What's a job you couldn't get paid enough to do?

CalciumDeficiency@lemmy.world to Asklemmy@lemmy.ml – 85 points –

Debt collection.

Or anything related. I filled a gap between careers doing tech support for a local (Canadian) software company that made a database for collectors (primarily in the USA). Never again, the industry or ancillary to it.

I worked with a debt collection agency from an IT perspective and dealt with what I believe to be the same company. It is an industry that I never want to support again if I can avoid it. I met some good people but it's just an unhealthy work environment overall.

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I once took a job where we essentially repossessed trap houses from the inhabitants - even if they had once been legal tenants. I soon started feeling much better when neighbours cheered us on and brought cups of tea. I later discovered my boss was notorious in the industry for going after scum rather than debtors. That job might have been the closest I’ve ever got to public service. But as for everything else you say, I couldn’t agree more. Debt collection against individuals is a disgusting, exploitative and inherently corrupt business.

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Sales and commission-based income.

Underwater welding,like on those pipelines that people get sucked inside

You don’t want an encounter with Delta P


Well, I just learned another job that I will never do. Thanks for the educational video.

Check out the Byford Dolphin incident if you really want to hear about a terrible professional diving accident. A whole guy was sucked through a tiny slit in a fraction of a second due to massive delta P.

Anything to do with health insurance in the USA. I don’t want blood on my hands through denying people necessary medical care.

Daycare provider. They're saints, and I doubt I could last a single day.

President of Senegal. not being Senegalese, nor having ever been to Senegal, I doubt I would be eligible no matter how much they offered to pay me

Plus the new president seems pretty decent.

Beekeeping. I appreciate and respect the little guys, but I can't overcome the panic when a loud buzzy thing with a knife on its ass comes near me.

Australian native bees can't sting, do a great job of pollinating, and make a little honey on the side. They're very curious from experience with a swarm making a home on my water meter box, but not very scary.

Anything that involves dealing with children!

Working for a rightwing political campaign. Working for a religious org.

(Health) Insurance agent. Too unethical.

Nothing. Give me a million dollars a day I'll do any legal job there is. I'd retire after a day or seven depending on the job, but you could absolutely pay me enough to do any job.

Hi there, I represent a pharmaceutical company that has made a new penis removal procedure using groundbreaking new technology that only requires one pair of cheap blunt scissors instead of the usual expensive medical equipment. They are looking for test candidates and you seem like a perfect fit!

Doesn't really sound like a job but ok. I guess I also wouldn't do anything that would likely kill me. Like sherpa everest.

My old job doing systems design for a predatory mobile game. I quit that job, moved half a state away, and got a job that pays half as much in a company with integrity. Best decision of my life.

Lawyer. It's like doing homework for a living.

I never understood the point of lawyers. Their job is to literally throw off the court in the process of determining the truth and choosing punishment for crime. For everyone else this would be another crime called "obstruction of justice", and yet for lawyers it's their actual job that courts allow.

You have never been in any actual court room have you? Or met any police officer or prosecutor for that matter.

Yeah sure, let's not give anybody the ability to defend themselves, sounds like a great idea!

Their job is to represent their clients interest and make sure they get a fair trial. There's nothing wrong with that. In fact, it is one of the most important jobs for a justice system. I for one do not want to be charged for a crime I did not commit, and a good lawyer will turn that charge to shreds.

Of course they sometimes seem like the bad guys when defending rough criminals but those have the right to a correct and fair process too.

Anything related to plumbing or sewage.

I already don't like dealing with other people's shit, I'd hate it if I had to do it literally.

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Arms Dealer. Anything to do with Wall Street. Law Enforcement and Incarceration. Human Trafficking. Anything dealing with the Military. Religion/Cult jobs. Scam artist. Lobbyist. Probably a few more I can't think of at the moment.

There are lots of jobs you couldn't make me do even with a gun to my head, let alone a paycheck.

I've worked as a consultant for 15 years, so I've worked with a lot of companies. There have been two companies I refused to work for. A payday loan company and one of those places that runs stand alone ERs.

What's going on at the standalone ERs? Genuinely curious.

I have a few near me, but would never consider going to one if it's going to cost me the same as a regular ER that's most likely better equipped and staffed.

They are basically glorified urgent care clinics that can charge you exorbitant sums because they call themselves ERs. Plus like you said they aren't attached to hospitals, so if something is really wrong they'll have to transfer you. And bonus for them, they probably own the ambulance that will transfer you, so they can take more of your money.

Anything customer service related. Id be afraid id get into a yelling match with some

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I'm a teacher in Flroida and definitely not being paid enough to do it.

Probably butcher. I don't like cutting up organs and pulling out intestines.

Another would be the divers who swim up city pipes to fix/maintain things. Hell no I'm not putting myself in that tiny space underground and underwater.

Food preparation. It’s hard enough to cope at home, with all the textures and smells, but doing it commercially would just overwhelm me.

I recently did a wireless survey in a manufacturing facility that processed spices. The smells were overwhelming.

The spice, as they say, must flow.

I recently left a job that most people would consider to be a very "cool" job. I previously would have considered the restaurant industry to be in this category of "you couldn't pay me enough." But I took a job as a cook, and it's honestly been pretty good. I am getting used to the work, I get to exercise some creativity, the results are immediate and feedback from satisfied customers is nice. So I guess that changes over time.

