In which game did you spend the most hours? to – 82 points –

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I discovered today that my most played game on Steam is Astronner with about 500 hours, and my second most played is Surviving Mars with about 500 hours.


If MMOs count, EVE Online at well over 12,000 hours over the last 20 years.

If not, nethack has probably consumed close to 1000 hours of my life.

If not, nethack has probably consumed close to 1000 hours of my life.

I don't know who you are, but I love you.

Almost certainly World of Warcraft. I don't think I even liked it for most of the time I spent playing it. I've been annoyed about the overall direction since basically Cataclysm, and IMO Burning Crusade laid the foundations for most of my major complaints, although I didn't realize it at the time. I have decided that I'm opposed to the "expansions add a new tier of everything that invalidates old content" model of expanding games. If creating diverse content that is still enjoyable at level 60 is too hard, then maybe games just don't need to be expanded indefinitely past their original level caps.

Deep rock galactic. 1500 hours. 😬

Rock and stone!

For rock and stone!

We need to bring wanderingdwarfminer back. I miss that little rascal...

Guild Wars & Guild Wars 2

I couldn't get into GW2, but I put a ton of hours into Guild Wars. My top three are probably Star Trek Online, Guild Wars, and Borderlands. Honorable mentions for Nethack and Command HQ.

Steam says Borderlands 2, but I must've accidently left it running or somethingbecause I definitely haven't played it that much.

Next would be Sunless Seas and Frostpunk at around 200 hours which sounds about right.

seems like the only game I ever play these days is the Halo Master Chief Collection.. just play through all 6 campaigns then start over again

Im not sure about total hours..

But several thousand in WoW. Back during release and for at least 5 years i played like 8 hours per day on avg. I would guess.

I would estimate 10000 - 12000 hours. Maybe a bit more.

I dont play it anymore though.

The game i have most time played on, on steam, would be Gfim Dawn. That game is amazing.

That would be:

Dota 2


Path of Exile


Mass Effect 3

Dragon Age: Origins

Apex Legends

Absolutely WoW, but Path of Exile behind that with 1900 hours...

My #1 is most likely rocket league, as i’ve ppayed 500 hours on pc, 300+ hours on switch, and many more years on the ps4 (since launch).

Second is minecraft, (or first, not sure), since i’ve been playing since 2011/2012.

Third is CSGO at 350 ish hours.

Off of what I have record of - Stardew Valley. 387 hours on Steam, just over 200 hours on my Switch, and my current file on my phone is at 87 hours - not including previous files that I do not have anymore.

That being said, there are games that I bet would be up there as well but they don't record time so I have no way of knowing.

Minecraft, which has over 200 hours on my Switch alone despite most of my play time being on PC or my phone.

Starcraft: Brood War Super Smash Bro. Melee. I don't play these two much, anymore, but when I was young and didn't have much else of a life, these took up an incredible amount of my time.

Mine should be Monster Hunter with roughly 2-3 k hours across the series. But single-game most played hours should be Final Fantasy XIV with a little more than 1.5k hours.

To be honest: Im not proud of any of this. Most of the time was accumulated when I was much younger and I wish I would've had the courage to engage in meaningful encounters with other people instead. Gaming used to be my main escape mechanism, which helped me get through some rough times, but held my personal progress behind by a good margin. A little playing on the side won't hurt though, nowadays.

I'm over 10k hours on FFXIV now... but on the plus side it's where I met my wife and some good friends, so the hours I put in paid off.

I can totally see how that did happen! It's at least a pretty social and positive community. Not like I regret the time spent, it's more like that I regret the missed opportunities I had in RL because of my anxieties. I'm so happy that you found your wife in FFXIV, that means you get to spend your lax time with them, which is amazing!

For a single game it's Factorio. Steam has me at around 1600 hours.

For a series it's gotta be Civilization. I've been playing since I was in fifth grade. I'd go over to my friend's house when he wasn't home to play Civ I. I'd spend entire weekends in college playing Civ II and III. I had to have my GF hide my Civ V disk so I wouldn't miss deadlines. And now I'm on a full playthrough of all the new civs in the latest DLC.

Warframe, just hit over 2k hours. I have a plethora of other games that are over 300 hours each like Rimworld, Fallout NV, etc

Wow I kinda blacked it out but Fallout 3 & NV consumed a ton of my time

I guess I can't know for sure, but I'd say it has to be Minecraft. I wish there was a way to see the hours I've spent in the Java Edition of the game. If it's not Minecraft though, my second guess would be Rocket League. When I add up the hours across the platforms I've played on, it comes out on top by a small margin.

I've been playing & modding Neverwinter Nights since 2005.

Amazing, what do you play/work on now?

NWN would be my all time high too, between persistent world servers and arena servers like Bastions of War.

Up until a few months ago it was Factorio. Now it's Satisfactory 😵‍💫

Probably Minecraft. But I haven't spent an insignificant amount of time in Garry's Mod either.

