Trump calls for Supreme Court to 'intercede' against Biden after third indictment to politics – 515 points –
Trump calls for Supreme Court to 'intercede' against Biden after third indictment

"Resources that would have gone into Ads and Rallies, will now have to be spent fighting these Radical Left Thugs in numerous courts"

Or you could spend your own money

“It is Election Interference, & the Supreme Court must intercede,”

That isn't how the court works you file in whatever court has jurisdiction then appeal if you have cause. It would be contrary to standards for them to even comment at this juncture.

If he wanted to campaign unimpeded he could have simply not committed the crimes he has openly admitted to on TV


“Resources that would have gone into Ads and Rallies, will now have to be spent fighting these Radical Left Thugs in numerous courts”

Did he just admit to another crime?

I don't think so. You can put your own money into running a political campaign.

However, the IMPLICATION that he uses campaign donations for his legal defense is there. And stupid MAGA donors will believe that's how their money could be spent and that it's OK.

I can easily see a scenario in the coming months where someone asks Trump to clarify this and he confirms he plans to use campaign funds and will say that he’s allowed to.

It’s all super PAC money that has very little rules about its use. They’ve been using it thus way all along and openly raising money for legal defense. He may be admitting to exerting control over the super pac, which is supposed to be against the law, but seems to be practically unenforceable.

Meh....sorta? I'm pretty sure he can legally use campaign funds to pay legal bills relating to the election interference cases, since the cases are sort of tied to actions made during his 2020 campaign. But AFAIK he cannot do so with the classified documents case, since it has no direct connection to his election campaign.

But even if part of it IS legal, given his propensity to break the law whenever possible, it probably should warrant another investigation if nothing else.

He ran again because it was the most profitable thing he has ever done. Him and his family made billions.

There's a part of me that believes he only ran again because, aside from his ego, he believed it would make him immune to indictments.

Unfortunately Mango Mussolini could even be arrested and still win the presidency from prison... (Although it is a good thing the rules exist in that way)

Horrible hypothetical: he wins and pardons himself of all federal crimes, but he’s still convicted of state crimes in NY and GA and has prison sentences. What happens?

Constitutional crisis. Decent band name, horrible time to live through.

Reminds me of the old Chinese curse, ”may you live in interesting times.”

I would like to have a few less historic years please.

I know it's not a Discworld reference, but I couldn't help but think of Interesting Times

Nixon was apparently warned against trying to pardon himself because no man can be judge over his own case. Clear conflict of interest.

Idk how well that would hold up now as a reasoning, considering…. gestures broadly

When Nixon was president we also didn’t have public indoctrination stations like Fox. Nixon being accountable for Watergate was why Rupert Murdoch created Fox

So my question is, if he won the presidency from prison, would they let him out of prison during his presidential term? Would the White House temporarily have some black bars on it?

There is neither precedent or written rules for it. Whatever happens will be a case of 'made up as we go along'

Imho that’s reason enough not to find out.

Imagine the global reputation hit from a convicted treasonous felon being the leader of the country… woof. So much worse than him just having the support of such a huge swath of the country..

Imagine if every presidential public appearance, he has to do it wearing his orange jumpsuit.

Thank God he's not smart because if I were him and doing these things on purpose I would wear that orange jumpsuit as a Red badge of courage and end up becoming emperor or at least Hitler part 2 electric boogaloo.

There’s a part of me that believes he only ran again because, aside from his ego, he believed it would make him immune to indictments.

He should have listened when Liz Cheney, and more importantly her father, said he wouldn't be allowed near the Presidency again.

IMO this is mainly a way to communicate talking points to his supporters. They want to start a lot of talk about Biden's "election Interference" to make it feel like this is something both sides do but only Trump is getting charged for.

If he wanted to campaign unimpeded he could have simply not committed the crimes he has openly admitted to on TV

For being the party that supposedly represents "law and order", Republicans really seem soft on crime (at least on the ones they continually committed).

Did he just say he was going to use campaign funds for personal benefit?


Can't the SCOTUS adopt cases they think have some sort of importance outside of the apeal system? I thought I heard of them just recently doing that on a case they ruled on.

Typically they don't but this supreme court has already shown what it thinks of established legal procedure.

adopt cases

there is no case to adopt.. he wants them to create one or something, i don't know.. neither does he..

Yeah, basically the attorney general of some states claims that there was a business that was harmed by certain laws, which the business deny that they were harmed, but the supreme Court heard the case anyways and ruled that the business was actually harmed by said law so it was overturned.

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That's because Trump was trying to use the Justice Department to forward his own interests, so he assumes that any other president does/did the same thing.

and by implying that, he discredits the government in general, which is always his purpose

Please don't infer that sort of "4D chess" nonsense. This is not an act or a strategy. He's exactly as stupid as he appears.

no it's something you need to understand about him.. he's just like a mafia boss, or he learned it from them..

What you need to understand about him is that he's a fucking idiot.

thank you.. i appreciate that.. very helpful.. i'll let you know if i need more from you, alright..

His purpose is staying out of prison. Discrediting the government in general is a means to that end.

and stuffing his pockets with anything he can get his hands on in the chaos

So... he did just admit to using election funds for his personal legal battles, which is illegal... right?

If the Supreme Court got involved it would destroy it. No one with any common sense is helping Trump, those that do also go down with the ship.

