Hillary Clinton celebrates Donald Trump verdict with 'She was right' merch

return2ozma@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 221 points –
Hillary Clinton celebrates Donald Trump verdict with 'She was right' merch

Can she like... stop being a public figure?

I wish. She gave us Trump. Irony.

The DNC screwing Bernie and voter abstention gave us Trump.

Bill Clinton encouraged Donald Trump to run for President during a phone call before he decided to run for president


How the Hillary Clinton campaign deliberately "elevated" Donald Trump with its "pied piper" strategy


They Always Wanted Trump. Inside Team Clinton’s year-long struggle to find a strategy against the opponent they were most eager to face.


Edit: Due to the vague implications of the above comments, I was under the impression that the claim was Clintons’ intention to get Trump elected. Many, many comments later, it was explained that the more rational claim of encouraging Trump to run was because they thought he’d be an easy opponent to beat. Maybe people should say what they mean, rather leaving vague, incomplete, bait comments for others to determine their own interpretations of insinuation.

They used to be friends. Bill and Trump were golfing buddies.

I’m aware they were friends. Bill and Trump hung out in the same circles, including Epstein’s island. I still don’t believe your conspiracy theory.

The Clintons are capitalist conservatives posing as Democrats.

Trump is an authoritarian dictator Russian puppet.

They want to fuck this nation in entirely different positions.

Return2ozma: provides tons of mainstream sources demonstrating actual things that objectively happened according to people who have no reason to make it up

This guy over here: "I still don't believe your conspiracy theory" 🤦

None of those sources substantiate why they would want him to win. I completely agree that Hillary leveraged Debbie to keep Bernie out of the spotlight to force a win of the primary. I’d also believe it’s possible that Bill tried to convince Trump to run in order to ease Hillary’s win in the Presidential election.

Claiming that their goal was getting Trump elected is off the reservation cuckoobananas.

None of those sources substantiate why they would want him to win.

Nobody's saying that the Hillary campaign wanted Trump to be president. As for why they wanted him to be the nominee, there's no way that none of the sources say why.

Especially since the Dem party leadership apparently learned nothing and are still using the same pied piper strategy to support far right candidates in Republican primaries for the exact same reason.

Excellent. That’s honestly how all of the implications read in Ozma’s, Anticolonialist’s, and your comments. Not a single one of you completed your thoughts, leaving open inference that I perceived as motive to get Trump elected. I’m glad you hear that’s not your claim.

I can see how they’d ply Trump to run, and perceive him as an easy target in the election.

That doesn’t change the source of the failure. No matter how much pressure Hillary put on Debbie, it was Debbie’s job to remain impartial. It’s a candidate’s job to try to gain favor from the convention, just as it’s the convention’s job to remain impartial.

The blame for Trump’s presidency still falls on the shoulders of Debbie Wasserman Schultz and the abstaining voters.

It’s a candidate’s job to try to gain favor from the convention, just as it’s the convention’s job to remain impartial.

"No you don't understand, political candidates are supposed to be slimy and dishonest!"

Your insufferable attitude aside, that's an insane position to take and it's ridiculous you said that without providing anything to defend it like it's common knowledge or something to be desired in a presidential candidate - especially after you were so anal about things that were explicitly spelled out for you and which you still struggled to understand

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It's well known..

Inside Hillary Clinton’s Secret Takeover of the DNC


By Donna Brazile, the former interim chair of the Democratic National Committee.

Yes. It’s well known that Hillary worked with Debbie Wasserman Schultz to keep Bernie out of the spotlight. Her goal was to force a win of the primary, not give the election to Trump.

It’s the ethical responsibility of the convention, not the candidate, to ensure an impartial primary. It’s a candidate’s job to self-advocate. It’s the convention’s job to keep it fair and balanced.

Hillary was a disappointment. Debbie was a failure.

It was the Hillary campaign's decision to help elevate Trump to the nomination and give him as much media exposure as possible, thinking that it would make it easy for her to win.

It was also them that ran one of the worst presidential campaigns in history, including telling people not to vote for her and neglecting to campaign in key swing states out of pure arrogant hubris.

Inescapable conclusion to anyone who isn't a Hillary stan or otherwise a blind Dem party loyalist:

Hillary and her campaign are more culpable for Trump infesting the white house than anyone else outside of the far right echo chamber and foreign agents.

So you reject the verified conspiracy of Debbie Wasserman Schultz intentionally shielding Bernie from the media prior to the primary, as well as the proof of exceptionally low Democratic voter turnout, in favor of a theory that claims the Clintons wanted a Russian conspiring real estate fraud to be President over Hillary.

Do you get enough sun in your rabbit hole?

How many millions of votes did Bernie lose the primary to Clinton by? Five?

I remember turning out for him, only to find reality drowned out by the online noise (read: misogyny) that still reverberates to this day. At the polling places? Crickets. The American public reaped what it sowed, and watching these conspiracy artists attempt to re-write history is little more than them climbing back into the hamster wheel. Vote.

