Charlie Kirk Says Michelle Obama Among Black Women Who 'Steal A White Person's Slot'

YoBuckStopsHere@lemmy.worldbanned from sitebanned from site to politics – 331 points –
Charlie Kirk Says Michelle Obama Among Black Women Who 'Steal A White Person's Slot'

Affirmative action or not, Michelle graduated cum laude from Princeton after she got in. She had the same coursework as everyone else.

Charlie Kirk was unable to complete community college, and has no real college degree.

However, he does have a fake Honorary Doctorate from Liberty University in 2019 because he hated the libs hard enough.

Yeah he's basically just projecting his own inferiority complex.

Did he think he should have married Barack?

I imagine that there's quite a few people who would marry Barack, given a chance.

Honestly, every time I hear him talk I forget about the war crimes. He's too charismatic!

Pretty sure racists hate black man and white woman couples more than just about anything.

You could show me a picture of him at anywhere from 90 to 105 percent size and I would not know if it was real or not.

OMG! That's hilarious!! Thank you for that.

My favorite thing about Charlie Kirk is that, regardless of your political standing, nobody can tell if any still image of him actually has a correctly sized face.

My least favorite thing about him is his continued existence.

We should start a community here called c/FuckCharlieKirk

He’s losing relevance, time to lash out for clout.

People are slowly leaving twitter, which was his forum to rage bait. Now it's just an army of bots and idiots that agree with him. There's a reason Nazis can never keep to themselves, cuz if they did it would be like 10 people.

What an aggressive traffic cone of a human being…

You're supposed to avoid hitting traffic cones with your truck though

Did Huffpost shrink his face with photoshop or does he normally look like some kind of cursed sock puppet

Wait. Since when did we pay attention to what he says?

It's good to know what each side of the aisle is talking about. Sometimes it is pretty stupid, but they believe it.

“Loud mouth community college dropout critiques cum laude Princeton grad for not being smart enough”

When Obama was elected, I remember someone telling me, "they'll never get over this, it will break their brains." They weren't wrong.

I don't quite understand. He feels obama should have married a white woman???

You're searching for reason in an array of stupid. It's not there. He's just a racist asshole doing racist asshole shit.

I can’t even tell whether that picture of him is photoshopped or not. He has such a weird face.

It literally stopped me in my tracks. Like an android that was powered-down in the middle of his Chuck E. Cheese performance.

In any decent country, this statement is reason enough for prison.

“Arrest this person, they said something I don’t like!”

Dude’s a certified sexist and racist douche and deserves to be ridiculed for what he says, but I’ll defend freedom of speech. Doesn’t mean he has freedom of consequence, but he can say whatever he wants.

Racism is a crime, even in America.

Sadly, it is not. Hate speech is just speech in America, protected by the first amendment like any other form of speech.

Furthermore, there are zero laws that outlaw racism, because the people writing the laws have historically been the racists. They aren't going to outlaw their own words.

As racist and stupid this statement is, it's not reason enough for prison. Putting people in prison for saying something mean or dumb is the exact kind of thing the GOP would want to be able to do to anyone they deem "too woke". Let's not lower ourselves to their way of thinking.

Here in Brazil we had a politician who accidentally slipped a racist anecdote, he was forced to resign.

If he were a Democrat and he said something like that he'd be forced to resign too, but for the GOP (at least the fringes), this is pretty on brand.

For PRISON?? Over a racist statement? That's mental. I think he's a fucking racist moron but I'll defend his ability to speak freely.

Then we need to educate people better. Once you hit the point where the hegemony decides idiots are more useful to their goals it begins to breakdown. The People are left stupid and vulnerable and they begin to cling to any mouthpiece that is loud enough. A vicious cycle initiates where hatred and fear are the only offspring. If we aren't going to take education seriously we need to watch what statements people are gravitating towards. Least we wind up with the common man investing in evil ideology.

I completely agree, and wherever you live I hope that you vote on improving public education for your state. I certainly do in mine, and we're represented by people who share that mindset as well. The problem is there's a high chance you live in one of these places too whereas many other states have declining public education standards and the voting base doesn't seem to care, or actively distrusts education unfortunately.

Racism is a crime, even in America.

No... No it's not. I'm not sure where you're getting your law books from.

Racism is not a crime in America then? Can I just travel over there and go throw around racial slurs?

Yes, technically. It can be used as an enhancer (elevating an assault/battery to a hate crime) but its not a crime in itself.

Hate crimes are what you're thinking of here. Racism is awful but it's not illegal. Saying racist things and verbally harassing, threatening, or abusing people are two very different things.

"lacked the brain processing power"

Wtf?! Even if he's making the argument that it should be 100% merit based, that doesn't mean the school doesn't have strict standards. She still had to be super smart to get in.

Pretty rich coming from a semi-sentient bobblehead, who dropped out of community college.

The whole lawsuit that got rid of affirmative action was that unqualified white people were talking slots of East Asian Americans.

Which was true, they're called legacy admissions and in the end after this ruling these unqualified white kids will continue to get admitted in front of more than qualified Blacks, Asians, Latinos, Jews, and yes, even poor white, qualified applicants which this manchild jackass was never part of.

Everytime I see a picture of this ass hat his eyes get closer and closer together.

Charlie Kirk looks like he's perpetually having an allergic reaction to hair dye.

"We abducted your ancestors and forced them into slave labor after we killed off the native people fair and square!"

The most pathetic bit is that modern right-wingers believe white people won so handily because white people are somehow inherently superior, when the reality is Asians invented the gunpowder that would eventually be used used to decimate, genocide, and enforce slavery in the new world.

They're starting to get a little too comfortable saying the quiet parts out loud.

I honestly think this is a concerted effort by most of the right-wing mouthpieces to rile up the base just before election season to get them to do something stupid...........again.

Whenever I see this guy all I can think of is “lil’ bitssss…”

Yeah think of all the white women who were denied a chance to be attacked by GOP hacks for being married to a president they don't like.

Well who cares what he says. Why do we still give this bloated windbag a platform?

Awareness is the reason. Progress only occurs when the public is aware of dangers like this.

If you listen to them, the conservatives, republicans, bigots, nazis, clansmen will tell you their intentions.

A conservative, a republican, a bigot, a Nazi, and a clansmen walk into a bar. The bartender says, "Hello, Mr. Kirk."

That goes for most people, so you are correct.

He's so ugly, even Shabba Ranks and Clint Howard are going "Daaamn." His parents tried to put a paper bag on his head, but it caught on fire.