What are some reddit communities you wish to see live and more active on lemmy?

sma3in@lemmy.world to Asklemmy@lemmy.ml – 89 points –

I personally can't wait to see communities like hiphopheads, internetisbeautiful, listentothis... join lemmy and become as active as they were on reddit. what are some of y'all fav?


I'm surprised nobody mentioned my absolute fav /r/askhistorians

Please PLEASE get this one up and running! That place is a treasure trove of information. So much so, they should have their own website while maintaining a lemmy domain. That info should be disseminated across multiple platforms so it isn't lost.

The mods seem to not like Lemmy specifically but I don’t know what their plan is. It seems like they’re just gonna be in this restricted mode forever. Makes it easier to leave Reddit though.

Maybe the Ask history mods don't understand how to use it yet? This platform does take a bit of learning, but every update seems like it increases the end user experience

I miss women centric subs, especially thes ones with a mix of posts that foster discussion, memes, and support such as witchesvspatriarchy

Best of redditor updates because I want my stories lol

Specific subs for shows because I like reading episode discussions, often someone catches something I missed that gives more context or they catch clues and foreshadowing. Theories too. Or just seeing if anyone else had same thoughts I did! I think it will be a long time before lemmy is big enough to be close to that, and will probably only be newer shows.

Also just the sheer volume of content produced every day. I'll hold strong though and not give reddit any traffic. Reddit was fantastic as a lurker, posting most anywhere large felt like whispering into a void. Lemmy is great for actually participating, I think it will be a long time yet until it's as fun for lurking.

Same here - I hope more female-oriented communities get going. WitchesVsPatriarchy, TrollXChromosomes, and all the chaos of the Netflix Cinematic Universe reality shows were a blast on Reddit.

I have found !witchymemes@lemmy.world so far!

Thank you that is a great start! I have quite a few saved memes to start contributing as well. It doesn't seem quite the same so I hope we have something else soon. I would be a terrible mod and still confused by most of this fediverse thing otherwise I would make what I want to see.

You aren't the first to mention the women-central communities. I did start !heronebag@wayfarershaven.eu but I'm not sure what else to start and even if I'm the right person to mod it - it would probably need a team. Any ideas or suggestions? What kind of community would you like to visit?

Slightly related: someone needs to organize a celebrity AMA on Lemmy to let people know that there’s a new sheriff in town (or something like that).

/r/resume was great, as well /r/cscareeradvice, and really any career centric subs. Being able to bounce career questions off of others is an absolute gold mine of information that only serves to forward the field.

I'd hope they come here but get a refresh. /r/cscareeradvice was basically just a circlejerk of you have to grind leetcode and work at faang or you're useless.

Very true, pretty indicative of the whole industry though. I'm glad I'm already in it, especially in a good position as a software engineer, but after $1k spent in certifications, ~600 resumes sent out, and completely revamping my LinkedIn, etc. It almost feels like you really do have to have worked at FAANG as a senior engineer to even be noticed.

It's all way too gatekeepy as a whole.

Health-related communities, particularly those for specific medical conditions. Those are the communities that really become a lifeline for people, help them through diagnoses or just difficult times, and can serve as an excellent resource. I was active on r/diabetes_t1 on Reddit and am trying to get a community started here on Lenny.world (!T1diabetes).

Second this! It was great hearing the different treatments people tried, doctor recommendations… having that safe space to feel sorry for oneself about the side effects or symptoms. I could see it happening here when Lemmy grows in numbers a bit.

Yes! Also kinda related, I liked r/SocialAnxiety and r/Dyslexia. It's a place where we can go and help/encourage eachother.

I just want to see enough folks from some of the gaming communities move over: (Most of these have small communities already, I just want growth!)

2007scape for the memes Satisfactory for the incredible creativity Nomanssky for the same reason ^ Forzahorizon for the weekly challenge discussions and screenshots FFXIV for the community ‘vibe’

Really any game with a fun online community, these are just a few of the ones I enjoy.

Yeah, Satisfactory for sure and satisfactoryporn for the incredible builds

The anime and manga communities are totally silent on Lemmy. Would be great if we can have some weeb juice flowing here as well.

