'Is Trump ok?' Observers erupt after Trump appears to 'confuse the state he's in' at rally

ZeroCool@slrpnk.net to politics @lemmy.world – 480 points –
'Is Trump ok?' Observers erupt after Trump appears to 'confuse the state he's in' at rally

He was never ok

Donald Trump strikes me like nothing so much as a man who has never really known a love that he hasn’t had to pay for — Snowden

Wow, that is both insightful and a major burn.

The best part about that burn, is that Trump and most MAGA's probably wouldn't even register it as an insult. "they'd be real upset if they could read".

It doesn’t even need to be an illiteracy or stupidity jab. A big part of that world sees love as something for wimps who can’t afford the actual nice things in life. The things that are flashy on the surface but hollow inside, just like them.

Trump is too old and senile to be President. This is pathetic, he doesn't even know where he is. Republicans should be ashamed of themselves for nominating him, at this point it basically constitutes elder abuse.

They abuse women and the abuse children- are you surprised they'd abuse elders too?

But fuck them. They made this bed; they should be strapped to it for as long as possible.

You can always tell when he is and isn't on teleprompter. He's Trump when he's off teleprompter and just running off at the mouth. But when he tries to read from a teleprompter, he's like a kid forced to read his book report to the class -- bland, lifeless, monotone, and struggling to read the big words. Most often with his head down and looking like he's being forced to read it under threat of torture. Watch his recent NJ speech for a couple of minutes. You can identify the exact moment when he goes off teleprompter.

Watch his recent NJ speech for a couple of minutes.

I would, but that's a couple minutes more than I can stand. Given that I don't want to stab my eardrums with an icepick, I'm going to trust you on this one.

That's the fucking point.

"Politics" are just shit you say from a Teleprompter. Trump is "honestly" pointing out to his audience that most of what he says is just political bullshit, and that's why he's got a huge following.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again. We have an entire generation of problems as the pro-Trump crowd is so anti-government and anti-politics that they vote for Trump. When Trump dies, this generation of voters will remain. Keep the eye on the prize and the long term problem, we need to not only win in 2024 but also 2026, 2028, etc. etc. until this movement dissipates (or if it never dissipates, then we need to win forever more).

We already have a problem like that; nukes! And we've been doing great so far, it's just like you say. You've got for to walk that tightrope forever.

I think that’s because he can’t really read.

He’s just a bully class clown who’s managed to get that far without actually learning to read.

I think he needs glasses to read and that's why he goes off script so much. He thinks wearing glasses is a sign of weakness or something.

He'd wear contacts if that were the case. He'd just never admit to it.

The guy's just straight up illiterate.

Some people don't like contacts

I know, but this is Trump. He'd wear contacts over showing anyone he has poor eyesight or can't read.

Watch his recent NJ speech for a couple of minutes.

Thanks, I'll pass.

Trump confused some in the audience with what appeared to be a claim that if Harris could become the candidate without a primary election, then so should he because he is so popular among Republicans.

“I said, so why are we having an election? They didn’t have an election. Why are we having an election?” he said.

. . . Wut?

Edit: from here

This is much more unusual than misremembering what state he is in. The state thing seems to happen to everyone, the ekction thing, not so much 🤔

Well, he’s . . . not a fan of free and fair elections. He’s jealous.

If he wasn’t a fossil, getting the state wrong would be a minor thing. With such a long series of similar mistakes, though, you really have to wonder about his mental acuity.

I don't wonder, I can see it plain as day - his brain is getting meltier than his face.

Is the dementia getting worse this year? I don't think so. To some degree, he has always been this way. Revolutionary war airports and such. Trumpanzee cultists have just not been listening in prior years.

its just more obvious when joe biden isn't there to take all the slings and arrows

It's always been bad, but also doesn't stress usually make it worse?I'm sure he's more stressed than ever, since if he loses the election he almost certainly goes to jail (assuming he lives that long), and it certainly looks like he may potentially lose if everyone gets out and votes.

To an authoritarian, the only true crime is weakness, and this is the first time that Trump has been truly weak since he came down that escalator. They may start talking about his mental decline, but the decline they really care about is in the polls.

He was OBVIOUSLY JOKING you LIBARDS but when Joe Biden called Kamala Harris the President instead of VICE President that PROVED he had DEMENTIA!


Oh man, don't compare Sloth to that pile of garbage. We know Sloth cares.

Believe me, I hesitated, but look at them side by side, it was just too close. Now imagine trump with his actual hair (or lack of hair) and it's uncanny.

This was the pic I needed after a shitty past couple days, thanks!

That’s a minor gaff. He’s much dumber than that

Yeah, this is something that happens to almost every candidate at one point or another. He has less of an excuse, because he's not exactly barnstorming across the states, but it's not even top 100 stupidest things he's said.

