reddit fucking destroyed the plex share community. to Piracy: ꜱᴀɪʟ ᴛʜᴇ ʜɪɢʜ ꜱᴇᴀꜱ – 400 points –

I'm devastated! Holy fuck it's the end of such a great resource. Is there any other plex share communities active at all?


I'm still trying to figure out how reddit expects to "become profitable" while simultaneously destroying everything that made it valuable.

"Become profitable" is just their stated goal.

I think that their actual goal is to look profitable for the upcoming ipo so that the CEOs can cash a fat check and leave. They likely don't care about what happens after that.

So the "become profitable while simultaneously destroying everything that made it valuable" platitude is more like "they're cutting down the tree for the wood without thinking about the squirrels"


Say the IPO is 9/1/23. The company wants to do anything they can to juice the numbers for that date, even if it means on 9/2/23 it crashes and burns.

When a company prepares for an IPO, every long-term metric is thrown out the window

But there are only so many Elon's that would buy a sinking ship for a shit ton of money.

That's the dumbest part. There's no guarantee that this ipo bid is going to pan out. Huffman is betting big, it's just too bad he's so full of himself that he doesn't realize his actions will probably be what causes this ipo to fail.

He wanted to fly under the radar and make changes that look good on paper while keeping the community relatively the same. Instead he made a splash so big that major news outlets are still talking about it months later, and now he's actively alienating the volunteer work that holds the whole site together.

Not sure if I'm misunderstanding your comment but.. it's an IPO, they're going from private to public. Twitter was the opposite, which is unusual. Right now Steve Huffman is the musk of reddit.

But are investors this stupid? Who invests in an IPO without doing research on the company's activities? If they check the internet and it's countless articles about how their users and moderators are pissed and leaving, why would anyone think it's going to be profitable?

The sad thing is that reddit will probably do alright for at least a few years. It may not be an awful investment in the short term.

That said, it'll slowly burn out and investors will be left holding the bag. But that's alright, because Steve Huffman will have gotten his payday and retired to the decommissioned missile silo that he converted to luxury apartments in case of doomsday. All he had to do was fundamentally change the way people use the internet by selling the company that his two smart buddies created.

by selling the company that his two smart buddies created.

Fucking preach.

Yes. Look at the 2008 housing crash, and tell me average investors are intelligent.

They definitely do, check out WSB and Robinhood subs

Investors aren't great at seeing what makes or breaks a community. They just want to see how Reddit plans on profiting from the community.

Not necessarily, companies like Twitter make consistent losses with no real path to change that, yet its deemed to have value by investors.

It's more like "cutting down the forest to harvest the wood once" rather than "manage the harvesting so that it can be generating wood for generations". It's typical capitalism.

Very poor leadership.

Spez was smart enough to realize that there's value in aggregate votes on text content in specialized niches for training AI, but too dumb to recognize that the owners of that value are the users and moderators and not Reddit corporate, and that the greatest frontend contributions have been by 3rd party developers.

So he complained about "landed gentry" while implicitly suggesting he sees Reddit as a monarchy where he sits on the throne.

Which in turn pushed users and moderators and 3rd party developers to look elsewhere.

It's the beginning of the end for the site that for a few years now was my pick for "massive untapped and underappreciated value."

It's wild that he failed so badly in even just ad sales. Targeting my profile there based on something like a vectordb of comments, posts, and liked content would have been 1,000% more relevant than Google or Meta could have offered advertisers.

But the fool couldn't even get their basic search to work.

While many comment on how Reddit enhances Google searches, the flip side of that is how insane it is that people go to Google to search Reddit.

Incompetent man child ruins company. A story as old as companies (and part of why "founder driven startups" is such a piss poor model for entrepreneurship).

That's the thing, reddit doesn't need to be profitable for the venture capitalists to make their bag. They're trying to cash out at the IPO and have no concern for it after that.

That makes it even dumber though, surely? Lots of people invest in tech businesses that are not profitable and have no plans to become sustainable, some idiots even buy them.

It's things like user count and activity that will be more meaningful in that scenario, so one should avoid doing anything to reduce those figures.

The users reddit lost are the whiniest ad blocking power users, I'm included in this group so don't take it as an insult, maybe 3% of total users.

Reddit is still doing fine, long term the writing may be on the wall but the venture capitalist just need it to make it until September.

