Joe Biden pledges $1.7 billion to end hunger across U.S. to politics – 173 points –
Joe Biden pledges $1.7 billion to end hunger across U.S.

$10 billion funded school lunches for a year during COVID and we should have kept it going. School kitchens are back to having to try to collect "lunch debt" again. So how is less than a fifth of that going to end hunger? This is just election posturing and empty promises. Look for more of these coming soon from the right.

Not American, making a number of assumptions on your system.

This 10 billion funded school lunches for everyone, at a multitude of different places. It was broad, unfocused, to cover something now.

How will this 1.7b be applied? Is it given, is it establishing ongoing sources, long term investment in assets?

Looks like they're giving it to about a hundred established programs.

Too bad many states will just refuse the money.

It's the best they can do given the political landscape IMO

I don't get this part...

The full details of the package are expected to be announced by Doug Emhoff, the husband of Vice President Kamala Harris, at an event at the White House later on Tuesday.

Why?! Biden should be doing this! He needs to be out in public looking strong and "doing things"! SMH This makes him look like everybody else is doing his job for him.

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He can pledge whatever he can, but being in control of only the executive branch, his options are limited.

The GOP will NOT LIKE that. ‘Bama and other states will reject the funding because… reasons.

They already are! I don't see how this will be any different, but I'm all for them figuring out a way to get food to the people that need it. It's infuriating watching shithole states deny food to theirs in need, especially when it's being offered at federal expense.

That's SOCIALISM! Why not let RICH PEOPLE do that instead? Also I'm VERY VERY happy Elon Musk paid $44BILLION for a website!

Where you think taxes go?

A society built on rich people donating is stupid.

I'm really curious to see what these projects are going to look like. It's estimated that 30-40% of all food in the US is wasted (

USAToday also has a recent story where they discussed some of the climate impacts that could be contributing to.

Keep in mind: the largest source of food waste is residential. The second largest source is restaurants.

Food waste is bad for the environment, sure. But the rent being too damn high is a lot more of the reason why people go hungry than me letting a bagged salad in my fridge go bad.

I'd argue that the largest source is actually grocery stores followed by restaurants. I've worked a few grocery stores including target when they added pfresh. The food that gets tossed by deli/bakery alone will piss you off. Second harvest would only come around once or twice a week so the rest of the time tons of bread, fried chicken, cakes, etc would get tossed in the trash. And thats not even accounting for the vendor trash. At least once I rescued a ton of little debbie stuff from a dumpster, it was all still boxed up and in date, the boxes had been smashed by something so the vendor tossed it.

The amount of outdated chobani I pulled off an end cap once would make your head spin. I filled up an entire shopping cart once because the idiots who were supposed to be running pfresh just kept stuffing it full without rotating stock or checking dates.

Oh and ask me about the pallets of bananas that tgt would throw out because they were shipped too much, didn't sell enough, etc.

One bread vendor I knew would take the close dated bread to the nearest good will so it had a chance to sell but I'm not sure about others.

You can argue, sure. But people have actually studied this, and you're factually just plain wrong.

You've seen the centralized waste. But you haven't picked through a neighborhood's worth of trash cans to put that centralized waste into the larger decentralized context.

People mistaking anecdotes and feels for data

Can you point to the part in the study that confirms that half of food waste is at an individual residential level?

It's not that I don't believe you but this study is absolutely dense and kinda doesn't have any specific data as far as I can see on that subject but is instead a much wider view in the topic. And FLI number include any post production waste which includes retail, restaurants and consumer level, which means grocery stores and other supply points could be adding to the numbers.

I also don't love that this references waste of food generates green house gases but states composting as a clean alternative despite it being practically the same process of degradation that leads to emissions of green house gases.
I would love to see cities implement large scale composting programs but that's just to preserve the biological components for fertilizer instead of mining for artificial phosphates.

I notice articles and papers on food waste tend to have not enough data points and a lot of motivated thought points on them. Not enough practical work or solutions. No mention of scaling back production, or local centralized composting (only individual), and adapted policies on food safety.

