šŸ“¢Entire mod team on r/mildlyinteresting removed and locked out of their accounts after changing their rules upon community's request. (They're also switching subs BACK to SFW)

dav01d@lemmy.world to Mildly Infuriating@lemmy.world – 214 points –
šŸ“¢Entire mod team on r/mildlyinteresting (and more subs) removed and locked out of their accounts after changing their rules upon community's request. (They're also switching subs BACK to SFW) - RedditMigration to the "Threadiverse" - kbin.social

At least they took a stand. Thousands of other subs who got the same ultimatums just gave in no questions asked, no malicious compliance.

I can understand that, lot of smaller sub are build by themselves, not wanting to lose something you spend so much time building to some random smug is pretty much human, it isn't about holding that jANitOr job. I've seen a country sub i frequent goes from 4 digit to 6 digit in the span of 6 years, it's a lot of works. Also sub like r/projectzomboid is established by the company and mods are paid position, getting kick out is...weird lol.

The issue is, because it's "understandable", it's also what gives spez the power here. If they weren't willing to go all the way, they needn't have bothered with the blackout at all. There was never any actual hope spez would change his mind from a 2 day blackout, anyone that knows anything about how he's handled things in the past should have known this. This was always going to be a standoff.

Besides, after everything spez has done, these mods shouldn't want to be modding for the site anymore. Spez has displayed a level of malice and disrespect for everyone, especially them. Why give him free labor?

That's all it is. Every minute you spend moding reddit is polishing the investment you will never see a single dime of. Spez is going to get a good deal of money off you while spitting on you, and you will get nothing but saliva. Continuing to mod there is an acceptance of that.

Also, let's be real, this isn't the end of it. Reddit will continue to get worse as Spez continues down the Musk-path. Users already can't block certain advertising accounts; I promise you a day is coming when mods won't be able to stop them in their own communities if they decide to post there. Mods will be forced to make their communities adhere to even stricter "ad friendly" content guidelines, just like YouTube. Etc etc, on and on, ad infinitum. Why stay there for all that?

This is the time to leave, to find a new place to start your communities again, get in early and find places as mods around here.

Spez has displayed a level of malice and disrespect for everyone, especially them. Why give him free labor?

Especially when it reinforces his batshit delusions of being a post-apocalypse slavemaster: "I also have this somewhat egotistical view that Iā€™m a pretty good leader. I will probably be in charge, or at least not a slave, when push comes to shove."

Money and fame make you fucked in the head.

Have you noticed that all of those loud doomers are the rich Silicon Valley type? Him and Sam Altman and Musk et al. I mostly think that their main product is not tech, but fear, so they can sell themselves as the Messiahs of the unwashed masses and the only people responsible enough to control their technology.

These tech people really need to read more sci-fi, even their delusional doomer scenarios are just so unimaginative.

That's pretty evident given that they don't actually produce anything themselves. Musk's not smart, he's not even a halfway good leader. He can't even do the shitty things without relying on others like the local governments to let him break unions or whatever. That's just the billionaire way, they're all fully reliant on others and the only reason we'd let them be in charge of anything is because, for some vague reason, we think they should be.

If ya can't be good without cheating, ya aren't that good.

If spez tried to tell me to do anything in a post apocalyptic scenario, I would use him as bait to catch food.

"Every minute you spend moding reddit is polishing the investment you will never see a single dime of. Spez is going to get a good deal of money off you while spitting on you, and you will get nothing but saliva"

That's why I MANUALLY(R***** won't care deleting, cause those are, of course, their source for investment, so only I have to) delete all my posts, comments, history, profile and account including disjoining communities and connections (takes time šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø but at least relieved from fear), forever and tough (let it gošŸŽ¤šŸŽµšŸŽ¶), so that, the ungrateful head won't ever milk anymore information I had put.

Information(data stored on databases) has made their success and profit(of course necessary but became greedy), and now they disgrace and maltreat the ones who'd helped the site flourished to become a wonderful world we'd ever wanted.

I won't allow them to exploit any information from me whether personally, actually or technically (even a short comment or pic or data or a bit of silly word) for malice with AI coming(already here happening) to Internet.

Do to do fair action.

I think you're reading too much into it. Active users is where the money is, not outdated data. Just dont login or otherwise engage with reddit -that's what hurting them in the long run

The end result is the same so what did that stand achieve exactly

At least they don't donate their time and effort to Reddit anymore.

Looks like the nazis are gonna win might as well pack it in and accept it...right?