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There is evidence that Trump has been to the island on multiple occasions via testimony by Epstein's brother.

There is evidence that Clinton rode on Epstein's Plane to various AIDs relief sites in Africa.

There is NO evidence that Clinton has ever been to the island.

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The Clinton's gave us Trump, no one else

It’s easier to point fingers at her, but it’s not her job to keep the primary impartial. As I said above, it’s a candidate’s job to self advocate. It’s the DNC’s job to keep the primary fair and impartial.

Hillary was a disappointment. Debbie was a failure.

I’m guessing you’re blaming her while having abstained from voting in 2016?

Hillary was a disappointment. Debbie was a failure.

Debbie was a resounding success. She did the only thing she was there to do.

it would've been a completely alternative universe if we had Bernie from 2016 until 2024. He's too good for rotten america

The silver lining of missing out on 8 years of President Sanders is 10+ years of Senator Sanders.

Yeah, you purity testing fuckers would currently be calling him names because he dared to compromise with people who only believe 99.95% of what you do.

Losing was the best thing to happen to Bernie. Now you can sanctify him because he's not in the limelight.

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The DNC screwing Bernie

In order to help whom?

Again, it’s well documented that Debbie was helping Hillary. It’s not Hillary’s job to be impartial, it’s Debbie’s. There’s a reason insurance companies won’t pay the claim if you’re robbed after leaving your doors unlocked. Candidates are expected to ask for preferential treatment. It’s the convention’s job to deny it. This was Debbie’s responsibility, and she failed to execute.

This was Debbie’s responsibility, and she failed to execute.

Her responsibility was to throw the primary for Clinton. She did so.

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You fuckers gave us Trump, and might give us Trump again.

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This chuckle headed twat is the reason we have Trump.

The more despicable Trump is proven to be, the more pathetic she looks for losing to him.

She will go down as being the only person to ever lose a federal election to a carnival barker

looks at Biden's poll numbers in states he can't afford to lose and stubborn insistence on not changing the unpopular course of action that caused them

It's almost impressive the levels and varieties of tone-deaf a single person is capable of.

It's what happens when someone surrounds themselves with nothing but sycophants. There is no way that someone like Hillary would allow a truth teller in their orbit.

No one asked to hear from the person that lost a presidential election to Donald Fucking Trump.

I can't hear you over all the "He's probably not that bad." and "Haha he'll never win, I'll vote for him as a joke!"

No, just no, you were not right Hillary. Just go away please

Read the room Hill-dawg: no one likes you or is buying this horribly designed shit. You are the reason the United States is at 50/50 odds of going full fascism because you bet on yourself. Bad bet. Go away now

Would Hillary have been a better president than Trump?
Yes, absolutely, without question. 100,000% better.
Is Hillary more likable than Trump?
That's up for debate.

"Rich old white woman so self-absorbed that she's less likable than an incoherent, ugly, selfish, geriatric, Nazi. More at 11."

Trump is charismatic and funny, thats why he was on tv. If only people didnt take him seriously or give him actual power. Let me remind you that /r/the_donald was a joke subreddit.

Hillary has no charisma. Also her campaign literally promoted Trump, because she thought he would have been an easier opponent. She is smart and capable(or was, she is kinda getting older nowadays) but her political positions are abhorrent. She could have been the perfect "reasonable republican" candidate.

Did you forget the peak charisma that was 'chilling in cedar rapids' or 'pokemon go to the polls'?

Would Hillary have been a better president than Trump?

Better for the US. For the rest of the world she would have been a plague.

Still would have been better then Trump.

Still would have been better then Trump.

Again... better for the US. For the rest of the world she would have been a plague. You do understand there's a world outside the US, right?

Yes because Trump was just great for everyone else.

Just because I recognize what you're saying as being completely moronic doesn't mean I didn't understand. You're just flatly incorrect.

Again… she would have been better for the US. For the rest of the world she would have been a plague.

There is no need for you to demonstrate any further that you are perfectly content with US-enabled murder-sprees in the 3rd world as long as it doesn't affect your bubble of privilege in the imperial core, liberal - you've managed that perfectly well.

Can I get like a gram of whatever the hell you're smoking?

It's amazing to me that so few USians seem to understand the role the US plays in the world - but I'll be happy to enlighten you.

Hillary would have handled the COVID-19 pandemic in the US far, far better than Trump have. Do you think that would have been good for you, perhaps?

Unfortunately for the rest of the world, Hillary, being a Kissinger-trained and approved arch imperialist and warmonger, would have revelled in the bodycount she could rack up in the 3rd world - something which Trump was absolutely far, far too incompetent to do in the manner expected of the war criminals you vote into the Waffle House.

She created trump, the self-righteous fucker

It's amazing how long she's been Bernie-ing in politics, and how much hate Fox news has created around her for it.


Yes. Her campaign elevated him to the nomination and ran one of the worst presidential campaigns in history, alienating tens of millions and leading to one of the lowest voter participations in presidential election history.