We just all need to eat more apparently.

Edit: found the original paper cited for North America consumption food waste which includes restaurant and home use and the answer is we definitely need to eat more cause of man is it insane. Higher than the article posted actually.

What I'm getting from this figure is to look at what Latin America is doing. Not only is less food wasted but it's more evenly wasted across the process. I think that's a good thing no?

Look at figure 2.

Consumption isn't 50%, but it's the largest single bar in that chart - significantly so.

Thank you for the figure you were looking at it led me to the original source for that data which is actually even more wild.

So in the North America region it's actually worse with it being around 61% of food loss occurs at the consumption stage and 42% of food overall is wasted which is INSANELY high and nearly double that of Europe.
Man I guess we really do need to eat more.

Consumption stage however does include restaurants and catering, as well as in the home use.
With according to the study the 3 main reasons being
• sorted out for appearance
• not consumed before expired
• cooked but not eaten

It's speculative to try and guess the amount that is from restaurants and commercial food prep but I would guess the amount thrown out by the cumulative 300+ million Americans each day is probably a good chunk of the percentage if not the majority.

Really interesting study, the one you linked too even steals a couple of their charts. Thanks!

Not sure why eating more would be the takeaway. Producing less seems like the way to go considering we already massively overeat.

It's a joke about not being able to do less. Nowhere in the research papers do they suggest as a solution less production just more composting or self responsibility for buy less or ways to make scraps more edible.

It's a joke of line doesn't go down. Sorry guess the sarcasm doesn't come through even with the bolded text.

Looking at the chart you linked my feeling is that the best way to reduce food waste is:

More/tastier/healthier frozen foods.

This will reduce post sales food wastage, as well as wastage at the market.

I mean they do cite limitation in food storage as one of the issues to be solved with new tech. Frozen doesn't last forever.

I will say it does feel like sometimes companies make a purposefully gross product to use an ingredient they don't otherwise kn ow what to do excess of and maybe it's ok if that just goes back to farms at growing stage for compost.

In fact I think my takeaway is I'd rather just us have farm waste then wasting all the energy to make it and then have it end up in the trash where it takes up space and doesn't contribute back to the planet.

I actually do argue that and I'm not in the mood to tear it apart. I know what the average household throws out despite mine being on the (damn near nothing) end of the bell curve.

If you had actually ever worked any grocery or restaurants, you would know what I know and just because it was done by the nih doesn't mean it's accurate at all or even well done.

I really doubt that the entirety of a week's worth of grocery store trash would be less than that of the combined households that shop there. And as I said because I'm sure the study didn't cover, thats not even accounting for the various vendors throwing out old or close dated products.

Some things like the aforementioned bread sometimes gets moved elsewhere and I'm sure some of them donate it to second harvest or similar but then you also have the chips, beer, etc that all come in via vendor and the trash/out date stuff goes with them so you can't really track it because the store doesn't have that in their system.

I'm also not sure you know how large a standard retail dumpster is and how often they are picked up. You also likely have no idea just how much fits into the compactors that stores use. Stores throw out way way more food than you seem to realize.

In addition to the above, I'd also bet that the nih didn't account for the "weird" produce that doesn't make It to shelves because (most) people won't buy it, if also wager that they didn't account for the product that goes bad sitting around between suppliers, DCs, stores, etc.

Oh and before I am done here. Please do yourself a favor and look up the definition for the word "argue". I am not saying that I know for a fact, I'm saying that I would ARGUE that I'm right.

The nih and you are putting this problem on the consumer when just like water usage, the consumer is the least of the problems with waste.

You have a nice day now.

LOL, you're not entitled to just assume a study is wrong and that your anecdote or gut feeling is better.

Actually I am. That's kind of how thinking for yourself works. I have years of experience that clearly others don't. I've read enough and seen enough on just how much people throw out and it's pushed me to reduce my actual trash to a min. For a household of 3 adults we trash way less than people who live by themselves. We compost everything we can, recycle/reuse what we can and burn the rest.