Dementia DonOLD the weird racist rapist with 34 felonies is too old. The dementia is really taking its toll on him. He should drop out and seek treatment. It's just embarrassing at this point.

As if he hasn't done this multiple times while he was president.

It wasn't that long ago.

How the fuck do people forget?

His supporters don't care what he says or has forgotten or whatever. They're just all in on Trump.

Fwiw, he's looking over and pointing at a group of North Carolinians that he references right before this clip, so he wasn't actually addressing the Pennsylvania audience. But, this sort of misleading editing and attack are the kind of thing his campaign does all the time, so, tough titty.

I don't know whether to agree or disagree with you. First and foremost, I don't have the facts, so I say the following generically. We do not need misinformation to make him look bad. I am worried all of this is a ploy to BoTh SiDeS!

Whatever the facts are, I can tell you that if you watch the video clip in the linked article you will hear a rambling man spout out unintelligible, complete and utter nonsense. Even if you give the guy the benefit of the doubt on the North Carolina thing, he still seems lost in his own train of thought

Thank you for taking the bullet, I will not be watching that man in any capacity if I can help it. This furthers my point that we don't need the misinformation, he'll take care of it himself

If you watch the rest of the accompanying clip, he’s also lost in his own grandiose vision of himself - going on about how he spoke for 2 hours and they wanted him to speak more, people are stealing his “wonderful, beautiful phrases”, etc. It’s clinically narcissistic.

Hmm, your context sounds plausible, but people have been saying he is too old and has dementia to the point that he doesn't know what state he is in. People have been saying his brain is melting from both age and syphilis, the Adderall abuse isn't helping either.

He was mentally challenged 8 years ago. What the fuck are they expecting? That he’ll learn to read all of a sudden?

At least write the name of the venue on the back of your guitar or something.

He's barely campaigned in a portion of the states Harris has, after about a year of more time! He's too old and low-energy to be president...

Opens mouth and words fall out, now his brain is gone. Think the glass hit the off switch to an already underdeveloped and over worded organ.

I hate Trump, but this seems like a relevant detail buried all the way down at the bottom of the article.

One reporter had an alternate take. Julia Manchester of The Hill wrote, "Trump did not confuse Pennsylvania and North Carolina here."

"He is addressing a group of supporters from North Carolina who are at his rally in Pennsylvania. Before this clip he says 'I have another group from North Carolina. We love North Carolina,'" she added.

That sounds like an implausible excuse. Has anyone confirmed there were North Carolinians there?

He’s in a glass cage of emotions!



(rawstory, you’re a pain in the ass with your ad blocker blocker. Which is the point, but you’re screwing yourself.)

He's a stupid old man. But this is the sort of non-news story smear campaign for "candidate too old". It's the same exact story for Trump as it was for Biden a few months ago. Both may be true, but let's stop being hypocritical.

Also if anyone has done a traveling sales pitch, which is all he's doing, this happens sometimes. One of the presentations I have and give to people all over the planet is basically the exact same thing for all but 1 or 2 slides because it's "tailored for every audience". You go on autopilot. And sometimes you seriously don't know where you are. You get on a plane and show up. The only people that care he missed the name of the place are people too stupid to realize he doesn't care. He doesn't care where he is, it could be Iowa or Montana or Missouri, they're all shithole places to him and he just wants back on his plane and to GTFO as soon as possible. These aren't his people. He really could not care less than he does.

He spent months, or even years, saying his political opponent was not mentally fit enough to be president, especially because of his age. He is now showing that he is the candidate who is not mentally fit enough to be president, especially because of his age. Any chance to point this out, even if the individual instance might have another explanation, is perfectly fair game.

Although, I will agree with you, that he actually doesn't give a shit about these people and that might explain the lapse too. But that ain't any better.

Oh brother.. this is just an attempt to attack his mental state because of what happened to Biden. Everyone and their mother said "Biden is fine..." only to be lying through their teeth...

So, are the people saying "Trump is fine..." lying through their teeth? Maybe they should swap him for a different candidate, like Biden?

Watch the video in the linked article. Ignore the North Carolina thing. He just rambles and makes no sense at all. He looks bad.

Also everybody and their mother did not say Biden was fine. Many many people were concerned about his age. We all hoped he was okay because the alternative is literally unthinkable.

What you are saying is not true. Plenty of people, even adamant supporters, were concerned about how he sounded, but ultimately said he would do a fine job because he had proven himself to be an effective executive. The only people denying, in whole, that their candidate is perfectly fine are Trump supporters. They can't do otherwise as it's a cult, and he's the cult leader.

Geriatrics who are suffering from dementia don't belong in office. We need someone who knows where they are and what year it is.

The Repubs should run a candidate without dementia. Ideally they would consider choosing someone who is neither a rapist nor insurrectionist but that seems to be impossible since Repubs love voting for criminals.

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