If they hadn't done both, there's no way that he'd ever had come within cheating distance of the white house.

Great way to blame someone else for your mistakes.

This commenter single-handedly took away millions of votes from Hillary and gave them to Trump? Wow he must be powerful

Considering there's a decent chance he's a Russian troll...yes. And yes he is. It's actually very frightening.

The only thing hillary is good at.

She has never been right, SHE alone is the reason we have to contend with Trump.

"Everything she touches she screws up with hubris"

  Colin Powell

If by she you mean Debbie Wasserman Schultz, then you’d be correct.

I did not stutter, Her piped piper strategy which resulted in over $1b in free advertising for Trump gave us Trump

She is the reason Trump won and Bernie simultaneously got axed.

The voter turnout was poor and I'm convinced it's gonna be even more atrocious this year.

The only reason Bernie was axed was because the DNC axed him. Bernie is too progressive for democrats.

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Crawls back out from under her stuffy old bridge to make a buck and stroke her own ego.

And yet she still can't fathom that she lost in 2016 to a reality TV host because of her unlikability. Nope, couldn't be that. Must be sexism, the Russians, Bernie bros, hell throw bigfoot in there somewhere.

The Bernie bros thing is funny because more Bernie voters voted for Hillary than moderates voted for Hillary. And it was moderates the reason Hillary lost.

Yeah, the "Bernie Bro" bullshit is just childish whining by pathetically irresponsible losers.

Oh just fucking go away Hillary. You're time in the shade is done when you ignored everyone telling you to stop taking the battle ground states for granted and were losing ground there while you quixotically attempted to win southern states you had no fucking chance in hell of winning, giving us Trump.

Fuck off and fuck you Hillary.

Was she right to spend campaign money in Texas instead of swing states?

Always after that moderate republican vote while shitting on the working class has always been the default

She is a part of the reason we got Trump in the first place. Could have had Sanders. The Democrat party is not all "good" in reality, and a growing part of me is starting to think they play into the Republican party's hands.

It's inherent in the two party system I feel. It's analogous to that analogy about the two guys on the beach selling ice cream. They start at one end each but in the end they move closer and closer to one another in the middle of the beach or where the most people are. So the Democrats only have to be just "better" than the Republicans to look good and they definitely want to take some of the votes closer to centre.

That being said, they have FAR better stances than the Republicans on many things.

Edit: autocorrect and a typo

They don't even need to worry about looking good, all they need is to be patient and wait it out for people to get pissed off enough at Republicans and for things to swing back their way for a term or two.

Trumps conviction is the best news we've had in months, if not years, and she ruined it in 48 hours.

How exactly did she ruin it?

By turning a victory for Alvin Bragg and the criminal justice system into a fundraising opportunity for a smug, self-centered narcissist.

She was his punching bag for quite a while. I think maybe she’s owed a bit of smug narcissism. Do you not remember “lock her up?”

I do. I also remember her campaign intentionally elevating Trump in the primaries and ignoring Michigan organizers who begged her campaign to focus on the rust belt. I think I'll reserve my sympathy for all the election officials, prosecutors, judges, jurors and even assault victims who became Trump's punching bags without helping him ascend to the highest office in the country through their own hubris, and not worry about what Clinton might feel she's owed.

You do you. I’m not a fan of hers, but I think she’s owed this- but if you want to be bothered by it- who am I to stop you?

Hillary Clinton: does literally anything

You people, crawling out of the woodwork: OMG YOU ROONT EVERYTING!

Hillary Clinton makes every piece of news about Trump into an excuse to relitigate an election she lost due to her campaign's spectacular incompetence

Clinton chuds: wHy ArE YoU oBseSseD wItH hEr?!?!?

She bought her way into being a candidate. Pretty much took over the DNC and sidelined Bernie unethically.

She's a piss poor public speaker and just came across as an evil mean person.

Although, she would have been much better than Trump and maybe even a decent president. That doesn't make her a good person.

Who gives a fuck. The position she was running for wasn't "likeable person of the United States".

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I remember my father commenting to my mother when she was on the cover of Time or Newsweek during Billy's time in office. He remarked about how smug she looked. That's the word that came to mind reading this headline. Oh, wait, the thumbnail too. I wish she'd go away.

Hillary. Just give it up. We don’t need or want you here.

You don’t get to silence her victory lap after the shit the trumpets put her through.

Victory lap is hilarious when she lost to the worst opponent in history because of her own hubris.

I would like a "this isn't about she" T-shirt please.

  • Hillary would have been infinitely better than tump, and Hillary generally sucks

  • tump is and has been a criminal wannabe fascist forever

  • 2nd term Biden will do, in the sense that a presidency is about the tone of an administration and not a single person.

  • register to vote and be an adult. Don't underestimate the things in your life that you take for granted and how easily they can be taken from you.

Good for her. Lots of weird incely takes in the comments.