If you or the doofus I responded to had ever actually worked restaurants or grocery stores you would understand what I am saying, but, that would also assume that you have working braincells and aren't going on just being contrary to argue and feel like you are more than you are.

You have a nice day now.

That's not thinking.

Anecdotes and feels are not data.

It's really weird, but common, for people to think it's actual data, like you're doing here.

Wow. Add another one to the pile.

I'm not sure you know what an anecdote is.

I've worked for 3 different restaurants, 3 different retail/grocery and likely other jobs that those like you and the other pseudo intellectuals here have probably never heard of nor could you handle.

Me saying that I would argue that it's grocery stores at the top Is A) The opposite of anecdotal and B) Something anyone who has actually worked deli/bakery, dairy, etc would agree with me on.

You fuckwits keep replying to me and I'll keep blocking you. You have a nice life having to choose between breathing or thinking

I work in technical support. Shit is always breaking! Nothing ever works right! Everything needs constant fixing by a trained professional! I know because I see it every day and I've been doing this for 25 years across many different products!

(It couldn't possibly be that I don't see all the shit that works, because when it's working, people don't call me...)

Actually I am. That's kind of how thinking for yourself works

No, that's how ignoring facts to fit your personal beliefs work. That's what Republicans and religious nutters do.

have years of experience that clearly others don't

Guarantee you the people doing the study have enough experience with grocery store waste to know what they're talking about. Kinda the point of the study.

If you or the doofus I responded to had ever actually worked restaurants or grocery stores you would understand what I am saying

Im not either of them and I HAVE worked in those places and DO know that you're wrong. Checkmate.

that would also assume that you have working braincells and aren't going on just being contrary to argue and feel like you are more than you are

Put this dude in a movie theater cuz that's some damn fine projection

It's amazing to me. You have no idea what you are talking about here.

You have a nice life now and hopefully you're unwillingness to exercise your brain won't let rot it sooner than it should but we all know it probably already is.

Ok, I'll bite.

How many people do you think shopped at your grocery store?

On average, how much food do you think they each wasted per week at home?

How much food per week did your store waste?

How typical do you think these numbers are nationwide?

I work with a massive network of food pantries, some larger some smaller. Every grocery store in our area is engaged with it and we receive massive amounts of day old product. I would guess that either your experience was many years ago, or you just worked for a shitty store.

In Arizona I knew a grocery store that dumped bleach on every outgoing dumpster of food waste to prevent anyone from eating it and offered no such plan to donate it citing costs of labor time to high to justify an employee doing those logistics.

This right here. We don't have a food scarcity issue or even a price problem for most things. What we have is a logistics problem. Way too many people live in what are called food deserts. If they have easy access to "food" it's usually of the convenience store variety, overpriced and extremely bad for you.

I know not everyone can afford it but those that can should look at misfits marketplace. They sell the oddball produce that most people won't buy so it doesn't make it your local store, when a design changes drastically or is printed wrong, etc.

Tackiing hunger in this country will take money because money makes thing happen but it will also take more than just buying a bunch of food and handing it out. It's going to take a push for more community gardens, maybe allowing agriculture inside limits where it isn't at the moment, etc.

Almost half of food waste is people buying food that they let go bad before they eat it.

That's substantially a price problem, in that people are more willing to let a cheap banana spoil than a prime rib or lobster. Food being cheap makes people more willing to let it expire.

But fixing residential food waste by making food more expensive would make hunger worse.

I have seen some videos on things like vertical gardens in shipping containers that seem like they would be a great way to bring produce to urban areas that is both fresh, and nearby in terms of logistics.

This looks like a decent article about it from a few years ago on a company in Denver. There are a growing number of companies working on this also, and maybe with some government funds it could spread faster, and in areas most in need first.