Yeah, we've passed the tipping point where fear of prison outweighs the fear of retaliation from Trump and his MAGA idiots.

It would all be up to how the Executive and Legislative branches react to the court's actions. The House is Republican controlled and will likely side with the Supreme Court, thus rendering Congress from acting. Meanwhile, Biden isn't even willing to change the courts, let alone challenge their legitimacy. He will likely go with whatever the Supreme Court decides in order to appear like he's being impartial or bipartisan, when the reality is he will always be accused of sabotaging the Republicans by the Republicans.

That would only leave the people to react to the Supreme Court's decision, which if its anything like Dobbs or any other protest over the last 20 years, The Supreme Court has nothing to worry about.

I believe the smart move is to let it all play out and not cause a Consitutional Crisis. There is no reason to destroy our government for someone like Trump. If I was running against him I'd be trashing him ruthlessly. Don't give him any respect.

Sounds like you should rename to YoBuckStopsUnlessItInconveniencesMe

How would Biden “change the courts?” (I presume you mean Supreme Court)

He has already nominated a liberal justice, which was about the only thing he had the power to do. With a minority in the house and the ever slimmest majority in the senate, expanding the court or taking down one of them for corruption is not going to happen.

If you want to change the courts, it has to be done by voting blue in state and local elections.

Plenty of people with common sense are helping Trump and don’t for a second think otherwise.

If they help Trump and he wins there is a windfall for the corrupt and power hungry. If trump doesn’t win, nothing happens to them and the system is weakened for the next one.

They win by playing, a weak rule of law is the end goal.

This can't be understated enough. He wants to break the rule of law and have his minions run amok creating chaos so he can come to the rescue and become the next great white hope.

The thing you're forgetting is that the Republicans on the supreme Court have NO shame. They've been caught red-handed taking the most extraordinary bribes. And they are simply getting away with it, because Republicans in the Senate will not hold them accountable.

For Republicans, holding on to power is far more important than any sense of integrity or duty or honor or stewardship.

At this point the Republicans are really and truly all in on fascism. If Republicans on the Supreme Court decide to intercede on Trump's behalf, they will make up excuses to do it. They did as much with Bush v Gore, and the court has only become more polluted by fascism since then.

It's pretty amazing that a guy who has picked up several dozen felony charges in the last few months has this little idea of how the legal system works.

You're forgetting that he is the smartest person to ever live. So of course he knows.

you don't have to think if you depend on paying others to do it for you. unfortunately, for him, it's finally catching up.

Trump, the top contender in the Republican presidential primary, claimed that dealing with numerous ongoing legal battles amounts to “election interference” — the very thing he is accused of conspiring to do in his latest indictment.

He's doing the DARVO thing again. Since he's being accused of election interference, he's using the "NO U" defense, and hoping "his people" at the Supreme Court bail him out.

It doesn't work that way. If he wanted to have his time free to campaign, maybe he shouldn't have done so much crime to begin with.

"It is Election Interference, & the Supreme Court must intercede," he wrote.

The first four words seem relevant to him, just not in the way he means.

Donald Trump is right! It's absolutely inappropriate for Biden's politically appointed Attorney General to prosecute Trump!

... Wait? What's that you say? Biden's Attorney General famously dropped the ball on even INVESTIGATING Trump? And ... What's this? An independent special counsel was appointed EXPRESSLY for the purpose of making sure that investigations of Trump's criminality were handled by someone who doesn't report to Biden or anyone else in Biden's administration?!

In his world he thinks the DOJ operates as the presidents arm. This is one of many reasons he is a bad president

Banana Republic energy here.

Orange Republic*

On a related note of citrus, I think that henceforth lemmy users should call themselves lemons.

So he’s asking what, the Supreme Court to cancel the election and give it to him as a handicap?

'I am a whiner, and I keep whining and whining until I win'

whining and empty threats, don't forget those.. just like his weak pal Putin.. nothing but whining and empty threats..

Who knows, maybe the supreme Court can retroactively elect Trump in the 2020 election! They can order Biden out of the White House tomorrow.

/S. ... Just trying to spitball what's probably going through Trump's mind right now.

I don't think he knows how SCOTUS works...

Squirm motherfucker! Prison soon!

People really need to tamper their expectations. I dunno what universe you live in, but I live in the one where a rich ex president gets away with his crimes and never sets foot in jail, because sadly that's the reality. It would never be allowed to happen.

I agree... But 4 months ago, no former president has ever been indicted. Now Trump has been so 3x, with a fourth on the way in GA. the walls do seem to be closing

Also it's temper not tamper

No one thought we’d ever see an insurrection like Jan 6. and no one ever thought an ex POTUS would ever be indicted. Yet, here we are. He’s going to be convicted and he’s going to prison.

no now is when we howl for blood.. anybody with a backbone knows that.. what you just described is the way things work in Russia.. where everyone is a coward..

That's just unacceptable though. And people who keep saying this are only giving more credit to this idea. They keep saying the law applies to everyone so we are going to find out for sure if that's true. He can be stripped of that secret service perk. You don't get the perks of being a president if you are a criminal. Why would you? Let him fight it from his cell if he wants

Yeah right, the supreme Court has no actual jurisdiction over anything. What are they going to do, send in the army to free Trump?


he must not be getting enough help in Congress outside of the usual loonies so he's moving on to another branch of government.

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If he buys Clarence Thomas a new RV or something he might actually get his wish.