Gay Water Rule to – 617 points –

How do you do, fellow gays

I feel like this was designed by the straightest committee

Follow-up question: As a gay guy, what gay drinks should I be drinking?

Turns out they're legit, and partner with lgbt+ organizations. Unfortunately a lot of the lists I saw for other queer friendly companies are pretty localized to microbreweries. So as usual if you want to support lgbt+ companies, look local

Tap or filtered water. It's both gay and straight, idk how to describe it.


Feels like someone saw how easy it is to pander to conservative chuds and figured the same could be done for "gay men" (read young white liberal women). I don't see how anyone in the target demographic can view something like this as anything other than incredibly insulting.

I'm a middle aged white woman and I find this concept hilarious. But I don't want to buy it because 4% is fucking weak. I want to make my own "gay water" and serve it at parties.

Idk if I see it as insulting personally - more just out of touch


Rofl came here to comment on this one. They did not want to miss a single market segment

When you look at the material that the human mind generates, it kind of makes you look at output from AI a little different.

At least all the text is actual words.

I protest, I have a small dick, but only have some residual unconscious racism that I am actively working against!

I contest the use of derogatory "small dick energy" memes on the grounds of body inclusivity. Small dicks are valid, positive and worthy of appreciation.

Swang that thang brother, be proud of the progress. It's not about the meat, it's about the spirit that drives it.

If I see something packaged like this, I expect it to be really fruity, not just vodka and lime.

4% is kinda weak if you intend on getting the queer market.

Used to always start the night in the Castro when I lived in San Francisco. The pours are HEAVY, vodka OJ is a 16oz pint glass and like 15oz of vodka. Oh and every bar did buy 1 get 1 free until like 11pm happy hour. Basically get a solid buzz for like $10.

4% is rookie numbers.

One of my friends, a bear, took me to get a real margarita ‐‐ I think on Valencia, so Castro district adjacent --when I was 25ish. I couldn't walk straight after one.

vodka OJ is a 16oz pint glass and like 15oz of vodka.

well yeah, do you know how fucking expensive OJ is??

That area was so wild, especially around Folsom street fair times.

There was a drunk dude getting a blowjob on the windowsill of his second story apt above a bar across the street, one leg in the fucking house the other just on the bar's sign 🤣

small d**k energy

Lame. I get they might need to censor it but it's easy to cover with part of another sticker and make it look incidental.

Most depressing thing on the box is the alcohol percentage.

4% is fine, but only if it’s 90cal!

Quick edit: and this better be like &-9USD or it’s bullshit.

So this is what Alex Jones was rambling about.

I wouldn't even consider looking at what that product is after seeing it in my peripheral. Instant pass on that atrocious packaging.

At first I read SIMD bucks and I thought they must take optimizing code seriously.

It's like that energy drink the guys from the warehouse invested in in the office

What an excellent idea to force people to drink more responsibly and get alcohol back on the prohibited substances list.

Alcohol, Cannabis, Magic-mushrooms and other less debilitating "fun" substances should be regulated for personal use by adults. Scheduled substances should still be illegal but convictions should be mental health, addiction therapy and social servitude as punishments.

Clever. If you have to clean your ass, you grab a box that looks like this, and either you'll get clean or you'll forget you're dirty.