they gave everyone respirators which made the symptoms worse? People were taking whatever they could because people were scared beyond belief. If i got covid back in early 2020 and had to choose between getting on a ventilator or this then you bet your ass i would be taking a cocktail of hydroxychloroquin, ivermectin, injected UV and all the other half baked remedies. People drank the pool cleaner so they were so desperate. People thought it was the end of the world.

I got covid in the following January 2021 (thanks to Trumps operation warpspeed) right after getting a booster(i was one of the priority first wave) but I still took dangerous amounts of zinc and vitamin D. If my case was worse id have taken ivermectin too.

Why do you think ventilators made people worse? They only put people on ventilators when their O2 stats dropped so low they were going to die of oxygen deprivation.

My understanding is that it was a case-by-case situation that occurred when a ventilator was too forceful for the damage already inflicted, resulting in “ventilator-induced lung injury and barotrauma”, such as when a patient had covid-related pneumonia.


But my understanding could be incorrect.

edit: to be clear, I feel like the person you responded to isn’t being reasonable, but there is some basis for at least part of it.

That's a fairly reasonable statement, but what is the best option for a patient with low blood oxygen? Let them struggle and probably die, or put them on a ventilator and may e they die if their lungs are so damaged they can't inflate fully anymore (which definitely doesn't indicate poor outcome for any treatment)? And then, if they die once they've been put on the ventilator, some people will blame that. It reeks of the, "I never go to hospitals! Do you know how many people die in them?!" mentality.

They eventually figured out the issue and just lowered the pressure being used, if I recall correctly.

edit: Otherwise I don’t understand what you’re arguing about here. It was asked why using ventilators could made things worse and I cited the reason that was the basis for the concern in some cases. I wasn’t arguing for or against them, but if you asked that, I’m for them.

Hey y'all! Sound lak Fat Pussy done his own reserchin'! He dun reel good to! He sed ventilators are what wuz killin folk and not the covid!

Turns out it wuz them dang ol' ventilators the whole time, y'all! Wait til them dum dum doctors heer bout this! Florida gunna ban ventilators now!

Speaking of remembering things- remember how many, many doctors said hydroxychloroquine was not an effective drug against COVID pretty much the minute it was suggested?

Because your memory seems to have a big science-sized hole in it.

If we're being serious for a moment, there is some merit to this in my opinion, from the standpoint of the fear and the psychology at play during that time.

I also remember being in shock at how far people lost their minds and went off the rails believing things I thought wasn't rational.

I don't fault medical professionals who were operating with no useful information, and only had standard protocols while trying to deal with an overwhelming amount of people, some who died under their care despite their efforts. They were trying everything. They prescribed the drugs. The administration was just, imo, trying to give people hope (false hope I suppose).

I like making jokes, but I find it ironic that so many people complain about reddit allowing Nazis and hate or whatever, yet in the comments, there's talk about it being good that conservatives died, they're cancer, etc.

I hate Trump, but would any of the commenters have lost their minds if instead of conservatives, the comments said progressive, Democrats, some other minority? If you're being honest and not defensive, I think any other reaction would be a bit hypocritical?

Dude, he wasn't trying to give people hope. He was up there telling people this was not real, and then started telling people about Invermectin because his friend owns the company that makes it.