This is definitely one of the ways forward. Many, many, many, many moons ago I attempted to run a blog about growing fresh produce in an urban environment. You can't feed a family on what will fit in a window box or on an apt porch but you can have tomatoes for a salad or on a burger, lettuce for that salad that is actually good for you and more.

If we are talking feeding the most people at once from a central location, hydro and aeroponics is what is needed, combined with leds of varying colors and you can cut the growth time down by 50% or more, that means 90 day tomatoes in 45 or so with aeroponics and 60ish with hydro iirc.

I'm a proponent of multiple avenues. Do the vertical farming and focus on community gardens where kids especially can get their hands dirty and learn something about the planet we live on.

The big problem with advanced (indoor) farming practices is that it defeats the purpose of what makes farming so very cheap...

The sun is providing the power for free. Running lighting for plants will take electricity we aren't currently collecting from the sun and now adds a cost. Water, soil, and light are all basic ingredients you can get by going for a walk in particularly arable climates. But become controlled variables that need to be heavily paid for in advanced techniques.

It's not scalable to large scale farming and not using the sun is a huge error in trying to make things more sustainable. Not until mass adopted solar arrays or some kind of passthrough system for light.

All of this is wrong. It sounds like you don't know how much more efficient hydro and aero is with leds that can be programmed to trick the plants into thinking it's whatever season you want. Not to mention being able to grow tomatoes in Canada in the winter.

Indoor, vertical farming with aero/hydro is many many times more efficient. The 2 plants I have real numbers for (because they are similar) tomatoes and weed will grow up to twice as fast without manipulating the day/night cycle.

As for energy use. Solar is fucking dirt cheap and even without solar, it's extremely cheap to run the lights and other systems.

Seriously my dude/dudette. Do yourself a favor and look into this. I highly doubt that everyone who is investing in this and using it now is wrong and you are the only one who knows better. There is a reason why the best weed is always hydro or aero especially when you can grow it anywhere.

You might be surprised to find out just how much produce already comes from indoor farms. It's the going vertical with it or turning an entire floor of a building into a farm that is what is needed to feed our growing population. You can only spread out so far horizontally, vertically let's you go as high as you can build.

Oh and you might want to look into just how damaging regular farming is for the environment. With hydro/aero you use way less fertilizer than growing in dirt along with a fraction of a fraction of the water.

There's an inherent geometric problem with using solar for vertical farms. They use the volume of the space, which increases by a cube factor. Solar, however, increases according to surface area, which is a square factor.

You thus quickly hit a limit where you can no longer power the lights for your vertical farm by solar panels you stick on the roof. You have to have either a field of solar panels elsewhere--which might have been used to grow food the old fashioned way--or you have to use something that scales differently. Wind also scales by surface area, so not that. Geothermal or nuclear are maybes.

Possibility one way around this is tweaking the spectrum of lights that plants use. Taking full spectrum sun lighting, converting it to electricity, and then using LEDs to create full spectrum lighting isn't going to work. However, plants primarily use only a narrow space of blue and red light as part of photosynthesis. This isn't the full story, either, as plants do use the rest of the spectrum as signals for other biological processes.

Now, do they need the rest of that spectrum all the time and at full power? Depends on the plant. It's complicated, and we may end up customizing lighting for every crop.

Even then, the square-cube problem will put limits on how big vertical farming facilities can get while being powered by solar and/or wind.

Thank you. I had someone explain this to me before in this kind of directly data driven way but I studied astrophysics and macro-xenobiology so I am not the person to be explaining it back out.

But yeah all that.

It makes me wonder if you could build a vertical farm like a big greenhouse made of glass though and direct light from the sun through the building using reflectors without overheating and cooking the plants but, with green energy production you really get to a point where it's the fields for growing crops previously are now covered in mined advanced electronics that need replacing and the farming structure itself which isn't as scalable as just adding a field to your crop rotation.

This isn't the problem you two think it is. No one is talking about feeding an entire city from one skyscraper. But, you could feed an entire block from one or two levels of a skyscraper.