I mean, Reddit was already drowning with repost bots, I'm sure when the time comes they'll have tons of ""users"" generating loads and loads of ""activity"" to impress the investors

@RagingNerdoholic @BraBraBra because what they are looking at to determine profitability isn't actual profitability. They have certain metrics and they are making those metrics as high as possible. One might be, for example, ads served per page view.

I still can't figure out why anybody is using the site whatsoever.

If someone didn’t bother to use 3rd party apps, they probably wouldn’t bother to switch to a whole new platform. Also federated sites are not intuitive and lemmy is scary of you go in without understanding that.

I mean, google lemmy and you don’t get much, its not a .com but rather there’s tons of instances which would just look like fake sites. And the design of the official site doesn’t exactly scream trustworthy. Im pretty tech literate and i had to find a tutorial to join the fediverse.

Im assuming there’s a bunch of folks who just don’t care to put that effort in so they’ll just stick around until it fails to meet their low standards.

I didn't use 3rd party apps and I'm here bc fuck spez

its not a .com but rather there’s tons of instances which would just look like fake site

Exactly this. A huge amount of the major lemmy instances look like sites I would explain to my non-tech-savvy parents to avoid blindly clicking on, between domains that most browsers don't even automatically detect as links, and a ton of, frankly, sketchy af names.

I mean, Facebook is also "profitable" but it's still an utter shitehole content- and community-wise

Make one for Lemmy?

Already exists, not active at all. hence are for acting communities.

... where?
I can only find a general plex community, not one for sharing.

Give us a link. Lets talk about it how awesome plex shares are and encourage others to share their servers 😀

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It's amazing they lasted as long as they did considering most people there were selling access to pirated media and the such.

I find it insulting that you think my 9703 movie/1423 show library wasn’t legally acquired.

Doesn't really matter how you acquired it if you're sharing it without paying all appropriate licensing.

Look up, something flew past your head

Oh I got it, just wasn't as witty as you hoped. Thanks for the inane reddit level banter. I'm feeling all nostalgic.

Just found out about Plex Sharing thanks to your post. sorry I have nothing to add but im also very interested in finding one such servers.

Well unfortunately it's the worst time to find out about it haha

Are we not able to start the same Plex sharing here on Lemmy?

Already exists, not active at all. hence are for acting communities.

You gotta link, brah?

Community can't grow if you don't tell people where to go. is just a bot reposting from Reddit, I'd ignore those ones

Actually, that just makes me think that probably those communities should not be added on the LW instance? I remember the admins being quite cautious about piracy.

db0 seems a better home for them

So why not create one on a different instance then?

Go ahead.

I don’t have the interest/need for such a community. But I was just suggesting that as that would be the solution if someone is squatting on it on your local instance.

ELI5 what Plex Sharing is? Is it "stealing" of media files on unsecured PLEX servers? People freely offering of media hosted on Plex servers? And why Plex of all things anyway?

Edit: We ARE talking about the media server software, right?

Yeah it’s just folks too lazy or unable to figure out how to pirate on their own, so some entrepreneurial pirates choose to sell slots on their personal media servers.

I don’t get it.

Curious what you don’t get? There’s always people will to make a quick buck even if it’s risky and there’s always lazy people who will pay money for convenience (hence why paid streaming is even a thing)

I don’t get why people would pay a stranger and compromise their local security to access material they are 100% able to access themselves.

@some_guy @BraBraBra @_ENTER @DarkThoughts @TornadoValley people are lazy, simple as that. Plex does a good job managing security though. It's pretty secure. All validating via Plex servers. Personally, emby and Jellyfin shares are just as good. Stremio and cloudstream are the torrent equivalent to Plex media player

i get it. i run my own plex server @60tb and counting. i don’t give strangers access and i think anyone invested in consuming media should be able to set up the content locally or pay the creator. i don’t understand people who pay a shlub to run radarr and plex on a random server adminned my a stranger.

it’s idiots like OP that beg and demand free content in public spaces that end up spoiling it for the rest of us.

I admin a Plex server for my friends and family. My mom doesn't know how to pirate stuff so I mailed her a roku with my Plex already set up.

People rent out access to their plex servers. Some hosted at home, others in paid server space. What media is on them is up to whoever manages it.

Reddit destroyed a lot of communities & their own brand in the name of greed & corporate profits. Fuck them straight to hell.

Is there a jellyfin sharing community on lemmy ? I ditched Plex years ago but I'd love to share my jellyfin server with folks.

