Lemmy.world reaches new milestone: 100k users and counting!

MicroWave@lemmy.world to Fediverse@lemmy.world – 1602 points –

Created on June 1 of this year, lemmy.world quickly grew to 51k users and then blew up after reddit's API debacle on July 1, doubling to a whopping 100k in just 9 days later!


I'm doing my part.

I’ve only been using Lenny for a day and a half, but I’ve been having a great time. The memes are 10/10 and everything else is coming together nicely. This is already my Reddit replacement, genuinely.


If lemmy goes in the wrong direction and everyone abandons (water)ship, Lenny would be a good pejorative. After all, who better to unwitting snap a rodent’s neck than Lenny?

I came due to protest, but staying for quality of fediverse users (posting from kbin)

I was waiting for a MicroWave thread about this 😁

Congratulations everyone for this milestone! 🥳

I've been having a little too much fun on lemmy. 😁

Or you might be 1% of 1%. I think it is great. At least until I arbitarily decide it is not. ;)

Wasn't lemmy.world only created in mid June?

June 1, I think. Hitting 100k users in just over a month is kind of intense.

Well I'm loving Lemmy.world so far. Feels refreshing in here.

I wasn't commenting much on Reddit, but in here I feel like participating.

Congrats and thanks Lemmy.world admin @ruud@lemmy.world

I absolutely love it. I can't wait for the fediverse to thrive with lemmy integration for peertube and an imgur alternative

Just documenting my "I was there" moment.

Me too, it’s amazing to see how quickly Lemmy is growing now

What the hell ? Feels like it was sitting at 30k just a couple days ago, insane growth.

And still silent on the status of Meta defederation.

I believe Ruud has stated elsewhere (on Mastodon or whatever it is called) that they won't do anything preemptively, but they're keeping a close eye on what Meta does.

I just signed up the other day once I discovered the dev for Sync was starting development on a Lemmy app.

I wanted to ask regular Lemmy users... What is your opinion on the influx of people from Reddit? Do you fear it will change the social atmosphere here, or do you welcome new users to the community?

I've seen plenty of posts venting about Reddit already, and I imagine that'll probably get tiring really fast for long lasting Lemmy users (Lemmyers?)

First, it is not just lemmy, it is the fediverse (replying to you from kbin.social - my preferred cup of tea). Second, I see that the mostly good people/posters are leaving Reddit, I do not see, for example, personal attacks when people disagree here in fediverse, I see no removed/moderated comments or posts. I am sure it happens here too, it is just so rare… it reminds me of the days of mass migration from digg. So, at least for now I think this is great, and it separates people who are ready to stand for principles from the rest. Welcome.

I agree, the vibe has generally been more upbeat and optimistic, with the occasional venting. Thank you for the welcome! I'm still figuring out how the fediverse works, but it makes sense more or less. Hopefully more people can see the benefit of truly being in control of your content you put out, as well as the content that you see.

Yea so far it's great. I'd imagine once it's easier to access, well see a slow decline in quality discourse and content, but that's all things, so I'm just enjoying the moment tbh.

hopefully the principles of federated networking will help keep that to a minimum though? It'll be interesting to see how people that are used to Twitter/Reddit will adapt to their counterparts when theyre so used to being kept in a very defined box.

The third party app I used for reddit said that this is the platform they were going to focus on. That's why I came. Those are the people I want to support. The people that make the experience better. Once they release an app I'll buy it first day

Sync for reddit show such message, can't waut for it to switch to Lemmy.

Also feel free to support Lemmy itself by donating to the project

Yep, same. That's why I'm here now. On the Connect app though, but it feels similar to Sync.

Just a week and a half ago, we were celebrating going from #2 to #1 most populous instance. And just 2 weeks before that, I had no idea what a lemmy was.

It's like catching a nice surf wave.

Pretty sure Lemmy is getting a ton of reddit users now that they pretty much ruined the user experience by making 3rd party app developers to pay money to use their api.

I just created an account here... I won't be returning to reddit!

Welcome to the Fediverse. To acknowledge your arrival, please accept the Lemmy Lemon Basket award.


Went from lurker to user today actually. It wasn't even the apps it was just the awful attitude towards users.

Good for you lemmy.world, congrats!

BTW, lemmy.world is #1 in the node sort by total users at the-federation.info

Now the trick is to keep the instance running well with that crazy high user load.

The devs have been working their butts off. They make post with complete transparency about their growing pains. The devs of leemy.world and others get together and troubleshoot as a team, especially lemmy.ml. everything is posted on GitHub. It's awesome to see and support. I've been here for about four weeks now, and it has been fun to watch it grow, and participate in the user community.

I like Kbin better, but I am happy and proud to contribute to this rapidly expanding family of communities that repudiates control by megacorps and Big Tech.

The great thing is that there's no competition between lemmy and kbin. We can use whichever we prefer and still have access to all the same communities.