I'm now going to block you two twits because I don't have to time for this shit right now. Going out tonight to see Gladys Knight and I have to respond to someone helping me grow my business.

You know, if you feel the need to block people who are laying out arguments and being civil, then maybe you should rethink having Internet discussions altogether.

They ignore people providing data and argue their opinions are worth more than facts, call people rude names and take the chance to brag about themselves every chance they can take.

So they are the average American apparently and exactly the right level of self assured to be the desired group to sell anything too.
They really shouldn't be here but none of us are ever gonna get that through to them. They will be right whether or not the have to ignore everyone else to be so.

I'm American.

Thing is, I actually am interested in this stuff and am working on setting some of the ideas up in my own backyard. I just have some idea of the limitations and what problems are yet to be solved.

I know I know. We aren't all like that but seriously they are all over this comment section being like this. Literally just above is one where someone says after providing a research study for emphasis "you aren't entitled to assume a study is wrong just because of a gut feeling and this guy responded with:

"Actually I am. That's kinda how thinking for yourself works."

And I just can't think of a more stereotypical, Self Assured American™ thing to say.

I'm just trying to be practical and know that nothing is perfect, and have read up on some of the limitations of this to think it's better than just ecologically friendly farming practices for widescape use.

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No I know all about how incredibly efficient hydroponics can be and even deeply loved reading a research paper on using just nutrient enriched water for roots systems without the need for soil. Super cool stuff.

But still doesn't take into account electricity use is way more power than just using the sun. There is a reason greenhouses are standard still in that they are cheap and only require basic maintenance but still let you harvest the sun as an energy source.

But scaling that to feed an entire country is basically impossible. Power use becomes outrageous and you get limited by size. You need a skyscraper to feed a city and nearly as much energy.

It works on small scale and can be much more efficient than local wild growing for small scale productions but that's about it.

The math for how much energy we take from the sun and how much of it is absorbed by plants is not negligible. And it will not work for all crops in our current energy needs to run it. Especially with our current production rate and system.

Sorry but it's the truth. It's just not there and won't be for a while.

You really need to argue don't you?

This problem you are stuck on isn't actually a problem. Why? Because of how much more efficient it is. No one is saying that one vertical farm will feed the entire country. We will still have local farms, home gardens, etc. This is the future of growing food both produce now and meat in the coming decades.

Yes, the solar panels only convert like 18% of the incoming light, but, again, $ for $ growing things with solar and aero/hydro is way way cheaper than dirt, relying on the sun, seasons, etc.

Seriously. Maybe stop focusing on what you think is wrong and work to improve things.

Vertical farming is the only way we will feed people in the coming decades.

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Can't wait to see Red States reject the aid for their hungriest constituents.

Oh, a couple of states already did it. Were offered funds to feed kids during the summer time off from school. Rejected for “Socialism”…

And those people will still vote Republican to 'own the libs.'

I bet it'll all go to the illegal migrants, their luxury rooms and their free credit cards. /S

Fuck I hope so whatever helps those trying to get ahead. I work with a lot of immigrants and I'd love to give anyone of them those

Even the venezuelans who have come to beg and destroy the city with crime like they did in my country?😭😭😭

Is this serious? I work with a Venezuelan guy and he's literally so nice lol

Yes, they brought El city de Aragua to my city. The neighbors are nice though. They just smoke weed and stuffs.

This is the problem. We get told, "Group A is all bad!" Then we see people from Group A living nearby and they aren't bad.

So we think, "they must be the good ones, the exceptions."

What we should be thinking is, "why did they lie about Group A? They're obviously just people who want to live their life."

Not all of them are good. Thankfully the lowlife and criminal scum went to live in a different district than the one I live in, a district I don't even have intentions to visit because it was already dangerous before their arrival xd. As long as the bad ones don't get to my neighborhood, I think it's alright.

Thankfully the lowlife and criminal scum went to live in a different district than the one I live in, a district I don't even have intentions to visit because it was already dangerous before their arrival xd.

