Could we please add a rule to ban musk spam? to – 615 points –

If lemmy had user-defined filters, I'd use them. Right now I'm downvoting the stuff, but there's already a community for musk-related stuff: !



Please yes.

I'm tired of seeing the same story of that chode in six or seven different communities.

Wait you mean you don't want to hear the next pricing plan for twitter? Aren't you a tech enthusiast???

As much as I enjoy watching the world Xitter burn, there’s a limit to everything.

Musk has already been banned as a topic on tech communities in 4 instances I’ve seen personally. I get folks are tired of him and I find him insufferable, but he is often relevant (unfortunately) to current events, so I don’t think wholesale bans of him are a good idea. There are plenty of topics I find annoying, but I don’t tell people to ban the topic from the community just for my personal preference.

Like I think trump is a cringe inducing piece of shit and don’t enjoy seeing him everywhere. I’d love a filter, I don’t expect communities to ban him as a topic.

Yeah but relevant to current tech events? Not that often.

It's complicated I guess.

Musk offering starlink access to gaza is tech news, him changing subscription prices for xitter is not.

I guess I just mean that a happening is not "tech" by virtue of musk saying it.

He owns starlink, Twitter, Tesla, and SpaceX. Whether we like it or not all of these have huge bearings on their respective industries.

And before people started hating musk, again rightfully so I’m embarrassed I ever liked him, you couldn’t go a day without something about SpaceX and people getting all excited. This is purely about the person, not the relevance of the topics.

If y’all could somehow come up with a nuanced soft ban on “his personal life“ and politics or whatever, I guess that’s a decent compromise? But that just sounds tedious and people will bicker. And also his politics unfortunately have an impact on how Twitter is run, so you would have to find ways to separate those things out. It’s just seems kind of needless.

I mean imagine if we couldn’t spread the word/learn of what he was doing with his starlink satellites and Ukraine/Russia. That stuff is really important.

The nuanced soft ban you're talking about is just the topic of the community.

When musk does something tech related that's tech. When he does something that's not tech related that's off topic.

Twitter is a social media website it's not tech.

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Yeah but relevant to current tech events? Not that often.

LOL what? Literally everything he does is related to tech.

Most of what he does is talking, with a pinch of false advertisement and stock manipulation thrown in the mix.

But I'm happy about any actual developments! I'm super hyped for the next starship launch for example.

I mean anything anyone does on the internet is tech given they do it on the internet.

Musk is largely just being a shitty ceo doing ceo things, kinda notably for cultural reasons, sure, but musk news probably better serves as more business news than tech.

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I agree, but only restrict the news if it mentions Musk, not just one of his companies. For example, SpaceX does interesting stuff, and to be honest operates mostly independently of him these days.

Technology is technology, no matter which asshole owns the company.

Breaking News: Elon Musk announces new X laundry service!

"It's the laundry service of the future! Only requires a recurring subscription of $49.99! (shipping fees not included) Mail us your laundry!!!"

They'll use spaceX drones instead of mail

You can get drone service as an add on for only an additional $89.99 a month! Don't be left in the past! Start your X laundry service today! IT'S THE LAUNDRY OF THE FUTURE! PAY ME NOW YOU PEONS!!!

I don't think content should be banned on Lemmy just because some people are tired of it. But each instance can have its own rules of course.

They're not asking for it to be banned from the instance, or from Lemmy entirely; they just want it to be moderated out of this community.

Yes please. None of those have anything to do with technology. I want to see some PM-esque posts in here.

Yes Please. Twitter is dead, and we're just reminding people to go take a look at it constantly. Just let the internet forget about him.

Any time I click a link to Twitter by accident it just asks me to log in or create an account. I don't think it's viewable at all (without tools) for non-members anymore.

You can click that to clear it but you no longer get the threads or replies, just the initial tweet.

Lately clearing it just shows a full window version of the same thing. I used to be able to close that popup and view it, but not lately.

Twitter is very much active, it is the first place all political discussions happen. It is where the Israel attacks unfolded. It is where every big figure has an account and share their viewpoints.

It is also where you often see two sides having very different viewpoints argue, something in which it is unique - since by design it tries to allow different ideas even if you don't agree with them.