Presumably now there's no one moderating the sub?

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Steve Huffman is pissing all over Aaron Schwartz's grave, and completely abandoning the ideals that was once a foundation of Reddit. Reddit was originally open source, Aaron died in 2013, and by 2017, Reddit had abandoned the open source / community philosophy entirely.

Never forget Aaron Schwartz.


I have to believe Aaron would be leading the charge to Lemmy if he were still alive today.

I remember when Ellen Pao was the nightmare and spez wasn't yet perceived as the fuck he actually is. Different times, I guess the devil you know is better sometimes. Otherwise you get spez, fuck spez.

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Intellectual property law is such a farce. It's wild that he was on the hook for THAT hefty of a prison sentence just because he downloaded academic articles which should on principle automatically be in the public domain.

Absolutely, the way he was treated was criminal IMO. It's horrendous that such practically illegal law enforcement isn't held accountable. They twisted everything against him, and ignored all his rights completely. Secret service behaved like mobsters, and their accusations were complete bogus.

I'm so happy I live in a country where the law and enforcement is much more sensible. IP law is still important, but they won't destroy you for breaking it.

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All I have to say about this is that this was a blessing in disguise for me. Iā€™ve never heard of the fediverse until this Reddit fiasco happened. Iā€™m having a lot better time here being part of something new and it feels good to start fresh.

Same. I've been diving into Linux and open source and self hosting lately anyway, and at the same time you're telling me open source social media is a real thing and gaining in popularity? Count me in.

they didn't follow Reddit's "Moderator Code of Conduct", here's a summarized version for anyone who wants to take their place:

Rule 1: Suck Steve Huffman's dick.

Rule 2: Suck u/spez's dick.

Rule 3: Suck it all the way to the balls.

Rule 4: Suck it like it is the most delicious shit in the world.

*New rules:

Rule 6: You are not allowed to put anything other than Steve Huffman's or u/spez's dick in your mouth.

Rule 7: Pay Steve Huffman and u/spez 20 million dollars a year each for sucking their dicks.

When you think about the situation, it's really just Reddit cracking down on unionsā€¦ Of unpaid workersā€¦ Who are defending customers' interestsā€¦ Which in turn support themā€¦ And all of this while pretending that they crack down on unions for the benefit of customers. That's a really shitty move Reddit is pulling out right there.

Yeah, thats the funny part, those mods were unpaid. They have no rights to do anything just to obey reddit.

Reddit is picking a fight with the internetā€¦

Which would win in a fight, 100 Reddit-sized Internets or one Internet-sized Reddit?

They'll win in the end when the internet gets board like always. Still, it'll be fun to watch burn, knock some value off the IPO.

remember Tumplr? Yeah, I don't either

How the f do they win this?

Morally? Nah that train left.

Technically? I guess when it comes to user counts and influence there's nothing really to gain and a lot to lose as well.

Monetarily? Nope. They lost trust, which loses users and stability as well as belief in the platform. They will decrease earnings from investors, selling user data and potential ads.

I don't see a win here...

Bit crazy watching Reddit devolve to FAST.

I guess disaster movies are right, we do go straight to hell real quick.

That's what you get when you model your behaviour as CEO on Elon fucking Musk.

If the mods of mildly Infuriating want to jump ship they are more than welcome to have their old positions back!

I am also sure for those of mildly interesting they also would find it easy establishing a mildly interesting community here on Lemmy. I know I would join it!

Looks like they are removing posts about it in reddit too. The main subs are scrubbed of all mention now.

Reddit is going to do whatever the fuck it wants and will gladly fuck over the mods and users in the name of shareholder interests. These actions are chilling for anyone still considering building a community using Reddit.

"You have to do what the users want, unless the users don't agree with us." -Reddit admin.

I needed a kick in the ass to get me here, and the second and third and ... waves of reddit fuckery finally got me to join. It's a shame. Reddit was once a good place on the internet. Now it is entirely enshitified.

Agreed. Seeing mod teams get nuked was what drove me away.

I went back today...i have some plant id subs left and a couple of things that are still good, but yeesh, i had a lot to do today and i ended up wondering what is going on there. At this point there are things that are not safe for life, dammit. Cool to have this place now, i have to say.

They should migrate to lemmy.

Just did.

What a fucking circus that reddit has become in just the last couple of weeks.

I was still popping last week, but its all but slowed to a trickle at this point. Reddit fucking sucks today, and I say that as a 12 year user who thought it sucked 3 years ago.