Funny, someone at work yesterday and I were talking about this. I worked restaurants for years. Like, more than a decade. They’re really crazy, fun, interesting places to work.

But Jesus. The people that gravitate to/stay in that life are a…certain type. The work is grueling and the atmosphere is usually pretty high stress. And the drinking culture is not great.

But dammit if it isn’t fun. It’s something everyone should do. It takes a lot of work to put a dish in front of someone in a restaurant, and understanding that process should be necessary to eat in one.

My warning would be to stay conscious of how much you’re getting sucked in. Pay attention to the stress levels. If you’re talking about and stressing over your job even after work, consider if it’s worth it. The pay isn’t exceptional, but the workload is pretty damn high. The skills are valuable, and it’s a good way to change yourself—but that change could very well be for the worse. Just be conscious of that. And when pills and cigarettes and excessive drinking cross your path, be careful. Because it’s easy to pick up a habit that is very hard to break.

But have fun. It’s definitely something I miss sometimes, but I don’t think I’d be able to go back at this point. I’ve done it. Didn’t think I would ever get out of it. But glad I did.

I spend from grade 9 to 12 working in the school kitchen, it was the chef training program. I was sous chef for the last two years then in grade 12, I spent some time in actual restaurants and changed my mind about getting into culinary arts as a career.

The guys were working 10-12 hours then sleeping in the store room beczuse they were too drunk to drive and get back for the morning shift. They were all drinking too much and chain smoking, it wasn't an industry I wanted to work in. Instead I spent 19 years in food logistics which paid way better. The hours still sucked though.

Thank you for the insight!

I quit drinking a few years ago but will be sure to watch for work bleeding into my personal life. So far, I've been able to leave work at work when I go home at night, and I'm thankful for that.

Well I wish you the best of luck. I found some of the people in that world never grew out of that high school “oh come on, you’re not drinking?!” thing. So just be wary! But like I said, it can be super fun. It’s a literal lifestyle. It’s great for a while. But be prepared to hang out with only restaurant people lol it’s a weird insular culture

Pro-life advocate. There are a lot of jobs I find distasteful or morally grey but I'd refuse to work if the thing I did entirely opposed my ethical stance.

Chicken slaughterhouse tech

That's a kids before/during/after school job, it isn't for adults anymore.

Tell that to all the people working at Sanderson Farms poultry processor

Janitorial service, cleaning toilets and worse.

Debt collector. Too unethical.

Anything medical. Humanity is gross and there's too much on the line.

Any where I have to drive.

cries in rural town in Michigan

Is it harder to travel by foot in Michigan?

FUCK yes, at least if you live in a rural town. I live in a small farming town of 5 000 people. There is ONE grocery store here. Once a week, I go on errands (appointments, shopping, etc.) and I have to travel 25–30 minutes, or about 15 miles. And that's driving. There's no bus line, no train line, so if I wanted to walk, it'd take about 6 hours to walk.

How do you end up with a town of 5,000 people and none of them wanting to set up a store? My town has half that population and has two stores, though maybe that's why it seems resourceful to do so.

There are other places to buy groceries: for example, there's a small carryout down the street and a Dollar General as well. But those aren't really "grocery stores" nor are they big stores. There are also a smattering of small businesses of course.

There also might be one or two in nearby small towns (which are still like 10–15 min drive away even then).

But for a good number of tasks, you still have to go into town, so my point still stands.

To be honest, having both a grocery store and a Dollar General near me, I actually prefer the Dollar General.

As someone who has worked for Family Dollar (which is a part of the same industry ("discount variety store")), I absolutely hate that industry with a passion and refuse to shop at any store like Dollar General, Family Dollar, and Dollar Tree, etc. That whole industry is even more predatory towards employees than even regular retail stores are. That's how they get the items so cheap in the first place—aside from supply chain injustices (read: slavery, same as most other industries), it comes out of the workers, both in pay and workload.

Anyway, I didn't initially mean to go off on this spiel, so I'm sorry about that, and in any case my original point is still valid, I feel.

That's alright. I didn't know about that, sorry about that. If the dollar stores were charities, I know I would've since there is a charity watch aspect of my job.

You wouldn't drive 10 min one way for 500k a year, or 10 million a year?

That 500k would go right to the car shop and the hospital once they find out there has been a wreck.

Are you saying you're unable to drive, and therefore would get into an accident for sure? What about 100 million dollars?

Yes, and it amazes me how interwoven it is with everything.

Unless you're physically unable to use a vehicle, you could probably learn for 100 million dollars a year.

hospitality stuff.

You mean being nice to people, or do you mean working in a hospital?

No hospitality is part the service sector, front of house is known as hospitality. Making and serving coffee or selling cloths in our current society adds little to the world other than extraction of wealth, repression of third world country's and the company's that specialise in these sectors are often awful to they're employees.

Manufacturer arms.

There's no way I'm taking a wage in return for enabling rich people blowing up poor people around the world. I want to be able to sleep at night.

Hmm... probably anesthesiology at 1 billion hospitals at once. Nobody's got that kind of money.

[off topic]

Great movie; "Repo Man" with Emilio Estevez.

Emilio and Harry Dean Stanton are on a stake out. Stanton says "I hate normal people. Normal people spend their whole lives trying to avoid tense situations. Repo man spends his life getting into tense situations."