When looking through some reddit archives, I was able to find these for anyone looking to try one. The posts were from December 2022.

    • Standard and Premium plex shares available (HD and 4k streaming). Service Type: Plex Shares Server Connection: 1GbBit/s Server Locations: Europe Content offered: We offer around 32K movies and 11.8K TV shows 2K 4K Movies & growing everyday with request system in place to get the library filled with content everyone loves! Content Includes: Movies(4K and HD) TV Shows (4K and HD) Anime Kids Tv Kids Movies (4K and HD) Plex Share HD Library Access - No downloading - Request Lounge Access - Plex Pass Enabled 1 x HD concurrent stream (no transcode) - $10CAD 2 x HD Concurent stream (no transcode) - $14CAD 3 x HD Concurrent stream (no transcode) - $18CAD 4K Library Access - Content Downloading enabled - Request Lounge Access - Plex Pass Enabled 1 x 4k concurrent stream (transcoding enabled) - $15CAD 2 x 4k concurrent stream (transcoding enabled) - $20CAD 3 x 4k concurrent stream (transcoding enabled) - $25CAD
    • Serving globally for some amazing connectivity wherever you're located. Library * Movies: 54,200+ * 4K Movies 3,000+ (inc DoVi) * 4K TV Shows: 700+ * TV Shows: 12,300+ * Kids TV Shows: 600+ * Sports PPV: 700+ * Sports TV: 60+ * Sports Leagues: 5,900+ * Anime: 1,300+ * Movies (Foreign): 3,100+ * TV Shows (Foreign): 1,100+ Pricing: * 1 Stream (HD Plan) - $4.99 * 1 Stream (HD + 4K Plan) - $6.99 * 2 Streams (HD Plan) - $7.99 * 2 Streams (HD + 4K Plan) - $9.99 * 3 Streams (HD Plan) - $10.99 * 3 Streams (HD + 4K Plan) - $12.99 * 4 Streams (HD Plan) - $13.99 * 4 Streams (HD + 4K Plan) - $15.99 * 72 Hour Trial - $1.00 TRIALS: * $1/72 hour trials * Includes all libraries with exception of 4K * 1 concurrent stream w/ 1 transcode * Servers located in Europe with excellent global connectivity * Integrated Everly CDN for automatic peering globally
    • Library : Movies: 33000+ TV Shows: 9000+ Kids tv shows : 700+ Anime :1300 + 4KMovies: 1400+ 4K TV Shows: 400+ Donation Plans $9.99/Monthly $99.99/Yearly (50% off used to be $200) $249.99/Lifetime (50% off used to be $500) Server location: USA Netherland Singapore Features: All movies are 1080p and up! 10 Gbps Fiber UL/DL USA/EU

When did this happen?

Don't they have a fallback like a Discord or even a Lemmy community? If they don't that's a pretty stupid move from them IMHO.

I have some videos I might be interested in sharing on a Jellyfin server, as well as interest in viewing videos on someone else's shared server. I have a question: What options do you have for hardening security-wise? I have the server hosted on a local machine and don't wanna get pwned if I can help it.

Reverse proxy is the typical advice, but I think they're a huge pain in the ass to set up.

Check out Authelia. There are docker images with it and a proxy.

This helps but it still looks like a huge pain to me. Any time yml configuration is required, complexity always increases a lot.

Caddy in a docker container took me about 5 minutes to setup. Reverse proxying is a one-liner in Caddy

I think it was five minutes for you because you're already well acquainted with the concepts and/or tool. These are some older instructions for setting up Caddy and it's not just minutes of work for the average person. The certificate part alone would take more than five minutes, and HTTPS is a must for a smooth experience for users.

That's for Caddy 1.1

In Caddy 2 and higher it handles the cert stuff automatically with Let'sEncrypt.

Actually, looking in that guide you linked, the change to add https is a very small change in the config file as well. Perhaps you mean doing port forwarding in the router or setting up a domain/DNS is difficult? But those parts have nothing to do with Caddy itself.

Try looking at an equivalent guide for its competitors Nginx or Traefik. They're far more complex to get set up.

Okay this is neat, but still:

If you use any other domain name, Caddy will attempt to get a publicly-trusted certificate; make sure your DNS records point to your machine and that ports 80 and 443 are open to the public and directed toward Caddy.

First OP needs to configure his DNS service.

Then he needs to port forward 443 (if I'm reading the instructions correctly).

For sure, Caddy's the easiest tool I've found for this part of the chain.