Yes. 16 year Reddit user here. The last pieces of the puzzle with themes and moving to lemm.ee are falling into place for me. Lemmy's front page is now more interesting than Reddit. Very much reminds me of the Reddit I joined. Way more intelligent and topical.

Misread and thought you were saying you were 12 at first. You're very mature for your age!

There needs to be a massive resignation of reddit moderators.

If reddit refuses to hear the mod's voice, why would anyone give them their labour for free?

Let the power-tripping mods stay, and let the sane mods come to other platforms. Let the site go to shit or make Reddit spend millions investing in its own moderation team.

I closed down my subs and moved here and started new ones. I'm not looking back. My subs were only moderated by me, so they can hire someone if they want to open them up again.

It would be better if the mods stopped moderating, without removing themselves. Just let the communities become overwhelming cesspits, making it that much more difficult for the admins to scrub. That is the nuclear option, though, and it seems that the mods actually have hope for Reddit to compromise.

Yeah, they're gonna keep ruining Reddit while we steadily migrate here. We're just being a pain in the ass on our way out.

Someone told me i was going to get banned for saying i joined lemmy.world on reddit.. and it's like.. Okay?? This site is shit now anyways, so you're going to ban me for using a different website, that's a great way to retain users during your mass-user revolt crisis.

Probably specifically because the admins (Spez) don't want people hearing that competition exists

Back when there was exodus from digg people started posting links to stories on reddit to digg. I think the same should be done right now.

Make sure you're willing to abruptly lose your Reddit account if you do. Reddit admins are being pretty cunthroat about this all.

Is there a value in an account you aren't planning to use on a site you don't like anymore? I think many people will wear "being banned for advocating to migrate" as a badge of honour.

I've joined here because I think Reddit's quality is going to tank after June 30, but I downloaded Jerboa and it doesn't seem to accept my credentials, regardless of instance. I'm confused.

You point your sign in on Jerboa to the instance you created the account on, in this case, lemmy.world. If you're having issues with that, wait a bit and try again. If you still have trouble, try posting in the jerboa@lemmy.world community.

you created the account on, in this case, lemmy.world.

Oh hey! I didn't know you could manually enter the instance - I thought you had to choose It let me log in! Thanks so much for the tip! :)

FYI, the web page itself is a progressive web app. This means you can go to the web page in a mobile browser and click "add to home screen" and a shortcut shows up that behaves like an application. I think Jeroba will eventually be better than the PWA, but it's not there yet in my opinion.

I did all of mine through jerboa. I don't have much to offer but, dumb question, did you verify the account in the email? I had a weird sign in issue, not realizing verification was needed

No major issues with jerboa from me but I find the mobile website here better right now. These apps need love and are usually open source so they can use help!

Spez must leave. Meanwhile, the ones leaving are the ones that create the content that gives them visits and money. Very good decisions, yes. What a shame, Aaron Swartz would be shocked and furious, no doubt!

The dead can't say one way or another how they would have felt, and using them as a voiceless weapon is pretty shitty.

What Spez is doing is bad enough on it's own. There's no need at all to disrespect the dead like that just to shore up your righteousness.

As much as I should be happy to see power mods like iBleeedOrange and AwkwardTheTurtle get served a taste of their own medicine, it pisses me off that this is the hill that Spez chose to kill them on.

Unfortunately Spez will have to do so much worse to truly kill off the site.

Well that went just as I expected it to. The admins are still the admins. They're the top of the power totem and that's that.

Honestly this protest's only purpose shouldve be to raise awareness of alternatives and tell people "were leaving Reddit, and this is where we're going" while we still can. Because Reddit is private property, and therefore will always be subject to the whims of its admins - regardless of how people believe it should be run of if people think it should tolerate protesting against the platform on the platform.

Everyone should've been aware that this protest could only have been temporary.

Sure we reminded them of the power we possess, but they've essentially reminded us that they possess more, and can remove that power regardless of how the community feels. Admins are and have always been at the top.

No one had any illusions about how this was going to go. The point was making them do it. The point was forcing Reddit into a PR nightmare just before their big IPO. The point was giving this platform traction. The fact that this post exists on this platform is proof that the mods succeeded. Sure, Reddit is still huge.. but with entire mod teams being replaced with Spez bootlickers it remains to be seen whether they can maintain what they have, or if this is Digg all over again.

It's hard to predict what will happen, but I'm here, and you're here, so something is happening.