Can you explain what the difference is other than they are separated instances?

Lemmy and Kbin are actually completely different apps, like Lemmy and Mastadon, but they can federate with each other through the Activity Pub protocol, and they both happen to be aiming to be Reddit replacements. (Kbin is also aiming to have some Twitter-like functionality as well.) I like the way Kbin sorts its posts better, but I like Lemmy's terminology more. I don't mind either of their UI.

It's different software displaying the content. Like if you used either Outlook, Gmail, or Thunderbird to show email. You can go to kbin.social and compare it to what you've got. There's also a bunch of scripts posted in kbinStyles to further customize the looks (that might be wrapped into later versions of kbin perhaps).

From my limited understanding they're all based on activitypub, so the way we interact and generate content is the same. The difference is the UI and implementation of features outside of activitypub

It's amazing how well it handles the load now compared to just a few weeks before

Not only is Rudd doing and amazing job as admin of the instance, they are also really transparent ab ob it the challenges in their frequent updates!

This is awesome!!! Glad to be here before the first 100k and before the change to Voyager from WefWef.

Can I count on 100K "Barbie" ticket sales from everyone here on Lemonworld then? (Only in theaters July 21st)

Maybe not from Lemmy.World but definitely with all the other Lemmy sites in the Fediverse.

Wife and I considering it and we are not movie going people.

FYI: Fediverse = One account let's you comment/vote on other Lemmy sites

Congrats on the milestone! @MicroWave@lemmy.world would it be possible (if you haven't done so already) to make one for Lemmy usage across all instances (or at least the major ones)?

Congrats on the milestone! @MicroWave@lemmy.world would it be possible (if you haven’t done so already) to make one for Lemmy usage across all instances (or at least the major ones)?

Great suggestion. Sure, I can do that. I think I'll aggregate the top 10 non-bot instances.

Thanks! It'll be really nice to see how many people are giving Lemmy a good try.

Very nice! Long may it continue.

Impressive and amazing. I expect the Fediverse will continue to grow - in terms of users, content and engagement. It is like a breath of fresh air compared with the legacy social media.

Really excited to see how this platform develops

3 comments per user...

Checks profile

Sounds about right...

This is the place to be. I'm hoping some communities jump over. I've seen a few use discord that is not a good replacement at lol.

I hope it picks up speed so i get more content like on reddit but..yeah. im very happy with the switch and its only been a day for me.

Glad to be enjoying this community and the way it's growing. Love not having ads and being free from corporate greed

@MicroWave Wow it has grown very quickly. Last time I checked a few weeks ago I think it was around 30k

Niceeee, lets go to 1mil. Although not sure how some community members will react to the threads issue. I saw many people did not like the fact you have not yet decided to defederate

Wait, this instance only started on June 1? How did it grow so quickly compared to the rest?

A lot of subreddits moved to Lemmy.world so in turn I think a lot of the reddit migration ended up here (myself included). Mastodon.world already had a large user base so it probably just made sense to rely on their new lemmy instance to handle the new users. Other instances like lemmy.ml sort of froze new signups at the time so that also funneled more users this way.

It was the first to throw some real money behind it's server infrastructure. A month ago most Lemmy instances - even the "big" ones ran on $10 a month 2 vCPU VPSs.

There was another influx early in June when the API changes were announced but before the blackouts even happened.

Most instances with public signups started struggling but Lemmy.world launched and Ruud upgraded the server hardware almost daily to keep up.

Other instances even had to pause signups from time to time but world kept working and so gobbled up most signups on those days.

Once it got to be a top 3 instance and then top 2 and then first it became a self sustaining snowball as a lot of people chose the biggest instance by default.

Being general-purpose, having easy sign-up without needing an "application" or manual approval, and having decent reliability/uptime.

Very happy for Lemmy.world.

I have accounts on both Lemmy.ca and Lemmy.world and have been using both the past few weeks as servers struggled to handle the influx of users.

Not sure where I will end up but it's nice to have choices and so good to see the success.

Feels great to be a part of this community, it's so nice to see how much it's grown since the start!

Sucks for beehaw

What happened with them?

At the beginning of the great migration, they got overwhelmed by troll harras accounts, that used lemmy.world and sh.itjust.works open registration to evade bans. A lot of vile stuff got posted (like photos of murdered drag queens). They decided to defederate from both instances temporarily until they have better mod tools. I don't think it was necessary but they do that they think is the best for their community. At that point Beehaw had some of the best communities through and many people were angry to get kicked out for something that wasn't their fault.

Nice thing about federation is that people have choices but I thought that move make them lose audiences and users.

Oh wow.. Thanks for the background info. I've seen people here saying negative things about beehaw, and didn't know exactly why.

Its mostly because they defederated from lemmy.world. Meaning you dont really get to interact with them. You can see their posts and comments, they cant see yours.