Europa Universalis IV by a wide, wide margin.

For Steam specifically, it's:

• Hades (214hrs)

• Octopath Traveler (111hrs)

• Skyrim (94hrs)

I should have guessed it would be Hades, but I'm really surprised to see Octopath up there instead of Slime Rancher, which somehow is way down there even though it feels way more fun. Since when has fun made something seem longer?

In general, without question:

• The Sims (played semi-religiously for almost a decade til the file became too big for my crappy laptop to risk adding any more GB to)

• Skyrim again (starting over just isn't the same once you've hit lvl 81, and I am grieving)

• Disgaea (bought 3 separate times because my sibling kept selling it to buy other things, and then a fourth when I got out on my own. Conservatively, I have beaten that game a minimum of 9 times. Would play again.)

Oblivion. It's been a few years since I sat down and added it all up, but between all of my characters, I had just short of 3000 hours into the game. Nothing else is even close to that.

I like games I can just pause and walk away from for a bit. Or just play while watching videos. So the hour counts are never really accurate. But I can safely assume in the past few years its Rimworld. It's my game I can play while doing other stuff. But if I crank up the speed it's engaging enough to focus on if I want to.

Lifetime totals it may be Minecraft though, I usually go back to it every few years. The urge comes and goes.

Mine was an MMO called Dofus

Clocked in around 5200 hours

Woaa haven’t heard that name in ages. Does it stoll exist

The biggest one I can look at the numbers at id Warframe with about 1,500 hours.

Though I have a lot more than that in League of Legends when you count SR, ARAM and TFT together. I have like 5k Aram Games, which would be probably about 9k-10k Hours on its own.

DISSIDIA NT on the PS4, at around the 920 hour mark. Guess it's sound to say that I was dedicated to mastering a couple of favourite characters for ultimately no reason. No one plays online and there were absolutely zero tournaments. SquareEnix eventually stopped supporting it.


As a series, most certainly Pokémon. Young me played the Silver version countless times back in the day. I still do the odd ROM hack now and then.

As a single game, Skyrim.

Single game would be Skyrim, series would be Pokemon or Harvest Moon. I haven't put a significant amount of time into a game or series in a loooooong time :/

500 hours is also my sweet spot I think - I don't think I have any games with significantly more than that. Here are the games I have ~500 hours in (that I can remember off the top of my head):

Breath of the Wild
Civ IV
Dark Souls
Monster Hunter World

If entire series count though, it's gotta be Civ, by a landslide.

I have about 4000 hours in CS:GO with most of my time being in community servers. About 1500 hours spent matchmaking, the rest split between surf and KZ.

On steam alone, Skyrim. Oldrim at 1500+ hours, SE at 600+ hours. Then theres Skyrim on consoles, played on PS4, xBox, and Switch... probably easily doubles that number.

Runescape by a country mile. Spend whole days with that on in the background, grinding away. 15+ years and still play almost every day.

Its either champions online or star trek online. Played them both for years and by and large did at least minimum grind on the events.

I played A LOT of World of Warcraft in college and after graduation 15 years ago, I'm a little ashamed to say I put about 2,450 hours into it, but havent played in 5 years. The next is Witcher 3 with 270 hours, No Man's Sky 240 hours and Borderlands 2 with 225 hours.

that's pretty insignificant by MMO standards, I'd say I have at lest twice, if not 3x that logged in WoW over the years, and I quit during Legion

Definitely WoW too. I mainly played vanilla to Cata and then just a couple of months here and there, especially at new exp launches. Got over 12.000 hours so far.

Top 3:

  • The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
  • The Elder Scrolls IV: Skyrim
  • Pokémon (combined)

Fuck. It could be Wario Land or Donkey Kong Country 2 (a bit later, 1996?) for me. Been playing them almost constantly since 1994 along with Mario 1-3. This gets even more fucked when you throw in all the ports, randomizers etc.

For actual hard numbers (roughly), it's Xenoblade for me.

  1. Played once on the Wii when it came out here in the UK in 2011. 107hrs.
  2. Played it again through on the Wii. This was around the same, savefile says 142 hrs.
  3. Played through it on Dolphin. Probably 80hrs or so, I don't have the numbers on this. Throw another 100 hours on.
  4. Played through it to 100% on the New 3DS port, twice. This was probably another 200+ hrs.
  5. Definitive edition. Played through once on the Switch to 100% (this took 97 hrs) then twice again on Yuzu in 4k. 150 hrs so far on Yuzu (just got to Valak Mountain in this current playthrough)

Don't even get me started on X, 2 and 3. but well worth it.

MMOs were always my thing. I'm almost glad I don't know exactly how much time I buried into World of Warcraft back in the day. I haven't touched it in 15 years and it's probably still in the lead. I play a fair bit of FFXIV these days but not like I did WoW. Asheron's Call 2 was a big part of my life for a long time but it's been offline most of my life.