I don't think reddit will die, but they definitely hurt themselves. The fediverse grew by leaps and bounds over the past week, reddit drove so much traffic to their potential competitors. Then when the 3rd party apps die, they'll lose some more.

Reddit is gambling on gaining enough revenue from pushing people on 3rd party apps to 1st party that it makes up for the loss of users overall.

People on reddit say "Why do we care about 3rd party apps, it's such a small section of the userbase" But apparently reddit cares enough about that small section of the userbase that they need to push them to their own app.

I said this elsewhere, but this isn't the end of reddit. The end of reddit will be when everyone on the site says "God i'm tired of all these fediverse/(some shittier platform) reposts, why am I even here?"

Nobody said it makes sense.

We'll see in a few days what the people end up choosing. I'm not going back unless demands are met, but I do have a tiny glimmer of hope that the people will let it go as apps disappear, and a slightly larger glimmer of hope that it'll just kinda shrivel over the following months and years.

But, in all likelihood, people are dumb, and spineless and ignorant, and will continue to make spez money and the durability of the site will endure. It'll be worse, but not worse enough for the vast majority of normal people to not use it. I have hope, but it's simply hope in the face of my ever growing misanthropy.

Honestly just the fact that the protest gave awareness to viable reddit alternatives is good enough. And the blackout helped in that regard to force users to search for alternatives (like me). Obviously subs will be forced back open, but people have options now with whole communities here that literally did not exist weeks ago.

I never thought I'd side with Disney on anything, but then came Ron DeSantis. I never thought I'd side with Reddit mods on anything, but then came spez.

Yeah, huh. It's weird how that happened. Disney, ruiner of many small companies and destroyer of the purpose of copyright law on a deeply greedy level, goes against a sociopath nazi white nationalist, probably kkk.

Ten years ago, I liked Disney stuff but hated what they've done to the freedom of law and ruining the opportunities of many.

But here we are, post-2016 trump era, the world is way, way worse, and my activist political aunt was right.

She said to me, back then at a family get together after dinner, that electing trump is an extremely scary thing and would be bad.

I asked her what's the worst that could really happen.

She kinda stared back at me, as if to gauge what to say. Then said that he was the type of person that brings all the awful things out from under their rocks, and told me to keep my eyes open and pay attention, because if he got elected, the next 4 years will be the type of history that only happens once in a lifetime.

She was 100% serious, as if she could see the future. But she was just in her 60s, big gay, from DC, and confident and loud. I can still see the the look of dread and sorrow on her face as she said that to me, and I doubt I'll ever forget it.

Power typically begets more power, and the only way to fix it is to forcefully bend it to your will over and over again. I can't believe Disney is where our trust is for civil rights, but, I guess it can always be worse and Disney knows that and is using us for support. It's not great.

Fuck spez.

It's like boomer sociopaths grew old enough in their time, and were like "yeah, ruin everything, yeah yeah". But then millennial sociopaths grew old enough and are now like, "hold my coke..." Can we reign this shit in for the future generations at least? Because it's awful.

Sadly trump is not likily to be once he may be back by end of next year

She kinda stared back at me, as if to gauge what to say. Then said that he was the type of person that brings all the awful things out from under their rocks, and told me to keep my eyes open and pay attention, because if he got elected, the next 4 years will be the type of history that only happens once in a lifetime.

Your aunt was right, but there is a positive force to this happening. It's like boiling chicken stock. It raises the scum to the top which makes it easier to remove. While it stirred up a mess for us, that mess was always there. Now we can at least easily spot it and collectively work towards removing it.

Honestly, I've thought about that, too. Like what if electing trump was just a catalyst for good change? We see all the shitty stuff that we're not immune to (no pun intended), and then steel our resolve to be better.

Frankly, I'd rather just be done with all the nonsense, but if the last several years have taught me anything, it's that we are ALL dumb as fuck and need to work on ourselves, myself included. Humans just aren't quite ready. We may be, someday... But right now, I think it's best we learn to overcome what our problems are by looking deeply into a mirror and working on that.

I kinda wanted to be able to see that galactic civilization, but I'm now aware that we have never been ready for it, and need to stop pretending we don't have issues and blind spots.

mildly infuriating is an understatement, this is insane...

We need /c/infuratingasfuck

I'd say that's a little more than just "mildly" infuriating.

But reddit had made its bed.

I was going to wait until the 29th to erase my content and delete my account, just in case the board woke up from their torpor, decided to stop the hemorrhaging and remove Spezā€¦ but now that Reddit is violating their own TOS commitments, and I just got my personal data download request filledā€¦ I guess Iā€™m starting now.