DNS stuff is somewhat easy if you get a good provider, but it depends on a couple things. Port forwarding generally is a pain in the ass.

I have my Plex server in docker container that automatically restarts with the latest image once a week. I believe most vulnerabilities will come from outdated software.

Then I have nginx reverse proxying in front, I'm sure there's additional safeguards I could throw in there but my instance is private.

What happened? Was the subreddit banned?

It was "banned due to being used for spam" by reddit 4 days ago.

Reddit has been shit, but let's be honest. That sub was filled to the brim with illegal offers for money. Lawsuits waiting to happen.

This should be a reminder for all the remaining subreddits: Try to organize an alternative before Reddit brings down their ban hammer. Now that the sub is gone, how do you let the old users know where you gonna meet? Best is to have right now an active talk about a federated alternative where you can go to when spez is killing off your favorite subs. The Subs who do not have this talk, will only survive as long as reddit allows it. Save your community! Plan ahead or make the move today!

feel free to DM me if you need an invite to a good US based one

PM me if you want a UK based plex server, my guy also has US server capabilities but naturally, I can’t comment on it - if it’s anything like the UK one, it’s great!

It be nice if some private trackers offered a forum section, similar to invite section, that offered advertising these behind a certain rank.

I'm on one that is, behind a PT that you have to like apply and get into after a certain rank on the tracker.

lol @ complaining about services being removed in a piracy community

Make your own server, host it offline. You won’t have to rely on anyone else. That’s what the community is about at its core.

I don't have the time or resources for that. If you can't understand that it's not something everyone is up for then you're ignorant.

If you dont have time and resources for pirating content safely and independently, I think Hulu has a new subscriber deal going on.

I'd have to agree. I've been pirating for more than two decades but have always viewed stuff like PlexShares with disdain. It brings negative attention to the rest of us when people are doing it for profit plus I don't like that randos are charging other randos to watch free content. I share my Plex server with friends and family but don't charge because it's running for me and my spouse/kid primarily and being able to share it is just a bonus.

Plex was the alternative here, that generally covered all services. Hence the complaining bud. It served as a nice alternative to straight up torrenting etc.

Yeah it’s nice when others do all the work for you.

But this community will def help you set up your own server. Feel free to share that link out when you set it up.

I'm on quite a few discords. Hopefully when those die there will be new active communities. Until then.

If you don't have time or resources for that I'd suggest to check on Streamio or even Kodi with a Real Debrid account, you won't need anything else.

I used to do that, but found it lacking. It only offers the most popular shows. Anything slightly niche or old is generally either not available or shit quality.

Well, you did it wrong, Real Debrid caches basically anything you would ever watch, old stuff should be fine, niche stuff maybe, I am not entirely sure, but be aware that niche or specific stuff is a pain in the ass to get.

To be honest I use both solutions, the aforementioned and Plex, but my server is filled with latin Spanish content like some cartoons from the 90s and further which it would be very hard to find in good solutions, like Real Debrid, but I'm pretty sure they are available on English.

No I fucking didn't, lmao! How bizarre. Go try to find life(2007). You won't. I have access to it and I ain't paying shit. Go try to watch the entirety of 8otc does countdown. It'll start getting wonky around s13. I have access to the entirety in correct order and I ain't paying shit.

How about season 1 of the great british bake off? How about the entirety of the eric andre show? How about the gong show with micheal myers?

Seriously bro, I know my needs. Debrid is only good if you're watching whatever's on trending.

Just cracks me up when normies think that any of these things actually has access to “basically anything”. Not everything is even on the internet period

The only shows that I've noticed is impossible to find is golden balls. Would love to watch it, but it seems to not be available at all.

Other shows are findable but a headache, like who wants to be a millionaire. Even super recent seasons a lot of the guys don't want to deal with.

Well, I have found lots of links for those you mentioned, also some doesn't seem that niche since it said they are on Amazon or HBO MAX, or at least that is what reports the WatchHub add-on for Stremio... Granted with Life (2007) some links appeared to be uncached, but that can be fixed if they have at least one seed.

I didn't check all the episodes of all your examples ofc, only some firsts, middle and ending episodes, so yeah, the best way would be to you giving it a chance again I guess, but seems like you are doing totally fine with Plex Shares, and I'm glad, since this kind of not that popular media deserves to be seeded and hoarded.