Among recent games I've actively played for years, Rocket League and Minecraft are for sure at the top.

Historically? Hard to say

I had close to a thousand hours in Modern Warfare 3 and Black Ops II back in the day, but i was in middle school and gaming was the main way me and my friends hung out outside of school

If minecraft accounts tracked playtime id be at least 1k there over the years if not much more

On steam I have close to 600 in rocket league, havent played it in a while but thats the most played that i can verify

Borderlands 2, combined across systems I have over 1k hours

Soulcalibur VI and Nioh were two games i spend 500+ hours on. But if i go more back in time it's probably something like Guildwars or Elsword.

I've sunk a lot of hours into both guild wars 2 & Warframe. over 5000 apiece, iirc. but they're both MMOs, so that's not that unusual.

the standout for me in grim dawn. I'm at over 2500 hours, which seems just a massive amount for a game that's not an MMO or even an open ended, open world game like skyrim or fallout.

My top 5 would be:

World of Warcraft (easily over 10k hours, been playing since release)
EVE Online
Crusader Kings
Blood Bowl

  1. Conan Exiles - pity tencent monetized it, I had well over 1000 hours and had no intents on quiting until they riddled a 3 year old game with microtransactions.
  2. Ark - Dinosaurs are fun. Nuff said. Mixed feelings on the upcoming news. Remastered and the delays with 2 have me debating different games.
  3. Eco - was a great community game. It's dying out a lot due to the slow update process these last two years. Water updates were something I was hyped for 2 years now, and it still isn't out yet. <.<.

War Thunder, by far. Been playing it for between 1-5 hours every day for past 10 years.

MLB The Show and Star Wars Battlefront 2 (2018, co-op with my friends). I play them both every Friday night and have hundreds of hours in each.

Steam seems to think I've played chasm for 444 hours, but it must have been left on lol. Steam has me at 150-ish on Hitman 2, one of the nba 2ks, Witcher 3, and Elden ring.

Not Steam, original destiny was like 800.

I'll have to check later, but no doubt it's Factorio. I believe I'm near to or over 2k hours, over nearly 10 years of owning it.

Ut99 and after that cs1.6. I have some hundred hours on Fallout 3 and New Vegas. Recent games I think it's no man's sky because I can sneak in some play time and it doesn't require dedication like an online game

10,000 hours in DAoC. The best MMO PvP to date. Objectively.

Counter-Strike:Global Offensive. 1800 hours or so. Picking it up again the past few days and god damn am I trash after having not played regularly for years.

Ultima IV. I was mapping out the full world on graph paper, then my cat pissed all over it. :(

Next is probably Destiny/Destiny 2. Multiple thousands of hours there.

Over 2k in Rust and Mordhau, but probably Morrowind. I sank some serious time into that on Xbox as a kid.

According to Steam it’s Left4Dead. That said, Steam only began tracking use in 2009. Not only do I expect my Left4Dead hours to be much higher as I played that mainly at launch in 2008, but I also think that game would be a distant second to Counterstrike Source which I played heavily around release while I was in university.

I played WoW religiously from vanilla until Legion with very few breaks. I think I had over 3 years in game time on my main when I quit, with a few more years spread between alts.

Next would be Path of Exile, 3000 hours and counting.

After that, probably Dota 2 at 1200 hours

World of Warcraft. Estimate around 15 000 hours.

League of Legends. A tough one to estimate. Maybe around 3 000.

Then its Diablo 2 or Warcraft 3. No idea which one is left outside of my top 3 tbh.

Well Steam says I have 10,500 hours in Dota 2, but if I check the total combined time of every match I've played in the past decade+ it's actually only... 4500 hours.

Fuck me that's a lot of time and electricity wasted.

My top 3 are Battlefield 5 at almost 1500 Battlefield 1 at a bit over 1300 7 Days to Die at a bit over 1000

Breath of the wild for me. The switch only counts up to 500 hrs and I know I’m probably double that. 100% the game on master mode with very very little help from guides. I just love that game man. TOTK is great too but my heart is still with BOTW

You got all the korok seeds without a guide??

Nope that was the one thing I needed help with at the end and there was one ruins I hadn’t visited that contributes a little towards completion. Like I said though, over 1000 hours easily on the game.

How are you liking TOTK so far?

Started in 2017, still yet to get around to the final boss in BOTW, I'm taking my damn time, so TOTK will have to wait lol

It must be RuneScape. Probably followed very distantly by Pokemon, Diablo II, Skyrim, and the original COD MW2 to name a few

Battlefield 4. Was there from the buggy as shit release on the PS4 back in 2013. A little over 600 hours. Some of my best gaming memories.

How is Surviving Mars? I got it on a steam sale but haven't played it yet. Got deep into Cities Skylines by the same company so thought it was worth a download.

it's very much trickier than cities. I enjoy it but it's not without its frustrations.