But not so with Lemmy - which is extremely left centric, and harbours so much hatred against people, censorship, and the ostrich syndrome of burying you head in the sand, that this post to censor Elon and this amazing claim that Twitter is dead gets so much attraction. Case in point how I predict when near 100% accuracy that this comment will be voted down and buried.

lol you can't be censored on lemmy. It's a decentralized platform. Just start your own server.

Lol. Both sides argue? Most tweets are by a small number of people. Before, right wingers were complaining it's all bots, now suddenly, Elon pushes dodgy Right wing accounts to the frontpage and you guys reckon it's not true anymore.

How many people do you know who actually use Twitter? I can only think of one, and fairly sure he left it ages ago.

Twitter is growing in irrelevance. Just because people have accounts on it doesn't mean they use it either.

Do you really think Twitter is growing? Lol.

I think if it's actually related to tech it's fine. For example, I read an article from DHH talking about how Musk's strategy has saved money by moving from Cloud to on-prem and doing it cut massive costs.

I think that'd be okay?

That’s not “musk’s strategy” though. That’s just common knowledge. If you change your own brakes, it’s cheaper than at the dealership. If you run your own servers, it’s cheaper than in the cloud. The reason people choose the cloud is either they don’t want to, or can’t, run their own server farm.

If you run your own servers, it’s cheaper than in the cloud. The reason people choose the cloud is either they don’t want to, or can’t, run their own server farm.

Generally speaking, if it wasn't cheaper for them to use the cloud, they probably wouldn't. Owning infrastructure comes with costs that amortize better at scale. If infrastructure is not a big cost in serving your customers, then it's probably cheaper to rent.

There are some costs that are cheaper when you go to the cloud because of scale. Things like bandwidth, redundancy, and physical security. But they are massively offset by how expensive renting the hardware is. I can rent a server for $500/month that I could build for $3,000-$4,000. That's 6-8 months before I'm in the red with the cloud. Think about those costs over one server's lifetime (roughly 5 years, depending on your needs). That's $26,000 over 5 years, or $5,200 per year extra, for one server. If your company is using 10 servers (assuming your costs scale linearly at this point), that's $52,000 per year, rather than just running a couple fiber lines into your office. And that's a small company.

So yeah, it's more expensive to go with the cloud, almost always. But yes, the cloud gives you benefits. This is pretty common knowledge in the industry, and musk didn't come up with the idea of bringing services on-site.

Something to add, since I colocate my own hardware in a datacenter: Just the cost of operating a server is non-trivial too. I pay $120/month for just 2U, 1gbps networking, and power usage (600W peak usage), providing my own hardware. Things get a lot cheaper if you can rent a whole rack space though. It's absolutely been worth it though, because to rent a similar specced server, it could easily be $1k/month.

That $52000/year isn't enough to pay for even a single full time IT person. So now you're probably either spending dev time on server admin (which is wasteful of dev salary, and it's a subject they aren't experts in, so you're literally paying more for worse results), or outsourcing to an entity that hires the cheapest employees it can.

Oooor, use a cloud provider. And if you're a small company, you can probably get away with cheaper shared hosting.

Oh I was talking about renting a VPS, not managed services. Managed services are much more expensive.

I just checked Digital Ocean’s pricing, and the server I was thinking of that’s about $500/month is $900/month for managed MySQL. That’s $107,400 extra per year if you want managed services.

And again, this is for a small company that only needs 10 servers. If we’re talking about something more like 5,000 servers, those cloud costs will be absolutely enormous.

How about Cloud (someone else's computers) vs. Colo/Data Center (someone else's cooling and UPS/Generators Your computers) - the cost of running a data center correctly is huge. This is not even counting the 24/7 availability of help or security on the site.

Of course, if you can get away with a 2 servers in a single rack more power to ya.

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That seems like "business" more than technology

Ah you broke my heart. Clear indication that I'm drifting more into management every day :(

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Some people like the antics of Bozo the Clown. I enjoy the antics of Stammering Elon.

I love to watch expensive garbage burn.

Watching Twitter burn to the ground along with Musk's reputation is highly entertainment.

Undeserved reputation built on actually intelligent people that worked for him.

There's already EnoughMuskSpam fully dedicated to musk antics, I feel like this place could benefit from closing off Bozo so the community can develop different posting habits

Holy cow, this sounds like a moderation nightmare--glad I don't have to do it! There's no way you're going to get through it without someone complaining about it.