How do you take the “it was already dangerous” and combine it with the fact that the Venezuelans in your neighborhood are cool, and still come away thinking Venezuelas are ruining your country?

Xenophobia is a powerful force. Don’t let it be. Immigrants are just people, just like all other people. Some commit crime. So do some people everywhere! That doesn’t make immigrants bad.

I think it's because we now have venezuelans murdering people who don't pay them their excessive and illegal lending fees, stealing stuff in the streets and more. The local gangs seem to have disappeared and it's mostly el tren de aragua stuff nowadays. Stupid local criminals were not even able to keep the foreigners away to keep their turf in their own hands...

Noble cause but they already spent 8 billion 2 years ago and there is plenty of hunger. I'm not sure how another 1.7 billion will fix it.

There is plenty of food but the distribution is a big part of the problem, hopefully they are addressing that.

I mean, his admin is ALSO currently trying to block the Kroger/Albertsons merger, for example. So this is clearly not the only thing going on.

Completely different group within his admin. FTC isnt gonna have a hand in ending hunger

The FTC price increases in foods due to monopolizing is absolutely having a hand in helping to reduce hunger.

Another thing I can think of off the top of my head the Biden admin and democrats are doing is fighting to increase funding for SNAP and resisting republican efforts to impose more restrictions on the program and make it harder to use.

Also the 8 billion isn't already spent and nothing happened, it's in the process of being spent and this is more being put on top.

While these are all fine and good, personally I still think a universal basic income would be the best way at reducing hunger. A totally unrestricted program like that though be very hard to push, despite all the evidence of their effectiveness, when there's fighting over whether or not SNAP should be taking a fine toothed comb to exactly what foods people are or not allowed to buy with it.

While these are all fine and good, personally I still think a universal basic income would be the best way at reducing hunger. A totally unrestricted program like that though be very hard to push, despite all the evidence of their effectiveness, when there’s fighting over whether or not SNAP should be taking a fine toothed comb to exactly what foods people are or not allowed to buy with it.

Conservatives won't be satisfied until the entire budget for any safety net program is consumed in administrative costs, leaving nothing for the actual people it's supposed to be helping.

The government spends hundreds of billions on infrastructure every year.

Have we fixed potholes permanently?

Also, $8 billion is a bit less than $24 bucks per person in America. Do you really think $24 is enough to permanently solve hunger in a country? Do you think that another $5/person is reasonable, a few years later?

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I thought there was no money in America to do things like this because excess military surplus was sent to Ukraine?

Can we not find a source for the news that isn't owned by an East Asian religious cult since 2018?

Newsweek is an American publication, owned by American publishing company Newsweek Publishing LLC.

Let me help:

In 2013, IBT Media acquired Newsweek from IAC; the acquisition included the Newsweek brand and its online publication, but did not include The Daily Beast.[11] IBT Media, which also owns the International Business Times, rebranded itself as Newsweek Media Group, and in 2014, relaunched Newsweek in both print and digital form.

In 2018, IBT Media split into two companies, Newsweek Publishing and IBT Media. The split was accomplished one day before the District Attorney of Manhattan indicted Etienne Uzac, the co-owner of IBT Media, on fraud charges.[12][13][14]

Under Newsweek's current co-owner and CEO, Dev Pragad, it is profitable with revenue of $60 million and also growing: between May 2019 and May 2022, its monthly unique visitors rose from about 30 million to 48 million, according to Comscore. Pragad became CEO in 2016; readership has grown to 100 million readers per month, the highest in its 90-year history.[15][16] The operations of the company were researched by the Harvard Business School; they published a case study in 2021.[17]

Then just check into those companies and the CEO.

Oh look the Democrats are trying to get people to vote again

You say that like its a bad thing.

Or do votes only matter when they are for your party?

it's a good thing. it doesn't happen enough

Ah, your tone suggests that its a dig rather than a good thing

it's a dig, because it should be a normal thing and it isn't

A genocide enabler who feeds people is still a genocide enabler.

My god that picture.