Yeah I really just want those for the discussion threads and news

The music production ones r/ableton r/audioengineering r/mixingandmastering r/maschine

yes add to the list: r/musicmaking, r/headphones, r/audiophiles, r/indieheads, r/WeAreTheMusicMakets, r/drumkits, r/bandcamp, r/vintageobsecura and I'll be the happiest kid lurking around here

I simultaneously want a headphones comm because I love headphones, and don't want a headphones comm because I need to stop fucking buying headphones.

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Written erotica, any of them.

The general "Music" and "Movie" threads because I did discover stuff on them as well as being able to suggest stuff.

But have been satisfied with some of these that are still small but growing - curlyhair, science fiction, cocktails (mine now), fermentation and sourdough. And overall happy to give up the faster moving subs and be here for the beginning time.

The women’s communities. Everything from trollx to girlgamers to tallgirls

I also miss femdomcommunity because it’s one of the few sensible kink communities on the internet

This! Lemmy feels like such a sausage party right now.

Yeah like I can appreciate that it’s nowhere near as misogynistic as old Reddit was, but also I just want more women here

Non-English subs. They are starting but it will take a while to catch up.

r/wicked_edge, r/nosurf, r/meditation

WickedEdge already exists on this platform, but it's not active and doesn't have the same community. These niche communities will not be the same as those on Reddit since many of the people are normies and don't care at all about Reddit's shitty platform. I would open some communities on my own, but I'm not an expert in these fields, like for example in shaving, and I couldn't be of any help for other people.

r/writtingprompts by far my favorite community of all time and I hope it makes a resurgence

Other ones would be r/the10thdentist, r/nottheonion and r/askhistorians (they probably will never join since they have their own website to fall back own if it all goest to shit)

Lastly r/manga, I said this one as separate because I have seen a few but the community is not there yet, especially lacking features like what are you reading this month and at MOST having 15 subscribers

I think there's already a couple writing prompts instances, you can search for them. They popped up when I searched for general writing instances to follow.

Some of the jokes were nice - with the best laughs coming from the replies and the bad puns.

did you hear about the guy who stole a calendar? He got 12 months! Talk about a timely heist!

Worst pun I can do. That'll be 200 schrute bucks.

Interesting, one of my least favorite things about reddit was all of the low-effort joke replies. I could happily go the rest of my life without seeing another pun.

I fail to comprehend why there's no community dedicated to "Rock" music. This network, after all, was named after one of the most iconic rock stars of our era...

I wish there there were more parenting comms. You have a few low activity general parenting comms and a surprising amount of healthy dad comms (go dads!), but you don't have the break outs. I guess I'll shill my instance where I'm hoping more parents will pop up to

There are some more, but those are the ages I have kids in lol.

I don't mean to be a Debbie downer but even I have trouble enjoying Lemmy because of some of it's problems/quirks. I don't think it'll be anywhere near as popular as alternatives with those problems present. I hate it but that's how I feel. I hope it gets better

Like what problems(network errors?), and what do you prefer?

Pages not loading or error'ing out, general usability stuff, like pictures in the feed snapping back to small/icon size causing the feed to jump around, posts opening in the same window and going back takes me all the way to the top/start of my feed, the confusion around interoperability between instances (can I just log in with my account on another instance? Do i need a new account?), etc.

I'm on mobile, so maybe that's a large part of my complaint, but when ya come from Reddit, it's hard to not see things Reddit does well that you miss.

It's also very likely some of this is simply user error, I am not an expert, but I feel like if it's confusing or not intuitive for me, then it's probably room for improvement.

Edit: Idk what changes were made in the most recent update to Lemmy but a lot of my complaints here no longer appear to me occurring, so that's great news!!

/r/CombatFootage and specifically the Ukraine War subs.

Yes! Those are the only way I've been able to get real-time info!

Yup. The only thing I am still doing on Reddit is following the Ukraine threads. So far the only discussions I've found on Lemmy have been about 90% Tankie brain rot.

I sorely miss /r/PCGaming.

I know there are a few on here and I am going to try to post on them to try to get it going. Still a long way to go though.

It'll take time.

r/intp. Also miss the active python and data analysis subs, I know there are python communities here but they seem quiet.

r/hardcore, r/bodybuilding, and r/steroids are the ones I'm missing the most. Instagram is my only source for hardcore punk now. I second r/hiphopheads too! I wish I had the time to moderate so I could start them myself.