The point is debrid can be patchy. I got a bit worked up lol, sorry. But yeah. Debrid is fine for most people, but for someone like who who consumes A LOT of media it does dry up when you get into the road less travelled. If plex shares dries up I will have to get into private trackers and invest in a vpn. But I have no idea how I'm going to make that set up user friendly for the rest of the family. It's gonna be a nightmare.

For what it's worth, it's very easy to accomplish that automation you're looking for. All you want is your server to have your VPN set up to your torrenting client (don't want any leaks!), then there are programs referred to as the *arrs which you simply type {name of media} and it pulls from a list of your needs (for example, pull 1080p, ignore below it) and sorts it for you (for example, push 4k to a separate library). And that's it for you, as from there it's naming what you want and your setup all does the rest.

As for f&fam, Overseer or Omni something. It's a request space they can use and it's automated so you don't have to worry about it.

So if your family can download an app/navigate to a page and type in what they want and be okay with sometimes waiting 30 minutes I think it is a pretty user friendly solution. I also think spending wise over time it does even out. A yearly sub to various steaming services themselves, just 3 for 1 year is already the cost of more than enough storage. Granted, paid options like Usenet or what you guys are talking about are a fair amount cheaper but then you're also still relying on and paying other services.

It's easy as long as you have the hardware... any kind of server is completely undoable for me. I would not be able to keep up any kind of ratio.

The only feasible way for me would be usenet block subscriptions and a 1 tb hard drive, and downloading show by season as I go.

You don't need ratios for any of this. And the hardware is just the cost of what you pay a subscription to?

What you described in the second paragraph is much more work than just setting up Sonarr.

And 1tb will go by too quickly. You want sales on hard drives that you can shuck if you're trying to be cheap and reliable. $100 for 10tb or so. It sounds like you're overthinking and over complicating it. You say the storage and shit is expensive but it's literally cheaper to get an Intel Quicksync PC for $45 and $50 for a 5tb drive. For less than $100 and plugging in 2 cables to the hard drive!

If you use it for a 9 months it pays for itself.

I literally cannot drop $100 on anything lmfao! I know my finances bro🤣. I currently pay $0 for my streaming. I'm poor as shit.

And what you mean I don't need ratios? Of course if I'm gonna use private trackers I need ratios! And also, the idea behind 1 tb is I won't hoard. I'd delete as I watch.

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Yeah, I get what you say, sometimes is better to have full control, especially with older media.

I don't think Plex Server Share are going to die because of Reddit people like to share stuff, for cheap or for free it doesn't matter, more likely they will move somewhere else, I'd check in Discord too, or hopefully they make it here someday.

If it is worth something setting up is only a pain it the ass once, when you have it set up it is a breeze with software as Sonarr, Radarr, Overseerr, Tautulli etc, you can keep using Plex.

You'd need some hardware though, I'd recommend something with Linux I do all of the above and more with a Synology NAS (DS218+), my only problem is the lack of storage.

The problem for me is the hardware. All that storage and shit is just too expensive.

Yeah I get you, especially if you want to host lots of TV shows or reality shows lol.

Sadly I don't see a workaround other than depending on illegal streaming methods like the ones I mentioned or streaming websites (I don't think they would have niche stuff though) or keep trying other Plex Shares... I mean, your current one still alive isn't it?

I'm pretty sure most of the content is retrieved from torrent and maybe usenet, so you need to make some compromises to have it working on your own.

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“I have my needs but I’m not willing to do anything to meet them other than complain online that other people aren’t doing the legwork for me”

Goddamn when did this kind of entitlement become acceptable and even encouraged in the larger piracy community?

I am meeting them champ ;) I was explaining why debrid isn't a suitable alternative. Perhaps your issue is you just have terrible reading comprehension?

For some reason you are hellbent on seeing some kind entitlement or negative angle to this, but I suppose we all get a bit curmudgeony with age. Perhaps that explain your reading comprehension too. Or maybe you're a bit bitter because I called you ignorant, hmm? Chin up lil guy.

Sounds like everyone else is meeting those needs for you, now you’re sad that people won’t share their Plex with you.

Sorry about your total lack of self reliance.

People are still willing to share their plex, the main hub where they offer it was destroyed. Welcome to the point you fucking retard.

As soon as plan b is necessary I will get to it. The point is that the plexshare community on reddit was a nice and convenient resource. That's it. Why are you such an annoying asshole?

"Gee, where's the honor among thieves? Entitlement in this community of people too good to pay for their content? How rare."

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