This was just recommended to me: https://github.com/j0be/PowerDeleteSuite

Disclosure: I know nothing about who created this and havenā€™t used it yet myself.

Notes on PDS:

  • It goes too fast and most of its edit operations are rejected by Reddit's rate limiter, so each run will be roughly 5% successful. Several forks fix the issue by introducing a delay, so make sure to use one of those or make your own.

  • Reddit restores comments and revert edits at random. Maybe due to some backup restore due to all the drama. I re-run PDS every day.

  • Deleted comments can be read and restored by mods. Edited comments make the original comment unavailable.

Reddit needs suckers. People who are expendable, do as they're told, and don't ask questions.

They cannot remove a post's NSFW tag if it has NSFW in the title.

That's absolute garbage. I am mostly on Lemmy now, but I unsubbed from mildly interesting anyway.

This entire fiasco has been a blessing in disguise. Reddit's CEO and admins showing their true colors woke up a lot of people. Their behavior is disgusting and unethical.

nuking entire mod teams and disabling their accounts? wow.

Sad, but reddit shoots themself just more in the foot.

This isn't just mildly infuriating, this is extremely infuriating

Wow, watching the Lemmy user activity skyrocket (signups sans bots, it's still the starting wave of the mass exodus, exponential growth curve at its start) is just amazing.

How do we know when things are bots?

Several admins made it known that instances without captcha verification were getting bombarded with account verifications (lemmy.world got shut off from their email verification for a bit, even), and enabling captcha solved the issue. That only really happens with bots.

You can also see fairly dead instances getting 10s of thousands of users without any corresponding activity. That's a pretty big sign there.

I started Lemmy last week. I was only going to Reddit for Ukraine stuff and now the Ukraine war video sub is GONE. Amazing how much they have fucked this all up in such a short period.

Incoming "this is always gonna happen", "i've predict this" and then the crowd who criticise them for bowing down to Reddit to keep their "unpaid job" is suddenly very silent.

Those are not contradictory positions. In my opinion, we all did know this was going to happen. And also, any mods that rolled over to continue doing an unpaid job just to retain some form of power are bitches.

Being forcibly removed was the best way to go out, I respect it.

And also, any mods that rolled over to continue doing an unpaid job just to retain some form of power are bitches.

Sincerely disagree about that.

If you are willing to do an unpaid job, for a company that has essentially spit in your face, than you have lower standards than me.

And if you're doing it just because you're afraid to let go of whatever pathetic little power you have established there, then your ideals don't align with mine, and I see you as a bitch.

And if youā€™re doing it just because youā€™re afraid to let go of whatever pathetic little power you have established there, then your ideals donā€™t align with mine, and I see you as a bitch.

Well, the problem is on you then.

Agreeing with them being a bitch doesn't make them less of a bitch.

I wouldn't say boo if everyone hadn't been so unanimously Gung ho two weeks ago or whatever, but watching those people falter THE SECOND their power is threatened after talking all that good shit, yeah they "bitched out."

A kind reminder that the one getting removed now are the one being called a bitch 2 days ago because they open up their sub but instead running it like normal they maliciously compliant with the admin.

Now i do find that change of opinion a lack of principle or whatever heck they wanna call it.

For me, I respect the hell out of the mods that went down swinging, and for the ones that are not willing to burn it all down or just walk away I can definitely empathize with how they might be feeling.

Personally it has been heartbreaking to completely shut out all of the communities I was a small part of, and it must be infinitely worse for the ones that have put in all the effort.

That's the problem with people calling them bitch or loser. The moment i saw anyone calling them "unpaid mod" or "janitor" is the moment i don't argue with them, because they started in such a wrong step it's hard to even correct them.

Why is it bad to call them unpaid mods? That's exactly what they are.

I'm not the one with compromised principles.

But the one with lack of understanding and empathy.

Empathy for hypocritical mods? Listen, I know it has to be hard to leave or move a huge community you worked hard to build... I'm empathetic to that, but my empathy or lack thereof doesn't detract from my points.

any mods that rolled over to continue doing an unpaid job just to retain some form of power are bitches.

Personally, I don't believe that POV is fair. As someone who, with a small group of friends, started a sub that has grown to 100k people and is the most active internet community for a niche gaming segment - i personally think it's not that easy to judge. I have not been active on my sub in years, and I leave the job up to the new guard, but I can completely respect the decision to want to keep something you invested in building alive and a positive influence in the area it affects. It's easy to armchair QB stuff like this and judge others decisions, but to just generalize and say "better to die than to think something else is better in the bigger picture" is a bit of a cop out imo.