In my mind, this is definitely something that individuals should address with blocks and filters. If those filters don't exist, they should be written.

Yes please. My downvote finger is getting sore.

Fine, I'll do it myself.

It's about time I start subscribing to some RSS feeds since I left reddit anyway. I'll start posting some stuff, everyone else feel free. I'll probably add mods at some point.

Could you add some rules? You could copy the ones here and just add 5. No musk spam! Use [!]( for that

Could you elaborate on this? Is this new community restricting specifically mentions of Musk, or is there a broader difference? In particular, there are a lot of people claiming that Twitter is a tech company and that it belongs in tech news. Is that also the view of this new community or do you consider Twitter a social media company, with only tangential and generally not newsworthy actions related to technology?

I'm into it. All of the news is bad news for him and I love it. It's like a house burning for a year and I just like checking in on it every few days.

No, that would be beneficial for him and like-minded people. It creates a bubble around him where only his supporters know what's going on.

Some Lemmy apps have filters. I use Memmy for Lemmy and it has filters. That assumes you use your phone and not a browser.

I do use my browser.

Well the voyager browser app is great if it works for your instance. It has filter options as well.

Got a link? I'm finding "Voyager Web Browser", but not an "app". There's also a chrome extension "Voyager" but that has nothing to do with lemmy. should get you there! Let me know if it doesn’t.

Install the app by visiting from your phone or tablet.

There's no way to log in, it seems and it looks like it's for phones/tablets. So, unfortunately that won't work for me. But thanks for sharing.

Strange. I also use it on my web browser. You can “install it” from the browser.

I've tried firefox and chromium. Are you using Safari?

Nah that is Firefox on a Mac I boot with Linux. There are other web based apps I believe. There is one called photon you can find on GitHub but I’m not sure of any of its features. Sorry for the wild goose chase!

We need some form of moderation but I think it’s going to be pretty unpleasant given that the fediverse is very appealing to the doomer mindset. I am also surprised at the amount of people that actually think that social media is technology

There are apps which offer user specific filters. I highly suggest switching to one. It's made my lemmy experience much better.

I use the browser exclusively for this stuff. My phone is opened maybe once an hour or so. Most often 3 times a day.

You can block communities you don't want to see

Anyone who is posting an ad for something but not paying the instance any ad-price is stealing advertising. Ads for salient things might be acceptable, like an ad for a text editor in a programming forum, but non-salient ads should be quickly deleted, no one is here to buy into a time-share, pick up on the latest deals from China, or to get the latest snake-oil.

I came to Lemy for LESS moderation and MORE free speech. Nimby.

Musk-, tesla- X- and SpaceX bashing are all equally obnoxious. I'm so tired of seeing why circlejerking about how twitter sucks and reading all the articles with comments about why Tesla stock is crashing, twitter is dying and people celbrating how it's great that some supposedly misfortune fell of Musk because of his hubris. Reverse fanboyism is as annoying as actual fanboyism for all the same reasons. To me anti musk crowd is now the more annoying one who became the thing they were opposing. So yes please shut up about Musk and ban everything concerning him for all I care.

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Wow, this isn't emotionally driven and detached from logic at all.

This dude thinks he’s a Vulcan lol

Even Vulcans can read the room.

Just because the room is full of bad takes doesn't mean I'm not going to speak my mind.

Glad you understand this was never a conversation, but rather an opportunity for you all to circle jerk eachother on how much you hate Elon Musk. Your comments are memes at this point. Wow, you hate Elon Musk?! How surprising.

I could not care less about your or anyone else's opinion of some billionaire. I am not OP. Do not assume to lump me into your rant just because I said a fictional character is better at reading the room than you are.

Even if he's widely hated, he still tends to push the tech space from time to time. Yet, this, a tech community wants to ignore anything with the word Musk on it just for the sake of having the name Musk.

But nah, it's fine because you can follow a community that is nothing but him. A community with one post, that is based on the idea of posting news about him and trashing it. Makes a lot of sense.

You guys should just call your community "gadgets", you obviously hate logic which is a pretty integral part of technology. But hey, even dumb people like their toys. Seems quite fitting.