“What’re you looking at smooth skin”

Waste of money; fight the high prices instead of this pr crap

Man I hate when politicians try to help people

This will help for what, a year or two?

He could spend his time and effort trying to fix the issue long term . . . or at the very least address thee root cause (capitalism) and donate the money for a temporary fix.

The funding builds on the $8 billion already committed to fighting hunger in September 2022.

And yet lack of access to food and hunger is still growing, almost like throwing money at the problem won't ever fix it and all it takes is one Republican government to come along and stop throwing money at it for this house of cards to come crashing down on the most needing.

How do you know that's not part of the plan?

Also, the president can't address the "root cause" or "capitalism", that's the domain of Congress.

Because he’s an unashamed capitalist.

Really he can’t ever give a mention of it during say a state of a the union? Because by address I mean do the bare minimum and use his words to explain to the public what the issue is.

Okay, so then he won't do the thing you want. End of story.

Right, so he won’t do anything to actually address the problem, only kick it down the road.

Glad you’re fine with not attempting to fix hunger.

No one seems to get it do they? Or they're all down voting us because "Biden good no matter what!"

They really think 1.8b for however millions of people hungry will last long, and will provide them with unlimited food for life, lol.

It's nice that people have such naive views of how to fix things, but it's not realistic.

As I said, this is just for pr before the elections.

“Biden good no matter what!”

For those in the audience, this is an excellent tell. Only right wingers think in this manner. They exclusively think in this manner. So if someone accuses you of thinking "Biden good no matter what" it's a pretty good clue that they're a troll, because they've shown you a glimpse of how their mind works and it's working Republican.

Yeah, at least it’ll be the same as last election where the day afterwards people will go back to actually being critical of Biden again.

Can’t even hold him accountable during the primaries for these fanatics.

You don't understand the root issue it seems

Just tell me the root issue is capitalism and that it's the root of all evil so we can move on

How does one "fight high grocery prices" exactly? You can't legislate lower margins for companies.

... Of course we can. Why couldn't we?

There's also all sorts of laws that aren't being enforced, but should be. Such as anti trust laws, which could be used to split almost every company at the grocery store, as well as most grocery stores themselves

There's probably laws still on the books related to price gouging for basic food specifically too

Our country wasn't always like this

OK that's cool! I'm wondering how this will effect homelessness though



It won't. I rest my case.

Motherfucker has not even cured global warming yet. How is he gonna cure cancer and hunger while I'm sitting here hot in February!?

There's literally unhoused people about 5 blocks from me that just got their encampment raided. Police took their food and threw it away along with all of their belongings. The police didn't offer any help or resources either so where did this 1.7 billion go?

Why is your town so bad at housing the homeless? NYC made it illegal to sleep on the street and puts everyone in shelters. It works really well and turns a human problem into a budgetary one. Money can be found.

Maybe you should vote for local politicians instead of blaming people who have nothing to do with fixing your town's problems.

Have you ever been unhoused? They didn't put everyone in shelters because there are still people on the streets. Making it illegal only harms the unhoused. Do you know what happens in shelters? Do you know what you have to submit to? So now if you don't qualify to stay in the shelter, what then? Now you are a criminal. NYC isn't helping with a law like that. They are criminalizing homelessness which is the fault of the city. There's literally not even enough shelters to handle them. Partly because they closed a bunch of them during pandemic and never let them reopen.

Like how could anyone logically think that criminalizing homelessness would magically make them go away? Now they get to become fodder for the prison industrial complex and a body they can justify a higher police and corrections budget for.

Uh, it's not a crime they lock you up for. They just don't allow big ass encampments like other places.

Stop ranting about the "prison industrial complex" and provide housing for these people in your town.