It's easy to judge for anyone with principles. I would have officially moved the community before shutting down the reddit community or being forcibly removed from it.

Anyone that feigned outrage or protest that stays is a hypocrite.

hard disagree. This isn't black and white, you can do some of both and that is not wrong or unprincipled. Thinking otherwise is just simple minded.

I mean, you're not countering anything. Explain the nuance and how you maintain those principles that contradict each other and are not an absolute fucking hypocrite then.

Because if you're a mod and you say, I don't really care that much about this issue, my sub is going to keep running. Cool, that checks out logically. If you say, I really care about this issue, I'm going to protest it, but not with any real consequences. Then you are a fucking bitch. You'd rather be subservient to a company that doesn't respect mods or it's users than give up any bit of power or work established while simultaneously pretending to care as long as it doesn't impact you then you're a hypocritical bitch.

Iā€™d say itā€™s actually a fairly black and white situation considering continuing to use Reddit is proving spez exactly right while adding more free value to them for their IPO.

I would do everything in my power to move over to a different community and not give them another click ever again that they can try and monetize. Iā€™d understand if these were paid positions but theyā€™re not, thereā€™s no reason to stay. If the communities end up going poorly afterward that is on Reddit and what they deserve.

That depends on the principles. And it is at least unkind to implicate he doesn't have any. Both of you are making valid arguments, even if they are mutually exclusive. Also, both of you fail to see this from another perspective. It's like you're looking at a dice from two sides and argue about which numbers are visible. Sometimes it helps to turn things around and look at them from different angles. I'd bet it would at least improve the tone of this conversation.

I understand that moving a community here would be difficult, and you're going to lose users over it. But, it's not impossible, many other subs have done it... so if his position is that he is not willing to roll up his sleeves to do that work, then he can't simultaneously bang on the drum that he really cares about this issue.

Some communities do serve an important support network for many people (things like places for closeted LGBT+ people to express themselves when they live in anti-LGBT+ areas, etc). They're sometimes more than just a place to get dopamine hit while bored at work.

For sure, but if you are a mod of that type of community, wouldn't you want to move to a platform where you have actual control? It's 3rd party apps being targeted and ad-driven policies that overthrow mods today but how are you going to protect your community if they come after you next? You can't on that platform, it's their platform, it belongs to them, they can do what they want, so if you set up your camp there, you need to think twice about it, especially if you are a steward to others.

Look at how transphobic Twitter has become recently. Look at how all these profit driven companies have fucked their users over the years, there is example after example with Google, Facebook, Twitter, Twitch, and Reddit now. It's a major reason why I got into selfhosting different services at home, and I consider us fortunate to also have alternative federated services to replace these social sites and gain some control and privacy back in a like manner.

I totally agree and have made a similar argument on Reddit in one of those spaces as well. I think it's worth purposely killing those existing communities to get people to move. Boring malicious compliance + a link to the new home is how egg_irl has been handling it and I think it's how others should as well (I have complaints about where they're moving the community to, but that's a separate issue). The mods have explicitly stated they're trying to make the sub boring to get people to leave.

But I won't insult mods of a less meme-focused support network who believes that putting up with reddit is worth it to help provide as much of a safe space on Reddit as they can. I think they may be acting in what they believe to be the best interests of others, likely at their own expense (in terms of time and sanity). Diversity of tactics are cool

Why is this shared here? It's already on a reddit focused community. Plus why is it on Philippines?

What do you mean? It's shared here because it's mildly infuriating, and how did you make the connection to Philippines?

There is a rare bug on web Lemmy where it shows you a different post than the one you are in, but with the comments of the one you are in. Maybe some variant of that happened.

All of this protesting bs will never work

The only way to make any difference would be to delete your Reddit account and leave the platform

Have you not been paying attention to what's been going on? The protests have done serious damage to Reddit's reputation, the viability of its IPO, and is causing a significant drop in the number of users. Not to mention the loss of content creators and moderators who are necessary for the site to function. The protests are intentionally making the site unusable to bore and drive out those who are reasonable, and leaving only those who shill for and lick the boots of Spez and the rest of the incompetent administration team. And without content to consume, those people will leave as well.

i fully support bots and reposters in reddit now, make the content in the site garbage

does leaving the platform not constitute a kind of protest?