1,100 Days After Trump Lost the 2020 Election, He Promises Evidence He Actually Won Is Coming Soon

Flying Squid@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 555 points –
Trump Claims Proof Of Election Fraud Is Coming Soon

Do you all think it'll come before or after he explains his Obamacare alternative?

Only after releasing his own tax returns he promised.

Didn't he promise to leave the Unites States if he lost the election?

Didn't he already present one? Just it was so bad it was going to cause something like 20 million people to lose their insurance? So he couldn't even get the republicans to vote for it?... Went back and checked https://www.npr.org/2017/05/24/529902300/cbo-republicans-ahca-would-leave-23-million-more-uninsured yeah that did actually happen.

Well of course the GOP was not going to vote for it. 20 million losing their health insurance in one fell swoop? Gotta get those numbers up first!

"Who would have thought healthcare was so hard?" All the people who realize the 'helpers' need years of training and continuing education, the people who realize that medical graduates still need years of training before they're allowed to do it on their own. I can't believe people heard him say that and still took him seriously.

Or maybe after his proof that Obama was really born outside of America.

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You would think constantly claiming that you have evidence yet never revealing it would be, by his conspiracy loving voter base, called something like "cover-up", "working with the enemy" or, you know, "conspiring to hide the truth". Or "being enemy plant".

Maybe it has something to do with the psychology of uncertain rewards, where they are constantly teased with the big “win” like the election, but only occasionally get low-value wins like pissing off the libs. Like being addicted to gambling, or teased along by someone you’re interested in but they’re just manipulating you. You really want to believe you’ll win big, but in reality you’re probably fucked.

The Dems are keeping him from revealing the TRUTH! MAGA! /s

migrant 5g fema caravans do your research!

youtube hilary clinton lizard andrinochrome comet ping pong soros crisis actors!

EDIT: Sorry everyone, was just having some fun, until I remembered that no level of crazy breaks through the joke wall anymore. So, yeah, for more facts find me on Truth Social under patrioteaglefreedomlover1776_2

The best part is the implication that you weren't the first to want that username

I thought this was an Onion headline…

Julius Caesar promises that evidence linking Octavian to the garum shortage is coming soon.

The Onion is obsolete these days.

After that Israel / Palestinian piece they did? That was just straight up brilliant. They may have changed, but obsolete they are not.

It took them some time to adjust, we are starting to see more onion jokes again.

Well at least I'm gonna get to see it since now the vaccine will kill everyone who took it 'within 10 years' instead of 2 as it was originally predicted.

I predict that everyone who gets vaccinated will die. Coincidentally, everyone who eats food will also die.

I can guarantee I'm a better prophet than they are.

You guys got 2 years? I was given just 6 months! I can feel my DNA mutilating, so I'm expecting to pass through those pearly Gates any time now.

Not dead but my 5G reception is better than ever before. Can't be a coincidence.

I'd love to see this jerkoff locked up and given zero platform to spew his horse manure. So tired of this country being held hostage to this asshole.

At one point, we'd break out the butterfly nets for crazies like this, or at least make them stand out on the corner with a sign; now one party and much of the corporate media embraces them.

He is either really fucking stupid, or thinks we are stupid. Could also be both. Fuck Trump.

In Trump universe truth does not matter. Dog-whistling does.

He's not (just) demented or lying. He's raising money.

We should start calling this what it is... grifting. He's grifting money. For any MAGA folk out there, here's the definition:


: to obtain (money or property) illicitly (as in a confidence game)

The Donald lost 50+ law suits for lack of evidence of any scheme or material defect in the 2020 election across the country. In fact, HE has been charged with felony counts in Georgia for alleged election tampering trying to steal the election. He is a con man and he has a grift going against his donors who still believe his lies in the face of an avalanche of evidence to the contrary. It's really easy to milk your own cult, and if you don't see that truth by now, you're probably in it.

Any day now, it's coming! He just needs another round of donations, and totally for reals this time he's got the goods on Biden. He's gonna blow this whole thing wide open, just you see!

Also, I'd like to see people asking him at every single opportunity they are given: "do you also have that sooper sekrit evidence of Obama in Hawaii you were promising as king of the dumbass birthers?" And a follow-up question, "Did you have the Long Form Birth Certificate in those boxes of classified material in that bathroom in your trash palace?"

How about that amazing health plan he promised was coming in 'two weeks' in 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019.

Is this the super secret evidence that he couldn't show in the 60+ lawsuits? Did he accidentally file it with the super secret evidence that Obama really wasn't born in America? Will that be released also? Perhaps in two weeks?

Just wait till you see what's on that laptop and in those emails!

To his lasting regret and hatred, someone ELSE made good on his promise to show you his taxes.

Stapled to his healthcare plan and under the check from Mexico for the "wall".

The best time to provide the evidence is right after the election, the next best time is during all the phony lawsuits about the election, the next best time is before Jan 6th, the next best time is before Inauguration, the next best time is any time since.

But the NEXT best time, is now.

(The worst time is waiting even longer than now)

Oh boy - the nutjob is at it again

Well, with a nut it had at least nourishing qualities...

Bro just one more day! I promise, just give me one more day bro! One more day and I'll have all the evidence bro...

If this guy wasn't the GOP's frontrunner for the 2024 presidental election, I'd think this man was completely full of shit and not worth paying the least amount of attention to.

Alas, here we are.

Isn't there a Mexican funded wall to slot in there somewhere?

I mean, it works for his dumbass base, so why wouldn't he keep going to that well?

We should stop giving every bullshit this idiot blurts out a news article.

Like it or not, he's the Republican frontrunner for president. Not knowing what he's saying is a mistake. Being ignorant about your adversary is not the way to beat them.

I dunno. I kind of like the idea of shunning and ignoring him into obscurity.

Do you really think that will work when the media won't play that game?

I didn't say it was going to happen. I just said I like the idea of it.

I think every time someone writes an article about him, they should have to also list out all the crimes he has been charged and convicted of as well. Instead, they just call him "Republican forerunner" rather than "Rapist"

Oh the Kraken's coming back, good to see it getting fried again, I love calimari

He already said this then bailed on it at a rally. This is literally a giant "how do you keep a moron in suspense" joke at America's expense ..

what if he actually does tho what do we do

And what if he turns into a pegasus and flies away? What do we do?

Freak out massively?

I mean, the first thing I'm doing in that scenario is telling my wife she mixed up the brownies, and warn my kids NOT to take any to school.

Storm the capitol and smear shit on the walls?

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