You can be arrested for unpaid fines bud. And how are you supposed to pay it you are homeless? And i cant because my lease states that you cant have anyone not on the lease for more than two weeks stay and most people have leases that way. Before you say why don't you buy a house. Sure, give me the down payment that I cant save up for because rent is too high and we can't do anything about it. Also you would definitely get the attn of police if you were just randomly housing unhoused folks and be suspicious as all hell of it. Direct action is highly discouraged in this country and under capitalism as a whole tbh. Thats why there is literally a non profit industrial complex raking in tons of cash from people trying to help but being told that you need to go through xyz to help people.

Stop ranting about govt programs that don't actually do anything. Also why stop calling out the prison industrial complex? Do you work for some company that is in it or serves it?

What the fuck does your local bullshit cops being local bullshit cops have to do with a federal aid pledge?

How does this money actually get dispersed? It is not given directly to people. It is filtered through bureaucratic channels to ensure paper pushers get a 9 to 5 and pension to say they manage shit. People that need assistance routinely have to jump through hoops to qualify and are constantly at an inconvenience to appease these agents for the money to ultimately get funneled to the police somehow.

Sounds like a great argument for oversight. I don't know what level of oversight these funds have.

also police brutality is a systemic issue, not a local one. you think the cops in nyc are much better?

Yet he stopped aid going to Gaza and is willing to let children go hungry there, and get bombed some more.. and just die. Theres also still children going hungry here. Bet there will be next election cycle too.

I had to scroll down a surprising amount to find my first blatant propaganda post. Well done, Lemmy, you guys are giving me hope.

ok but am i wrong? can you say that children aren't being killed in gaza and biden can but won't stop it when this country is the only one voting against a ceasefire?

look at that you can't claim that I'm wrong cause there are children dying in gaza due to US voting against a ceasefire. all you can claim is that its propaganda simply because it is critical of biden's administration or US foreign policy. And people call me a snowflake....

So, are you going to vote for Trump or not vote and help Trump that way? I'm sure he'll run right over to Gaza and give a helping hand.

I'm not voting for either old white man not fit for office.

From your comment above, that's against your own interests.

explain how? biden is a self proclaimed zionist. hes not stopping israel anytime soon. trump is a populist, failed businessman that wont stop israel either. you're response doesn't actually make sense. voting for either would actually be voting against my interests

You're not only voting for a person, you're voting for an administration.

The Biden administration has been much more forthcoming toward Gaza and Palestine than Trump and Republicans would ever be.

By not voting for the administration that would do the most, even if it's not enough, you're really aiding the administration that would do the least. That's how it works in a winner-take-all, electoral-college system.

The Biden administration has been much more forthcoming toward Gaza and Palestine than Trump and Republicans would ever be.

Oh yea, is voting against every UN ceasefire resolution your idea of forthcoming? Or maybe pulling aid to UNRWA? Or letting big tech use AI and other technology in the assault on Gaza?

Y'all are on this kick of, "if you don't vote my way, you're wrong. If you abstain from the vote, its your fault the country goes into chaos" As if there aren't political and business forces that have been around and created establishments that prevent real meaningful change because it would mean power transfer and reversal.

All the dems can do to muster up votes is try to convince people that they aren't evil republicans. Sorry I'm a little harder to get and its not my fault that they aren't good enough.

Oh yea, is voting against every UN ceasefire resolution your idea of forthcoming? Or maybe pulling aid to UNRWA? Or letting big tech use AI and other technology in the assault on Gaza?

It's like you didn't even read what I said. The Biden admin's response has maybe not been enough for you, but it's a ton more than Trump and the Republicans would ever do.

And if you're not voting for Biden, you're just helping Trump and you'll get even less of what you want. Yes, that sucks, but that's how it is in the electoral college.

you’re just helping Trump

i know its easy to think that way but not voting for biden doesn't mean i'm enabling trump.

Sorry, but that's exactly what it means in a system with the electoral college.

you are enabling biden and establishment democrats by voting for them. you are sending a message saying that you are ok with how badly they are failing. you can't hold them accountable after they get elected.

Sure, I want changes, too. But I don't think Biden has failed in any significant way compared to Trump's failures. And not voting would just aid a much more significant failure in Trump. Not going to enable that.