/r/cptsd !cptsd@lemmy.ml

Edit: also

/r/fixit or alike !homeimprovement@lemmy.world


/r/WowThisSubExists !wowthislemmyexists@lemmy.ca

/r/ActLikeYouBelong !!

r/jeopardy, especially if former contestants are involved in the community like they are on Reddit.

LinkedinLunatics, IAmTheMainCharacter for time wasting

Jobs, UKJobs for job search

Recrutinghell to know I'm not the only one in the hellhole

Soccer (activities are non existent here), BoxOffice, Entertainment, etc. for fun

All of them.

FFXIV, Steam Deck, ARAD

There's a steam deck community on sopuli fyi

Jumping in to say it seems pretty active, too. I wonder if it's worthwhile to ask people who posted guides on reddit to bring them over this way?

If there is something you want, create it. Lemmy is new, and there are not a ton of people posting. Someone will need to do it first.

Yes, I absolutely loved listentothis. I think it was sort of losing user interaction towards the end but it was so great to comb through previous years to find great music.

We should definitely get another one up and running!

I'll really miss the location specific subreddits, those were super useful when travelling to find stuff only local redditors knew about. It helped get you off the beaten path.

Actually just realized there is a listentothis community already, woo!

I would love to see GameDeals and googleplaydeals on lemmy.

/r/credibledefense /r/zizek

Specific game subs like /r/victoria3 or /r/slaythespire

Those video subs that show crazy stuff

/r/terrifyingasfuck /r/crazyfuckingvideos /r/fightporn etc

If anyone knows a lemmy/kbin community that's similar I'd appreciate a share

r/tekken is sorely missed. Same applies for r/starcraft. I guess there is a com for StarCraft, but it seems quite dead.

Certainly not the meme ones.

Seriously tho, Sysadmin and career related stuff in general, and fantasyfootball

Some of the smaller subs I used to frequent don't see as much traffic as I would like. Like cycling and edc. I just have to be the change I want to see. I will I swear, just need to fine some spare time.

For me, sports communities. Game day threads are a blast.

So much this! Plus being able to discuss a free agent pickup or trade. I need that back.

The other communities i miss were my local state and city.


It's one of the biggest subs on Reddit, but having trouble taking off here.

Same thing for every single-game community. Dota's deserted. Also things like patientgamers is lowering in activity.

!dota2@lemm.ee is kept alive by me. Come join if you don't want it to be as deserted :)

Most game communities sucked anyway. They just got filled with useless self highlight clips and not actual content.

Not every community is as garbage as Overwatch's. Stardew Valley's and Hollow Knight's are super chill.

/dragonsfuckingcars and /r/carsfuckingdragons I just need them to exist










I already formed the !disneyvacation@lemmy.world a while ago but it really isn't that active unfortunately.

r/blankies and r/AubreyMaturin, please. Also a Montana community would be welcome.

I'm going to do my best to get /r/AcademicBiblical over in some fashion.

r/rollerskating Also the many subreddits for the many shows I watch like The Walking Dead, Mayans, Black Mirror, etc.

Yes!! show-related ones like r/AtlantaTV for me. and I gotta mention r/NetflixBestOf

I was thinking about creating some of these communities but I don’t want to mod. So I’ll just wait lol.

A lot of the broader interest subs I followed have either migrated over or have local equilvalents.

I had a couple niche ones I miss. I work in hospitality so talesfromthefrontdesk is definitely one I miss, and I haven't seen a good version here as of yet.

Specific game subs are not as popular here yet, but honestly I am not sure how much I really need that. Rimworld is probably the only game I keep coming back to often enough to justify it, and I largely use discord for that. Only thing I use discord for really.

There are several spider communities set up on lemmy already, but I’d love to see them take off. Everybody tell your tarantula/spider-loving friends!

I liked to browse /r/cd_collectors and /r/fragrance

I liked seeing /r/witchesVSpatriarchy on /r/All, but I never really followed them.

Edit: spelling.



Im still not clear on how you make a useful internal link to a sublemmy

Cringe Anarchy, Frenworld, Clownworld, Consume Product, Coomer